Rasi (Cassava Rice) as an Authentic Product of Cireundeu
in Supporting Gastronomic Tourism
Titing Kartika and Khoirul Fajri
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata YAPARI, Bandung Indonesia
Keyword: Rasi, Kampung Adat Cireundeu, Gastronomic Tourism
Abstract: This study aims to identify how Rasi (Cassava Rice) as an authentic product for Cireundeu Traditional Village
can strengthen aspects of gastronomic tourism. The people of Cireundeu Traditional Village, located in
Cimahi City, have a habit of consuming Rasi hereditary. Until now the habit is still ongoing even though not
all people can continue this habit. A qualitative approach was taken in this study to explore besides Rasi as a
product of the local community as well as to know from the viewpoint of local wisdom values. During its
development, Rasi is not only made as a substitute for rice but is also used in making diversification of other
food products such as cakes that can be consumed by the wider community. It is hoped that this research will
educate visiting tourists that Cireundeu not only offers nature, arts and culture, but can introduce Rasi as part
of gastronomic cultural identity.
Indonesia has a diversity of cultures as a result of the
diversity of ethnic groups that inhabit this region. The
culture includes traditional technological systems,
customs, and so on. Among the diversity, one
interesting cultural outcome is the diversity of food
types. In this context, matters relating to food
ingredients and processing cannot be separated from
belief systems and social cultural systems.
Food is not merely a living organic product with
biochemical qualities, but food can be seen as a
cultural phenomenon. Cultural symptoms of food are
formed due to various views of life of the people. In
general, the staple food of most Indonesian people is
rice. It is different with indigenous peoples in
Cireundeu . Cirendeu, one of Indonesia’s traditional
villages, was chosen since one of its uniqueness is its
people’s staple food namely Rasi, a type of food made
of cassava.
Cireundeu is a traditional village in Cimahi, a
suburb of Bandung, West Java. Located in the valley
of Mount Kuci, Mount Cimenteng and Mount
Gajahlangu. Most of the villagers adhere to a
traditional belief called Sunda Wiwitan.
2.1 Tourism Village
There are several views that food and culture are
inseparable from human life. The presence of local
food is a reinforcement in developing gastronomic
tourism which is currently being developed by the
Government of Indonesia. Based on the data of The
Indonesia Tourism Ministry, 2016) distribution of
Indonesia's national tourism products, there is natural
potential (35%), Culture (60%) and Man-made or
special interests as much as 5% (Indonesian Tourism
Ministry, 2019)
Concerning on cultural aspects there are types of
historical tourism, local cultural traditions (40%),
culinary and spa tours (25%) and City and Village
tours (35%). This shows that culinary makes an
important contribution in the development of national
With the diversity of tribes and customs in
Indonesia, then the diversity of local food is important
to be presented in a series of gastronomic tourism in
Indonesia. This also reinforces the concept of a tourist
village with its own unique value.
Conceptually, tourism village is a rural area that
offers the whole atmosphere of village authenticity
including its social-economy life, socio cultural life,
Kartika, T. and Fajri, K.
Rasi (Cassava Rice) as an Authentic Product of Cireundeu in Supporting Gastronomic Tourism.
DOI: 10.5220/0009430600670071
In Proceedings of the 1st NHI Tourism Forum (NTF 2019) - Enhancing Innovation in Gastronomic for Millennials, pages 67-71
ISBN: 978-989-758-495-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
daily life, and having local potentials to be develop as
tourism component such as attraction, culinary,
accommodation, and other tourism needs. The
requirement to be a tourism village should imply the
following condition: (1) good accessibility, (2)
having interesting object of tourism, (3) acceptance
from host society and government (4) guaranteed
security, (5) Availability of accommodation,
telecommunication facilities, and human resource (6)
having a good climate , (7) interconnected with other
tourist objects and well known by the people
(Priasukmana and Mulayadin, 2001). In addition, a
tourism village is a rural area that offers authenticity
in terms of social, cultural, customs, daily life,
traditional architecture, village spatial structure
presented in a form of integration of the tourism
component, such as, attractions, accommodation, and
supporting facilities others (Zakaria and Suprihardjo,
2014). Traditional food is another aspect that that
cannot be separated in tourism in the development of
the tourism village. Moreover, traditional cuisine
reflects the history and culture of the area and can be
used as an attraction for many tourists (Agoes et al.,
2.2 Food and Gastronomy
Perspective view of food culture is not something that
is seen solely associated with physiological and
biological aspects of humans but thoroughly absorbed
in a system of food culture (Fadhilah, 2014). Food is
one of the important things in the cultural life of
certain destination. From the economic perspective,
eating, culinary is a psychological economic
necessity, where almost 100% travelers spending
money for meals where they go for vacation or travel
(Yurtseven et al., 2011).
