From the graphic shown above, it clearly
demonstrated that all the participants started
decreasing their self-discomfort after first round of
set up phase. This indicated that S-EFT gave an
impact on each participant in improving their self-
healing ability –which resulted on declining level of
self-discomfort. This finding was relevant with
previous study conducted by Patterson (2016) which
stated that S-EFT is effective for reducing stress and
anxiety. The result also signified that the process of
using S-EFT is similar for different problems, only
the affirmations were altered based on the certain
cases. The affirmation sentences have been found to
be a core fragment in S-EFT. It implied that spiritual
aspect coupled with EFT supported mental health
needs. Spiritual energy obtained from prayer became
an effective medical treatment for them who
underwent psychological problem. These were
relevant with study performed by Rosyanti et al.
(2018) which mentioned that spiritual gives people
the strength to face problems because they believe
God helps them. This faith will then stimulate brain
performance system where unconscious mind
accepts the affirmations, so level of sincerity (ikhlaṣ)
can be achieved
Although this research contributed to some
advantages, it also had some limitations. First, the
subjective measure used was only SUDS, thus, other
domains of behavior change could not be traced.
Besides, as the participants came voluntarily to meet
an S-EFT therapist, the measurement of follow-up
was difficult to be performed. Not only that, as self-
discomfort became a single variable measured in this
study, so the result will be less comprehensive.
The S-EFT is the meridian energy therapy that
combines spiritual, psychology, and simple
acupuncture technique. It works directly to stimulate
body meridian system by tapping the acupuncture
points. During the therapy, clients focus on the
problem that will be released by saying the
affirmation sentence, accepting their current
condition, and asking Allah for help –which then
may reduce their self-discomfort. It is believed that
when physical and psychological aspects are
balanced, the level of the stress will reduce, or even
sometimes totally disappear. In this study, S-EFT
was found to be an effective psychological treatment
to help college student at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda
Aceh decreasing their level of self-discomfort which
caused by several problems, including
communication anxiety, family related issue, lack of
self-confident, bullying, smoking, and pornographic
addiction. At the termination process, they reported
declining score of SUDS until 0, meaning no self-
discomfort was discovered.
The findings from this study give significant
contribution to the benefit of S-EFT in education.
However, based on the limitations mentioned above,
there are some points highlighted as the
recommendations for further research. First, as one
of the non-pharmacological interventions, S-EFT
needs to be combined with other techniques of
psychological treatment in order to achieve longer
effect. With the aim of attaining more
comprehensive result, the addition of other variables
and subjective measures need to be considered as
well, because SUDS is not a diagnostic assessment
scale but only a scale for assessing actual clinical
description. Furthermore, as the subjects participated
in this study were voluntarily, it was difficult to
track the follow-up improvement of each participant,
therefore, the experimental research design will be
helpful to be implemented to determine the changes
of the behavior on each phase.
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