Interdisciplinarity is becoming a key concept related
to the system, in order to fulfil greater objectivity. A
challenge found in this system is the need for
effective teamwork to focus necessary attention
towards stunting prevention. This can lead to
stagnancy and bottlenecks with barriers to the guiding
philosophy. Complexity can be simplified by firstly
simplifying any contradiction found (Aragrande and
Canali, 2015).
System-thinking is more than context itself. A
complex system acts as a staging area to elicit
thinking itself. Furthermore, an extension for this
system needs to be examined to create better, more
precise system-thinking (Deep, Pathan and Mitra,
This health design can relate between health
providers and health recipients the convergency that
needs to be generated to ensure that the design is
embodied and generated by health professionals
alongside design engineers (Pannunzio, Kleinsmann
and Snelders, 2019).
Stunting prevention is a combination of many aspects
and elements. Interconnections between the elements
are led into this system. This decision support system
can come through for screening in stunting
prevention. The reports on this system design are
expected to be used by health stakeholders, who can
use the reports in many aspects of healthcare.
The design of the system was formerly taken as part
of the IMERI Innovation Awards of 2019 and was
then developed into a research paper.
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