The value of the artistic aspect if it is
concluded is that the journey and its changes also
follow the changing times and culture it represents.
So that the process of awareness, prudence,
intellectuality and even a game of human perception
gives value for a temporary musical possibilities in
each era.
The second aspect (2) is to assess creativity
not only seen from technical studies about artistic and
aesthetic, but value is also the result of cultural
structuring, so it needs to be seen through the
empirical view of study. (Minette, 2009: p19) said
that music is the result of many complex factors, ie.
musical, religious, economical, educational that were
interplayed, so before speaking of values in a cultural
perspective, music is also very relative to how to look
at it.
The classical composition, for example, as
stated by (Bambang, 2014) that J.S Bach, Bethoven
or chopin works must have been regarded as music,
but other entities such as the sound of trumpets Miles
Davis or Heavy Metal were also called music. Not to
mention the type of music that sounds as if it is
without structure and impresses without melodies and
sounds strange from Arnold Schönberg's atonal
composition, even worse if music is composed of
sound elements, then John Cage's work entitled 4'33
"is only quiet for four minutes thirty three seconds.
Other phenomena such as those which are clearly as
a song and even have musical value, according to
Bruno Nettl cited by (Bambang, 2014) that, for
Iranians the Qur'an is not categorized as 'music'
(mūsīqī), even for Iranian music instrumental is
connoted as sin and cannot be assosiated to religosity
like European music. Charles Culver (ibid, 2014)
defines music as a sound with periodic and regular
vibrations, but cannot be universally applied because
it takes the example of some in the tribe in Papua
Nugini (Kaluli) and the tribe in Africa sounds of
friction with irregular patterns is considered music.
Cathleen Marie who cited by (Bambang,
2014) understands music as an 'auditory phenomenon
produced even Bambang adding ‘apreciated’ and
intentionally, so in other words music is a sound that
becomes music, it must be produced with a specific
purpose, then the quality of appreciation that arises
depends on the meaning that given by listener
(conscious of value). Then how are random natural
sounds or those that are not intentional, or even some
that are clearly considered musical value are not even
considered as music as in Iranian society. This is what
returns again, music must be appreciated as music if
the listener does see it as music.
The ability to appreciate is indeed necessary
through the process of internalization through a
society which teaches its music itself, so that creative
experience is the result of the accumulation of
individual experiences in the social environment,
which is (Bourdieu, 2011) called cultural capital.
Cultural capital is a type of capital that is associated
with intellectual skills, the wealth of ideas of art ideas
obtained through long experience in the social arena,
so that valuation is certainly determinization, or
attraction of power in the arena (Bourdieu, 2011). The
accumulated experience is obtained through
(Minnete, 2009: p19) trial and error in social contexts
or situations through reflection, practiced, and
developed over period of time which temporarily
continues to experience small adjustments and
So that the factor of audience appreciation
level also affects the value that appears. (Bambang,
2014) explained that appreciation of musical values
is obtained through listening activities, listening to
the right is certainly through at least include the stages
(1) Sensuos, (2) Affective, and (3) Intellectuals.
(1) Sensuous (spontaneous) - through the
senses of hearing, the matter of 'delicious' or
'unpleasant' is seen through the body's moving
response when hearing musical elements from reggae
music, house music, in contrast to Jazz or classical
which tends to be complex, body language we may
face frowning through our faces or other body
language that says there is complexity.
(2) Affective (through listening habits) we can
be able to appreciate and familiarize ourselves with
music that may initially be uncomfortable and then
become towards likes or even dislikes. (3)
Intellectuals (understanding) Understanding is not
limited to likes or dislikes but has entered the
intellectual cognitive area which then enables us to do
two things (ibid, 2014), (1) able to empathize
meaning regardless of the likes or dislikes of the art
but want to see the objective value which is the
specialty of music (2) is able to give a predicate to the
composition of musical composition, this is where
appreciation or giving of value, which this party
through Bourdieu’s perspective is the role of social
appraisers including curators, media art, art
intellectuals and even the majority audience, which
then raises justifications about the "right way",
"Wrong way", "Better ways" in evaluating a
performing work.
The concert performance was held by Tokyo
University of Art, Yamaha and Berlin Philharmonic