The Relationship between Adversity Quotient and Work Family
Conflict on Police Women in Mapolda based in Aceh
Siti Zulaikha, Muhammad Nasir, Iyulen Pebry Zuanny
Psychology Faculty, Islamic Psychology University (UIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Work Family Conflict, Female Police
Abstract: Work family conflict is a phenomenon that often occurs and cannot be avoided by individuals, even by
mothers who work as female police officers. The involvement of mother’s job role will bring difficulties to
fulfill the roles in the family and vice versa. It takes an ability to overcome tricky situations to avoid work
family conflict. Adversity quotient is the ability of a person to survive in facing all difficulties until they
find a better solution to solve various problems by changing the way of thinking and attitude towards these
difficulties thus creating many successful opportunities. The purpose of this study was to determine the
relationship between adversity quotient and work family conflict on mothers who worked as female police
officers. This research require quantitative sampling based on quota sampling technique from 72
respondents. The results of this study indicate that there is a very significant negative relationship between
adversity quotient and work family conflict female police officer. Women who work MAPOLDA are r = -
0.419. Effective contributions from adversity quotient to work family conflict amounted to 17.5% and the
remaining 82.5% was influenced by other factors outside this method.
As a time progressed, nowadays women required to
have a couple ability or higher education to take part
in society. Saptri and Holzoner in Ramadhana
(2016: 1) state that women with high education will
choose to work, even though they are married so that
the knowledge achieved can be applied in the field
and society.
The number of female workers in Aceh has
continued to increase since 2014. UU no. 13 of 2003
Chapter 1 article 1 paragraph 2 states, the labor is
anyone who is capable of working to produce goods
or services, both to fulfill their own needs or the
community. Increasing number of working mothers
in Aceh shows a significant amount every year. In
2014 the number of working mothers was 631,800
people, in 2015 it increased to 739,900 people, and
in 2016 it continued to increase to 779,200 people
(BPS Aceh Province, 2016).
According to Nurhidayah (2008: 3) there are
several factors that encourage mothers to work in
addition to fulfilling daily financial needs such as
clothing, food and shelter, as well as to fulfill
relational social needs, and to fulfill self-
actualization needs. According to Yuliana and
Yuniasanti (2013: 63) some of the jobs that
susceptible from dual role conflict are Nurses,
Teachers, Bank Employees and Policewoman
(Polwan), but the profession as a Policewoman is
considered to have a heavier workload than others.
Putri (2013: 177) stated that the profession as a
Policewoman has a heavy responsibility and
workload. Women who work in the public sector
must be responsible in all household matters and
have a dual workload and must always ready
whenever the duty calls. Howard, Donofrio and
Boles (2004: 388) explain that in carrying out daily
tasks Policewoman occupies a position that
experiences direct interaction with the community.
Policewomen often meet criminals, Rule breaker,
terrorists, angry mobs, etc.
One of the Polwan's duty is to be in charge of
dealing with criminal offenders, so that they
required to be masculine. However, when serving a
role in the family as a mother, they required to be
feminine. A big challenge for Policewomen to face
these two opposite things. At present the demands of
the Policewoman's work not only dealing with
women and children, but also they must responsible
for other tasks similar to those carried out by male
Zulaikha, S., Nasir, M. and Zuanny, I.
The Relationship between Adversity Quotient and Work Family Conflict on Police Women in Mapolda based in Aceh.
DOI: 10.5220/0009438401120118
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 112-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
police. Besides that, they also has demands to take
care of family life (Linga, par. 3,2016).
Based on the Regulation of the National Police
Chief (National Police Chief of the Republic of
Indonesia) No. 22 of 2010, several policewomen's
duties are to provide police services to the
community in the form of receiving reports,
handling and complaints, following up on violations
and investigations when an event occurs, and must
attend the morning and evening rally (Chief of
Police Regulation, No. 22 of 2010) . In general,
policewomen have the same duties and
responsibilities as the male police as stated in the
Police Law No. 2 of 2002 article 5, namely the main
task of the National Police is to maintaining security,
public order, law enforcement, provide protection
and service to the community (Police Law No.2 of
2002 article 5).
