Designing Educational Robots (Edot) as Space Learning Logic and Spatial Media
Bertha Bintari Wahyujati, Martinus Bagus Wicaksono
The Edot educational Robot is a robot for early childhood, which can be played by children from the age of 5 years. Learning with technology media including robots will help children actively engage in learning. Learning for children will be more interesting if they learn while playing. Technology will grow rapidly in the future, therefore it is necessary to prepare a generation that is able to keep up with technological developments. The introduction of technology needs to be started since early childhood. One of the media is an educational robot. This educational robot was developed to help children in the following matters: 1. Explain abstract concepts about STEM (Science, Technology, and Mathematics) and logic 2. Teach the ability to understand the spatial scope of space. This educational robot named Edot is expected to children learn about how to "program" in a simple way that is learning to plan direction from one place to the destination by arranging the direction block card. By planning directions, children learn how to compile orders for Edot who will "read" the commands and carry out according to the instructions that have been prepared. Besides learning to program, Edot can be used to train cooperation skill for children when playing together. Learn to know the environment, learn to sharpen and practice logic thinking.
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in Harvard Style
Wahyujati B. and Wicaksono M. (2019). Designing Educational Robots (Edot) as Space Learning Logic and Spatial Media.In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities - Volume 1: ICONARTIES, ISBN 978-989-758-450-3, pages 435-443. DOI: 10.5220/0009395204350443
in Bibtex Style
author={Bertha Bintari Wahyujati and Martinus Bagus Wicaksono},
title={Designing Educational Robots (Edot) as Space Learning Logic and Spatial Media},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities - Volume 1: ICONARTIES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities - Volume 1: ICONARTIES,
TI - Designing Educational Robots (Edot) as Space Learning Logic and Spatial Media
SN - 978-989-758-450-3
AU - Wahyujati B.
AU - Wicaksono M.
PY - 2019
SP - 435
EP - 443
DO - 10.5220/0009395204350443