System Design Analysis for Stunting Prevention in Indonesia
Risnandya Primanagara
, Amri Tablighi
and Samuel Wiguna
Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Keywords: Stunting, Prevention, Decision Support, System Thinking, Mobile.
Abstract: Background: Stunting is becoming a worldwide problem; in Indonesia particularly, stunting is a national
concern. Basic Health Research Indonesia indicated that there are 30,8% children in Indonesia whose growth
is stunted. Indonesia deployed a National Strategy to urge Stunting Prevention in the period of 2018–2024 as
an intervention towards the growing trend of stunting problems. One of the key concepts in prevention is
effective screening of children’s growth. This concept leads to a screening system that can and should be
developed. Methods: A Stunting Screening Decision Support System was designed to maintain children’s
growth data. This system was designed using the system thinking approach, which allows many sources and
components, in addition to those built into the system. Analysis: The system is intended to be widely used by
healthcare professionals using mobile technology. The growth data can be aggregated therein and would be
reported hierarchically. The aggregated reports will be essential for stunting prevention and will help
healthcare stakeholders to find a solution to stunting prevention. Discussion: Stunting prevention is a
combination of many aspects and elements. A decision support system can be effective for screening and
prevention of stunting. Healthcare stakeholders can use the reports from this system in many healthcare-
related aspects.
Stunting is becoming a worldwide problem. In
Indonesia particularly, stunting is a national concern.
In 2013, Indonesia’s Basic National Health Research
stated that for toddlers under five years of age, there
was a 37.2% prevalence of stunting. Even though this
declined in 2018, reaching only 30.8%, this is still a
considerably high number. Similar declining also
showed that infants under two years of age had a
prevalence of 32.8% in 2013, which lowered to
29.9% in 2018.
Some points still provide a challenge to stunting
rates in Indonesia. The number of low birth rates
recorded in 2018 were 6.2%. Low birth length was
calculated at 22.7% in 2018. Complete Basic
Immunisation was low, with 9.2% not getting any
immunisations (Tim Nasional Percepatan
Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K), 2018).
Research findings on risk factors for stunting are
complicated and abundant. risk was reported, but not
limited to, calorie intake, illness duration, birth
weight, mother’s education and family income (Hadi
et al., 2019; Umar and Haryanto, 2019). Other
research shows that the reduction of poorer
households and effective health services are
improving stunting reduction for children under five
years of age (Rizal and van Doorslaer, 2019).
Maternal health, premature birth and exclusive
breastfeeding in the first six months, along with
sanitation are all risk factors. Different risks require
different approaches. Indonesia has different
demographics with a large disparity in the regions, so
interventions require a distinct approach between
provinces, regencies and cities (Beal et al., 2018).
To detect stunting, a grow chart created by the
World Health Organization is typically used in many
countries. In Indonesia, the grow chart used was is
provided in the KMS (Kartu Menuju Sehat) or Health
Target Card, but only the length for age or height for
age is used (Ohyver et al., 2017).
Indonesian people require adequate education,
and intervention is delivered through an internal
source. Therefore, a health cadre is involved in the
primary healthcare centre. A health cadre usually
consists of local citizens who live in the area and are
Primanagara, R., Tablighi, A. and Wiguna, S.
System Design Analysis for Stunting Prevention in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009421800530056
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (The 4th ICE on IMERI 2019), pages 53-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-433-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Design thinking on Stunting key aspect.
assigned to promote health in the area. They become
the main source of health information, including
information related to stunting issues. They develop
interpersonal communications among the citizens to
effectively ensure people’s use of healthcare
facilities. Good interpersonal communication can
promote rapid change in social behaviour
(Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2018a).
In addition to the existence of health cadres, an
information system is proposed to assist in stunting
prevention (Ohyver et al., 2017). IT-based
technology determines the ability of persons in an
organisation that could amplify, complement,
leverage and improve their capabilities. In this
modern era, IT is very useful in knowledge
management (Jain, 2009). This system is designed to
improve problem-solving and decision-making that
can in turn promote a better system (Kementerian
Kesehatan RI, 2018b). To build such a value-added
information system, a design-thinking approach is
used. This is due to the interconnection between
stakeholders that is hierarchically built (Barnes,
1.1 Aim
The system is designed to handle decision
management using mobile technology. This system
will be used by health cadres as the primary frontline
for the people, and the data collected will be
hierarchically used by stakeholders for stunting
prevention measures.
The data will also include risk factor analyses,
along with child nutritional statuses relevant to the
region. This information will determine which region
needs special awareness from the correlated
The Stunting Screening Decision Support System
was designed to maintain children’s growth data.
This system was designed using the system-thinking
approach. Usage of system-thinking is built using an
interdisciplinary approach to support and connect
intuitive and high-impact decisions. To be precise, a
system that could widely be accepted was designed
and noted in eight steps of system-thinking (Arnold
and Wade, 2015).
Furthermore, the eight steps on system-thinking
were applied towards five key aspects of stunting
prevention provided by the National Strategy for
Stunting Prevention to ensure all interconnection is
considered, including all possible risk factors. The
key process is shown in Figure 1.
This approach allows many sources and
components, in addition to built into the system. The
designed system allows the loop of knowledge
between stakeholders to be maintained. From the
convergence of the health cadres, the engineered
systems can be built to match the intended factors.
The 4th ICE on IMERI 2019 - The annual International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute
Figure 2: Interconnections between aspects.
Figure 3: Mock-up of the system design.
2.1 Applications Mock-up
The interconnection between the stunting
environment was analysed and described in Figure 2.
The system is intended to be widely used by health
cadres through the use of mobile technology. The
cadre is designated to be a frontline for the people to
ensure the sustainability of the system. Furthermore,
a hierarchical assessment can be made from
appropriate stakeholders, so the system can be used to
make effective decisions in the prevention of
A mock-up of the system can be found in Figure
3, where the system design is delivered and the
variables are used. The design is intended to enable
the assessment of information from gathered data in
order to be a hierarchically designed Decision
Support System.
System Design Analysis for Stunting Prevention in Indonesia
Interdisciplinarity is becoming a key concept related
to the system, in order to fulfil greater objectivity. A
challenge found in this system is the need for
effective teamwork to focus necessary attention
towards stunting prevention. This can lead to
stagnancy and bottlenecks with barriers to the guiding
philosophy. Complexity can be simplified by firstly
simplifying any contradiction found (Aragrande and
Canali, 2015).
System-thinking is more than context itself. A
complex system acts as a staging area to elicit
thinking itself. Furthermore, an extension for this
system needs to be examined to create better, more
precise system-thinking (Deep, Pathan and Mitra,
This health design can relate between health
providers and health recipients the convergency that
needs to be generated to ensure that the design is
embodied and generated by health professionals
alongside design engineers (Pannunzio, Kleinsmann
and Snelders, 2019).
Stunting prevention is a combination of many aspects
and elements. Interconnections between the elements
are led into this system. This decision support system
can come through for screening in stunting
prevention. The reports on this system design are
expected to be used by health stakeholders, who can
use the reports in many aspects of healthcare.
The design of the system was formerly taken as part
of the IMERI Innovation Awards of 2019 and was
then developed into a research paper.
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The 4th ICE on IMERI 2019 - The annual International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute