benefits, which are always monetary in nature.
Corruption is also defined within Pasal 2 ayat (1) UU
No. 20 in 2001, revised from UU No. 31 in 1999
concerning about Eradication of Corruption, as,
"Setiap orang baik pejabat pemerintah maupun
swasta yang secara melawan hukum melakukan
perbuatan memperkaya diri sendiri atau korporasi
yang dapat merugikan keuangan negara atau
perekonomian negara." (Everyone, both government
and private officials who unlawfully commit acts of
enriching themselves or corporations that can harm
the country's finances or the country's economy).
According to Montefiore and Vines (1999: 22),
“Integrity is the capacity to stick to one's fundamental
commitments or principles in the face of other
pressures.” Integrity is the basic ability of a person to
commit or strengthen himself when faced with
pressure conditions that coincide to make a decision
An important aspect of character integrity is
"Honesty and sensibility-a capacity to see truly and a
capacity to feel deeply-are ideally brought together in
a morally mature response to the world." (Montefiore
& Vines, 2005) The most important part of the value
of integrity is honesty and high sensibility.
The Ministry of Education and Culture then tries
to compile an Anti-Corruption Education lecture
module for tertiary institutions (Kemendikbud,
2013). Within these modules, 9 (nine) concepts of
integrity are compiled, namely, honesty, caring,
independence, discipline, responsibility, hard work,
simplicity, courage, and justice.
The dimensions of integrity values that form the
terms of reference in this study refer to honesty and
sensibility. The value of honesty is identified from
behavior that reflects transparency, independence,
discipline, responsibility, and hard work, while the
value of sensibility is identified from behavior that
reflects caring, simplicity, courage, and fairness.
Data is collected from Garuda Portal
( This portal contains
lots of research documents which have been done by
various higher education institution in Indonesia area.
3.1 Research Domain
The Concept of “integrity” was used to find out any
researches which have been published in 5 (five)
years ago, between 2014-2019. We have 106 research
from various major which can be accessed to gain full
article paper. For the following second step, we
separated again to choose for just social research, and
after that, we have just 93 test articles.
From the list, we acknowledged that academic
publication with “integrity” word within their tittles
not rooting from any major science. The implication
of integrity can be found from various points of view.
The discussion not only limited in law or social
science but also used in nature or physical science
such as construction, biology, nursing, medical term,
and others.
3.2 Discussion of Literature Review
The concept of integrity is often associated with
honesty. Individuals will accept individuals who have
good high integrity as great individuals (Macfarlane,
Zhang, & Pun, 2014). The individuals who have
integrity have sufficiently high mindfulness to
separate themselves. In social situations where many
people have a conflict of interest, people who have
high honesty will not find it difficult to refrain from
impulses to commit fraud. He will easily consider any
situation that he has to make a decision between main
rights and obligations when in the public sphere.
An understanding of the concept of integrity is in
line with understanding from the law. Integrity can be
comprehended as having a frame of mind regarding
or regarding the presence of others (Fielden & Joyce,
2008) is an intelligent outlook to perceive what is the
property of one's own and which is the property of
others or shared property. The suggestion will be
progressively entangled while the property put in
open space.
This study seeks to find important concepts of
public concern when researching by carrying out anti-
corruption issues. The word integrity is often used as
an antidote to corruption. In spite of the fact that the
issue of integrity can form into a few equivalent
words. In this paper, we need to attempt to explore by
just utilizing one idea of “integrity.”
3.2.1 Science Category
We listed the research articles one by one. Then we
examined it by using several concepts to create
subcategories. The results are quite interesting and
should be proposed to develop as the subject of
concern for academics.
Research publications on the subject of integrity
do not start from a solitary control of strength. The
concept of integrity can be investigated through