No Activity
24 Start to wake up the participant from hypnosis condition (Mulai
membangunkan partisipan dari kondisi hipnosis dengan hitung mundur.)
4 5 5 0,917
25 Simple interview about His/Her last hypnosis experience (Menanyakan
pengalaman hari ini, pikiran, perasaan, dan komentar terkait proses
5 5 5 1
Table 2 shows two items that have a poor V
score, namely item number 5 with a score V = 0.333
and number 8 which scores V = 0.5. The item with
the highest V score is item number 25 which has a
score of V = 1, which means that all experts give the
highest score for this item. The average V score for
all items, amounting to 0.759 which shows the
overall module content validity coefficient is V =
Table 3: Result of Posttest Analysis Between Group
Description Result
Mean Ranks Experimental Group 15.50
Mean Rank Control Group 5.50
Asymp. Sig (2 tailed) .000
Table 3 showed that there wais a significant
difference between the experimental group given the
SHSS form C module and the control group with a p
<0.01 score.
The results of statistical analysis carried out on the
Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale form C
(SHSS: C) version of the Indonesian Language
resulted in the overall module content validity being
0.759, with the lowest V item score being the item 5
with V = 0.333 and the highest V score. = 1 in item
number 25.V values close to 1 will be interpreted as
high coefficients, while those approaching 0 will be
interpreted as low coefficients (Azwar, 2013, 2018).
In estimating validity a very high coefficient cannot
be demanded, the score V = 0.5 is considered
sufficient while the V score < 0.30 is considered
inadequate (Azwar, 2013). Because all items obtain
a V value above 0.30 then all items are adequate.
Functional or empirical validity by comparing
posttest scores between the experimental group and
the control group was also significant. This means
that the validity of the Indonesian version of the
SHSS: C module was adequate.
Hypnosis has not been accepted as a therapy in the
practice of psychology in Indonesia, although in the
international world hypnosis has gotten a place.
APA (American Psychology Association) as an
association that accommodates American
psychology to place hypnosis in division 30. This
situation has caused the absence of validated
hypnosis therapy modules in Indonesian. This is the
reason for the translation into Indonesian and the
validation of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility
Scale form C module as an effort to provide valid
hypnosis modules used in Indonesia. The results of
the V Aiken statistical test for each item produced
one item having a low V score, namely item number
5 with a score V = 0.333, one item received a
sufficient score, namely item 8 with V = 0.5, and the
rest had a score considered good. Overall, the results
of the professional judgment of this module obtain a
score of V = 0.759. The complete Indonesian
language SHSS form C module can be considered a
hypnosis module with content validity. The results
of experimental research using the SHSS form C
module produced a significant difference with p
<0.01, therefore so the module has adequate
functional validity. The Indonesian version of
Standford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale form C
(SHSS: C) module is valid for use as a research and
therapeutic tool in Indonesia.
Aiken, L., R. (1985). Psychological testing and
assessment (5
edition). Boston. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
Azwar, S. (2013). Penyusunan skala psikologi.
Yogyakarta. PustakaPelajar
Azwar, S. (2018). Metode penelitian psikologi (edisi 2).
Yogyakarta. PustakaPelajar.
Barnier, A. J., & Nash, M. R. 2012. Introduction: a
roadmap for explanation, a working definition. In
Nash, M. R., &Barnier, A. J. (Eds). (2012). The
Oxford handbook of hypnosis: Theory, research, and
practice. Oxford University Press.