Collaboration of Power Suppliers in East Kalimantan using Single
Echelon Economic Dispatch
, Muslimin
and Samdito Unggul Widodo
Universitas Mulawarman
PT. PLN, Samarinda, Indonesia
Keywords: Transportation Problem, Economic Dispatch, Optimization, Electricity, Collaboration.
Abstract: The Transportation Model, which has been widely applied in the allocation and distribution of goods, has not
been able to be used for the allocation and distribution of electricity. This is because there are differences
between the electrical properties and the properties of the goods. The first difference is that electricity cannot
be saved; this difference causes excess production to be wasted. The second difference is that electricity must
always be available at all times. Power plant scheduling usually uses economic dispatch, but this model has
not considered optimization in transmission and distribution networks. Therefore, this research proposes a
new model called the Single Echelon Economic Dispatch (SEED). This model is a combination of the
transportation model and the economic dispatch model. This model is able to do a joint optimization between
the production and transmission/distribution sides. The SEED model is used to develop a collaboration
strategy between electricity suppliers in East Kalimantan. Simulation results with cost parameters: The best
collaboration when the load is low is PLN + IPP, while at the peak load, the best collaboration is the Joint of
all electricity suppliers.
East Kalimantan has four electricity suppliers,
namely PLN, IPP, Leasing, and Excess Capacity.
Each supplier has a different power plant
characteristic. These characteristics cause differences
in fuel costs and emissions (Mahdi et al., 2018;
Muslimin et al., 2019).
The level of fuel consumption is directly
proportional to the level of production, where more
electricity production, the more fuel is used. While
fuel costs and production levels are not directly
proportional but rather form a quadratic equation
(Bhattacharjee and Khan, 2018; Wahyuda et al.,
2018; Gani et al., 2019). The relationship between
variables in the fuel cost function is what causes the
optimization of fuel costs at the power plant to be
The level of production is influenced by the
amount of demand and the number of losses in the
transmission network. Losses are directly
proportional to distance, where the longer the
distance, the greater the losses that occur in the
transmission network. Determination of the level of
production is usually done by economic dispatch
2017; Zhou et al., 2017). However, the economic
dispatch model has not considered optimization on
the transmission side. Transmission side optimization
is used to reduce total production costs caused by the
long distance from the plant to the customer.
Therefore, this study proposes Single Echelon
Economic Dispatch, which is a model that is able to
do a combined optimization between the production
and transmission sides. The output of this model can
be used to determine the collaboration strategy
between electricity suppliers in East Kalimantan so
that a lower cost is obtained.
2.1. Single Echelon Transportation
The transportation model is first discussed in
(Hitchcock, 1941). In the article, a commodity can be
sent from various sources to various destinations.
This can be seen through the following picture:
Wahyuda, ., Muslimin, . and Widodo, S.
Collaboration of Power Suppliers in East Kalimantan using Single Echelon Economic Dispatch.
DOI: 10.5220/0009403700210028
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019), pages 21-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-434-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2.1. The basic concept of the transportation model is
m source n destination.
Figure 2.1 provides an illustration of how the
transportation model works. In general, the
transportation model divides the problem into two
groups, namely the source group and the destination
group. The source can consist of one or several
members, as well as Destination. The transportation
model used to calculate transmission costs can be
seen in (Pablo et al., 2009) illustrated in (Daskin,
1995) as follows:
= Supply capacity at source i
= Demand at point j.
= Shipping costs from source i to destination j.
= Number of items sent from source i to
destination j.
The main difference between transportation for
goods and transportation for electricity is the balance
between supply and demand. In the transportation
model for goods, suppliers are allowed to send goods
greater than demand, but in transportation for
electricity, suppliers must send goods as big as
demand or called equilibrium. This equilibrium point
is called the Balanced Transportation Problem (BTP)
(Sabbagh et al., 2015). The difference between the
two also occurs in the limits of supplier capacity. The
boundary for transporting goods is simpler than the
economic dispatch limit.
Figure 2.2. Three variations of the Balanced Transportation
Problem (BTP)
2.2. Model of Economic Dispatch
Economic dispatch was introduced since 1928. There
are 3 researchers who are considered as the originator
of the economic principle of the generator (Estrada,
1930; Stahl, 1931; Wilstam, 1928). The initial
economic dispatch is called the classic Economic
dispatch model. This model uses the concept of the
baseload method and the best point load method. How
it works, sort generator units based on the highest
efficiency level. Furthermore, generator scheduling is
given to the generating unit with the highest level of
efficiency, and so on until the last generating unit.
When there are differences in the characteristics
of each plant, the baseload technique becomes less
effective. Therefore, a new technique emerged known
as equal incremental cost. The main concern of this
technique is the characteristics of each different
generator. The way it works, the meeting point of all
generators is searched, and the optimal allocation is
made based on this meeting point. This equal
incremental cost technique is still used today. This
technique was introduced by (Steinberg & Smith,
1933). The advantage of this technique is that it can
provide a low total cost for all the plants involved in
the system. However, this initial model still has
shortcomings, namely the losses in the transmission
network have not been considered. One of the causes
of losses in transmission networks is the length of the
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
transmission network. The longer the transmission
distance, the greater the losses will occur. These
losses will ultimately affect the total cost of fuel
because the plant must produce more electricity than
the demand for compensation losses. Furthermore,
Economic dispatch that considers losses in the
network is introduced by (George et al., 1949). The
Economic Dispatch formula is as follows:
+ Losses 2.7
Transportation Model has advantages in the field of
distribution. The use of this model causes the total
shipping costs to be minimal. While the Economic
Dispatch model has an advantage in the field of
generator loading allocation or generator scheduling.
The use of economic dispatch models is able to create
a power plant scheduling that results in minimal fuel
costs. Combining the advantages of these two models
provides several advantages. First, the development
of a new transportation model called the Single
Echelon Economic Dispatch (SEED). Second, the
combined optimization between the generator side
and the distribution side. Conceptually, the
development of the SEED model can be seen in the
following figure:
Figure 3.1. Conceptual Model for Single Echelon
Economic Dispatch (SEED) development
Figure 3.1.a conceptually illustrates that the SEED
model is formed from two models, namely the
transportation model and the economic dispatch
model. Figure 3.1.b. is a conceptual model of the
transportation model. While Figure 3.1.c is an
economic dispatch conceptual model. In the same
way, both models are used for resource allocation.
While the difference is in the object faced, where
transportation is commonly used in people or goods
while ED is used in electricity. The nature of the two
objects is different. The main requirement for
electricity is in the form of an equation between the
supply side and the demand side. Therefore, another
approach used is the Balanced Transportation
Problem, as shown in Figure 2.2
Three types of BTP, as shown in Figure 2.2, are
variations of the transportation model application for
real cases. The three variations have the same
objective function, namely minimization of costs
(min z). While the difference between the three is the
model limitation. Cost is the sum of the shipping costs
per unit from each source i to destination j denoted by
multiplied by the number of items sent from source i
to destination j denoted by
The characteristics of the three variations of BTP
are used as a reference for the development of the
SEED model. Development is carried out by
combining several boundaries so that new variations
of BTP emerge. Furthermore, a merger with the
Economic Dispatch model was obtained to obtain the
SEED model. The result of merging BTP with
economic dispatch as in figure 3.2
Figure 3.2 Schematic of SEED formation
Collaboration of Power Suppliers in East Kalimantan using Single Echelon Economic Dispatch
The SEED model has the objective function of
minimizing fuel costs as well as in the economic
dispatch model. While the difference between them
lies in the coverage of the model. This can be seen
from the notation used. The basic model of economic
dispatch uses notation
which means the amount of
electricity produced at the generator i. Whereas the
SEED model uses notation
which means the
amount of electricity produced by the generator i sent
to destination j. If this scope is included in the
objective function, then this model is prepared to be
able to complete two tasks, namely production
optimization tasks, and simultaneous distribution
optimization tasks. As a guarantee of a feasible
solution, the SEED model is also equipped with three
4.1 Experiments
Experiments were carried out on five electricity
supplier cooperation scenarios. Scenario 1 only uses
PLN's power plants. Scenario 2 uses PLN's and IPP's
power plants. Scenario 3 uses PLN's power plants and
Leases. Scenario 4 uses PLN's power plant and
Excess Capacity. Scenario 5 uses PLN's power plants,
IPP, Leases, and Excess Capacity
4.1.1 Scenario 1
In this scenario, there are 11 PLN-owned power
plants that can be used to supply electricity demand.
This scenario has a supply of 346.6 MW. Demand at
low load is 194.9 MW while at peak load is 343.4
Table 4.1. SEED Model Simulation Results for scenario 1
Low Peak
P1 23.5 100.0 23.5 100.0
P2 16.0 100.0 16.0 100.0
P3 3.1 100.0 3.1 100.0
P4 3.6 100.0 3.6 100.0
P5 7.8 100.0 7.8 100.0
P6 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0
P7 56.8 87.5 65.0 100.0
P8 10.0 100.0 10.0 100.0
P9 2.4 100.0 2.4 100.0
P10 1.0 100.0 1.0 100.0
P11 56.8 28.4 199.2 99.6
Total 195.2 345.8
Based on table 4.1, there is a difference between
supply and demand. At low load, there is a difference
of 0.4 MW while at peak load, there is a difference of
2.4 MW. At low load, there are two power plants
whose production capacity is not used fully, namely
P7 and P11. Whereas during peak loads, only the P11
power plant does not have the entire production
capacity used.
4.1.2 Scenario 2
In scenario 2, there are 11 PLN-owned power plants
and 2 IPP plants that can be used to supply electricity
demand. This scenario has a supply of 523.6 MW.
Demand at low load is 194.9 MW while at peak load
is 343.4 MW.
Table 4.2. SEED Model Simulation Results for scenario 2
Low Peak
P1 19.4 82.7 23.5 100.0
P2 16.0 100.0 16.0 100.0
P3 3.1 100.0 3.1 100.0
P4 3.6 100.0 3.6 100.0
P5 7.8 100.0 7.8 100.0
P6 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0
P7 19.4 29.9 42.7 65.8
P8 8.5 85.1 10.0 100.0
P9 2.4 100.0 2.4 100.0
P10 1.0 100.0 1.0 100.0
P11 20.0 10.0 42.7 21.4
P24 20.7 25.2 82.0 100.0
P25 58.9 62.0 95.0 100.0
Based on table 4.2, there is a difference
between supply and demand. At low load, there is a
difference of 0.2 MW while at high load, there is a
difference of 0.6 MW. At low loads, there are six
power plants whose production capacity is not used at
all. Whereas during peak loads, there are two power
plants whose production capacity is not fully utilized.
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
4.1.3 Scenario 3
In scenario 3, there are 11 PLN-owned power plants
and five rental plants that can be used to supply
electricity demand. This scenario has a supply of
419.1 MW. Demand at low load is 194.9 MW while
at peak load is 343.4 MW
Table 4.3. SEED Model Simulation Results for scenario 3
Low Peak
P1 23.5 100.0 23.5 100.0
P2 16.0 100.0 16.0 100.0
P3 3.1 100.0 3.1 100.0
P4 3.6 100.0 3.6 100.0
P5 7.8 100.0 7.8 100.0
P6 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0
P7 28.9 44.5 65.0 100.0
P8 10.0 100.0 10.0 100.0
P9 2.4 100.0 2.4 100.0
P10 1.0 100.0 1.0 100.0
P11 28.9 14.5 125.1 62.5
P12 12.0 55.8 21.5 100.0
P13 32.5 81.3 40.0 100.0
P14 2.7 100.0 2.7 100.0
P15 5.7 100.0 5.7 100.0
P16 2.6 100.0 2.6 100.0
Based on table 4.3, there is a difference between
the amount of supply and demand. At low load, there
is a difference of 0.1 MW while at peak load, there is
a difference of 0.8 MW. At low loads, there are four
power plants whose production capacity is not used at
all. Whereas during peak loads there is only one
power plant whose production capacity is not fully
4.1.4 Scenario 4
In scenario 4, there are 11 PLN-owned power plants
and 5 Excess Capacity plants that can be used to
supply electricity demand. This scenario has a supply
of 391.4 MW. Demand at low load is 194.9 MW
while at peak load is 343.4 MW
Table 4.4. SEED Model Simulation Results for scenario 4
Low Peak
P1 23.5 100.0 23.5 100.0
P2 16.0 100.0 16.0 100.0
P3 3.1 100.0 3.1 100.0
P4 3.6 100.0 3.6 100.0
P5 7.8 100.0 7.8 100.0
P6 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0
P7 34.3 52.8 65.0 100.0
P8 10.0 100.0 10.0 100.0
P9 2.4 100.0 2.4 100.0
P10 1.0 100.0 1.0 100.0
P11 34.3 17.1 136.2 68.1
P17 6.8 100.0 6.8 100.0
P19 5.0 100.0 5.0 100.0
P20 22.0 100.0 22.0 100.0
P22 6.0 100.0 6.0 100.0
P23 5.0 100.0 5.0 100.0
Based on table 4.4, there is a difference between
the amount of supply and demand. At low load, there
is a difference of 0.13 MW while at peak load, there
is a difference of 1.04 MW. At low loads, there are
two power plants whose production capacity is not all
used. Whereas during peak loads, there is only one
power plant whose production capacity is not fully
4.1.5 Scenario 5
In scenario 5, there are 11 PLN power plants, 2 IPP
plants, five rental plants, and 5 Excess Capacity
plants, which can be used to supply electricity
demand. This scenario has a supply of 391.4 MW.
Demand at low load is 194.9 MW while at peak load
is 343.4 MW
Table 4.5. SEED Model Simulation Results for scenario 5
Low Peak
P1 14.0 59.6 19.5 82.9
P2 16.0 100.0 16.0 100.0
P3 3.1 100.0 3.1 100.0
Collaboration of Power Suppliers in East Kalimantan using Single Echelon Economic Dispatch
P4 2.0 55.6 3.6 100.0
P5 7.8 100.0 7.8 100.0
P6 8.3 58.2 14.2 100.0
P7 8.3 12.7 19.5 30.0
P8 7.0 70.0 8.5 85.5
P9 2.4 100.0 2.4 100.0
P10 1.0 100.0 1.0 100.0
P11 20.0 10.0 20.0 10.0
P12 12.0 55.8 12.0 55.8
P13 32.5 81.3 32.5 81.3
P14 2.7 100.0 2.7 100.0
P15 2.3 40.9 5.7 100.0
P16 2.6 100.0 2.6 100.0
P17 1.0 14.7 6.8 100.0
P19 0.0 0.0 5.0 100.0
P20 10.0 45.5 22.0 100.0
P22 1.0 16.7 6.0 100.0
P23 1.0 20.0 5.0 100.0
P24 20.0 24.4 32.8 40.0
P25 20.0 21.1 95.0 100.0
Based on table 4.5, there is a difference between
the amount of supply and demand. At low load, there
is a difference of 0.1 MW while at peak load, there is
a difference of 0.26 MW. At low loads, there are 60%
power plants whose production capacity is not used at
all. Whereas during peak loads there are only 30%
power plants whose production capacity is not fully
4.2 Analysis
The SEED model succeeded in scheduling a more
detailed power plant and distribution. Power plant
scheduling is done using the economic dispatch
model. In addition to scheduling a power plant, the
SEED model also simultaneously optimizes
distribution lines and losses as well as the goal of
minimizing total fuel costs. The total fuel cost is
influenced by the characteristics of the plant, the
amount of electricity demand, and losses in the
transmission/distribution network. The longer the
distance that must be traveled by electricity from the
generator to the customer, the greater the losses that
will occur. In this case, the losses on the
transmission/distribution network are affected by
Minimizing losses can be an effort to reduce total
fuel costs. However, minimizing losses does not
always produce the smallest total cost. This can occur
due to different generator characteristics. If the
electric power system has the same generator
characteristics, reducing losses will automatically
reduce the total fuel cost.
Based on experiments using five scenarios, it is
known that: Scenario 1: If losses can be minimized,
PLN's power plants are able to meet electricity
demand at low load and peak load. Electricity demand
during peak load is 343.4 MW, while the production
capacity of all PLN-owned power plants is 346.6
MW, meaning that if losses on the entire transmission
network can be reduced below 3.2 MW, the PLN-
owned power plant can serve demand at the time peak
load. However, if losses cannot be controlled, then the
electricity demand must be supplied from other plants
through a cooperation mechanism. Cooperation
between generators as electricity suppliers must be
calculated in detail. This is due to differences in the
characteristics and location of each power plant
owned by electricity suppliers. Differences in
generator characteristics cause differences in total
fuel costs and emissions.
Based on the simulation results for scenario 2,
cooperation between PLN's power plant and IPP can
supply electricity during low load and peak load. This
is because the combined production capacity of PLN
+ IPP is greater than the total demand and losses.
When the load is low, the production capacity of PLN
and IPP's power plants is used in a balanced manner.
During peak load, all IPP's power plant production
capacity is used, while PLN's power plant production
capacity is 55% used. Although the percentage of
PLN's power plant capacity usage is smaller, losses
and emissions generated are greater than IPP's.
In scenario 3, cooperation between PLN's power
plants and rental plants can meet electricity during
low and peak loads. As a percentage, the cooperation
between the two prioritizes the use of rental power
plants compared to PLN's power plants during peak
loads, the production capacity of rental plants is used
In scenarios 4 and 5, the same pattern is found.
Production priority is always given to the Excess
capacity generator. Even in scenario 4, both under
low load and peak load conditions, the Excess
Capacity generator is the main generator.
In general, it can be said that PLN's power plants
are the ones with the lowest fuel costs. This can be
seen in the utilization of plants, which are almost
always 100%. However, the production capacity of
PLN's power plants has never been used at 100%. In
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
the case of optimization with the objective function
of minimizing fuel costs, the use of production
capacity reaching 100% means that the power plant
becomes the main priority because it has the lowest
total fuel cost compared to other plants. Such
conditions are an impact of the characteristics of
power plants. This characteristic difference causes
P11 to be the only PLN-owned power plant, which is
the last choice in the allocation of loading because
this plant requires more expensive fuel costs. The use
of P11 generators is possible when serving peak
Based on the five scenarios above, determining
the best scenario depends very much on the
considerations used by the decision-maker. This is
because the selection of the best scenario based on the
lowest cost will increase emissions, and vice versa.
Not only that, but the best scenario based on cost
minimization also depends on the condition of the
electricity load during low load or peak load.
When the load is low, the best scenario is scenario
2. This scenario is the allocation of PLN and IPP's
power plant loading. Whereas during peak load, the
best scenario is scenario 5. Scenario 5 is the allocation
of loading with a combined power plant as the best
parameter is the smallest cost.
Table 4.6. Comparison Between Scenarios for Peak load
and low load conditions
Fuel Cost
1 215,377.36 96.59 0.36
2 125,097.58 99.02 0.21
3 170,404.88 90.43 0.10
4 133,922.78 96.18 0.13
5 173,085.63 174.39 0.10
Fuel Cost
1 1,374,744.50 185.59 2.36
35 169.42 0.64
91 165.75 0.80
72 166.78 1.04
97 320.58 0.26
Figure 4.1: Comparison between scenarios with parameters
Fuel costs and emissions under low load conditions
Figure 4.2: Comparison between scenarios with parameters
Fuel costs and emissions under Peak Load conditions
The SEED model is a new variation of the
transportation model. SEED is a combination of the
transportation model with the economic dispatch
model. The combination of these two models causes
the transportation model can be used for the
allocation of electricity production and distribution.
SEED is able to optimize the combination of
production and distribution. The output of the SEED
model is the allocation of power plants, the
distribution of electricity from a source to a
destination, the distance of electricity from the plant
to the customer, losses incurred by each plant and
In the case of the centralization of electricity using
the SEED model, the allocation of loading is divided
into two conditions, namely low load and peak load.
When the load is low, the best allocation of expenses
from a cost perspective is a collaboration between
PLN's power plant and IPP. However, this choice will
have an impact on increasing emissions and losses.
Collaboration of Power Suppliers in East Kalimantan using Single Echelon Economic Dispatch
The combination of these two plants generates greater
emissions and losses when compared to the other
three scenarios, namely scenario 1 (only using PLN's
power plant), scenario 3 (combined PLN and Lease),
and scenario 4 (combined PLN and EC). Whereas
during peak load, the best allocation of expenses from
the standpoint of costs and losses is when using
scenario 5, which is a combination of all power plants
belonging to all parties in the Mahakam system.
However, the selection of this scenario has the worst
impact on the environment because the emissions
produced are highest when compared to the other four
This research was funded by the Directorate of
Higher Education Ministry of National Education
Republic of Indonesia Fiscal Year 2019.
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ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology