is the absorption of European aesthetic styles that are
implemented through lifestyles, especially the choice
of objects. Even though it is still limited in big cities,
this phenomenon shows the openness of the culture
of the people in the archipelago to absorb new cultural
trends and the tendency to absorb modern images.
(Sachari, 2010)
The graphic design style of the Indies developed
in the colonial period of the Dutch East Indies and
experienced the peak of its artistic development in the
1930s. The design style developed by Dutch graphic
designers is a combination of modern design styles
that developed in Europe in the early 20th century
with visual art which is a product of local culture.
(Arif, 1999) As a final conclusion, from the analysis
of artifacts in a work, a hotel architectural drawing in
the Dutch East Indies colonial period reflects the style
of a zeitgeist era which can be read from formal
elements such as images, sizes, visual styles, colors,
printing techniques, and others.
The development of the use of promotional
luggage label at that time was a way of introducing
the colonial to offer eastern Indian exoticato
European and American travelers. According to
Sunjayadi in his book discussing the history of
tourism in the Dutch East Indies, the promotion of
tourism coordinated by the Dutch East Indies tourism
association Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer (VTV),
was one of the steps taken to represent colonial
colonies. (Sunjayadi, 2007)
The description of indies architecture is a
reflection of moderism strengthening the modernist
ethos by combining indigenous architectural
elements so as to create a distinctive Indonesian
modern architecture, a search for new architectural
styles, a style that represents the Dutch Indies cultural
identity. The spirit of the era will also be seen in the
visualization display. There are luggage label images
that are not only appearing as objects of visual
language, not merely the result of contemplation of
graphic designers but at the same time showing their
ability to appreciate and present the factual conditions
of their time in visual works general is the absorption
of the European aesthetic style which is implemented
through the depiction of the architecture of the hotel,
even though it is still limited to large cities, this
phenomenon shows the openness of the culture of the
people in the archipelago to absorb new cultural
trends and their existence into the tendency to absorb
modern images. (Sachari, 2007).
The final object of graphic works that use the
hotel's architectural icons, has given birth to a
monumental, nostalgic, and valuable historical and
historical documentation. Hotel architectural luggage
label images, which by contemporary times are more
closely labeled as icons, are capable of being a marker
of a city's locality. The product of luggage label
drawings of his time has now ended its task as a
promotional media running, now it has become a rare
item and commodities that are traded solely in the
name of economic value.
The application of visual forms of hotel
architecture is not only a marker and an imprinted era
but also as a form of artistic responsibility of artists
who are critical and able to bring insight as a marker
of changing times. The power of civilization through
the art of printing luggage label has
marked visual culture, which is now better known
as the Indis Graphic style.
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De Indische Courant, 27 Februari 1932