increase is intended to increase revenue or prioritize
the budget function, then to determine the tariff, in
this case, must consider carefully by looking at the
effective tax rate and marginal tax rate as set out in
the form of a laffer curve. Based on the theory formed
by the laffer curve, if the higher the tax rate, at some
level of the tariff at the beginning can cause income
on tax to increase. However, in this laffer curve, there
is an optimum point where precisely when the tariff
increases again above the optimum point, the income
on taxes will actually reverse. So, again as the initial
statement, if the purpose of the tariff adjustment is for
the function of the budgeter, then the selection of the
tariff rate must pay attention to its optimum point.
However, if for the regular function as in this case,
the tax rate can be raised as high as possible so that
tax revenue decreases which are directly proportional
to the decline in imports. If illustrated in the laffer
curve, the tariff determination of 7.5% and 10%
should have exceeded the optimum point, where by
passing the optimum point, the expected impact
would be to decrease income from Article 22 Income
Tax on these imports.
4.1.2 Analysis of Determination of Tires as
One of the Objects in the Income Tax
Rate Increase Article 22 Policy on
There are 1,147 types of goods which are subject to
an increase in Article 22 Income Tax. From 1,147,
types of goods are then divided into three groups of
types of tariffs, namely:
1. 1,719 types of goods that experienced an
increase from 2.5% to 7.5%.
2. 218 types of goods have increased from 2.5%
to 10%.
3. 210 types of luxury goods increased from 7.5%
to 10%.
Tires are one of the objects experiencing an
increase in Article 22 income tax tariff from 2.5% to
7.5%. In PMK No. 110 / PMK.010 / 2018, there are
26 HS Code types of tires, namely from HS
4011.10.11 to 4013.90.99, which are included as
tariff increase objects. Apart from the fact that tires
are one of the types of consumer goods, another
reason that the tires entered into the object of
increasing Article 22 of the Income Tax rate to 7.5%
is due to a surge in imports in early 2018 that reached
more than 100%. In fact, if compared to previous
years, this tire can be said to be successful in
suppressing imports by up to 50%. One of the causes
of the increase in import figures was that it was
allegedly due to the policy of eliminating import
recommendations from the Ministry of Industry as
stated in the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 6 of
2018 concerning Provisions on the Import of Tires.
The regulation of simplification issued by the
Minister of Trade actually triggers imports to rise.
However, in general, the increase in imports of tires
was not only influenced by the removal of
recommendations and shifts in the inspection. There
are several other factors which are allegedly causing
an increase in imports in early 2018 such as an
increase in imports that can also occur because in the
country there is an increase in the automotive
industry. The report of an increase in the industry
would certainly cause the need for tires as one of the
automotive components to increase.
Although it is not the only factor that can increase
imports, giving import recommendations to importers
in carrying out their activities is an important urgency
to pay attention to the government concerned.
Especially if it turns out that the policy issued by the
government can actually distort the effectiveness of
other government policies that cause dispute. The
technical ministry which deals with tire imports,
namely the Ministry of Industry, is more aware of the
condition of the tire industry, industry needs, and
domestic tire production. With the recommendation,
the technical ministry can have consideration
regarding the number of domestic tire needs that can
be imported. So, because the ministry has a mapping
of the number of needs and the number of imported
goods, the condition of more imported goods in the
country that can kill this industry should be
With regard to this phenomenon, finally, the
policy on this recommendation was reviewed and
reviewed so that in December 2018, the government
re-issued Permendag No. 117 of 2018 concerning the
Second Amendment to the Minister of Trade
Regulation No. 77 / M-DAG / PER / 11/2016
Regarding Provisions on the Import of Tires. In
Permendag No. 117 In 2018, giving
recommendations back into force and supervision
returned to the border. Based on Agus, Secretary
General of APBI, to avoid a long quilling time, the
supervision was also moved to the Bonded Logistics
Center. However, despite that, by continuing to
simplify the administration of importers, the
government which in this case is the Ministry of
Industry and integrated with INSW and INA-Trade
(Ministry of Trade) created a system for submitting
recommendations online. Then, because of the
absence of regulations regarding the transition period
for the treatment of importers who import while
applying rules of trade ministry (Permendag) No. 6 of