Rizal (2010: 23) explains that the phenomenon
of the existence of Policewoman has often become a
discourse in various situations. Although the
existence of Policewomen in Indonesia has been
recognized currently, it turns out that they still face
many obstacles in the implementation of their duties
in relation to the inherent nature of their
womenhood, whatever their position and profession.
Stigmatization of women which is delicate, gentle
and always prioritize their feelings sometimes
considered to be a factor that reduces the
professionalism of women in their police duties,
even though in other situations the stigma can not be
Markuwati, Rahardjo and Setyawati (2015: 75-
76) also stated that in completing tasks,
Policewoman had problems related to psychological
factors which make them feel guilty about leaving
their family to work, depressed because of the
limited time and too much workload and unpleasant
work situations. This situation will disturb the mind
and mentality, especially many of them got a wide
opportunity to occupy strategic positions nowadays,
such as Kapolsek, Kapolres and even the Kapolda.
When the strategic position is carried over by
Policewoman would increase the possibility of
Pratiwi (2016: 2) reiterates that multiple roles
have a negative impact on Policewomen's marriage,
which can cause dissatisfaction in marriage, if they
do not get support from the family, the conflict
experienced by Policewomen can hamper their
marriage satisfaction and will also have an impact
on life satisfaction.
According to Greenhaus and Beutell, as quoted
by Arfidianingrum, Nuzulia and Fadhallah (2013:
14) state that work-family conflict is a form of
conflict between roles in which the roles of the work
and family domains are mutually incompatible in
several ways. Yousef in Qwantala (2017: 5),
someone who experiences work family conflict will
experience a degrade in job satisfaction and as a
consequence will also experience a decline in
organizational commitment. The tension generated
from the workplace will have an impact on his mood
while not in duty, the conflict within could affect
degrading in performance while at work.
Furthermore, if a person were busy taking care of his
household, the fatigue that is felt will make their
emotion easily rise up and down, this will affect the
quality of performance at work.
One of the factors that affect work family
conflict is time-based conflict, it’s when the amount
of time given for a job role interferes with
performance in the family role related to
responsibility. Conflicts due to excessive time given
to work can make individuals difficult to fulfill
family responsibilities. This also applies the opposite
to the role of the family, if excessive time is given to
the family, it will make it difficult for the individual
to fulfill responsibility for work (Netemayer, Boles
and McMurian, 1996: 401). Stoltz in Almasitoh
(2011: 65) states that if it is not handled properly,
this work family conflict will have a negative impact
on individuals, families, and the environment. To
deal with work family conflict one must have
intelligence. Stoltz (2000: 8) introduces a form of
intelligence to overcome difficulties, namely
adversity quotient. Adversity quotient can be used as
an indicator so that individuals can get out of
challenging conditions.
According to Stoltz in Octavia and Nugraha
(2013: 47-48) adversity quotient has four
dimensions that can be used to see how much an
individual's ability to deal with conflict. The four
dimensions are control, origin and ownership, reach,
and insurance. Policewomen who have control
aspects, will manage the difficulties they face in
carrying out multiple roles as workers and
housewives. In addition, the origin and ownership
aspects of Polwan can be responsible for dealing
with difficulties that arise when running both roles.
Whereas reach and endurance, is one aspect of
adversity quotient that can help individuals to focus
on every role they play to be able to still deliver
good results and remain optimistic despite facing
work family conflict. If individuals who have a dual
role as workers and housewives have a high level of
adversity quotient, the aspects of adversity quotient
The Relationship between Adversity Quotient and Work Family Conflict on Police Women in Mapolda based in Aceh
can help individuals to minimize work family
Based on the explanation of the background of
the problem above, the authors are interested in
examining the relationship between Adversity
Quotient and Work Family Conflict on Female
Police who work at the National Police Headquarters
of the Republic of Aceh in the Aceh Region.
According to Stoltz (2000: 8) Adversity quotient is
the ability of a person to survive in facing all
difficulties until they find a better solution to solve
various problems with their knowledge so that it
becomes a challenge to solve. A person's way of
success in living life is mainly determined by the
level of Adversity Quotient. The Adversity Quotient
manifests in three forms, i.e. A new conceptual
framework to apprehend and enhance all aspects of
success. A criterion to measure person's response
towards difficulties. A series of tools to improve
one's response towards difficulties.