Food culture system includes production,
distribution, and consumption of food in which the
implied primary fulfillment of human needs, social
culture as well as in order to sustain life and improve
the well-being of self, family, community and are
exposed to natural environmental resources (Sabana,
Gastronomy is the relationship between culture
and food in studying the cultural component with
food as its center (culinary arts). The scope does not
only look at food in terms of cultural understanding
and assets for the region (Nurwitasi, 2015). The Local
food research becomes very important in gastronomic
tourism because food will be a strengthening of local
culture (Kartika and Harahap, 2019)
Meanwhile food is not just something that can be
eaten. In the social environment food has the value of
other functions and meanings (Danesi, 2011). This
value is seen from the economic aspects, collective
values, health values and cultural values. Related to
the study of Rasi, of course these aspects can be
violated in the discussion points.
The researchers use qualitative approach, because the
data is in the form of history and values applied in the
community. Data was collected by doing interview,
observation, and documentation. This study also uses
references from several other sources to obtain
secondary data. The data is then used by researchers
to produce accurate data. In this study, researchers
also sought to gather various information related to
the consumption of Rasi's special food, as an
authentic product for the indigenous people of
Cireundeu related to strengthening gastronomic
4.1 Location
The location of the study, located in Cireundeu
Customary Village, Leuwigajah Village, Cimahi
Selatan District, Cimahi City, West Java. Cireundeu
village consists of fifty heads of families or around
700 residents who work as cassava or cassava
pentani. The center of the Cireundeu Village is
located in RT 10. Many traditional activities are
carried out in a building called the Paseban or Balai
Figure 1: Location Map of Cireundeu Village
Source: repository.uinjkt
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
4.2 History of Cireundeu
The name of the village of Cireundeu is derived from
the name of the tree, "Reundeu Tree", formerly the
Reundeu Tree has a lot of population in this village
but at this time it is getting less because the land is
turned into agricultural land. Reundeu tree is a tree for
the basic ingredients of herbal medicine. Therefore,
the village which is located in Leuwi Gajah Village is
called Cireundeu Village.
The people of Cireundeu Village adhere to their
own beliefs, by upholding the faith known as sunda
wiwitan, but the other term is the religion of the life
of trust in God the Almighty. They really believe that
God has created this nature and nature has given them
life with a variety of natural wealth owned, ranging
from fruits, vegetables, and tubers to the present.
They are always consistent with the nature of carrying
out the teachings of belief and continue to preserve
the culture and customs that have been passed down
from their ancestors.
Initially, the Cireundeu Village Community used
rice as its main food. The reason for turning into
cassava as a staple food was because during the Dutch
colonial period there was a shortage of food
especially rice. Therefore, followers of these beliefs
are required to fast by replacing rice with cassava rice
or what is now known as rasi for an unlimited time.
The purpose of fasting is to immediately free
physically and mentally, test the beliefs of the
followers of the flow of belief and they always
remember the Almighty God.
They have a principle of life ' Ngindung Ka
Waktu, Mibapak Ka Jaman’ meaning that “Ngindung
Ka Waktu” as indigenous peoples have the means,
characteristics and beliefs of each. While “Mi Bapak
ka Zaman”' has the meaning of the Village
Community Cireundeu not closed to development
Another guideline adopted by the Cireundeu
people is “Teu Nyawah Asal Boga Pare, Teu Boga
Pare Asal Boga Beas, Teu Boga Beas Asal Bisa
Nyangu, Teu Nyangu Asal Dahar, Teu Dahar Asal
Kuat.” Meaning that “no rice fields as long as you
have rice, no rice as long as you can cook rice, no rice
as long as you eat, don't eat as long as it's strong”
Figure 2: Guideline of Cireundeu People
Source: KKN STIEPAR, 2019
4.3 History of Rasi (Cassava Rice)
The most distinctive aspect of Cireundeu traditional
village is the villagers’ habit to make ‘rasi’ as their
staple food, instead of rice. As we know that staple
food of most of the Indonesian people is rice, but in
this area, it is a taboo to consume rice as a staple food.
Furthermore, Rasi also becomes a symbol of the long
history of Cireundeu villagers to survive and also to
keep their pride as independent citizens (Sharif et al.,
2016) reported that this is what attractive about
traditional food when it is not merely tradition, but it
further becomes a symbol of their heritage,
trademark, and sustainable cultural values.
The shift of the staple food of Kampung
Cireundeu from rice to cassava began around 1918,
on the grounds that they held fast to their ancestral
discourses since the Dutch colonial period in 1918.
Only a change in the term from what was originally
called sanguen and now become rasi (cassava rice). It
is said that in 1924 the elders of Cireundeu Village
considered that the sanguen name was not rational, so
it was changed to Rasi. Actually, the ancestors of
Kampung Cireundeu did not reject rice, but they had
their own unfortunate history with rice plants.
During the Dutch colonial era, paddy fields
planted with rice suddenly dried up, while the supply
of rice from the Dutch government at that time was
very difficult. In the midst of a very difficult time, the
people of Kampung Cireundeu began to think about
finding a way out. The people of Cireundeu Village
began to accustom themselves to consuming cassava,
which was preceded by the issuance of the bible
which basically asked the community to postpone
consuming rice and switch to tubers until the speech
was attached and preserved by the people of
Cireundeu Village until now.
Most of the livelihoods of the people of Kampung
Cireundeu are cassava farmers and tubers. In
addition, in the past, the ancestors of the people of
Kampung Cireundeu had predictions about future
Rasi (Cassava Rice) as an Authentic Product of Cireundeu in Supporting Gastronomic Tourism
conditions or were referred to as "Engke mah
Bandung, the heurin ku tangtung." (Later Bandung
will be full of buildings), which means the next few
years in the city of Bandung, especially rice fields
will switch functions into dwellings, offices and other
public places. So they look for alternative foods so
that their children and grandchildren will not have to
experience these difficulties. To anticipate this, the
ancestors of Kampung Cireundeu suggested not to
depend on rice staples.
The business of choosing staples that can replace
rice took six years and for six years they tried all kinds
of crops such as beans, sweet potatoes and others until
finally cassava was chosen. Because cassava can be
planted during the dry season or the rainy season and
the nutrient content between rice and cassava is even
Since 1918 the ancestors of Cireundeu replaced
paddy fields with land that was replaced by land
planted with cassava land. Therefore the people of
Cireundeu process cassava tubers into constellations
and their leaves are processed into vegetables, the
community starts consuming cassava and replaces
rice as a staple food.
4.4 The Stages of Making Rasi
Rasi is cassava which is processed in such a way that
it becomes like rice. Processing through several
stages, namely cassava smoothed with a grinder or
grated. Then, cassava that has been mashed, then
washed and deposited for several days. After that,
cassava that has been deposited, dried in the sun for
two to three days. Finally cooked cassava, like
cooking rice, and become constellations.
Constellations have been a staple food for the people
of Kampung Cireundeu until now.
The dedication of Abu Omoh as the the founder
of the Rasi, which was able to make the people of
Cireundeu not dependent on one food, namely rice is
highly appreciated. From her ideas until now, the
people of Cireundeu Village feel the fruits of the idea
of the struggle for independence physically and
spiritually born from Abu Omoh, as one of the most
influential women in Cireundeu Village.For how to
make it, the first thing to make Rasi is to pull out the
cassava first after that it is peeled and paruded (a and
b) until smooth and washed thoroughly (c) and
squeezed (d) after being squeezed in the aci drying
until a day after dry, lifted and crushed until
powdered and soft after sifting and then made into a
dough and steamed until cooked for a maximum of
five minutes (e and f)
Figure 3: Process of Making Rasi
Source: KKNSTIEPAR 2019
4.5 Rasi as an Authentic Product
Rasi is a local food of the Cireundeu which is sourced
from cassava. In terms of meaning, Rasi has meaning
of an economic, collective, health and cultural
perspective. Economically, Rasi was able to improve
the economy of the local community. Society does
not only depend on rice alone. In addition to being
used as staple food, the people of Cireundeu Village
make various kinds of processed cassava with the
name Serba Singkong” or we call multivariance of
Serba Singkong is a place for Cireundeu women
community to express their talents on cooking
creations. “Serba Singkong” was founded since 2010.
Another product diversification from cassava are
eggroll, cat's tongue, cheese stick, awug, egg noodles,
cassava noodles, onion chips, cassava skin jerky and
Cireng. The most popular product for visitors is
eggroll, because this product now has a sweet and
savory blend of crispy texture. Those products from
cassava are sold through cooperatives and produced
At present the indigenous people deliberately
limit the sale of Rasi and its processed products to
Cireundeu. The aim is that those who are interested in
processed products come directly to Cireundeu and
they can learn more about cultural values and see the
production process.
In terms of collective values, Rasi is a local
wisdom for the people of Cireundeu. Another use is
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
that the Cireundeu community has built food security
and is not dependent on rice. From the health side,
Rasi has high protein and lower sugar levels
compared to rice (Sunyoto and Yuliana, 2016). It is
very well consumed by people who have a medical
history of diabetes. Meanwhile from the cultural
values, Rasi has built a strong local cultural identity
and cannot be found in another place.
Referring to the above description, Rasi as an
authentic product of the Cireudeu is very supportive
in the effort to develop gastronomic tourism in
Cireunde as one of traditional village in West Java has
some uniqueness in term of of villager’s habit in
consuming Rasi (Cassva Rice). This condition
explains that the staple food is not only from rice, but
also can use other alternatives, such as Rasi that has
been applied by the people of Cireundeu until now.
Seeing from its history, that people want to have the
independence physically and mentally, because rice
at that time was a monopoly from the Netherlands.
The indigenous people of Cireundeu consider that
along with the times, population growth has
increased, causing rice fields to turn into tall
buildings. These developments will occur rapidly and
will displace the existence of plantation and
agricultural land such as rice fields, which produce
staples for human consumption. So they took the
initiative to preserve and cultivate Rasi until the
future generations.
By consuming Rasi, in terms of health even better,
because the level of glucose is low, thereby reducing
the possibility of developing diseases such as
diabetes. Rasi is an important food for the indigenous
people of Cireundeu because it is a staple food that
cannot be replaced, because they want to pass down
the noble values of their ancestors. In terms of local
wisdom, the people of Cireundeu have characteristics
in both staple foods and processed foods that make
their identities different from others. Cireundeu also
received awards from the central and local
governments, regarding food security. So, it is not
surprising that Cireundeu Village, due to its unique
culture and food security, is an attraction for local and
international tourists and makes Rasi an authentic
product in supporting gastronomic tourism.
We would like to thanks the government of Cimahi
who has given chance the team to do the research in
Cireundeu. Moroever the students of Sekolah Tinggi
Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Yapari Bandung (KKN
Program 2019) for collecting the data. And Also
Sesepuh from Kampung Adat Cireundeu who are
helfull in informing the data during the research.
The Indonesian Tourism ministry
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Rasi (Cassava Rice) as an Authentic Product of Cireundeu in Supporting Gastronomic Tourism