Study area has potential mass-movements, such as
landslides. It threats to the civilization below the
slopes. But study area also potential with special
interest of ancient volcanological tourism. Land
conservaton and developing heritages (land, culture
and geology) is designed following the natural
resources and their potential movements. Terracings
are chosen to be developed at study area. Those are
designed by sloping landscape into 20-35
, to obtain
slope stability under safety factor of 1.5-1.8.
Our greetings attend to the Ministry of Research
and High Education (RISTEKDIKTI) which was
funding the research by the first and second years of
Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi
(PTUPT Scema) on 2018-2019. Special gratitudes
tend to the goverment of Bantul Regency, the head
and staff of Wukirsari, the Giriloyo and Cengkehan
communities, POKDARWIS, as well as FORCIB
ARYABHATA, who have provided the research
facilities, accompanied the research and gave a
variety of very warm supports. A big appreciation is
supervised to LPPM IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta for
the opportunities to reach the PTUPT grant.
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