While the absence of this vision is biased, whether
SOEs are owned by the state or the government in
power. It should refer to its name, BUMN is the
property of the state. However, in reality, BUMN is
controlled by the ruling government. As a result, each
time it changes, the new authority will also replace
the directors and commissioners of the BUMN.
The absence of this vision creates chaos in the
relations system. It is not clear how the relationship
between SOE management and shareholders is and
who the SOE shareholder is the state, or the
government. This must be addressed first. As long as
the shareholders are not right, SOEs will always be
wrong forever.
There was an error in approaching assessing the
performance of SOEs so far, namely when the
performance of SOEs was assessed with a neoliberal
approach, a paradigm that has nothing to do with the
paradigm of economic democracy (Article 33 of the
1945 Constitution) that underlies the establishment of
According to Kompas notes, in 2003, 10 SOEs
dominated the total losses suffered by state-owned
companies under the SOE State Ministry. Of the 157
existing SOEs, as many as 47 SOEs suffered losses,
with a total loss of Rp 6.08 trillion. Of the total loss,
84.4 percent of them or Rp 5.13 trillion came from 10
SOEs alone.
The ten SOEs that dominated the total losses were
PLN with losses of Rp 3.558 trillion or 58.52 percent
of the total losses of 47 BUMN. Following the
Indonesian Trading Company with a loss of Rp
418,224 billion, Pelni Rp 382,336 billion, PANN
Multifinance Rp 152,258 billion, Indofarma Rp
129,570 billion, Nusantara Clothing Industry Rp
114.777 billion, Aceh Kraft Paper Rp 108.444 billion,
PT Perkebunan Nusantara II Rp 96.166 billion,
Inhutani I Rp. 90,972 billion, and Cipto
Mangunkusumo (Prognosa) Hospital Rp. 81,221
Some BUMN has been privatized. However,
corruption also hit the privatization program. In the
matter of privatization (remember the case of Indosat,
BCA, Telkom, and so on), according to IMF and
World Bank recommendations - acute corruption is
expected. According to economist Nobel prize winner
Joseph Stiglitz, privatization in Southeast Asia,
especially Indonesia, turned out to be generally
wrong and inconsequential, malpractice, and
miserable people. In the case of privatization, the
scent of KKN has stung the executive and legislative
branches. Even though the divestment was carried out
neatly, and the KKN actions were attempted to be
hidden, it still felt the stench of our people. This
privatization deserves to be questioned-questionable
because of the climate of corruption-collusion-
nepotism and the absence of transparency that is still
strong, covering the landscape of the Habibie-Gus
Dur-Megawati administration in the past.
. Privatization can only work well in a conducive
business and political climate, where good
governance with elements of transparency and
accountability and honesty can be proven. As Josepf
Stiglitz said, privatization in the midst of a corrupt
government environment, as in the past President
Habibie-Gus Dur-Megawati era, would only increase
the personal income of officials and elites who were
Instead of increasing efficiency and improving
management quality, privatization in the midst of a
corrupt government environment only adds to the
problems and burdens for the people. Stiglitz once
revealed: "I believe in privatization, but only if it
helps companies become more efficient and lower
prices for consumers."
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