Those five reasons lead to some findings in this
study. Through the mental accounting theory, one of
the findings is that the doctors also analyze the cost-
benefit in making the decision whether or not to join
the Primary Care Physician education program.
For doctors, further studies are widely open. Besides
master degree, there are some Specialist Programs
that they may take based on the interests and
abilities required in their profession. One of the
programs, the Primary Care Physician, remains pros
and cons among the doctors. The cost-benefit
analysis in the doctors' thought leads them to
decision making towards the program. The result of
the study shows that the doctors are enthusiastic
about joining the program if it is free.
Unfortunately, the unfixed state of policy by the
government brings about a doubtful consideration to
deal with the program. The benefit analysis indicates
that the material benefit the doctor hopes is not
sufficiently covered. However, they still have the
humane based benefits by implementing their
knowledge and skill to help society. One
extraordinary struggle they must go on when taking
the Primary Care Physician program is their inmost
welfare (satisfaction inside). The result of the study
also signifies that the Primary Care Physician
programmed by the government needs more time to
have a better implementation. The prioritized work
to do is the clear certainty of the policy so that those
who want to participate in the program can achieve
the inmost welfare. Besides those problems, the
number of recommendations through the Primary
Care Physician program requires more studies. The
government and the National Social Security for
Healthcare should think more alternatives following
the circumstances.
This study is still probably limited. The data
seem to be the major limitedness. It is hard to collect
more data since there are only a few doctors who
open themselves to join the program. Therefore, this
qualitative design of the study has limited
informants. It has an effect on the result of the
study. The generalization cannot be taken. Even
though it has become a new start opened for further
studies, particularly in case of the Primary Care
Physician program or any other policies made by the
National Social Security for Healthcare.
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