According to Stoltz (2000: 141-163) adversity
quotient as an ability consists of four dimensions
abbreviated to CO2RE: Control, Origin-Ownership,
Reach and Endurance. Control is the ability
possessed by certain person to positively influence
and managing individual responses to any kind of
situation. Actual control in a situation is almost
impossible to measure. This control dimension is
one of the most important because it deals directly
with empowerment and affects all other dimensions
of CO2RE. Origin-Ownership asks two things about
who or what is the origin or cause of a difficulty and
the extent to which a person bears the consequences
of a difficult situation. The dimension of origin is
the dimension that questions who or what causes the
difficulty. This dimension is closely related to
feelings that can help a person to figuring out a
better solution from past mistakes. The right level of
guiltiness can create critical learning and it is needed
for continuous improvement. Ownership dimension
is more focused on responsibility that must be borne
as a consequence of difficulties. Responsibility here
is an acknowledgment of the consequences of an
action, whatever the cause. Reach is the
consequence of accumulate problems which impact
a person in his work and life. Someone with a high
adversity quotient has a range of problems in the
event they face. Usually this type of person responds
to difficulties as something specific and limited.
Endurance is to questioning two things related to
how long this difficulty will last and how long the
cause of the difficulty will take place. Individuals
who see their ability as the cause of failure (a stable
cause) tend to be less defensive compared to people
who associate failure with effort (the causes are
temporary) that they do. Individuals with high
adversity quotient usually view success as
something that lasts long, while the difficulties and
causes as something temporary.
According to Greenhaus and Beutell (1985: 77),
work-family conflict is a form of conflict between
roles where the pressure on work and family roles
conflict with each other. Netemeyer, Boles and
McMurrian (1996: 401) work family conflict is a
form of conflict where public demands, time
devoted to work, and tensions created by work
interfere with the implementation of family
responsibilities, and vice versa. Apperson et al.
(2002: 10) state that not only women (wives)
experience work family conflict, men (husbands)
also experience it. However, the culture in Indonesia
emphasizes the obligation to take care of the
household is the duty and responsibility of the wife,
so that if a wife has an office-life, it will cause two
different interests between career and family. This is
what makes women more often experience work
family conflict.
According to Frone, Rusell and Cooper, as
quoted by Qwantala (2017: 21-22), work family
conflict define as a two-way relationship where
work interferes with family or family disrupting
work. This relationship is built on assumptions
related to work and responsibility of a person begin
to interfere with the management of one's
obligations related to family, then unmet family
obligations will begin to interfere with the daily
functions of someone at work. Conversely, if a
problem related to someone's family starts to
interfere with the management of one's obligations
regarding employment, then this unmet job
obligation will begin to interfere with the daily
functioning of someone in his home.
According to Greenhaus and Beutell (1985: 77-
82) explained that work-family conflict has three
dimensions, namely: Time-based conflict, that is the
time needed to run one of the demands (family or
work) can reduce time for run the other demands
(work or family) in the sense of lacking even the
absence of family time, no time for community life,
use of holidays to work. Strain-based conflict, which
occurs when the pressure of one role influences the
performance of the other roles. This means that
problems in the family affect the time to work,
problems in the family affect productivity in work,
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
the demands of work affect family life, and
complaints from family members resulting from
work. Behavior-based conflict (conflict based on
behavior) that is associated with a mismatch
between behavior patterns with those desired.
According to Netemayer, Boles and McMurian,
(1996: 401) states that multiple role conflict is
caused by two factors, namely: Time-based conflict
occurs when the amount of time given for a job role
interferes with performance in the family role
associated with responsibility. Conflicts that are
given excessive time given to work can make
individuals difficult to fulfill family responsibilities.
this also applies the opposite to the family's role in
work. Pressure-based conflicts occur when tensions
created in the work environment disrupt family
responsibilities. This also applies the opposite to the
family's role in work.
Based on the explanation above it can be
concluded that adversity quotient is one part of
individual factors that influence the occurrence of
work family conflict experienced by Policewomen.
Policewomen who have a high adversity quotient
will be able to display adaptive behavior in response
to difficulties that arise so that they can minimize the
occurrence of work family conflict.
