The Dhikrullah Vibration as Millennial Mental Therapy
M. Dirhamsyah
and Iskandar
Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Major, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Department Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Dakwah Department of Counseling Guidamce Islamic State Institute (IAIN)
Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
Keywords: Vibration, Dhikrullah, Millennial, Therapy
Abstract: Dhikrullah as a vibrational activity to recite Allah's name repeatedly, according to the Koran can give a calm
effect to the brain and heart as a mental center, but the study of dhikrullah from the approach of religiosity
and psychotherapy based on vibration as the millennial mental therapy has not yet been completed. This study
is an academic response to the mental approach of religiosity and psychotherapy by using dhikrullah vibration.
The study used qualitative data from 4 informants to find the dhikrullah model and quantitative data from 10
subjects were obtained through Electro encephalo graf to see the effects of dhikrullah on brain waves. The
results show that there is a strong relationship between dhikrullah vibration with brain waves. Dhikrullah
contains hyperventilation to detect disturbances in the brain. Dhikrullah is vibration produce alpha waves in
the brain. Therefore, the authors conclude that this study is a new approach to utilize dhikrullah vibration as
a mental therapy approach. The WHO can use a solution from a religiosity approach to help people who need
a solution through dhikrullah vibration.
Dhikrullah as an order to mention Allah in Islam is
believed to have a psychological effect on the culprit.
Dhikrullah is a topic that has long been discussed
among Islamic scholars, but the study of dhikrullah
vibration aspect for millennial mental therapy has not
been found until now. The lack of attention of
scientists to the dhikrullah vibration because they
don't use the holy Quran as scientific information. To
fulfill academic responds to the demands of mental
therapy according to the religiosity and
psychotherapy approach, the author provide
dhikrullah vibration as the solution.
This paper presents the results of the study of the
influence of dhikrullah on human brain waves as it
has been proven by using EEG when running the
dhikrullah. Using dhikrullah vibration for mental
therapy can activate various mental functions, as a
stimulus to invite awareness, neurotransmitters and
effect on the limbic system as a center of human
emotional control. Richard Gerber, Barbara
Montgomery Dossey, Larry Dossey, and James
D'Angelo have promoted sound therapies but an
important issue is the best sound produced by
vibration for therapy. Therapy that is concerned with
causes of behavior, both their own and those of others
(Bonnie Strickland, 2001: 58). To describe
vibrational therapy will be used mental concepts,
spiritual concepts, psychological concepts, thought
concepts, feelings concepts, emotional concepts, and
personality concepts (Christian B. Miller, 2013: 4).
The hypothesis proposed in the study of dhikrullah as
a sound vibration will be utilized for therapy and
healing. Comparing with Larry Dossey and James
D`Angelo, the author promote mental therapy
approach based on dhikrullah vibration in accordance
with the holy Quran suggestion.
Literature review contains an overview of grand
theory in conducting studies. There are two main
theories, vibration theory to explain the role of
vibration and sound therapy to know how the sound
impacts on mental state
2.1 Dhikrullah as Vibration
Dhikrullah is a human sound. Therefore, to
understand the dhikrullah, theories are needed that
Dirhamsyah, M. and Iskandar, .
The Dhikrullah Vibration as Millennial Mental Therapy.
DOI: 10.5220/0009440501670173
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 167-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
explain the human sound and its implications for
human mental health. Brigitte Stemmer explained
that it is a sound wave that can stimulate the body's
nerve cells, especially in the brain (Brigitte Stemmer,
1998: 550). This effect can occur because sound
influences the activity of neurons in the brain
(Christoph von der Malsburg, 2010: 175). Bryan Kolb
explained in his study that the effect of sound on
neurons functions to control perception, hearing,
memory, and speech (Bryan Kolb & Ian Q. Whishaw,
2011:5). In the brain there is a phenomenon of the
frequency following response, which is a condition in
which the neurons in the brain tend to adjust the
frequency with the frequency of external sound
stimulation (Robert F. Hink, K. Kodero, O. Yamda,
1980: 36). Therefore, dhikrullah as vibration can be
used as stimulus to influence mental states in the
Richard Gerber write that people can utilize
vibration as a therapeutic. He explained that the field
of healing based on the Einstein paradigm was called
vibration treatment. The Einstein paradigm is applied
to vibrational treatment sees humans as a network of
complex energy fields that interact with the physical
system on a cellular basis. Vibration treatment uses a
special form of energy to positively influence an
unbalanced energy system due to disease conditions.
