1. COA Method; In this method, the crisp
solution is obtained by taking the center of the
fuzzy region.
2. Bisector Method; In this method, the crisp
solution is obtained by taking values in a
fuzzy domain, which has a half membership
value from the total membership value in the
fuzzy area.
3. MOM; In this method, the crisp solution is
obtained by taking an average value of the
domain that has the maximum membership
4. LOM; In this method, the crisp solution is
obtained by taking the largest value from the
domain that has the maximum membership
5. SOM; In this method, the crisp solution is
obtained by taking the smallest value from the
domain that has the maximum membership
Fuzzification is the first phase of fuzzy
calculation, which changes input whose definite
truth value is in the form of fuzzy input in the form
of membership level/level of truth. Thus, this stage
takes crisp values and determine the degree to which
they become a member of each corresponding fuzzy
set (Pramudijanto, 2018). The inference is reasoning
using fuzzy input and fuzzy rules that have been
determined to produce fuzzy output.
A variable is a symbol or word that refers to
something that is not certain in the universe of the
discourse. If it's the discourse universe is a set of
numbers, then the variable is called a numerical
variable, whereas if the discourse universe is a set of
words or terms from everyday language (for
example high, fast, young, etc.), then the variable is
called the linguistic variable. The universe of
discourse or universe of words is the whole value
allowed to operate in a fuzzy variable (
. The universe words are a set of real numbers
which always increases monotone from left to right
or vice versa. The universe word value can be either
positive or negative numbers.
Based on the results of the literature study, system
design has been determined aimed at controlling the
action of Ground Vehicle movements realized in the
form of a simple prototype. The block diagram of
the Ground Vehicle movement control system
design system is shown in figure 3. The design of
the Ground Vehicle movement system consists of 4
actions that will be output when the Ground Vehicle
position with the obstacle is at a safe distance or 10
cm - 15 cm, which stops, goes forward, turns right,
and turns left. The design of the movement system
also consists of three main frameworks, namely,
input (input), process (process), and output (output).
The working method of this system itself is where
the input value given by ultrasonic in the form of
distance value to the obstacle will be forwarded to
the robotdyn UNO microcontroller which has been
integrated with fuzzy logic to be processed by the
applied coding, after that the data from robotdyn
Figure 3: Design System of Controller
UNO has been completed processed will be
forwarded to the output value, which will then give
an order to the motor driver to adjust the DC motor
rotation according to the results of the data that has
been given from the robotdyn UNO. This is different
from the process carried out by GPS where input
originating from the
signal transmission to the satellite will be sent back
to the GPS module which will then be processed by
the robotdyn UNO microcontroller with coding that
has been applied and clearly different from previous
coding (without fuzzy logic), after that the result of
the robotdyn UNO process will be forwarded back
to the GPS module as an output by providing a value
in the form of coordinate position or point of
location of the Ground Vehicle.
This design is the initial design carried out to
find out how the composition of each component