The method used in this study is to use quantitative
research methods with the type of correlation
research. The variables in this study consisted of two
variables. The independent variable (x) is adversity
quotient and the dependent variable (Y) is work
family conflict. The population used in this study
was working as a policewoman at the Aceh
MAPOLDA, with criteria 1) married, 2) having a
child of at least one person, 3) living at home with a
husband and child and husband working outside the
home. The measuring instrument used for data
collection in this study was to use an adversity
quotient scale and work family conflict scale made
by the writer based on the dimensions of the
arrangement arranged using a Likert scale technique
and conducted a try out one time. The trial was
conducted on mothers who worked followed by 60
subjects with a number of items 65, each consisting
of 34 items on the scale of adversity quotient and 31
items on the scale of work family conflict.
Computational validity used in this study is CVR
(Content Validity Ratio) computing. The data used
to calculate CVR was obtained from the results of a
study by a group of experts called subject matter
experts (SME). The SMEs are asked to assess
whether an item is essential and relevant or not for
the purpose of scale measurement.
Based on the try out validity test, the results of
the adversity quotient scale consisted of 34 items,
there were 23 valid items and 11 fall items and the
results of the work family conflict scale consisted of
31 items, there were 23 valid items and 8 items
dropped. The results of reliability analysis on the
scale of adversity quotient obtained by rix = 0.804.
Furthermore, the author conducted a second stage
reliability analysis by removing 11 items that were
not selected (low difference power). The results of
the reliability analysis on the second stage of the
adversity quotient scale, obtained by rix = 0.851.
While the results of the reliability analysis on the
work family conflict scale were obtained by rix =
0.810. Furthermore, the author performed the second
stage of reliability by removing 8 items that were not
selected (low difference power). The results of the
reliability analysis on the second stage of the work
family conflict scale were obtained by rix = 0.849.
The first phase of the test shows that the different
power indices of the adversity quotient scale
statement range from -0.159 to 0.530. The second
phase of the test shows that the different power
indices of the adversity quotient scale statements
range from 0.232 to 0.560 and the different power
index statements of the first phase of work family
conflict scale range from -0.245 to 0.627, and the
power index differs from the second stage of the
work family conflict scale. 0.630. The criteria for
selecting items that the researchers used were based
on total item correlation, namely using the rix limit
0.25 for adversity quotient items and rix limits
0.25 for items work family conflict.
Based on the results of the hypothesis test above
research data obtained correlation coefficient results
r = -0.419 with p = 0.000 (p <0.05) can be seen in
the table below:
Table 1: Research Data Hypothesis Test Table
Research Variable
Adversity Quotient
dengan Work Family
-0,419 0,000
The Relationship between Adversity Quotient and Work Family Conflict on Police Women in Mapolda based in Aceh
Based on the table above shows the correlation
coefficient of -0.419 with p = 0.000, which is a very
significant negative relationship between adversity
quotient with work family conflict in female police.
This shows that the research hypothesis is accepted
that there is a very significant negative relationship
between adversity quotient with work family
conflict in female police. This means that the higher
the person's adversity quotient, the lower the work
family conflict that occurs. Conversely, the lower
the person's adversity quotient, the higher the work
family conflict that occurs.
Although the research hypothesis has been
empirically proven, the relative contribution of the
two variables can be seen from the Measures of
Assocation analysis. The results of the analysis show
that the value of r Square (r2) = 0.175 means that
there is a 17.5% influence of adversity quotient with
work family conflicts on female police (Polwan),
while another 82.5% work family conflict is
influenced by factors other than adversity quotient.
