increase that occurs from market potential, media
exposure will increase by 0.289 units. This market
potential aspect includes a review of the traffic that
will be obtained from business actors for the social
media marketing activities that it applies. The greater
the market potential that might be obtained, the
greater the level of social media exposure. Thus,
people are getting smarter in choosing social media
marketing platforms in optimizing their market
The era of the industrial revolution makes the role of
e-commerce in the industry increasing. One form of
e-commerce that can be utilized by businesses is
social media marketing. This research indicates that
the intensity of the use of social media from
entrepreneurs depends on their perception of the
market potential of the platform and the ability of
businesses to use social media as marketing media.
The most dominant factor is the self capability to
operate the platform. Nevertheless, business people
are getting smarter in assessing the benefits of social
media marketing and starting to pay attention to the
traffic from the platform that can be obtained to
optimize the demand for their business.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Universitas Sumatera Utara.
The support is under the research grant TALENTA -
Penelitian Dasar for year 2019
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