Relationship between Adult Attachment and Coping on Early Adults
Who Experience Emotional Abuse
Raudhatul Jannah, Lely Safrina, Marty Mawarpury, Afriani
Department of Psychology, Syiah Kuala University
Keywords: Adult, Attachment, Coping, Emotional Abuse.
Abstract: Emotional abuse is a type of abuse that often occurs but is still little studied. Emotional abuse affects the
type of attachment and coping that is used by individuals to solve and deal with problems. This study aims
to determine the relationship between attachment and coping in adults who experience emotional abuse. The
correlational method which is a quantitative type of research with adult samples aged 18-40 years,
experiencing emotional abuse, domiciled in Banda Aceh, and the incidental sampling sampling technique
(n=77) was used in this study. Attachment was measured using the Relationship Style Questionnaire (RSQ)
and coping was measured using the Brief COPE. Data analysis using The Pearson correlation technique
showed there was a relationship between attachment and coping (r = 0.47, p <0.05) in adults who
experienced emotional abuse. The results showed that the majority of subjects at 76.6% in this study had
insecure attachment and had an adaptive type of coping. On another hand, there are subjects with secure
attachment but had a type of maladaptive coping as much as 44.6%. Furthermore, the results of the study
also discussed the correlation of each type of attachment with coping in details.
The Indonesian Child Protection Commission
(KPAI) recorded 1,000 cases child abuse during
2016 (Hendrian, 2016). Based on detailed data on
child protection cluster cases from 2011 to 2016,
there were 84 cases of children victims of physical
abuse such as beatings, 37 cases of emotional abuse
such as threats and intimidation, as well as 120 cases
of child victims of sexual abuse such as rape (KPAI,
2016). Based on three types abuse presented in the
data is known that emotional abuse is the least abuse
occurred according to KPAI.
During the inauguration ceremony, members of
the Commission for Supervision and Protection of
Children Aceh Province (KPPA) in 2017, Zaini
Abdullah, former governor of Aceh, mentioned that
many cases of abuse against children in Aceh
occurred both in home and at school (Safdar,
2017). According to Empowerment Agency data
Acehnese women (BP2A), there are 1,326 cases of
abuse against children in 23 district / city (Yusuf,
2015). In 2017, the Integrated Services Center
Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A)
of Aceh Province, stated the case reaching abuse
against women and children in Aceh until March 8,
2017 704 cases (Wardani, 2017). Based on the data
above, it can be seen that the amount of abuse
against children is high in Aceh.
Life experiences such as abuse in childhood, is
important to determine the pattern of individual
attachment (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007). Riggs and
Kaminski (2010) stated that individuals who
experience emotional abuse have insecure
attachment during adulthood. Mikulincer and Shaver
(2007) said that individuals with insecure
attachments are more often involved in conflicts and
tend to adopt maladaptive coping, so they
experience problems in social interaction as well as
problems in maintaining a balanced relationship
with other people. This tends to reduce the quality of
relationships and cause relationship instability and in
some cases other than that relationships can also
pose significant risks in the form of behavioral
problems, lack of social skills, low self-esteem, and
some emotional disorders that can occur in
childhood, adolescence, or in adulthood (Mikulincer
& Shaver, 2007). Attachment affects individual
perception about stress and how to deal with it (Van
der Klok, 2007).
Research conducted by Riggs and Kaminski
(2010) states that individuals with experiences of
Jannah, R., Safrina, L., Mawarpury, M. and Afriani, .
Relationship between Adult Attachment and Coping on Early Adults Who Experience Emotional Abuse.
DOI: 10.5220/0009444402370242
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 237-242
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
emotional abuse in childhood can be predicted to
have insecure adult attachments. Experience what
happens repeatedly about insecure attachments will
affect a self-image and a picture of another person
that an individual has so the two dimensions of
attachment are difficult to change (Bowlby, 1973;
Mikulincer & Shaver 2007).
Early adult individuals often experience various
stresses in life, like stress in relationships with
family and friends (Folkman, Lazarus, Pimley, &
Novacek, 1987). Bjorklund and Bee (2009) which
explains that early adulthood is the peak period of
physical development and cognitive abilities as well
as life periods with changes, such as the transition
from students to the world of work. Furthermore,
Berk (2012) adds that early adulthood is an energetic
period filled with important decisions when
compared with the other period in life. Therefore,
adult individuals must choose adaptive coping for
dealing with stress.
The urgency of this study are, the least study
about emotional abuse, the high amount of abuse
case, and the effect of experience emotional abuse
on adult attachment style thus related to coping used.
2.1 Attachment
Bartholomew (1990) explains that attachment is an
affective bond which is eternal between certain
individuals. Dimensions of the idea of attachment
according to Bartholomew (1990) there are two,
namely self-image and picture about other
people. There are four attachment styles in adult
attachment theory Bartholomew, namely secure
attachment, preoccupied attachment, fearful
attachment and dismissing attachment
(Bartholomew, 1990).
2.2 Coping
Coping is all cognitive and behavioral efforts to
master, reduce, or tolerate internal and / or external
demands caused by stressful conditions (Folkman &
Lazarus, 1980). There are two types of coping
according to Folkman and Lazarus, namely emotion
focus coping and problem focus coping. Meanwhile,
Carver (1997) who also guided the theories of
Folkman and Lazarus, mention there are 14 types of
coping namely self-distraction, active coping, denial,
substance-use, use of emotional social support, use
of instrumental social support, behavioral
disengagement, venting, positive reframing,
planning, humor, acceptance, religion, and self-
2.3 Relationship between Attachment
with Coping in Experienced Adults
Emotional Abuse
The initial experience of individual attachment
influences the pattern of attachment in the next
development stage of individual, thus is formed
based on self-image and the description of others as
well experience of attachment to a previous
developmental period (Bowlby, 1973; Mikulincer &
Shaver 2007). Malekpour (2007) stated that
experience of failure in obtaining secure
attachments to the developmental period can cause
the individual to have insecure attachment at a later
stage of development.
Attachment and coping have a relationship
because they both include cognitive interpretation of
stress and decisions about how much they believe
individuals towards themselves and others (Seifge-
Krenke & Beyers, 2005). Seifge-Krenke and Beyers
(2005) mention the theory of attachment is useful for
explaining why individuals have different ways in
deal with the causes of stress and to understand how
this difference developed from childhood to
adulthood. According to Bowlby, attachment is
activated when dealing with stress, so experience
with attachment figure develop mental
representation (internal working models) about
himself and others who influence judgment and
determination stress levels (Seifge-Krenke &
Beyers, 2005).
Seifge-Krenke and Beyers (2005)
explain internal working models will continue into
adulthood thus helping individuals to predict and
manage stress, especially in relationships with other
people. They continue that, this conceptualization
fits the model of Lazarus and Folkman about
coping. According to this model, individual
differences believed to mediate the process of
assessing the causes of stress, which then has an
influence on coping which individuals use to deal
with stress. Attachment can affect stress perception,
during the process primary assessments and in
particular, guide the individual during the secondary
assessment to chose effective coping.
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
This research used quantitative research methods by
type correlational research. The characteristics of the
sample used in this study is individuals aged 18-40
years, experienced emotional abuse, male and
female, and domiciled in Banda Aceh. The sampling
technique in this study was incidental sampling. The
study sample consisted of 77 individuals who meet
the research needs selected from 500 participants.
This study used two adaptation measures and has
been translated into Indonesian. To measure the
attachment variable, this study using a scale from
Griffin and Bartholomew (1994), namely
Relationship Style Questionnaire (RSQ) and coping
variables are measured using Brief COPE from
Carver (1997).
This study uses a non parametric data analysis
method with Pearson correlation techniques because
the data are normally distributed.
Based on the normality test conducted using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov with respect to both variables,
the results show that the data normally distributed
because the significance (p) is> 0.05. On a scale
Attachment obtained significance value (p) = 0.843
(p <0.05), while on a scale Coping significance
value (p) = 0.376 (p <0.05). Meanwhile, the linearity
test is conducted on both research variables through
ANOVA test for linearity the results show that the
significance value (p) = 0,000. Significance value
(p) = 0,000 (p <0.05) shows that there is a linear
relationship between attachment and coping
Hypothesis testing in this study uses statistical
analysis with Pearson correlation technique. The
significance value (p) = 0,000 (p
<0.05). Furthermore, there is a correlation between
attachment to secure the coping use emotional
support (r = 0.48, p <0.05), denial (r = 0.25, p
<0.05), use instrumental support (r = 0.23, p
<0.05), positive reframing (r = 0.23, p <0.05) and
planning (r = 0.31, p <0.05) in adults who
experience emotional abuse. Then there is a
relationship between preoccupied attachment and
self coping distraction (r = 0.33, p <0.05), active
coping (r = 0.34, p <0.05), and religion (r = 0.24, p
<0.05). Next, there is a relationship between
attachment dismissing the coping self distraction (r =
0.34 , p <0.05), active coping (r = 0.41, p <0.05),
religion (r = 0.30, p <0.05) , and self blame (r =
0.31, p <0.05). Meanwhile also there is a
relationship between fearful attachment with
coping self distraction (r = 0.35 , p <0.05), active
coping (r = -0.31, p <0.05), use emotional support (r
= -0.24,p <0.05), substance use (r = 0.35 , p
<0.05), behavioral disenggement (r = 0.26,p <0.05),
and self blame (r = 0.29, p <0.05). These results
indicate that there is a relationship between
attachment with coping in adults who experience
emotional abuse. Therefore, the research hypothesis
is accepted.
This research was conducted to determine the
relationship between attachment with coping in
adults who experience emotional abuse. Results
research shows that there is a relationship between
attachment coping. These results are obtained from
the results of statistical data analysis shows the value
of the correlation coefficient (r) = 0.479 with a
significance value (p) = 0,000 (p> 0.05). The results
of this study are the same as the research found by
Seifge-Krenke and Beyers (2005), Riggs, Cusimano,
and Benson (2011), and Ognibene and Collins
(1998) which state that attachment related to
coping. Ognibene and Collins (1998) say that
Secure attachment has a correlation with the type of
coping use of emotional support and use of
instrumental support. Next the preoccupied
attachment is correlated with use of emotional
support and escape avoidance . As well as the type
of attachment dismissing and fearful correlate
with use of emotional support.
Based on the type of attachment, more subjects
have insecure attachment types, as many as 59
subjects classified as fearful attachment with 27.3%,
preoccupied attachment with 26%, and dismissing
attachment with 23.4%, while another 18 subjects
with 23.4% were classified in the secure category.
Riggs (2010; Riggs and Kaminski, 2010; Riggs,
Cusimano, & Benson, 2011; Gay, Harding, Jackson,
Burns, & Baker, 2013) said that individuals who
experienced emotional abuse in childhood can also
be predicted to have insecure attachment in
Insecure attachment in adulthood occurs because
of an intermediary early maladaptive
schemas (EMS) owned by individuals who
experience emotional abuse so individuals tend to
have a type of attachment insecure (Gay et al, 2013;
Riggs, 2010; Riggs & Kaminski, 2010; Riggs,
Relationship between Adult Attachment and Coping on Early Adults Who Experience Emotional Abuse
Cusimano, & Benson, 2011). Early maladaptive
schemas are all patterns thoughts about yourself and
others formed from various events, experiences,
emotions, and thoughts during childhood or
adolescents, but can change or settle along with
individual development (Gay et al, 2013).