By rebalancing the energy field that helps regulate
cellular physiology, vibrational treatment seeks to
restore order from the functioning of human organs
(Richard Gerber, 2001:39)
The reason for choosing dhikrullah as a
therapeutic approach among millennials is that
according to the results of James D'Angelo's study
that the letters L contained in the word of Allah have
a very strong vibrational effect for humans. L's voice
is very vibrating to the word of Allah. There are two
L in the word of Allah and the use of the most
powerful L is in the word Allah (james d`angelo,
2012: 13).
2.2 Sound and Mental Therapy
Inna Z. Khazan explains the sound around humans
can affect inner calm and respond to sensations
around it (Inna Z. Khazan, 2013: 14). Joe Kamiya
expands the use of sound through biofeedback for the
benefit of therapeutic technique to control rhythm
alpha using tones can produce alpha waves in the
brain (Boris Blumenstein, 2002: 104). Sound can
influence the activity of neurons in the brain
(Christoph der Malsburg, 2010: 175). Next the sound
influences the nervous system (Bonnie R Strickland,
2001: 416) and affects the mental state (William
Walker Atkinson, 2004: 669).
Brain waves show a mental state of being lazy,
sad, stressed, excited, energetic, productive, creative,
happy, anxious, unfocused or depressed. Because of
that, one wave is needed that can produce brain
waves, namely the wave of dhikrullah. Sound quality
affects the relationship between neurons that can
improve intelligence levels. Sufficient sound stimulus
to neurons will send impulses to all body tissues
(Carol Turkington, 2002: 219). Changes in neuron
activity cause changes in the character of the blood
that carries oxygen to the brain (Juri D. Kropotov,
2009: xxxix).
Scholars say that sound is one of God's most
special gifts to humans. Sound is related to mind,
communication skills and expression of human
emotions. Humans need to be aware of the effect that
every sound has on them. Changing the tone of voice
can cause changes in the mentality of the man
himself. Many prominent people used their tone of
voice to guide many listeners so that they would
follow his call. All of the above theories support the
purpose of this study in proving the influence of
vibration and sound on humans. Therefore, dhikrullah
vibration is scientifically proven to affect the brain
The author uses qualitative and quantitative data.
Qualitative data from 4 participants to find the model
of dhikrullah for samples and quantitative data
obtained from 10 subjects. EEG result of consist of
phase 1 EEG calibration, phase 2 using EEG,
dhikrullah phase 3 record, phase 4 EEG results and
phase 5 approved by hospital. EEG as measuring
instruments for the effects of dhikrullah to human
brain waves. Hyperventilation during dhikrullah will
indicate brain health. Methods of data analysis based
on the basic rhythm of EEG.
Table 1: Research Procedure to Find the EEG results
Phase 1
Phase 3
Phase 5
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
Dhikrullah was recorded based on the Mufarridiyah
Order (Tariqat) refer to al-Mufarridun. The way to
run the dhikrullah by closing one's eyes and listening
to the name of Allah can be a self-therapy like what
is inspired by the modern holistic system. Mentioning
Allah begins with the letter A on the stomach, L on
the tip of the tongue and H at the base of the
esophagus. Each letter that is called must be
pronounced powerfully. Based on the results of a
study of the influence of dhikrullah vibration on 10
brain wave subjects, it was found that: There is a
strong relationship between dhikrullah vibration and
10 subjects brain waves.
a. Dhikrullah vibration produces alpha waves in the
b. During dhikrullah recording all subjects did
hyperventilation breathing in accordance with
Dhikrullah contains hyperventilation breathing
approach that can be used to detect disturbances in the
brain. hyperventilation is similar to breathing used
during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, which is
a twist and blows with a sitting position in knees. The
air enters and exits by mouth rhythmically without
stopping, both breathing out and breathing in. The
steps to breathe by using a twist and blow are not only
used by aerobic actors, but also the way to breathe is
suggested by Alexa as a respiratory expert (Alexa
Fleckenstein, 2007).
Other data to support this study obtained during
dhikrullah recording in the EEG room. There are
some phenomenons found during recording that how
the relevance of those phenomena to the Islamic
teachings. The scientific approach in explaining the
role of dhikrullah vibration may help human being
undertake the impact of dhikrullah vibration to brain
wave. The phenomenons are like below:
4.1 Washing Head and Cleaning
Mouth Before EEG
Washing head and mouth before doing dhikrullah is a
normal EEG. From Islamic perspective, such practice
has an important position for worshiping. This is
because, before running the dhikrullah, someone will
be better if they first wash their head and mouth. The
water on the head may play as medium (conductor) to
deliver electricity that is even more distributed on the
scalp. Electricity activities that are stronger and even
distributed on the scalp may be a therapy for humans.
The electrical activity that is not even distributed in
the brain is only a cause of epilepsy.
Ablution (wudhu) and sound waves are objects
that can stimulate brain wave activity. Both of these
can maintain electrical activity in the brain.
Cleanliness to get good EEG results. Head and mouth
hygiene including cleanliness of the esophagus and
saliva. Disorders of the scalp and mouth can cause
discomfort. Therefore, dhikrullah is perfectly done by
preparing a clean head and mouth.
4.2 A Dim Lightroom
To record brain waves it need special rooms, it also
requires a dimmer room. The room is needed to avoid
any interference from human noise or movement. The
human movement around EEG may produce artefacts
on EEG results. Dhikrullah vibration will be able to
produce resonance according to the nature of one's
brain waves. According to science that electrical
activity in the brain almost completely stops during
hibernation, although some remain active areas which
serve to carry out repercussions rather than outside
measures such as light, temperature, and noise (Rob
Nagel, 2001: 1048).
4.3 Hyperventilation and Photic
Breathing deeply and quickly is called
hyperventilation. Hyperventilation was done before
brain wave recording to find out whether subject
experiences any disturbance in the brain like epilepsy.
This way of breathing can give an impact of changes
in blood chemistry and EEG results.
4.4 Closing Eyes When Doing
Hearing dhikrullah completely by closing the eyes is
needed to produce alpha waves in the brain as seen on
the EEG monitor. When open your eyes, the alpha
waves disappear from the monitor. Dhikrullah
soundly is powerful will give a strong impact on
emotional (Kenneth S. Avery, 2004: 94).
Remembrance of name of Allah may give an
impression of EEG results. The human ability to hear
Allah's name is supported by an auditory system.
Therefore, the EEG proof that the benefits of doing
dhikrullah for human being by closing eyes may bring
alpha waves for being relaxed.
4.5 Mention Allah in One Breath
According to Alexa Fleckenstein to mention Allah by
using the breathing method can lead to health therapy
The Dhikrullah Vibration as Millennial Mental Therapy
because it applies the process of improving the
quality of respiration. To breathe the phase to three i.e
starting with breathing out, taking the time while
breathing in and out (count while exhale and inhale)
and don't hold your breath (do not hold your breath).
There are strong relationship between dhikrullah
vibration and subjects brain waves. Some relevant
references about the effect of sound vibration on
human brain waves which support this study by
Richard Gerber in Vibrational Medicine The
Handbook Of Subtle-Energy Therapies. He explains
This healing based on vibrational medicine. Another
proof by Joy Kamiya. He studied it in relation to our
felt states regarding his own alpha activity. Bonnie R
Strickland on how sound affects the nervous system.
Then Brigitte Stemmer supports the opinion that
sound waves can stimulate nerve cells. Alfred
Tomatis managed to find the effect of sound on brain
waves. William Walker, sound affects mental states.
Bryan Kolb & Ian Q managed to prove that sound
affects neurons.
Examined changes in neuron activity causing
changes in blood and oxygen. The phenomenon of the
frequency following response, a condition in which
the brain tends to adjust its frequency with the
frequency of stimulation of sound from the outside.
Significant evidence about the letters contained in the
word Allah has a strong vibration effect for humans.
Based upon the vibrational medicine uses specialized
forms of energy to positively affect those energetic
systems that may be out of balance due to disease
5.1 What is Dhikrullah
Scientifically it can be said to mention the name of
Allah, sound energy, audio sonic frequency, healing
word, therapy wave, touch therapy, strongly vibrated,
and cymatic therapy. One form of sound therapy that
is not applied through hearing is called sympathetic
therapy (cymatic therapy). The therapy uses a device
that can send sound waves into the body through the
skin. This process is said to introduce a healing
environment in the body. (Laurie J. Fundukian, 2009:
5.2 How Dhikrullah Work
Dhikrullah is a sound wave that brings sound energy
into the brain. The bain will response dhikrullah
based on frequency following response. Then the
brain receives dhikrullah sound wave will transmit to
every part of the body.
5.3 Dhikrullah Vibration
Dhikrullah Vibration is a vibration that results during
call Allah's name repeatedly. Dhikrullah vibration
brings energy and is able to bring a calm effect on the
brain and heart. This effect proves that dhikrullah has
the function of healing and therapy. Dhikullah's basic
principle of vibration therapy is based on vibrational
words that are able to bring healing effects because
there are strong relationships between healing and
vibration. Dhikrullah also functions as a sound health
because it brings the body to relax. the dhikrullah
energy flows without obstacles, applies calmness to
the mind and body safely. Dossey has also carried out
a number of evidence about the various healing word
theories and found that repeated prayers may give a
strong impression of healing and brain atmosphere
(Larry Dossey, 1993: 17). The results and theory
clearly supports that dhikrullah can function as metal
therapy. Therefore, dhikrullah can provide effective
therapy on the brain.
The frequency of waves and electrical activity in
the brain may be disrupted by various waves in the
surrounding area. Unstable electrical activity in the
brain can cause epilepsy and some mental disorders.
Therefore, to manage the initial brain waves, a
balancing wave is needed such as dhikrullah wave.
Efforts to introduce dhikrullah to the public as a mind
therapy by using sound waves can be done through
books, seminars or workshops. Dhikrullah as sound
therapy can relate to the body, mind and soul.
5.4 People Need Vibration Solustion
According to science, sound vibration has a
significant influence on human health. Humans are
vibrating at certain frequencies that can accept the
effects of negative and positive vibrations. It can
positively bring a feeling of calm to the heart, a
stimulus to the neurotransmitter and health of body
organs. Negatively can interfere with body organs,
brain waves, and neural networks. Therefore, humans
need a vibration solution. Scientists have explored the
benefits of sound frequencies for humans. In the 20th
century, Larry Dossey developed a study of the
human voice as healing words. The study investigated
the effects of prayer in various religions for human
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
5.5 Vibration Therapy Concept
How vibrations are connected to the mind. Vibration
therapy concept is based on a vibrational resonance
that carries energy throughout the body through the
brain. Strong vocal vibrations or sound consonant
systems become resonating instruments that
influence the mind and energy of the body. Mixing
the mind with energy will produce special energy for
healing. When the resonance reaches the brain, the
healing process can be felt. Because of this, the wave
of dhikrullah will form energy that sustains itself
sustainably in the metabolic process as a cause of
every cell carrying out activities to produce energy.
Sound is a vibration of energy that can be heard.
The frequency, amplitude, and resonance of the sound
has an effect on the environment. Sounds that have a
therapeutic effect on humans have the function of
healing for humans. Healing words have become the
object of the study of searches for new solutions to
human healing. The positive effect of the vibrations
of the human voice can be presented through prayer.
What is a pray actually. Scientifically prayer is the
way humans produce vibrations of sound in certain
forms through words to change conditions, both
physically and mentally. Sound vibrations, according
to the frequency of following responses are
influenced by frequency, amplitude, and resonance.
The method of calling Allah can be used for
vibration therapy or sound therapy. According to
science, sound can be used for therapy by creating an
alpha wave that gives a sense of relaxation to the
brain. The state of the relational wave (alpha wave) is
connected to the mental condition, so that one may
feel mentally free from various stresses. Dhikrullah
may be used to present alpha waves in the brain. By
multiplying the dhikrullah it can produce large
vibrational energy which may give the advantage to
increase resistance to psychosomatic disorders.
Sound is related to mind, communication skills
and expression of human emotions. Humans need to
be aware of the impressions that each voice works for
themselves, whether consciously or not. Changing the
tone of voice to a better one can cause changes in the
mentality of the person himself. Many prominent
people used their tone of voice to guide many
listeners so that they would follow his calling.
5.6 Dhikrullah as Mental Therapy
Dhikrullah can be used as a mental therapy in
millennial because dhikrullah can be accepted
scientifically for therapeutic purposes. Millennials
who are familiar with the internet, digital and
biotechnology can easily understand aspects of
dhikrullah through available scientific information.
5.5.1 Respiration Aspect
A dhikrullah breathing model supports more
oxygen into the human body. The human brain needs
enough oxygen, but the control system in the human
body must not do the thing fully. In the brain, there
are several parts where the blood carrying oxygen
must not reach the brain when the body position is
standing and sitting. The solution to this case is one
put on prostration in prayer. When prostrating human
blood flows carrying oxygen which is needed by the
brain. but because oxygen in some parts of the brain
is always not constant, it requires additional oxygen
(Alexa Fleckenstein, 2007: 107). This additional
oxygen can be obtained by performing dhikrullah
after the obligatory prayer.
Thomas Beddoes was the first scientist to use
oxygen for therapy. Beddoes founded the gas therapy
institute in Bristol in 1798, he collaborated with
Humphry Davy, a young chemist (Nick Lane, 2002:
18). Because oxygen proved to be indispensable both
for aerobic living organisms and for combustion,
Thomas Beddoes, James Watt, Robert John
Thornton, and others believed that oxygen could be
used as a therapy to cure various diseases (Daniel L.
Gilbert & Carol A. Colton , 2002: 15). Humans will
experience a variety of serious health problems if the
body's tissues lack oxygen (Goran E. Nilsson, 2010:
6). Dhikrullah through his breathing model will
supply enough oxygen to the body's tissues so that it
can prevent the growth of cancer-causing bacteria.
Almost every disease known to mankind has been
cured by proper breathing. Furthermore, breathing is
found that sufficient amounts of oxygen can kill all
germs, bacteria, and viruses. Otto Warburg had
received a Nobel prize in 1931 for successfully
proving that cancer could not develop in a high
oxygen environment. In fact, most heart attacks are
caused by oxygen deprivation (Michael Grant White,
119). Scientists also use oxygen as a therapy for
tumors (Barbara Montgomery Dossey, 2000: 22).
The respiratory system that sends oxygen to the
muscles and cardiovascular so that the energy process
remains sustainable. Consuming large amounts of
oxygen through dhikrullah will maintain stamina
permanently (Paul C. Bragg, 2002: 2). Oxygen is
needed for various metabolic responses to survival
(Daniel L. Gilbert & Carol A. Colton, 2002: 428). By
awakening, the correct breathing technique, the
quality of health will increase. Right breathing is a
The Dhikrullah Vibration as Millennial Mental Therapy
strong and healthy voice principle. Because of that,
increasing the dhikrullah in order to increase oxygen
in the body is a wise action for one's own good
(Barbara Montgomery Dossey, 2000: 22). The lungs
provide oxygen and the heart pumps oxygen to every
place in the body. The heart starts beating long before
humans are born, when humans are still in an
embryonic state and have not stopped so now (Alexa
Fleckenstein, 2007: 107).
Dhikrullah helps increase oxygen in the body to
strengthen the immune system (Barbara Montgomery
Dossey, 2005: 22). Dhikrullah can increase oxygen
on body tissues as a way of stress therapy. Decreasing
stress will influence the therapy of diabetes (Barbara
Montgomery Dossey, 2005: 428).
5.5.2 Closing Aye Aspect
Hearing the dhikrullah fully and closing eyes during
dhikrullah is needed to produce alpha waves in the
brain as seen on the EEG monitor. When subjects
open eyes during the dhikrullah, the alpha waves
disappear from the monitor. Samples are guided to
rely on the Name of God by listening to the dhikrullah
with feeling. The resting memory may give an
impression of the EEG results. The human ability to
hear God's name is supported by an auditory system.
Sound waves that carry God's name before being
understood by the brain, first travel through the air
medium to the eardrum, cochlea, the fluid that moves
hair cells. In these hair cells changes occur from
sound waves to electrical waves. The electrical
impulse is then sent to the brain to be interpreted.
Therefore, the brain may understand an
announcement rather than sound after first the sound
wave is converted into an electric wave. Opening and
closing eyes have a great impression on brain waves.
5.5.3 Dhikrullah Sound Aspect
This aspect will produce a dhikrullah sound model
based on calling the name of Allah in one breath.
Sound waves have a connection with the media. In
theory, the wave of dhikrullah can give an impression
on the structure of water in the human body. Sound
waves are the main medium to connect with the
original sound. Sound, as one of the therapeutic
powers in humans, every word has a vibration, but not
just any sound vibrations that enter the energy field
and suitable for the human nervous system. Voice is
a human right. According to science sound is a
cleanser, to release feelings, positive and negative.
For centuries in the religious and philosophical
traditions of the East there has been known the power
of sound as a means of healing and the main means of
aspirants with countries of higher consciousness. This
knowledge has now become part of many
practitioners in the field of sound therapy and is an
integral part of modern social science. The difference
in sound in every human being makes a special
human sound wave. The way that sound waves
vibrate in every human voice is different.
Understanding the esoteric aspects of the human
voice will help recognize the benefits of human sound
(therapeutic sound) for themselves. The human voice
is the easiest therapeutic medium that can be directed
to refresh the body, mind and soul.
The power of voice in manpower as a
communication medium is astonishing (Jaime J.
Vendra, 2004: 5). Although the Koran says that the
wave of dhikrullah can neutralize various waves that
disturb the heart (Surah Ar-Ra`d, 13: 28), the work
process of the wave starts from the brain but after the
wave is transmitted to the heart, the wave experiences
strengthening frequency so that it changes into
feelings that affect mental states (William Walker
Atkinson, 2004: 669), Therefore, dhikrullah with a
strong voice can carry more energy compared to the
sound of soft dhikr. Sound energy therapy uses sound
wave pressure to impress humans. Changing sounds
can help make characters better. In fact, acting studies
that have a relationship with sound will be useful in
freeing the human personality. Even taking into
account such modulation, everyone's vocal sounds,
like our fingerprints, are unique because of certain
patterns of the tone of voice.
5.5.3 Listening Aspect
The Koran also informs that the hearing system
functions in humans first rather than the visual system
(Q. S 32: 9). Dhikrullah has the ability to organize
sensory disturbances in perception because in sound
that propagates to the ear it stores energy and
information. Information submitted to allow
information and understanding of the environment
(Donald K. Freedheim, 2003: 85). Dhikrullah is then
processed by matching the color and frequency of
sound with the data stored in memory in the brain,
thus creating any perception of the sound on the
perception of hearing (Zvia Breznitz, 2008: 175).
Because of that, the compilation of listening to
dhikrullah, then the brain will form perceptions that
respond to the dhikrullah according to the data stored
in the listener's memory.
The waves of dhikrullah which are transmitted
continuously to the brain may stimulate nerve cells
(plasticity) to experience new things (Brigitte
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
Stemmer and Harry A. Whitaker, 1998: 550).
Likewise, if the listener keeps the data about Allah
correctly in the listener's memory, then when he hears
the name Allah, the memory system will respond
according to the quality of the listener's memory of
Allah's name. The implications of Allah's name for
one's soul differ from one another, following
information and experiences stored in his memory of
Allah. If there is enough data in the listener's memory,
both in terms of the nature and experience of Allah,
then the perception will bring a strong positive
impression on the mental, but if the information
stored in his memory is not related to the divine
experience of Allah, then the influence of Allah's
name on his mentality will be different.
Dhikrullah as sound vibration has been shown
affected towards the brain waves and soul. EEG
results from ten subjects clearly show the influence of
dhikrullah on beta and alpha waves produce
calmness. Furthermore, alpha waves become a
stimulus to produce neurotransmitters in the brain to
bring calm. Therefore, using dhikrullah vibration as a
mental therapy a new approach. For the solution of
people's mental health. Further studies on dhikrullah
vibration can be carried out in various fields of
psychology, especially psychology acoustics to help
The Holy Quran
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The Dhikrullah Vibration as Millennial Mental Therapy