and / or criminal prosecutions of taxpayers. If there
are indications of a crime found from existing data,
law enforcement has the authority to conduct
investigations separately. If there is a possibility of
another criminal offense, such as a crime of money
laundering, terrorism funding, or corruption which is
not carried out on the basis of these regulations, the
public has the right to file a judicial review.
Provisions concerning non-criminal law have
been regulated in Article 44 of Law Number 6 of 1983
concerning General Provisions and Procedures for
Taxation as amended by Law Number 16 of 2009.
The purpose of the investigation in taxation is
contained in article 44B, namely "for the interests of
state revenues, at the request of the Minister of
Finance "The Attorney General can stop investigating
tax crimes as long as the criminal case has not been
transferred to the court." Literally, it can be seen that
the purpose of the tax provisions in the case of an
investigation is purely for state revenues.
Meanwhile, the OECD (2019) since 2009 has
recommended that tax auditors and the tax audit
process actually help the process of disclosing money
laundering. The technical provisions in the Minister
of Finance Regulation (PMK) regarding procedures
for inspection and procedures for examining the
initial evidence of criminal acts in the taxation sector
still do not accommodate OECD recommendations.
Even in the Substitute Government Regulation
number 1 the year 2017 concerning access to
financial information for tax purposes, it only aims to
secure state revenues.
Awareness of the existence of money laundering for
tax auditors is needed. If a country's tax authority
identifies an indicator of money laundering when
conducting a tax audit, this indicator can show the
results of a serious crime, and it is very important for
the tax authority to report it to authorized law
enforcement in accordance with the existing legal
Indonesia applies a tax amnesty policy that raises
disputes or differences of opinion in its application.
In article 20, the data and information obtained cannot
be used as evidence for investigation, investigation,
and/or criminal prosecution of taxpayers. Then if
there are indications of a crime found from existing
data, law enforcement has the authority to conduct
investigations separately.
Nevertheless, basically, there is still no
convergence between Indonesia's tax provisions and
OECD recommendations which prioritize war on
money laundering from proceeds of crime or from
possible acts of terrorism.
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