Emotional abuse in this study influenced the type
of attachment. Emotional abuse that occurs affects
self-image of an individual and individual
descriptions of other people (Riggs, Cusimano, &
Benson, 2011). Individuals who experience abuse
see themselves as victims, helpless, shameful, and
worthless. Then, individuals find it hard to believe
others because other people are considered to be
untrustworthy, unappreciative, individuals, cruel,
traitors, and others can hurt the individual. Thus,
individuals also assume that no one gives support
when needed (Indrawati & Fauziah, 2012). This is
the general cause that individual who has insecure
attachment also has a maladaptive coping.
Meanwhile, secure adult attachment is positively
associated with the ability to modulate affects thus
correct to choose coping strategies (Craparo,
Magnano, Zapparrata, Gori, Costanzo, Pace, &
Pellerone, 2018)
According to the total number of coping
analyzes, the majority of subjects have active
coping with 15.65% who tend to belong to the
adaptive coping. This is different from the previous
statement from Mikulincer and Shaver (2007; 2012),
Riggs (2010), Riggs and Kaminski (2010), Riggs,
Cusimano, and Benson (2011), and Gay et al (2013)
who said that individuals with insecure attachment
tend to have maladaptive coping. After further
examination, it is known that the individual with
insecure attachment can also have adaptive
coping. Like the results Seifge-Krenke and Beyers
(2005) research which shows that insecure
attachment specifically preoccupied attachment and
dismissing attachment can also have adaptive coping
namely active coping. The preoccupied attachment
also can have high scores on both adaptive and
maladaptive coping, so individuals
with preoccupied attachment have a what called as
ambivalent coping.
The researchers is aware of the limitations in the
implementation process this research. First, the
unavailability of data about how many individuals
who experience emotional abuse. Second, there are
still many individuals who not yet familiar with the
term emotional abuse so most of it individuals
respond not to experience emotional abuse (323
individuals answer not experience emotional
abuse). Third, emotional abuse not specifically
measured using a certain scale.
This research was conducted to determine the
relationship between attachment with coping in
adults who experience emotional abuse. Results in
this study shows that there is a relationship between
secure attachment with coping use emotional social
support, denial, use instrumental social
support, positive refreming, and planning in adults
who experience emotional abuse. Then there is a
relationship between preoccupied attachment with
self coping distraction, active coping,
and religion. Next, there is a relationship between
dismissing attachment with self-distraction coping,
active coping, religion, and self-blame. Meanwhile
there is also a relationship between fearful
attachment with self-distraction coping, active
coping, substance use, behavioral disenggement,
and self-blame. Each type of attachment shows a
significant correlation with certain types of
coping. The most significant significant relationship
among the four types of attachment is
secure attachment with positive refreming.
Most subjects have insecure attachment that
is, fearful attachment, preoccupied attachment,
and dismissing attachment, while the rest has
a secure attachment type. This shows that,
individuals with insecure attachments tend to have
maladaptive coping but also can have adaptive
coping, as is the case with individuals classified
as secure attachments tend to have adaptive coping
but can also have maladaptive coping. This can
occur due to individual diversity factors such as
personality, age, gender, early maladaptive
schemas (EMS), differences in the process of
coping, and the environment.
Based on the results of the study, it is expected to
the professional and activist, especially for those
who take part in the protection sector as well
providing interventions for individuals who
experience abuse, so as not ignores the existence of
emotional abuse as a form of abuse that is
separate. It is expected that adults, especially those
in Banda Aceh can improve the approach to the
Almighty and improve acceptance of problems that
occur. There are various ways that are worth a try to
solve the problem, so that the problem experienced
can be solved effectively and efficiently. To further
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
researchers who are interested in conduct research
on adult attachment or coping can use other
variables too, like depression, religiosity, prosocial,
and others. Future researchers can also conduct
research on individual coping flexibility or can
change adult samples whose age is more specific
because of each age in development have different
types of problems, and use qualitative research
methods for obtaining richer data and deep.
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ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology