provide good services, and are able to interpret the
products in that place. In order to serve them well,
language plays an important role to conduct
communication in general and hospitality service in
particular (Ratnaningsih et al., 2018).
According to the Community (Kompepar) of
Cireundeu Hamlet, since the last 3 years, the number
of a group foreign tourist visitation to Cireundeu
hamlet is increasing every year. In 2016 there are
113 visitations, then in 2017 there are 122 visitations
and in 2018 there are 130 visitations. Many tourists
are interested in visiting Cireundeu hamlet, one of
the reasons is because of its unique culinary made
from cassava. The Communities make cassava-
based food preparations and many foreign tourists
ask about how is the processing. By involving
tourists in the process of production, it will leave its
own experience or impression. Therefore, good
English skills are needed to convey information
about products or goods correctly and properly
(Rahayu, 2018). Hence, it is important and necessary
for the Cireundeu hamlet community to be able to
market its unique products not only to local tourists,
but also to foreign tourists. Having good English
skills and supported by featured products, the
marketing of products in a destination can be easily
marketed to foreign guests. Considering that many
foreign tourists visited Cireundeu, therefore,
Cireundeu people who are directly involved in
tourism activities should improve their English
especially in terms of the language used in tourism
industry. Thus, a need analysis regarding the English
training in describing cassava-based product should
be conducted.
Need analysis plays an important role in developing
English and also need may be interpreted as lack,
that is, what the participant or learners do not know
or cannot do in English [8]. In line with the
statement (Ratnaningsih et al., 2018) added that the
role of Need analysis for ESP is concerning on the
use of specifics language needs. Hence, it will help
the trainer to choose the best strategies and proper
material related to describing product to the
participants. So, they will learn the language based
on their needs. Since foreign tourists interested in
culinary from cassava-based product, the community
who produces the product should be able to
communicate with the visitors. Unfortunately, before
the training of English was conducted, the people
never use English in serving the foreign tourist.
Thus, it can be a problem when they have to
describe the cassava-based product to the foreign
However, in communicating the language,
different text has a different objective, for example
telling a story or legend will be different from
explaining a product or processing product. This
shows that the genre or text is very important in the
use of language (Crystal, 1995). Additionally,
(Paltrigel, 1996) classifies type of texts into several
texts, such as narrative, descriptive, exposition,
procedure, report and some others. The activities of
community at Cireundeu hamlet are related to the
recipe, and it used a description of procedure. In
order to understand the language used, they should
know the generic structure from the text. This study
attempted to investigate the people needs in
describing the product. Then the finding of the study
will serve the guideline to develop effective English
to serve the tourist with a good communication skill,
especially related describing the product and the
process of making the product.
The study was a descriptive qualitative research. It
was conducted within a month in the middle of the
year of 2019. It involved 25 subjects of people who
joined the English Training and they are the
community who produce the cassava-based
products. The instrument utilized to gain the data
were observation, interview toward the people in
Cireundeu as the informant key, as well as
document. The data were collected through several
steps. First, the observation was conducted to see the
people’s ability to communicate in English in
describing the products and what are the target needs
and the learning needs. Second, the interview was
held to know the educational background and the
people’s motivation in learning English.. The
documents would be the product labels and pictures.
There are plenty of things that make Cireundeu
Hamlet interesting, not only the cassava products,
but also the tourist who visit Cireundeu were curious
to know how the cassava product are processed and
they want to know how to make it. Nowadays, many
people from all over Indonesia, and from outside
Indonesia, have been visiting Cireundeu hamlet. The