National Health Insurance Policy: Benefit-cost Analysis of Primary
Care Physician Education Program
Dian Purnama Sari
Department of Accounting,Widya Mandala Chatolic University Surabaya, Dinoyo Stree, 42-44, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: National Health Insurance, Benefit-Cost Analysis, Primary Care Physician Education Program
Abstract: Indonesia's National Health Insurance holds several programs for society welfare improvement, especially
in health matters. One of the programs assumed to be still controversial is the education program for the
Primary Care Physician. Indonesian Physicians Association handling and managing professional doctor
licensing strongly refuses that program. This study applies a qualitative approach designed to make a
benefit-cost analysis of the education program for Primary Care Physician by employing mental accounting
theory. The result of the study shows that the doctors are enthusiastic about joining the program if it is free.
Unfortunately, the unfixed state of policy by the government brings about a doubtful consideration to deal
with the program. The benefit analysis indicates that the material benefit the doctor hopes is not sufficiently
covered. However, they still have the humane based benefits by implementing their knowledge and skill to
help society. One extraordinary struggle they must go on when taking the Primary Care Physician program
is their inmost welfare (satisfaction inside).
The education program for Primary Care Physician
is one of the government's policies in case of health
improvement. Through Regulation Number 20 of
2013, the government has proclaimed that the
Primary Care Physician program is the continuation
of the professional medical program and internship
program equivalent to a specialist medical program.
That Regulation Number 20 of 2013 "obliges"
general practitioners to have an education to the
same degree of specialists for a better health care
service at the First Level Health Facilities such as
Community Health Centers and Outpatient Clinics.
This program is a part of the government’s National
Health Insurance managed by the National Social
Security for Healthcare since 2014.
The implementation of health care is one of the
basic needs of human beings in life. Each individual
of the society is expected to join the National Health
Insurance in order to get a primary service at the
First Level Health Facilities and hospitals. The First
Level Health Facilities consists of clinics, general
practitioners, dentists, and Community Health
Centers. The National Social Security for Healthcare
has emerged pros and cons in its implementation.
There have been many problems in the
implementation of National Health Insurance.
One of the spotlights of the National Health
Insurance is the arrear of the National Social
Security for Healthcare to pay the recommended
hospitals for patients holding the National Social
Security for Healthcare. Throughout 2018, there was
found a deficit of the National Social Security for
Healthcare reaching IDR 9,1 Trillion, and its
management has predicted that it would have
continued to occur, valued at IDR 16,5 Trillion, in
2019. The deficit was presented and discussed by
both the Ministry of Finance and the Legislative of
the Republic of Indonesia (Anwar, 2018). Thabrany
(2015) states that service expense of the National
Social Security for Healthcare is over 100%. While
in fact, a ratio claim above 90% is no longer ideal in
case of its social insurance principle. One of the
causes of the high claim by the hospitals is that the
quality service is lack at the First Level Health
Facilities. It is claimed to have high demands of
more significant recommendations at Further Level
Health Facilities.
The Ministry of Health (2015) records that the
healthcare cost at the First Level Health Facilities is
IDR 10,543 Billion or 17% by capitation system.
The healthcare cost at the Further Level Health
Sari, D.
National Health Insurance Policy: Benefit-cost Analysis of Primary Care Physician Education Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0009399100110022
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity (ICOACI 2019), pages 11-22
ISBN: 978-989-758-461-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Facilities is IDR 45,535 Billion or 74%.The
significant difference experienced by both the First
and Further Level Health Facilities has indicated that
the National Social Security for Healthcare should
make some perfection. Kurniawan (2015) says that
healthcare at the First Level Health Facilities is
considered unwell implemented due to the lack of
facilities, even no facility provided for better care.
The other factor is that the competence of the
doctors handling patients at the Community Health
Centers is still low so that it leads to upper-level
recommendations for hospitals' treatment.
The improvement process is eventually sounded
by the government. It leads to one of the efforts to
advance the quality healthcare at the First Level
Health Facilities through requiring a condition that
doctors at the Community Health Centers should
have a level of Primary Care Physician as acted
under Regulation Number 20 of 2013. There have
been 17 universities in Indonesia state readiness for
opening the Primary Care Physician program.
Moreover, there has been a Primary Care Physician
program, which has been operating since 2016.
The effort of the government to improve the
quality of doctors through the Primary Care
Physician program is logically under a reason. Van
Peursem, Pratt & Lawrence (1995) state that the
qualities care can be seen through the organizational
structure and its service management. The
organizational structure is defined as a relatively
stable characteristic of care practitioners,
instruments, and human resource provided, and
physical and organizational setting in which they
work. The organizational structure is commonly
determined and stable, particularly in the
government. The service management or process is
defined as a set of activities operating in, and
between the practitioners and the patients. The
service management or process is an essential part of
the healthcare operation. Jacobs, Marcon, & Witt
(2004) reveal that a hospital or a clinic is not the
center point of healthcare, but a health practitioner (a
doctor). It means that service management or
process is done by a healthcare practitioner has a
vital determining role in the matter of healthcare
quality. To improve the healthcare service quality, it
is required for some improvements in the human
resource's quality, the doctors. In addition, this is a
solution implemented by the government and the
National Social Security for Healthcare.
On the contrary, side, many health practitioners
(doctors) refuse to have that program of Primary
Care Physician. Indonesian Physician Association,
as the legitimate organization of doctors in
Indonesia, goes against the program. On October
24, 2016, a group of doctors demonstrated in a
peaceful way to refuse the program (,
2016; tempo, 2016). There were several reasons to
contradict to the program. Firstly, it will take a
longer study to become a health practitioner or
doctor. After six years for a general practitioner title,
a doctor should undergo a 1-year internship program
in a specific region. If the Primary Care Physician
program taken, it will take around three more years
to complete it. By calculation, the length of the
study will increase up to at least ten years, not to
mention the extended period of study. If compared
to any other profession, the length of study is much
longer. Secondly, the Primary Care Physician
program does not have a clear curriculum. For a
general practitioner or a doctor's study, the
curriculum requires 144 diseases and diagnoses.
The same way to reach will be applied to the
Primary Care Physician program. As mentioned in
the general practitioner study program, a general
practitioner is proper for primary care practices.
Indonesian Physician Association is worried about
the overlapping curriculum applied in both general
practitioner study and Primary Care Physician
program. It is considered as improvidence.
Thirdly, Indonesian Physician Association
assumes that the budget is more properly to use for a
better improvement in many First Level Health
Facilities. In some cases, many doctors at the First
Level Health Facilities are sometimes not able to
make any action to handle the patients due to the
lack of instruments and facilities available for their
healthcare. It is not caused by the personal disability
of the doctors. That situation faced by the doctors
leads to the next step taken to recommend the
Further Level Health Facilities to take action in
relation to the needs of the patients' healthcare and
safety. The facilities improvement should be a
concern of the government to support the healthcare
at the First Level Health Facilities. Fourthly, the
tuition fee for medical education of general
practitioner is high enough. Moreover, it also shares
the same problem faced by many doctors when
required for joining a specialist program of medical
education. To achieve a title of a general
practitioner, hundred millions of rupiahs (IDR) are
budgeted for the tuition fee and all expenses during
the study. Meanwhile, the Primary Care Physician
program is equivalent to the specialist program. The
calculation claimed by the Indonesian Physician
Association indicates that every single student of the
Primary Care Physician program will have IDR 300
Million spent per year. If there are 110.000 doctors
ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity
plotted to continue and register for the Primary Care
Physician program, the government must provide
special budgeting to support their study. The
estimated payment to fulfill the needs toward
achieving the level of the primary care specialist can
be very high. Besides that, taking a specialist
program has been a big problem in the case of
finance. Of course, it may personally affect on the
specialists’ burden if still required for joining that
Some pros and cons concerning the Primary Care
Physician program have been following even though
the government has operated since before. The
Primary Care, Physician education program, is a
great topic to study through accounting analysis. The
study concerning medical education taking doctors
as the center point of view has still a few been done
in Indonesia. Medical education in Indonesia has
always been alleged as a study that requires a high
cost. A high cost of education is not always a
determining factor of having "qualified" graduates
with great benefit. Therefore, this study aims to
analyze the benefits of the Primary Care Physician
education program.
A human being is, in fact, doing some
accounting processes just like the activities operated
in a company in making a record and categorization
of expenses into some accounts in minds
Rospitadewi & Efferin, 2007). Human beings do
accountancy in their minds and consumption
decision-making evaluation. That human’s activity
reflects a work of a theory known as Mental
Accounting popularized by Thaler in 1985 (Thaler,
1999). Mental Accounting is a cognitive process in
which humans record, recap, analyze, and report the
financial events in order to investigate where the
money flows and control the expenses. Like
accounting in an organization, a human also
analyzes the Benefit-Cost aspects. The Mental
Accounting theory is very interesting and applicable
to this study.
The pro and cont issues about the Primary Care
Physician education program have a great possibility
to study (including in accounting as one perspective)
which may lead to some recommendations to take
by the government for better improvement of the
medical profession. The benefit-cost analysis viewed
from doctors' side regarding the Primary Care
Physician program is the focus of this study. The
reason for choosing the doctors' side is that the
purpose of the program is their improvement. By
doing this, the doctors have their own decision
whether or not to take or leave it. Through
accounting study, it will be a great practical
contribution to "good government," which helps the
government and Indonesian Physician Association
make policies concerning with the Primary Care
Physician education program.
2.1 Good Governance
The policy of the government is one of the efforts to
improve Good Governance. Good Governance is a
set of processes applied to a public or private
organization in order to make decisions. Even
though Good Governance does not fully ensure its
perfect result, but it may reduce the number of
power abuse and corruption when applied. Good
Governance may comprehensively be understood by
holding its basic characteristics, namely: (a) active
participation, (b) law upholding, (c) transparency,
(d) responsive, (e) deliberation and consensus-
oriented, (f) justice and same treatment for all, (g)
effective and economical, and (h) accountable.
The National Social Security for Healthcare has
become one of the policies taken by the government
to deal with its responsibility for the fair and
effective healthcare of all Indonesian citizens that is
strongly based on mutual-cooperation principle. As
for the National Social Security for Healthcare,
Good Governance should also become a concern in
order to have better quality and accountability for its
activities before the government and society. By
doing so, the government has a standardized
measure to assess the performance of the National
Social Security for Healthcare.
2.2 Primary Care Physician Program
The Primary Care Physician program has essentially
been legalized by the government since 2015.
However, to deal with those pros and cons, this kind
of program has not been effective yet. In
Indonesia, there is only one medical faculty
accredited A which conduct such a program. As
resulted from the program at that single medical
faculty which runs the program, there are only 70
doctors claimed to be successful completing the
Primary Care Physician program. There is still a far
difference in ratio between the total doctors who
have finished taking the Primary Care Physician
program and the total doctors in Indonesia. It
indicates that the result has not covered a national
scale yet.
National Health Insurance Policy: Benefit-cost Analysis of Primary Care Physician Education Program
The Primary Care Physician program emphasizes
preventive and promotive ways, even early detection
in its works. This sort of work is suitable for the
First Level Health Facilities covering Community
Health Centers, First Class Clinics, and Doctors’
Private Practice. If the patient’s illness cannot be
handled at the First Level Health Facilities, it can be
recommended to have tiered healthcare starting from
hospital type C or D, the next is hospital type B or
even type A. After cured with the suitable medical
actions, the patient may be re-recommended and
returned to the First Level Health Facilities. After
all, the rehabilitation can be treated to the patient at
the First Level Health Facilities.
The doctors graduated from the Primary Care
Physician program are given a provision to manage
the fund in relation to the capitation system of the
National Social Security for Healthcare. The
capitation system is based on the number of a family
member registered at the First Level Health
Facilities. The amount of capitation given by the
National Social Security for Healthcare ranges from
IDR 8,000-IDR 10,000 per member and multiplied
with the number of the registered member at the
First Level Health Facilities. The amount is
depended on the completeness and ability of the
First Level Health Facilities in serving the members'
need. The amount should have sufficed when a
member is found with illness, covering healthcare,
consultation, medicine, and laboratory needs. The
ability of financial management must be owned by a
doctor who also plays a role as a manager of the
First Level Health Facilities. Unfortunately, the
doctor with a clinically general practitioner
qualification often misunderstands about the
financial management authorized by the National
Social Security for Healthcare. There should be a
special ability of the doctor to get the operational
need sufficiently covered, even to have some
differences in returns (profit). That is why the ability
of financial management is a must in the time of the
National Social Security for Healthcare at the First
Level Health Facilities.
The other skills unlearned during the medical
graduate program will be studied in the Primary
Care Physician program, for instance, individual
approach and culture. Through a motto saying
"better to prevent than cure", doctors who have
completed the Primary Care Physician program may
have understandings about how to make the
individual approach as a preventive way. In fact, it
is sometimes found that the health problem cannot
be separated from the culture existing in a society.
Isniati (2013) exemplifies a patient with leprosy.
Claimed as a part of the culture, it is considered as a
curse in a society, ending up with exiling the ill
person with leprosy. As for the medical perspective,
leprosy is a disease that requires special treatment
(medicine). The Primary Care Physician program is
able to guide the doctors through understandings
about the societies and the culture differently living
in. For doctors at the First Level Health Facilities,
the approach done in the middle of society is one
thing very common. The culture should have its own
approach to deal with society's health problems since
it is a fundamental thing in life.
The patient recommended to have better care at
the Further Health Facilities, and got healed, will be
returned to the First Level Health Facilities were
firstly taken. The effort to rehabilitate and prevent
the illness and its recurrence is under the
responsibility of the doctors at the First Level Health
Facilities. The doctors at the First Level Health
Facilities do not realize that one thing. The Primary
Care Physician is claimed to be able to help the
doctors understand and conduct their actions in order
to press down the number of patient
recommendation for healthcare. The health handling
at primary care is the initial contact service
coordinated and comprehensive. Some studies
indicate that there is a link among the coordinated
health problem management, the health quality
improvement of patients, the number of
recommendation for healthcare, and the patient's
home care ranging from 8% through 46%. The
other study also signifies that through coordination
when handling patients will improve the
empowerment of the patients and their families in
dealing with the illness or disease by maintaining the
relation to the patients. Face-To-Face interaction
among the doctors, patients, families, and health
workers also contributes to the improvement of the
healthcare quality (Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, 2018).
The Primary Care Physician program will be
analyzed through the investment calculation method
to see the cost-benefit used. The benefit gained
should have to be said effective and efficient with
the cost allocated. In the Primary Care Physician
program, the major reason for doctor quality
improvement at the First Level Health Facilities is to
reduce the cost amount of recommendations plotted
by the National Social Security for Healthcare
directed to the Further Level Health Facilities.
However, the cost for the Primary Care Physician
program is expensive. Therefore, the cost-benefit
analysis of the targeted investment should be taken.
ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity
2.3 Mental Accounting Theory
Mental accounting as a model of consumer behavior
was firstly popularized by Richard Thaler in 1985
(Thaler, 1985). It is a consumer behavior model
developed from psychology and microeconomics
thoughts. Mental accounting is a cognitive process
used by the individual to organize, evaluate, and stay
in financial activities (Thaler, 1999). Three
components of accounting become a concern, as
a. to apprehend how a result will be figured out
and operated, and how a decision is made and
evaluated. Accounting system provides inputs
into cost-benefit analysis, through ex-ante and
b. to categorize the activities into specific
accounts which cover human resource and
financial use. The expenses are categorized
into some categories and sometimes spent
limited through implicit and explicit funds.
c. to focus on the evaluated account frequency and
classify the options (alternatives). The
accounts are daily, weekly balanced, and so
Rospitadewi and Efferin (2017) say that humans
consider their expenses as experiences requiring
evaluation. Like in the organization accounting, an
individual will make a cost-benefit analysis. The
components of mental accounting theory consist of a
framing effect, specific account, self-control,
decision-making, self-report, and hedonic treadmill
(Rospitadewi and Efferin, 2017). The mental
accounting theory opens an understanding of the
individual's mind in comparing the cost and the
benefit of a decision. This theory is very fit to the
analysis to use in this study so that the doctors'
cognitive thoughts in the Primary Care Physician
program can be figured out through comparing the
cost and the benefit to obtain.
This study uses a qualitative approach by taking
interpretative paradigms as the fundament. The
interpretative paradigm applied to this study aimed
to figure out the thoughts of the informants more
deeply. The result of this study provides analysis and
exposure naturally shared by the informants. The
informants in this study consist of the doctors who
have completed the Primary Care Physician program
and those of “obliged” to take the program.
The mental accounting theory is applied to data
analysis. Rospitadewi and Efferin 2017) employs
this theory to analyze the data to figure out the
humans’ thoughts in making a financial transaction,
ending up with achieving happiness. The
components of the mental accounting theory applied
to this study, namely:
a. Framing Effect. It has to do with the received
information forming a perception about what
is wanted and needed so that a person may
react to the information. The informants
search and get their rationalization about the
cost-benefit that they may obtain from their
previous experiences.
b. Specific Account(s). Humans usually mark
out a “label” to the source and purpose of
financial use to illustrate why, and whether or
not the expenses are needed to make.
Humans categorize their needs in relation to
finance and “record” them (in mind or written
based on their needs).
c. Self Control. Humans try to do self-control by
making a comparison between expenses and
allocations they own.
d. Decision-Making. Humans will make a
decision under their cognitive thought they
created. The decision-making will link to how
and whether or not the doctors make a
decision to join the Primary Care Physician
e. Evaluation. The mind will evaluate the result of
the decision made by the individual. This
phase, by the writer, considered as a way to
determine a conclusion and an opinion in this
study so that it will contribute to the Primary
Care Physician program.
4.1 Framing Effect: Difficulties of
Introducing the Primary Care
Physician Program
The discussion of the Primary Care Physician
program has always been daily pros and cons just
right after its establishment through this time. Some
meetings discussing the Primary Care Physician
program are stuck and no solution very often. The
last meeting recommends an agreement that the
graduates of the Primary Care Physician education
program share the same level as a specialist degree.
However, some cons amongst the doctors do not
National Health Insurance Policy: Benefit-cost Analysis of Primary Care Physician Education Program
stop here. For instance, Dr. Erwan, one of the
doctors at the First Level Health Facilities in
Lombok Island. Even though he knows about the
Primary Care Physician program, but he does not
figure out the essence of the program. Meanwhile,
the targets of the program are those doctors at the
First level Health Facilities. "My colleagues
graduated from the University of X (Dr. Erwan’s
generation comrades taking medical education
program) do not talk in a rush about in on social
media groups (Whatsapp). “They stay cool and
calm”, Dr. Erwan stated. In fact, many of his
colleagues work at the First Level Health Facilities,
like in many Community Health Centers in the
regions. Dr. Erwan, who is also a civil doctor in
Lombok Island, has taken an internship program
after graduated from his medical education program.
Once he met Dr. Nasa, who said, "How to introduce
it? When trying to socialize it, there was a warning
issued by the Indonesian Physician Association
giving no allowance for doctors to follow the
program". The socialization of the Primary Care
Physician program is very limited. It is because of
the obstacle happening between Ministry of Health
and the Indonesian Physician Association. "Before
this, there was a point jointly agreed by the
Indonesian Physician Association with all conditions
brought together. It's very tiring of that noise," Dr.
Nasa said.
The Indonesian Physician Association still stands
on its understanding that the general practitioners
have already held the high competences to give
service and care for the patients at the First level
Health Facilities. Actually, many recommendations
are made by the First Level Health Facilities, which
suggest the patients take further care at the Hospital
Type C, and Type D are still high. "Yes for sure, we
should recommend the patients since we lack of
medicine and healthcare equipment. The doctors are
capable, but they cannot do any action with such
conditions. What to do but giving the patients
further recommended healthcare?" Dr. Raha
revealed. “If the recommendation is returned back to
the Community Health Centers, it will be no
problem under a condition of enough medicine”, Dr.
Tuga said.
The researcher also finds out some data through
doctors’ specific social media groups. There are
many debates about the Primary Care Physician
program. Mostly, they accuse that the Primary Care
Physician program is merely a target to make
doctors as the ‘Doctors of the National Social
Security” who are prepared for giving service to and
under the provisions of the National Social Security
for Healthcare. Factually, in the future, Indonesian
citizens are plotted to join the National Health
Insurance managed by the National Social Security
for Healthcare.
The Primary Care Physician program has already
been over framed as a power abuse to force the
doctors to fulfill the wants of the National Social
Security for Healthcare. Obviously, the Primary
Care Physician program is able to improve the
doctors' preventive handlings based on the culture
living in and to help them manage the capitation
funds under the National Social Security for
Healthcare which is "very limited", but demanding
for "very optimum" result. Also, the Primary Care
Physician program is targeted to be able to develop
the palliative ability to handle recommended patients
in return through building a good habit in
maintaining their health after the treatment at the
4.2 Specific Account(s): If Free, It Is
Indeed, humans are whether conscious or not
labeling their financial uses. However, it is naturally
widely known that costs spent on education are very
high. Besides the tuition fee for education, there are
also some costs that must be allocated for some
needs, for example, those who are taking studies out
of their local residence, would have thought about
their expenses for living costs at a temporary or
permanent home covering boarding house, house for
rent, or apartment (for sale or rent). Not to mention,
those doctors with family also should think about the
other costs out of their expenses for education. Of
course, the costs will get higher. "But, I am free
because I am granted for a scholarship", Dr. Nasa
answered. "For sure, there are some extra costs for
my transportation since my campus is quite far, at
the University of X. Though so, it's all fine," he
continued. Realizing that the cost for the Primary
Care Physician program is free, it then becomes a
consideration. Dr. Erwan said, "If free and already
a policy regulated by the central government, it is
then a must to do". When being asked about how if
the cost for that program will charge the student
around IDR 300 Million, he responded: "If the
program is free, there will be no reason". Free
meant here indicates that the minimum cost will be
from humans.
The expenses for the Primary Care Physician
program have been a spotlight discussion by many
sides. In a social media group, many doctors deeply
deplore the Primary Care Physician program in case
ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity
of costs to spend. They One good reason is that the
funds for the program can be differently allocated
for some benefits, for instance improving the
facilities and infrastructure of the First Level Health
Facilities, optimizing the medicine distribution,
increasing the welfare of the colleagues who
struggle for healthcare at the regional, remote areas.
"Later on, for the First Level Health Facilities on
which Primary Care Physician program alumni
work, there will be 38 types of equipment to support
the activities,” Dr. Nasa farther said. The costs
spent by the government are for some improvement
in the facilities and infrastructure at the First Level
Health Facilities. Through adequate facilities and
infrastructure, of course, the First Level Health
Facilities have a chance to become the front
guardian of the health of society.
The result is in accordance with Kurniawan’s
(2015) discussing the doctors' service at the primary
health facilities through the family medical
approach. Kurniawan (2015) evaluates the
direction of government policy towards some cases
now faced at the First Level Health Facilities.
Through the Primary Care Physician education
program, the role of the First Level Health Facilities
and the family medical approach should be the
solutions for primary healthcare. The conclusion
withdrawn by the writer is that the solutions of the
primary healthcare, both the family medical
approach and the Primary Care Physician program,
share the same chance to serve primary healthcare
with a high cost-benefit ratio through minimum-
expenditure and maximum-result. The Primary Care
Physician education program is hoped to be a strong
point in order to reduce the number of
recommendations for hospitals' healthcare so that the
National Health Insurance budgeting management
can be "more secure". The deficit of the National
Social Security for Healthcare can be pressed-down.
The writer believes that as the managerial holder the
National Health Insurance, the National Social
Security for Healthcare is not allowed to have some
"profits" but "break event points" at least. "However,
the number of the doctors of the Primary Care
Physician program (70 doctors now) indicates that
the program is still not showing the optimum
result,", Dr. Nasa said. It is true that the deficit of the
National Social Security for Healthcare has been
IDR 6 Trillion since 2015, and continued to occur
through 2018 at IDR 9,1 Trillion. Even, it is
estimated that the deficit would probably reach IDR
16,5 Trillion in 2019”. The government effort
through the Primary Care Physician program is to
make the First Level Health Facilities as the front
guardian of the society healthcare so that the deficit
of the National Social Security for Healthcare can be
reduced. The program to cope with the deficit is not
merely depending on the Primary Care Physician
program. Some ways are also taken to give supports
like as tiered recommendations, monthly cost
increase, etcetera. The Primary Care Physician is not
a short term program to reduce the deficit. The
number of doctors (70 doctors) of the Primary Care
Program is not sufficient to handle all problems at
the First Level Health Facilities. The condition leads
to proof that the goal of the Primary Care Physician
program to minimize the number of
recommendations for Further Healthcare at the
hospital is still open for farther studies.
4.3 Self-control: Nonstop Benefit in the
Value of “Money”
Humans always make some efforts to do self-control
by considering the purposes of the finance use and
the budget they have. "It is no problem whether or
not to increase welfare after graduated. If it is a
policy of the central government, it will then be
taken,", Dr. Erwan answered. When someone has an
effort to make some self-upgrades, it will surely be
concerned about welfare for him and his
environment. Dr. Nasa stated, "certainly we can
manage the Community Health Center or clinics
based on its capitation funds. The capitation fund
can be reached at IDR 10,000,- if the facilities and
the infrastructure are complete. In the Primary Care
Physician program, we are taught to manage it to be
enough to use". There is specific learning through
the Primary Care Physician program. There is a
science benefit for those who have completed the
Primary Care Physician program.
The First Level Health Facilities successfully
optimized the capitation fund gifted by the National
Social Security for Healthcare are those of with the
ability to manage the funds and the activities
supported by the National Social Security for
Healthcare's budgeting. For example, a therapy
group connected to palliative activities is "a plus
profit" that the National Social Security for
Healthcare also gets. The recommended patients for
better healthcare at the hospital and returned to the
First Level Health Facilities, and would take a
continuous control for healthcare and medicine at
the First Level Health Facilities are no longer
requiring hospital healthcare.
In relation to that benefit, Dr. Nasa further said,
"Many friends now have a chance to do more works
in their places. Some create a therapy group for
National Health Insurance Policy: Benefit-cost Analysis of Primary Care Physician Education Program
patients with diabetes and other illnesses. As for this
kind of palliative work, there is an additional fund
provided by the National Social Security for
Healthcare. It has been working with those doctors
of the Primary Care Physician program. Work is one
of the benefits obtained from the program. Of
course, work cannot be valued in forms of money
since the writer also believes that the benefit does
not stop for a money-oriented result. The welfare is
not merely about the economy (money), but it has to
do with internal satisfaction (inmost welfare). For
those who join the Primary Care Physician program,
actualized as doctors at the First Level Health
Facilities bringing more benefits for the society,
there is inmost welfare for themselves. The heartily-
call in the doctors' soul should exist (Sari, 2014) so
that the tasks are operated under the guidance of the
4.4 Decision-Making: The Primary
Care Physician Program, More
Advantages or Disadvantages
Doctors who have decided to take the Primary Care
Physician program have, of course, some
considerations. "Indonesia is already left behind
tens of years compared to the other countries. In
regional of ASEAN, Indonesia is mentioned to be
one of the countries that have not developed the
family doctor. In many foreign countries, family
doctors have been increasing in number. Indonesia
is really left too far," Dr. Nasa expressed. Actually,
the Primary Care Physician program is a part of the
family doctor development in Indonesia. It allows
an individual approach, including cultural approach
in a specific environment. "The doctors of the
Primary Care Physician program are targeted from
the Community Health Centers, clinics, or any
others labeled as the First Level Health Facilities.
For those who do not work at the First Level, Health
Facilities are not necessary for taking the program.
If interested to join any other specialist program, it is
wide open. So, the program actually does not
burden the doctors with more hours in learning, but
is specifically aimed at those who work in the
Community Health Centers or clinics”, Dr. Nasa
explained. The Primary Care Physician program is
commonly addressed to those doctors who operate at
the First Level Health Facilities (Community
Health Centers or clinics) with a total of 50.000-
60.000 in Indonesia. Through that program, the
doctors professionally working at the First Level
Health Facilities are able to serve the society with
good care so that there will be no recommendation
taken if not necessary.
The pro and cons following the Primary Care
Physician education program have not ended yet.
Even though the alumni of the Primary Care
Physician program have got a direct certification
given by the Ministry of Health, the documents for
having a medical practice permit are in the authority
of Indonesian Physician Association and Collegiums
(for those with specialist status). This situation has
also become the doctors' concern at the First Level
Health Facilities who are still unsure about taking
the Primary Care Physician program. "The
residential school of the Specialist Medical
Education Program usually takes 4-5 years with a
single specialty. The skill improvement during the
specialist program is claimed to have limited time.
How about that Specialist Program of the Primary
Care Physician? What about General Practitioner
Specialists? In what skill which makes different and
highlighted?” Dr. Erwan asked back. The curriculum
of the Primary Care Physician program is indeed a
special focus since it has overlapped design as that
of the general practitioner program. The highlighted
offerings can be seen in the fund's management and
the individual approach, just like the family doctors'.
Dr. Erwan even wishes that the Primary Care
Physician program will not be divisive among
Indonesian doctors for a certain group's interest. He
does not continue to mention the specific group he
meant. In reality, there are still many doctors who
agree and disagree with the program. Though a
tough mediation has been done for many times, both
sides are still contradicted to each other. Even there
is a perception coming up among the doctors who
disagree with the Primary Care Physician program.
It is said that the program is purely squandering the
national budget for the interest of the National
Social Security for Healthcare.
In regarding the situation, whether or not to join
the Primary Care Physician education program lies
in the doctors' decision. Its cost side indicates that
there are still many doctors in the program get the
minimum cost or free due to the cost coverage borne
by the national budgeting. The free cost offered has
attracted the enthusiasm of the doctors to take part in
the program. It will be another case if the cost of the
program is no longer free. In accordance with the
benefit, many doctors realize that the Primary Care
Physician program does not help much for their
welfare (economy improvement). However, the
benefits taken in forms of works and self-
actualization may be assumed as the results of the
ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity
4.5 Evaluation: The Primary Care
Physician Education Program, A
The evaluation phase in this study focuses on how
the writer makes a conclusion after some
perspectives and data presented. This study was
initially inspired by many programs offered by the
National Social Security for Healthcare that induce
the pro and cons, not only in the middle of the
society, but also among health practitioners (doctors
or First Level Health Facilities, and hospitals) under
the management of the National Social Security for
Healthcare. The National Social Security for
Healthcare is claimed to effortless "drive" to the
direction of health policies in Indonesia. A good
intention sometimes does not end up with a positive
result. The limitation regulated by the National
Social Security for Healthcare aims to reach shared
health goals. However, the National Social Security
for Healthcare should "realize" and learn to deal
with the circumstances in the field. One of the
programs allegedly directed for the benefit of the
National Social Security for Healthcare is the
Primary Care Physician education program.
The news following the problems faced by the
Primary Care Physician program is mostly among
medical practitioners (doctors in particular). A
doctor is a central figure in healthcare as said by
Jacobs, Marcon & Witt (2004). The doctors become
the target of the Primary Care Physician program.
That is why; the decision to join the program is
under the doctors' control. The trouble comes when
the government's policy under Regulation Number
20 of 2013 proclaims that the Primary Care
Physician program is the continuation of the Medical
Professional Program and the internship equivalent
with the Specialist Practitioner program. It
"demands" for the general practitioners to continue
to taking education as same as the specialist program
so that they have the ability to give healthcare at the
First level Health Facilities covering Community
Health Centers and Outpatient Clinics.
Unfortunately, only 70 of hundred thousands doctors
have joined the Primary Care Physician program in
Indonesia. Why is the number of doctors who have
completed the program very low?
The first reason is the cost of the Primary Care
Physician program. Dr. Nasa is indeed one of the
doctors granted for free education for the Primary
Care Physician program. The cost for the program
is supported by the National Budget, allocated by the
Ministry of Health so that many doctors are given a
chance to have free. On another side, the Indonesian
Physician Association makes a calculation and
believes that the Primary Care Physician program
will require IDR 300 Million funds per student
(participant). Based on the calculation, the budget
for the Primary Care Physician education program
allocated by the government is not a little. Medical
education is one of the studies widely known for its
high cost in Indonesia. For those who are not able to
take the Primary Care Physician program, the
required high cost will be one consideration. If it is
free, of course, many doctors may have the
enthusiasm to join the Primary Care Physician
education program with some conditional policies
by the central government, as mentioned by Dr.
Erwan. The cost spent on the program is always a
serious problem. For the doctors, the further
education that is free may become a good choice
when necessary to take. The cost is still a burden in
mind for them. Through free education offered by
the government in taking the Primary Care Physician
program, the doctors remain enthusiastic.
The second reason is that there is disagreement
shown by some doctors and an organization
corroborating them, namely Indonesian Physician
Association. The refusal influences on the decision
of the doctors with enthusiasm to join the program.
It is very dilemmatic for them. If the doctors manage
themselves to join the program, there would be some
consequences they probably face. They can be
rejected in the community of doctors. They also
may not get the Indonesian Physician Association’s
recommendation for Practice Permit. Another
trouble that may come up is their the colleagues do
not admit their specialty as specialists. The inmost
welfare becomes a measure for the problems. “It is
tiring with the noise,” Dr. Nasa said. The fragment
indicates that the framing made for the Primary Care
Physician program is exclusively for the interest of
the government, the National Social Security for
Healthcare in this case. The term “National Social
Security for Healthcare doctors” tends to be weird
when it refers to those doctors who operate all
activities under the wants and policies of the
National Social Security for Healthcare. The inmost
welfare is not common in public. Sari et al. (2016)
states that there are values out of money of the
doctors' income, and one of them is the feeling
satisfied by the patient's successful recovery.
Though different in meaning, but the inmost feeling
also needs for welfare. Because of the inmost
welfare, those doctors who have not taken the
program may wait for the acceptance shown by their
colleagues or Indonesian Physician Association or
after the government comes up with a must-to-do
National Health Insurance Policy: Benefit-cost Analysis of Primary Care Physician Education Program
policy binding all doctors at the First Level Health
Facilities. If not so, many doctors (general
practitioners) decide not to join the program for their
inmost welfare. For those who have completed the
program, the inmost welfare they wish to gain is
being comfortable when doing the profession with or
without their colleagues' acknowledgment. They
should do their profession in accordance with the
study they have taken during the Primary Care
physician education program.
The third reason is that the central government
policy is vaguely regulated. The Primary Care
Physician program is through Regulation Number 20
of 2013 and agreed by 17 universities opening the
program. It is not fully a mandatory (whom the
program aims to?) In relation to the program, the
unfixed state of regulation has made those doctors
doubt. Of all medical faculties accredited A, only a
single university that runs the program. It then
becomes a worry among the doctors. They are afraid
of the change of the leader that may lead to the
change of regulation. Dr. Erwan’s answer signalizes
his readiness to join the program if "it is already a
policy of the central government). The statement
illustrates the inmost feeling and shows the reason
that many doctors have not comprehensively
understood and intended to join the Primary Care
Physician program. In fact, the regulation remains an
The fourth reason is that the lack of socialization
about the distinguished roles of both the General
Practitioners and the Primary Care Physicians. The
overlapping duties operated by both are still high.
Dr. Erwan ever questioned about,” In which skill are
they distinguished?” Dr. Nasa explained that
financial management at the First Level Health
Facilities under the National Social Security for
Healthcare is very important since that sort of
learning is never taught during the General
Practitioner Program. The other points, the cultural
approach and individual approach (closely related to
the term “family doctor”) are also studied in the
program. Annisa Putri and Yuristo (2013) may have
the answer to the fourth reason. Some parts show the
differences. In the family doctor concept, a general
practitioner only focuses on learning the concept,
knowledge, and healthcare principle of the family
doctor. In the Primary Care Physician program,
besides those learnings, the understandings about job
description and function as the Primary Care
Physician, and the influence of the family,
community, and environment, is also studied. In the
Division of Family Doctor Clinic Management, a
general practitioner has not studied (will be studied
in the Primary Care Physician program) about
Human Resources Management, facilities
management, information management, and
financial management. In the Division of Clinic
Skills, a general practitioner has known non-surgical
clinic skill, specific clinic skill, and surgery medical
skill. Through the Primary Care Physician program,
the other skills added to the Division of Clinic Skill
are general clinic management and supporting
facilities management. In the Division of Science
and Knowledge, through the Primary Care Physician
program, a general practitioner will have some
improvement in cases of Age Category-Based
Health and Specific Category-Based Health that may
be applied in accordance with the circumstances of
each First Level Health Facility. The lack of
understandings requires further socialization. The
scientific benefits gained from the Primary Care
Physician program refuses the term "overlapping."
However, those rejections in many regions indicate
that the framing of the Primary Care Physician
program is hard to change. The activators of the
Primary Care Physician program cannot go on, but
cannot step back as well.
The fifth reason is that the outputs of the Primary
Care Physician program are not clear. Actually, the
goal of the program is to develop the First Level
Health Facilities as the front guardian in the primary
healthcare so that the number of recommendations to
the further healthcare (hospital) can be minimalized.
The long-term target that the National Social
Security for Healthcare wants to achieve is the
deficit reduces. For doctors, it remains unclear. In
the matter of economic welfare, whether or not the
doctors at the First Level Health Facilities fairly paid
as those specialists or the same amount as the
general practitioners have. It is still questionable.
Nevertheless, the other outputs have just come up to
the surface. “Some colleagues have begun operating
therapy groups for diabetes and some other illnesses’
patients, Dr. Nasa said. It means that the doctors
who graduated from the program have tried their
best to make benefits in the society where they have
patients to care. The benefits represent the real
outputs of the program. The doctors of the program
do not only make benefits in the financial
management of the First Level Health Facilities, but
also in the society for better healthcare. Sari et al.
(2016) also state that the doctor is a humane
characterized profession and cannot measure
material meanings. The benefit analysis found in
this study shares the same meanings with Sari's
findings (not material only, but humane).
ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity
Those five reasons lead to some findings in this
study. Through the mental accounting theory, one of
the findings is that the doctors also analyze the cost-
benefit in making the decision whether or not to join
the Primary Care Physician education program.
For doctors, further studies are widely open. Besides
master degree, there are some Specialist Programs
that they may take based on the interests and
abilities required in their profession. One of the
programs, the Primary Care Physician, remains pros
and cons among the doctors. The cost-benefit
analysis in the doctors' thought leads them to
decision making towards the program. The result of
the study shows that the doctors are enthusiastic
about joining the program if it is free.
Unfortunately, the unfixed state of policy by the
government brings about a doubtful consideration to
deal with the program. The benefit analysis indicates
that the material benefit the doctor hopes is not
sufficiently covered. However, they still have the
humane based benefits by implementing their
knowledge and skill to help society. One
extraordinary struggle they must go on when taking
the Primary Care Physician program is their inmost
welfare (satisfaction inside). The result of the study
also signifies that the Primary Care Physician
programmed by the government needs more time to
have a better implementation. The prioritized work
to do is the clear certainty of the policy so that those
who want to participate in the program can achieve
the inmost welfare. Besides those problems, the
number of recommendations through the Primary
Care Physician program requires more studies. The
government and the National Social Security for
Healthcare should think more alternatives following
the circumstances.
This study is still probably limited. The data
seem to be the major limitedness. It is hard to collect
more data since there are only a few doctors who
open themselves to join the program. Therefore, this
qualitative design of the study has limited
informants. It has an effect on the result of the
study. The generalization cannot be taken. Even
though it has become a new start opened for further
studies, particularly in case of the Primary Care
Physician program or any other policies made by the
National Social Security for Healthcare.
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ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity