Characters Values Identification and Its Implementation in
Universitas Syiah Kuala
, Marty Mawarpury
, Sulastri
, Iskandar Abdul Samad
, T. Muttaqien Mansur
Faculty of Medicine , Syiah Kuala University
Psychology Study Program , Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
Center of Education Development, Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance, Syiah Kuala University
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Syiah Kuala University
Faculty of Law, Syiah Kuala University ,
Keywords: Character Values, Human resources, Implementation, Universitas Syiah Kuala.
Abstract: Character and scientific competences play important roles in one's success. Universitas Syiah Kuala
(Unsyiah) as a higher education institution has a major challenge for preparing students to face challenges in
the era of 4.0. One of the strategies used to strengthen the character of students and academia. The study is
to find out the character values and strata that will be implemented at Unsyiah. This study applies a
qualitative approach over two phases. The first phase, it begins with an analysis of the internal conditions
and strategies that have been implemented by Unsyiah. Secondly, it identifies the characters required to face
future challenges. Data collection was carried out through focus group discussion activities employed 40 of
participants that consist of lecturers, education staff, and students as well as leaders from various faculties
and work units at Unsyiah. In this study, the analysis is used to process obtained data. The result of this
study found that there are five play values that require to be implemented at Unsyiah, namely universal,
religious, ethical, independent, and social values. These values can be implemented through intra and extra-
curricular activities at the university, faculty and study programs as well as work units and research centers.
The design of character values can be implemented by following standard operational procedures and
character manuals at Unsyiah.
Preparing graduates to have the skills required in the
21st century is the thing pursued by universities
including the Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah).
Unsyiah is one of universities in Indonesia that is
accredited by the value of A, would have to carry
out the programs planned, well structured,
systematic and sustainable way to produce students
to enable to compete in the global world in
accordance with the vision of the university is ,
namely "Being a university that is innovative,
independent, and prominent in Southeast Asia, in the
fields of education, research and community
The efforts referred to have been carried out as
reported by Wahyuniati, et al (2016) and currently
these efforts are still continuing. The paradigm of
lecture is oriented on the fulfillment of competence
in the realm of cognitive is not enough
( Insight Report Economic
Forum, 2018). The world of work today requires
various soft skills and good characters. Therefore
Unsyiah needs to identify the soft skills and
character values that need to be strengthened among
students through academic activities on intra-
curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular
Unsyiah's efforts to improve student soft skills
through intra-curricular activities have been carried
out continuously at general education units (MKWU
lectures) through the general education program
since 2016. The program aims to improve critical
thinking, soft skills and value through lectures. This
program takes place through the Directorate General
of Learning and Students Affairs, Ministry of
Research, Technology, and higher Education
program (Malik, 2018). Strengthening the
implementation of soft skills and character is also
Sofia, ., Mawarpury, M., Sulastri, ., Samad, I. and Mansur, T.
Characters Values Identification and Its Implementation in Universitas Syiah Kuala.
DOI: 10.5220/0009441102130216
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 213-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
run in all faculties, study programs, other curricular
activities and in an academic setting environment
within Unsyiah. For the mapping soft skills, values
priority character that will be implemented, and an
evaluation and monitoring of its implementation is
required to be conducted. To succeed Unsyiah’s
efforts in implementing soft skills and characters for
student it is needed to study the design of character’s
values that will be implemented at Unsyiah.
This study applies a qualitative approach over two
phases. The first phase, it begins with the analysis of
the internal conditions and strategies that have been
implemented by Unsyiah and secondly, it identifies
the characters required to face future challenges.
Data collection was carried out through focus
group discussion activities which employed 40
participants, which consists of lecturers, education
staffs, and students as well as leaders from various
faculties and work units in Unsyiah. The selection of
respondents is based on contributions that can be
given to students, acting as managers of education
units and policy makers for programs involving
students. Criterias for respondents were: 1) policy
makers at the university, faculty, study program,
technical implementation units and student
organizations, 2) intensively involved in character
development activities, 3) lecturers and students as
an actor in the development of character.
The data which were obtained from this study is
analyzed thematically. It focuses on the process of
identifying patterns or themes within qualitative
data. Braun & Clarke (2006) suggest that unlike
many qualitative methodologies, it is not tied to an
epistemological particular or theoretical perspective.
The goal of a thematic analysis is to identify themes,
such as the patterns in the data that are important or
interesting, and reviews these themes to address the
research or something about an issue. Braun &
Clarke (2006) provide a six-phase guide which is
very useful for conducting this kind of analysis. The
steps are, 1) become familiar with the data, 2)
generate initial codes, 3) search for themes, 4)
review themes, 5) define themes, and 6) write-up.
The research found that there are five main values
that need to be implemented at Unsyiah, namely 1)
universal, 2) religious, 3) ethical, 4) independent,
and 5) social values. Among the five values, there
are a number of characters that need to be developed
by Unsyiah. Values and characters can be seen on
Table 1 as follow:
Table 1: Priority values and characters of Universitas
Syiah Kuala students (priority values and characters listed
are not in order).
Values Characters Competences/
be fair
Empathy, helping
others selflessly,
actualizing the truth,
being trustworthy,
impartial and not
double standard, able
to accept conditions in
various situations
/ polite speech
toward others
in everyday life
Able to apply manners
according to
conditions, able to
carry out tasks
according to function
Critical thinking,
problem solver (able
to answer existing
problems), leadership,
creative, able to give
birth to new ideas,
have the spirit and
enthusiasm in work,
be able to work in
accordance with the
field of expertise,
stand the test in facing
life's challenges
concern for the
community and
disposing of
garbage in its
place, social
Empathy, sympathy,
collaboration, being
able to accept the
opinions of others,
being able to speak
and express opinions,
be knighted and love
the country, able to
accept differences,
sense of belonging
(public facilities)
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
(toilets), saving
mutual respect
power struggle
love and
Honest, disciplined, law-abiding,
responsible, sensitive, caring, fair, caring
for the environment
The process of development and monitoring of the
value and character of students at Unsyiah need to
involve entire academic community. In the
evaluation phase, this needs to be conducted to
ensure the achievement of the implementation of the
values and the character. These values can be
implemented through intra-and extra-curricular
activities at the university, faculty and study
programs as well as work units and research centers.
The entire activities of the students who were in the
program of unit activity of students (UKM) were
monitored and coordinated by the bureau of student
and work units. The results from the activities will
be reported to the Rector and the Institute of
Development of Education and Assurance Quality
(LP3M) to assure implementation of the values and
characters. The implementation of the developed
values and characters of Unsyiah students can be
seen in Figure 1.
Figure 2: Flowchart of values and characters
implementation for students of Universitas Syiah Kuala.
In practice, the implemented value and character
of students need to be conducted through the letter
of instruction issued by the leaders of the university
and socialized at the level of faculty, work units,
bureaus, students’ center, lecturer, and
administration staff. All of these phases need to
work collaboratively with the LP3M of Unsyiah.
The formulation of Unsyiah student character values
is done through direct observation and assessment of
the values that exist in the student's self, both from
the emergence of consciousness and from the
encouragement or the influence of the environment.
The formulation is carried out in a planned manner
and the role of educational media and the learning
process is very strategic.
In general, character development is divided into
three stages, namely planning, implementation, and
evaluation of results. At the planning stage a
character set that was excavated, crystallized, and
formulated using various sources, including (1)
philosophical considerations: Pancasila, the 1945
Constitution, and Law No. 20 of 2003 along with its
derivative provisions; (2) theoretical: theories about
the brain, psychology, education, values and morals,
and socio-cultural; (3) empirical: in the form of
experience and best practices, including lecturers,
education staff, public figures. At the
implementation stage, the developed learning
experiences and learning processes were led to
character formation in students.
Strategy formulation is done through direct
interaction atmosphere of teaching and learning
which are designed to achieve the objectives
character formulation by applying structured
activities. Furthermore, habits that allow students in
their academic environment, in their homes, in their
communities to get used to behaving according to
values and become characters who have been
internalized and personalized from and through the
intervention process. The process of civilization and
empowerment which includes giving examples,
learning, habitual, and strengthening must be
developed systemically, holistically and
In the academic, the implementation of the
values and character can be applied through a
method of learning strategy such as inquiry learning,
discovery learning, problem solving learning,
research-oriented learning. Stages that is doing by
lecturers might be began with identifying the
problem, the discussion on a topic that has been set,
and the assignment of individual and group (
Characters Values Identification and Its Implementation in Universitas Syiah Kuala
Budimansyah, 2012). Through the activities of
extracurricular, student belonging to the group
interests and talents are selected which are available
in universities. Guidance on the form and
competence that is generated from a credible form in
outer space study is conducted together with
lecturers and bureaus of student. Students participate
actively in local, national and regional events to
increase the sense of high competition and are also
involved in the meetings widely with parties outside
Students’ characters that have been formed must
be implemented on the behavior of the students. To
measure the suitability between the behavior and the
character being implemented, it is necessary to do a
monitoring and evaluation process. The process of
monitoring and evaluation involve multiple parties
as key informants to give the assessment of the
character and behavior of students. Parties who are
involved in the process of monitoring and evaluation
can be grouped as follows:
Study Program Level. Parties who are involved
at the level of Program Study were the head of
study program, quality assurance members, the
academic staffs, faculty trustee organization of
student and peer/friend of the same age.
Faculty. At the level of the Faculty, the
process of monitoring and evaluation of the
development of the character of the students
will engage the leaders of the faculty and the
organization of student affairs.
University. At the University level, the
monitoring and evaluation process will involve
university leaders and student organizations.
The character development of Unsyiah students
through academic and non-academic activities
requires a process of monitoring and evaluation
within the set time frame. The process of monitoring
and evaluation that will be carried out must be
measurable in the achievement of the program
development character.
In formulating values and characters involving
various perspectives, such as the academic and non-
academic conditions and conditions of a university.
The values and characters that are prioritized will be
implemented systematiccally, coordinated and
structured. The implementation of student values
and characters also required to be monitored and
evaluated so that characters can be formed according
to the university's vision and mission.
Institute for Education Development And Quality
Assurance, Universitas Syiah Kuala, experts of
character development of Unsyiah
Wahyuniati, S., Marwan, Sofia, (2016), optimalisasi
pembinaan karakter yang berdaya saing di Universitas
Syiah Kuala, Disampaikan pada seminar nasional
pengembangan pendidikan tinggi di Padang pada 25
Oktober 2016.
Malik, A., Zandriono, Arqom K., Bonni P.S., Sri Hartati
S., Sukemi dan Supra W., (2018), General education,
Menyiapkan Manusia Indonesia di Era Industri
Revolusi Industri 4.0, Dirjenbelmawa Kemristekdikti,
Insight Report: The Future of Jobs Report 2018,
Budimansyah, D. (2012). Perancangan Pembelajaran
Berbasis Karakter. Widya Aksara Press, Bandung.
Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in
psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3,
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology