The English language is also neatly structured with
accurate pronunciation. On the other hand, the usually
spontaneous Mehr was seen several times hesitant to
talk to strangers. Mehr was worried that the language
she used was not well organized. This makes it
difficult to find ideas or ideas to talk about. Though
usually, Mehr is spontaneous in speaking, fluent in
expressing her heart and opinion. It is precisely
Mahira who tends to be quiet and be a good listener.
If seen from the achievements in elementary
school, both have achievements that are not much
different. Both have experienced entering the top
three and the top ten. However, in daily life, Mehr
prefers to tell stories and share jokes with family
members to make family members laugh. While
Mahira will listen and tend to be quiet and not talk
much but likes to read.
The description above is a description of
individual differences that affect the way of learning
a foreign language (in this case English) and
expressing language. As explained in the sub-
literature review about Julie. She obtained her second
language even in a very natural way and only lasted 5
years from the first age she learned her second
language. In the conclusion that Julie is a naturalistic
learner / person who learn tha second language it’s
mean foreign language for her without formal
situation. Julie is a unique individual who acquires
her second language naturally which does not require
formal instruction in mastering Arabic language skills.
At that time she was only 26 years old. So only about
5 years, she learned Arabic naturally. She also has
good pronunciation and excellent communicative
abilities. Schmidt explained that Julie noted what she
had to do to master Arabic (in this case) by looking at
the needs factor. (Schmidt, 2012)
According to the discussion above that metalinguistic
awareness and individual differences it’s mean
individual language learner have a role in the growth
of language skills in children and it’s impact on
foreign language learning. There are two individual
in this research that have been an object on this paper,
reflective and impulsive. Impulsive is someone who
likes to do things quickly or spontaneously and
reflective otherwise requires time to think before
doing something. But in some case that reflective is
quieter and impulsive is quickly but some times that
reflective more quieter than impulsive and impulsive
more quicker than reflective. Therefore basically
every individual has different potential and different
ways to learn a foreign language.
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