temporary activity carried out by corporations and
groups to enjoy the trip and to fulfill diverse desires.
Spillane in Wahid (Saksy, Gosal, and Rachman,
2019), Tourism is a journey from one place to
another, temporary, carried out by individuals or
groups, as an effort to find balance or harmony and
happiness with the environment in social, cultural,
natural and scientific dimensions.
The concept related to the concept previously
explained is tourism development. Tourism
development is an effort to develop or advance
tourism objects so that the tourist objects are better
and more attractive in terms of places and objects in
it to be able to attract tourists to visit them. Tourism
development is so that more tourists come to a
tourist area, stay longer, and spend more money on
the tourist attractions they visit so they can increase
foreign exchange for the country for foreign tourists,
and increase regional original income for local
Besides that, it also aims to introduce and
maintain a culture in the tourism area. Thus, the
benefits and benefits can also be felt by the
surrounding population in particular. Tourism
development as an industry should ideally be based
on four basic principles, as stated Sobari in Anindita
(Sudarmi, 2019), namely: Ecological sustainability,
namely that tourism development must ensure the
maintenance and protection of natural resources
which become tourism attractions, such as the
environment sea, forest, beach, lake, and river.
Second, the continuity of social and cultural life,
namely that the development of tourism must be
able to increase the role of the community in the
supervision of living systems through the value
system adopted by the local community as the
identity of the community. Third is economic
sustainability, namely that tourism development
must be able to create employment opportunities for
all parties to engage in economic activities through a
healthy and competitive economic system. Fourth,
improve and improve the quality of life of local
communities by providing opportunities for them to
be involved in tourism development.
Thus, the development of tourism (which is
sustainable) needs to be supported by careful
planning and must reflect the three dimensions of
interest, namely the tourism industry, the carrying
capacity of the environment (natural resources), and
the local community to improve quality of life.
The pattern of tourism and its development is
closely related to the complex concept between
tourism marketing communication, destination
brand, and tourism communication management.
Tourism marketing communication: the field of
tourism marketing communication (TCM). The
TCM field examines in its entirety in the context of
marketing communication. This field of the study
explains 4P, 7P, Communication mix, marketing
mix, about TCM. This field is a whole field of
discussing TCM in a complete theoretical and
practical context, but not specific in special contexts.
Destination brand: Study of brand goals in the
context of the destination product brand, where the
destination brand is the media and the message itself
in the context and process of marketing
communication in general and specifically in the
context of tourism marketing. In addition to being
examined by the brand as a media and as a message
itself, it also examines how the construction of
destination brands, how the brand relates to
destination products, brands with accessibility,
tourism marketing, brands with HR and tourism
institutions. Also studied are the main tourism brand,
sub-brand, and new parent brand. All properties and
types of brands are reviewed here, including city
brands, state brands, and brand nations. Likewise,
brand publicity and branding are also important
studies discussed. The last is Tourism
Communication Management: in this study, the
principles of communication management are
important reviews that are carried out and applied in
the field of tourism communication.
This study reviews how management is applied
in the field of tourism communication, namely how
tourism marketing management, managing
destinations, managing accessibility, and managing
human resources and tourism institutions.
Problems that will be studied by researchers are
problems that are social and dynamic. Therefore,
researchers chose to use a qualitative research
methodology to determine how to search, collect,
process, and analyze the data from the research
results. This qualitative research can be used to
understand social interactions, for example, by
interviewing or studying documentation.
The research method used is descriptive
qualitative, namely, research that provides a clear
picture of a particular social phenomenon. The data
collected is in the form of words, images, and not
numbers, so that the research report will contain
quotations of data to illustrate the presentation of the
report (Moleong, 2007). This qualitative descriptive
study will be very relevant and support this research