quality of marriage life and happiness, yet positively
correlated with experiencing conflict and having an
intention to divorce (Valenzuela, Halpern, Katz,
2014). In addition to that, Indonesia also experienced
the same phenomenon. The Manna Religious Court,
Bengkulu Province, recorded the divorce rate as of
the middle of this year reaching 447 cases, and most
of them were triggered by the unwise use of social
media (Sairun, 2018 retrieved from
This kind of case also happened in Aceh – the only
Indonesian Province practicing Sharia Law officially,
The Aceh Syariah Court, stated that divorce cases
throughout Aceh Province in 2018 increased by 13,11
percent compared to the previous year, where there
were at least 4,917 cases in 2017 then increased to
5,562. Through the preliminary interviewed with one
of the staff from Aceh Syariah Court, it’s well-
informed that the most commonly reported major
contributors for separation sequentially are domestic
violence, financial problems, continuous arguments
and disputes. Marital infidelity might not occur as the
major contributors as mentioned above but it always
appears in the trial as the major cause of the
continuous conflict between the married couple. The
same opinion was expressed by Scott, Rhoades,
Stanley, Allen & Markman (2013) who mentioned
that the marital infidelity became the second most
reasons for divorce.
Marital infidelity goes by any name cheating,
being unfaithful, being dishonest or having an affair
is a violation of a couple’s assumed or stated contract
regarding emotional and or sexual exclusivity
(Weeks, Gambescia & Jenkins, 2003). While Leeker
& Carlozzi (2012) defined it as a violation according
to the subjective feeling that one’s partner has
violated a set of marital norms. To conclude, digital
technology – innumerable social media platform,
have made infidelity far more accessible than it’s ever
been. Therefore, considering the enormous impact on
marriage sustainability, the research related to Social
Media and Marital Infidelity is significant, especially
to provide an empirical evidence related to this topic.
1.1 Research Objectives
The main purpose of this study is to investigate on
how social media leads into marital infidelity. The
author of this study divided the research objective
into two:
a. General Objectives: to identify factors that could
lead to marital infidelity
b. Specific Objectives: to assess the knowledge,
attitude and practice of the participants towards
social media and marital infidelity.
1.2 Research Questions
This paper aims to provide an answer to those
research objectives by these following research
questions, which are:
1) What causes marital infidelity through social
media in the first place?
2) What is the definition of marital infidelity through
social media according to the subject?
3) What are the forms of disloyalty behavior might
be generated through social media? And how is
the experience?
2.1 Marital Infidelity
Marital infidelity might not a new subject to the
western world, but there are only a few kinds of
literature could be found here in Indonesia or in any
Asia studies. It might happen because the topic is still
considered taboo by the community. Therefore, the
discussion regardless of this topic is worth to be
studied. Marital Infidelity can be defined as
unfaithfulness by virtue of being unreliable and
cheating on the spouse that takes place despite a
commitment to exclusiveness (Zare, 2011). While
according to Moller &Vossler (2015) marital
infidelity can be anything that involves emotional or
sexual act which violates the commitment of the
primary relationship. According to Schneider, Weiss,
R., & Samenow (2012), there are three different types
of marital infidelity for instance:
a. Emotional infidelity: type of infidelity that
involves deep feeling and a deep bond for another
person. This could involve lustful thoughts of that
person. Example: sneaking around and lying to
your partner about spending quality time with
another partner
b. Sexual Infidelity: type of infidelity involves
physical and sexual involvement with another
person. Basically having sexual relations or
engaging in the act of sex with someone other than
their spouse.
c. Cyber Infidelity happened when someone is
physically and emotionally attracted to people
online. People who flirting with other people
online and even having an online affair.
Social Media and Marital Infidelity