fastest-growing economic sectors in the world. De-
spite the global crisis, the number of international
tourist trips has continued to show positive growth.
On this basis, the government launched a national
tourism industry and destination development pro-
gram to target until 2025. It was a vacuum during the
Indonesian President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono's
administration, but since the issuance of government
regulation number 50/2011 during the President of
Joko Widodo’s administration the Special Economic
Zones commenced to resume as development model
for the income-generating sector through tourism ac-
tivities, and now Joko Widodo’s administration is in
the second period. The construction of tourism infra-
structure has been intensified again. The main market
is foreign tourists, especially in Asia. Indonesia in the
tourism industry competes with Malaysia and Thai-
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locations are in operation, and the rest are still in the
process of being proposed and determined. The
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still kept from local public attention in order to avoid
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planning. To achieve development goals, it is
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formulation must be considered strategically,
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