The results of descriptive data analysis of this
study showed that Policewomen who had moderate
adversity quotient were 52 people (72.2%), while
those who had low adversity quotient were 11
people (15.3%), and those who had high adversity
quotient were 9 people (12.5%). These results
indicate that the adversity quotient of female police
is in the medium category, can be seen in the table
Table 2: Adversity Quotient Categorization table for
female police
Category Interval
Low X< 58 11 15,3 %
Medium 58 ≤ X < 74 52 72,2 %
Height X ≥ 74 9 12,5 %
Number 72 100 %
In addition, the results of descriptive data
analysis also showed that work family conflicts were
52 people (72.2%), while those who had low work
family conflicts were 9 people (12.5%), and those
who had high work family conflicts were 11 people
(15.3%). These results indicate that the work family
conflict in female police is in the moderate category,
can be seen in the table below:
Table 3: Work family conflict categorization table for
female police
Category Interval
Low X< 49 9 12,5 %
49 ≤ X <
52 72,2 %
Hight X ≥ 68 11 15,3 %
Number 72 100 %
The results of this study are supported by similar
research conducted by Arfidianingrum, Nuzulia and
Fadhallah (2013), stating that there is a significant
negative relationship between adversity quotient
with work family conflict in working mothers. The
effective contribution of adversity quotient to work
family conflict is 22.8% and the remaining 77.2% is
influenced by other factors. Work family conflicts
experienced by working mothers if not handled
properly will have a negative impact on individuals,
families, and the environment. Work family
conflicts can cause individuals to not function
normally and will hinder the process of
implementing a job and can also cause work stress
and family stress.
The results of this study are also supported by
research conducted by Almasitoh (2011), stating that
there is a significant relationship between work
family conflict and social support with work stress,
with an effective contribution of work family
conflict and social support to work stress by 40%
and the rest 60% is influenced by other factors.
In addition, research conducted by Nasir and
Nusi (2001) found that there were work and
household conflicts. Conflict in the family will not
occur, if there is a balance between roles in the
family with work. An employee who has a family
has a dual role, besides acting as a wife and mother,
she also acts as a breadwinner. This dual role is very
vulnerable to conflict, because in general women
tend to prioritize their families (husband and
children) over work. This can hamper the process of
achieving performance. The dual role conflict they
experience is a factor triggering work stress.
According to Stoltz (2000) Adversity quotient is
the ability possessed by someone in observing
difficulties and managing these difficulties with
intelligence that is owned so that it becomes a
challenge to be solved (p.8). Furthermore Stoltz
(2000) said that the higher a person's adversity
quotient, the stronger it will be to survive the
difficulties and continue to develop by actualizing
all of its potential. Conversely the lower the
adversity quotient the lower a person has, the weaker
his ability to overcome difficulties, give up easily
and despair so that he will fight for a failure (p.41).
According to Stoltz in Octavia & Nugraha
(2013) adversity quotient has four dimensions that
can be used to see how much the individual's ability
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
to deal with conflict. The four dimensions are
control, origin and ownership, reach, and erdurance.
Policewomen who have control aspects, will manage
the difficulties they face in carrying out their dual
roles as workers and housewives. Besides the
aspects of origin and ownership owned by Polwan
can help be responsible in facing difficulties arising
when carrying out both roles. While reach and
endurance, is one aspect of adversity quotient that
can help individuals to focus on each role that is
carried out in order to continue to provide good
results and remain optimistic despite facing work
family conflicts. If individuals who have a dual role
as workers and housewives have a high level of
adversity quotient, then aspects of adversity quotient
can help Polwan to minimize work family conflif
According to Stoltz (2000) there are three levels
of a person in facing each challenge. First,
individuals who easily give up (guiter), namely as
individuals who like to avoid obligations and are
easily discouraged. The two people who camp
(campers), namely individuals who have tried a little
later easily feel satisfied for what he achieved. The
three individual climbers who are resilient with all
the risks they face will be able to solve all their
problems well. they not only learn from challenges
but they even respond to it to get better (pp.18-20).
Based on the results of research that has been done,
it can be concluded that there is a very significant
negative relationship between adversity quotient
with work family conflict in female police who work
at MAPOLDA Aceh. This is evidenced by the
results of the Pearson Product Moment correlation r
= -0,419 with p = 0,000 (p <0.05). That is, the higher
the adversity quotient of mothers who work as
policewomen, the lower the work family conflict, or
conversely the lower the adversity quotient of
mothers who work as policewomen, the higher the
work family conflict that occurs. The relative
contribution of the two variables shows the value of
r Square (r2) = 0.175 meaning that there is a 17.5%
effect of adversity quotient with work family
conflicts on female police (Polwan), while another
82.5% work family conflict is influenced by factors
other than adversity quotient .Work family conflict
experienced by working mothers if not handled
properly will have a negative impact on individuals,
families, and the environment. Work family
conflicts can cause individuals to not function
normally and will hinder the process of
implementing a job and can also cause work stress
and family stress.
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ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology