to deal with conflict. The four dimensions are
control, origin and ownership, reach, and erdurance.
Policewomen who have control aspects, will manage
the difficulties they face in carrying out their dual
roles as workers and housewives. Besides the
aspects of origin and ownership owned by Polwan
can help be responsible in facing difficulties arising
when carrying out both roles. While reach and
endurance, is one aspect of adversity quotient that
can help individuals to focus on each role that is
carried out in order to continue to provide good
results and remain optimistic despite facing work
family conflicts. If individuals who have a dual role
as workers and housewives have a high level of
adversity quotient, then aspects of adversity quotient
can help Polwan to minimize work family conflif
According to Stoltz (2000) there are three levels
of a person in facing each challenge. First,
individuals who easily give up (guiter), namely as
individuals who like to avoid obligations and are
easily discouraged. The two people who camp
(campers), namely individuals who have tried a little
later easily feel satisfied for what he achieved. The
three individual climbers who are resilient with all
the risks they face will be able to solve all their
problems well. they not only learn from challenges
but they even respond to it to get better (pp.18-20).
Based on the results of research that has been done,
it can be concluded that there is a very significant
negative relationship between adversity quotient
with work family conflict in female police who work
at MAPOLDA Aceh. This is evidenced by the
results of the Pearson Product Moment correlation r
= -0,419 with p = 0,000 (p <0.05). That is, the higher
the adversity quotient of mothers who work as
policewomen, the lower the work family conflict, or
conversely the lower the adversity quotient of
mothers who work as policewomen, the higher the
work family conflict that occurs. The relative
contribution of the two variables shows the value of
r Square (r2) = 0.175 meaning that there is a 17.5%
effect of adversity quotient with work family
conflicts on female police (Polwan), while another
82.5% work family conflict is influenced by factors
other than adversity quotient .Work family conflict
experienced by working mothers if not handled
properly will have a negative impact on individuals,
families, and the environment. Work family
conflicts can cause individuals to not function
normally and will hinder the process of
implementing a job and can also cause work stress
and family stress.
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