5.5 Vibration Therapy Concept
How vibrations are connected to the mind. Vibration
therapy concept is based on a vibrational resonance
that carries energy throughout the body through the
brain. Strong vocal vibrations or sound consonant
systems become resonating instruments that
influence the mind and energy of the body. Mixing
the mind with energy will produce special energy for
healing. When the resonance reaches the brain, the
healing process can be felt. Because of this, the wave
of dhikrullah will form energy that sustains itself
sustainably in the metabolic process as a cause of
every cell carrying out activities to produce energy.
Sound is a vibration of energy that can be heard.
The frequency, amplitude, and resonance of the sound
has an effect on the environment. Sounds that have a
therapeutic effect on humans have the function of
healing for humans. Healing words have become the
object of the study of searches for new solutions to
human healing. The positive effect of the vibrations
of the human voice can be presented through prayer.
What is a pray actually. Scientifically prayer is the
way humans produce vibrations of sound in certain
forms through words to change conditions, both
physically and mentally. Sound vibrations, according
to the frequency of following responses are
influenced by frequency, amplitude, and resonance.
The method of calling Allah can be used for
vibration therapy or sound therapy. According to
science, sound can be used for therapy by creating an
alpha wave that gives a sense of relaxation to the
brain. The state of the relational wave (alpha wave) is
connected to the mental condition, so that one may
feel mentally free from various stresses. Dhikrullah
may be used to present alpha waves in the brain. By
multiplying the dhikrullah it can produce large
vibrational energy which may give the advantage to
increase resistance to psychosomatic disorders.
Sound is related to mind, communication skills
and expression of human emotions. Humans need to
be aware of the impressions that each voice works for
themselves, whether consciously or not. Changing the
tone of voice to a better one can cause changes in the
mentality of the person himself. Many prominent
people used their tone of voice to guide many
listeners so that they would follow his calling.
5.6 Dhikrullah as Mental Therapy
Dhikrullah can be used as a mental therapy in
millennial because dhikrullah can be accepted
scientifically for therapeutic purposes. Millennials
who are familiar with the internet, digital and
biotechnology can easily understand aspects of
dhikrullah through available scientific information.
5.5.1 Respiration Aspect
A dhikrullah breathing model supports more
oxygen into the human body. The human brain needs
enough oxygen, but the control system in the human
body must not do the thing fully. In the brain, there
are several parts where the blood carrying oxygen
must not reach the brain when the body position is
standing and sitting. The solution to this case is one
put on prostration in prayer. When prostrating human
blood flows carrying oxygen which is needed by the
brain. but because oxygen in some parts of the brain
is always not constant, it requires additional oxygen
(Alexa Fleckenstein, 2007: 107). This additional
oxygen can be obtained by performing dhikrullah
after the obligatory prayer.
Thomas Beddoes was the first scientist to use
oxygen for therapy. Beddoes founded the gas therapy
institute in Bristol in 1798, he collaborated with
Humphry Davy, a young chemist (Nick Lane, 2002:
18). Because oxygen proved to be indispensable both
for aerobic living organisms and for combustion,
Thomas Beddoes, James Watt, Robert John
Thornton, and others believed that oxygen could be
used as a therapy to cure various diseases (Daniel L.
Gilbert & Carol A. Colton , 2002: 15). Humans will
experience a variety of serious health problems if the
body's tissues lack oxygen (Goran E. Nilsson, 2010:
6). Dhikrullah through his breathing model will
supply enough oxygen to the body's tissues so that it
can prevent the growth of cancer-causing bacteria.
Almost every disease known to mankind has been
cured by proper breathing. Furthermore, breathing is
found that sufficient amounts of oxygen can kill all
germs, bacteria, and viruses. Otto Warburg had
received a Nobel prize in 1931 for successfully
proving that cancer could not develop in a high
oxygen environment. In fact, most heart attacks are
caused by oxygen deprivation (Michael Grant White,
119). Scientists also use oxygen as a therapy for
tumors (Barbara Montgomery Dossey, 2000: 22).
The respiratory system that sends oxygen to the
muscles and cardiovascular so that the energy process
remains sustainable. Consuming large amounts of
oxygen through dhikrullah will maintain stamina
permanently (Paul C. Bragg, 2002: 2). Oxygen is
needed for various metabolic responses to survival
(Daniel L. Gilbert & Carol A. Colton, 2002: 428). By
awakening, the correct breathing technique, the
quality of health will increase. Right breathing is a