that the Cireundeu community has built food security
and is not dependent on rice. From the health side,
Rasi has high protein and lower sugar levels
compared to rice (Sunyoto and Yuliana, 2016). It is
very well consumed by people who have a medical
history of diabetes. Meanwhile from the cultural
values, Rasi has built a strong local cultural identity
and cannot be found in another place.
Referring to the above description, Rasi as an
authentic product of the Cireudeu is very supportive
in the effort to develop gastronomic tourism in
Cireunde as one of traditional village in West Java has
some uniqueness in term of of villager’s habit in
consuming Rasi (Cassva Rice). This condition
explains that the staple food is not only from rice, but
also can use other alternatives, such as Rasi that has
been applied by the people of Cireundeu until now.
Seeing from its history, that people want to have the
independence physically and mentally, because rice
at that time was a monopoly from the Netherlands.
The indigenous people of Cireundeu consider that
along with the times, population growth has
increased, causing rice fields to turn into tall
buildings. These developments will occur rapidly and
will displace the existence of plantation and
agricultural land such as rice fields, which produce
staples for human consumption. So they took the
initiative to preserve and cultivate Rasi until the
future generations.
By consuming Rasi, in terms of health even better,
because the level of glucose is low, thereby reducing
the possibility of developing diseases such as
diabetes. Rasi is an important food for the indigenous
people of Cireundeu because it is a staple food that
cannot be replaced, because they want to pass down
the noble values of their ancestors. In terms of local
wisdom, the people of Cireundeu have characteristics
in both staple foods and processed foods that make
their identities different from others. Cireundeu also
received awards from the central and local
governments, regarding food security. So, it is not
surprising that Cireundeu Village, due to its unique
culture and food security, is an attraction for local and
international tourists and makes Rasi an authentic
product in supporting gastronomic tourism.
We would like to thanks the government of Cimahi
who has given chance the team to do the research in
Cireundeu. Moroever the students of Sekolah Tinggi
Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Yapari Bandung (KKN
Program 2019) for collecting the data. And Also
Sesepuh from Kampung Adat Cireundeu who are
helfull in informing the data during the research.
The Indonesian Tourism ministry
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