Automation of Student’s Final Project Business Process using
ProcessMaker: Case Study - Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
Muhammad Ghifari Fadhilah and Lovinta Happy Atrinawati
Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
Keywords: Business process, Business process automation, final project, ProcessMaker
Abstract: Business Process Automation can be applied in the higher education business process, including the student's
final project business process. The undergraduate program in the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK)
ends with the writing of the final project, in which students have to follow the research methods and grammar
rules of scientific writing (ITK, 2018). There are several processes that need to be followed in order to finish
the final project, namely registration, proposal presentation, research & supervisory, and final project defense.
There are also 18 forms that need to be filled throughout the final project process. Problems occurred due to
no information systems to support this business process, leading to missing forms, missing information in
each form, ineffective supervisory activities, and past deadline final project completion. To solve these
problems, it is necessary to do business process automation for the entire process of the final project. In this
study, the method used was part of the life cycle of Business Process Management (BPM), namely, business
process implementation. The steps that were taken in this method confirmed the process model, identify
automation boundaries, task manual review, complete the process model, bring the process model to an
adequate granularity, and specify the execution process. The results obtained from this study were the Final
Project Information System had been implemented using ProcessMaker, and there were 13 proposed process
improvements in the Final Project Guidelines.
A business process is a collection of business
activities that involve one or more types of input and
produce outputs that add business value. Business
processes are evolving at different speeds compared
to information systems, which leads to asynchronous
business processes and information systems.
However, this issue can be overcome by
technological developments that currently support
rapidly developing business processes, namely
Business Process Automation. Business Process
Automation is part of Business Process Management
(BPM), which is an approach to be able to realize
effective and efficient business processes. BPM can
help speed up the process of an organization, reduce
labor requirements, increase the level of efficiency,
productivity, and competitiveness of the company
(Singh, 2012). BPM has a life cycle consisting of 6
stages, namely process identification, process
discovery, process analysis, process redesign, process
implementation, and process monitoring and
controlling. To make business processes effective and
efficient, actions are needed to run business
processes. The action is the process implementation
stage contained in the BPM life cycle. To implement
the business process can be done with Business
Process Automation (BPA) (Dumas, Rosa, Mendling,
& Reijers, 2013).
BPA can also be applied in the higher education
business process, including the student's final project
business process. The undergraduate program in the
Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) ends with
the writing of the final project, in which students have
to follow the research methods and grammar rules of
scientific writing (ITK, 2018). There are several
processes that need to be followed in order to finish
the final project, namely registration, proposal
presentation, research & supervisory, and final
project defense. There are also 18 forms that need to
be filled throughout the final project process.
Problems occurred due to no information systems to
support this business process, leading to missing
forms, missing information in each form, ineffective
supervisory activities, and past deadline final project
completion. To solve these problems, it is necessary
Fadhilah, M. and Atrinawati, L.
Automation of Student’s Final Project Business Process using ProcessMaker: Case Study - Institut Teknologi Kalimantan.
DOI: 10.5220/0009444902040212
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019), pages 204-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-434-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to do business process automation for the entire
process of the final project. Therefore, this research
implements the final project business process at ITK
by using one of Business Process Management
Software (BPMS), namely ProcessMaker. By using
BPMS, process owners can save processing time,
save costs, and ensure quality and consistency. This
is expected to help facilitate the entire process of the
final project at ITK. The system that has been
implemented using BPA provides several benefits,
including workload education, flexible system
integration, execution transparency, and rule
enforcement (Dumas, Rosa, Mendling, & Reijers,
Figure 1: Methodology flowchart
BPA has several stages, namely, confirm to-be
process model, identify the automation boundaries,
review manual tasks, complete the process model,
bring the process model to an adequate granularity
level, specify execution properties, user acceptance
test, and user training. In the first stage, interviews
with the business process owners are conducted so
that the business process models are confirmed. The
result obtained from this stage is a clear and fixed
business process model of the final project process at
ITK. Next, the automation boundaries are identified
by separating which activities can and cannot be
automated using the Business Process Management
Software (BPMS). The activities are grouped into
several categories, specifically automated tasks, user
tasks, and manual tasks. All of the manual tasks need
to be reviewed and converted into automated or user
tasks in order to be automated using BPMS. The
manual tasks that cannot be automated by the system
are separated. After setting the boundaries of the
existing process automation in the final project
business process and reviewing the manual task, we
need to check that the process model has been
completed. If there is a process that has not been
completed, the process must be completed first so that
the system can run effectively. Furthermore, it is
necessary to ensure that the tasks in the business
process are of the right size, so that the work carried
out can run without a hitch. If there is a process in the
procedure of implementing the final project that can
be divided into smaller so that it can run more
optimally. In the last stage, the business process
model changed from to-be executed models to
executable models. Specifications need to be made on
how each element in the final project business process
model can be implemented effectively with BPMS.
Things that need to be specified include variables,
messages, and errors of existing processes, task and
event variables, and their maps with process
variables, service details, and others.
Finally, the User Acceptance Test (UAT) stage is
conducted in order to evaluate that that all final
business process automation activities can run
smoothly. The UAT needs to be approved by the
process owners. If the UAT stage has been approved
by the process owners, the next step is to conduct user
training to all of the users to ensure a smooth
transition to using the BPMS.
3.1 Confirm to-be Process Model
The entire final project business process in the
Information Systems Study Program refers to the
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the
Information Systems Final Project Guide. Then after
doing previous research by Wiratama Putra Pratikta,
it produced a to-be process model of a final project
that has been carried out until now. So, it is necessary
to do the confirm to-be process model stage, which is
an interview process to the process owner regarding
the suitability of the final project business processes
that have been running with the current conditions
that occur in the Information Systems Study Program.
Then the business processes are detailed, and their
business process models are described. One business
process that has been confirmed by the process owner
is the final project registration business process,
which can be seen in Figure 2. There are three roles
involved in this business process, namely students,
administration staff, and prospective supervisors. The
process starts with the student doing the required
Automation of Student’s Final Project Business Process using ProcessMaker: Case Study - Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
documents to the administration staff. Then the
administration staff review the eligibility of the
requirements file, if the requirements file does not
meet the requirements, the student must give back the
revised requirements file to the administration staff,
and if the requirements file meets the requirements,
the student requests for supervisor, then the
supervisor will review the topic of the final project, if
the supervisor does not agree, the student must
request the supervisor again, but if the supervisor has
agreed, students can do the final project proposal
consultation process.
Figure 2: Final project registration business process
Based on interviews with the process owner, there
are 9 Final Project business processes at ITK. All the
final project business process list is shown in table 1.
Table 1: List of Final Project Business Processes
No Index Business Process Name
1 PB-01
Attendance of Final Project Proposal
2 PB-02 Final Project Registration
3 PB-03 Final Project Proposal Consultation
4 PB-04
Final Project Proposal Presentation
5 PB-05 Final Project Consultation
6 PB-06 Final Project Proposal Presentation
7 PB-07 Final project defense Registration
8 PB-08 Final project defense
9 PB-09
Submission of Final Project
3.2 Identify the Automation
The identify the automation boundaries stage is the
process of identifying the type of each task or process
carried out in order to know the limits of automation.
Each task or process has three different types, namely
automated tasks, manual tasks, and user tasks.
Therefore, this stage is the process of giving
appropriate icons to each task. One example of a
business process that has been given the icon is the
final project defense business process, which can be
seen in figure 3.
Figure 3: Final project defense business process
In the student lane, there are three tasks with each
type of task. In the final project, the session task is
categorized as manual tasks because students are
required to present their final project directly in the
classroom. Student revision task is also categorized
as a manual task because students revise reports
directly and submit for final project report revision
task is categorized as a user task because students can
submit revised final project reports via email or that
kind of thing. Then in the supervisor lane, there are
two tasks, namely the supervisor revision review task
is categorized as a manual task because the supervisor
reviews directly on the final project report and score
input task is categorized as user tasks because
Supervisor can input score in Academic Information
Systems ITK (SIKANTAN). Then the examiner lane
only has 1 task, namely the revision review task,
which is categorized as manual tasks because they
must do a review directly on the final project report.
3.3 Review Manual Tasks
After the process of identifying the automation
boundaries, the manual task review stage can then be
performed to maximize the value obtained by the
system. Tasks that are still categorized as manual
tasks are changed to user tasks or automated tasks. So,
there are no more business processes that contain
manual tasks. One example of a business process that
has passed the manual task review stage is the final
project Proposal Presentation, which can be seen in
figure 4.
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
Figure 4: Final Project Proposal Presentation business
Previously, the final project Proposal Presentation
business process had passed through the identify the
automation boundaries stage, which was explained in
figure 3. In the student lane, the final project Proposal
Presentation task has been replaced by the submit
proposal task with the type of user tasks. And the
removal of the revised student task was done. Then in
the supervisor lane, the type of supervisor review
task, which was previously a manual task, has been
changed to a user task. Then in the examiner lane, the
type of examiner review task has been changed to a
user task.
3.4 Complete the Process Model
At the complete process model stage, all Final
Project business processes are confirmed to be
complete and clear. The final project consultation
business process can be seen in figure 5. In the final
project consultation business process, all tasks have a
category. So that the business process can proceed to
the next stage.
Figure 5: Final project consultation business process
3.5 Bring the Process Model to an
Adequate Granularity
Bring the process model to an adequate granularity
level is a process of combining interconnected tasks
into one task. This stage can be seen in one of the final
project defense business processes in the student lane
section described in figure 6.
Figure 6: Final project defense business process
It can be seen in the student revision task has a
connection with the submit report revision task so that
both tasks can be combined into the submit final
project report revision.
3.6 Specify Execution Properties
At the stage of specifying the execution process, all
tasks in the final project business process need to be
specified. This stage is carried out, aiming to
automate business processes to run smoothly, thus
making the system effective. The specifications
carried out on the task, or the business process itself
are as follows:
Assignment Rules
Input Documents
Output Documents
Sub-process Properties
Figure 7: Final project defense business process
Examples of business processes that have passed
the specify execution properties stage are the final
project defense business processes described in figure
7. All of the tasks have been carried out in the
specification process for the assignment rules section.
It aims to determine the tasks given in accordance
with their respective roles.
Automation of Student’s Final Project Business Process using ProcessMaker: Case Study - Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
Figure 8: Assignment rules
Can be seen in figure 8, the specifications are done
on the submit final project report revision task in the
student roles section. So, assignment rules need to be
done to student users.
Figure 9: Dynaform
Furthermore, so that students can collect revised
final project reports, a form is needed as a container
for collecting student report files. So, it can be seen in
figure 9, an example of a dynaforms that has been
designed is called submit final revision report
contained in the submit final revision report task.
Figure 10: Submit revised final project report form
From the results of the design, the form display on
the system can be seen in figure 10. In that view,
students fill in the data related to the final project
report. Management of files sent by each user can be
set in the input documents specification, which
includes the document size, document name,
document type, document placement, illustrated in
figure 11.
Figure 11: Input documents
This input document can be used on different
dynaforms. So, the user can upload files according to
the input settings of the document that has been
adjusted. Then the display of the results of the input
documents shown in Figure 12, there are titles of
input documents, ID documents, and document
Figure 12: Document input results
Similar to input documents, the function of the output
documents specification is to manage the files
received by each user, which include the file name,
file type, and file contents. Output documents can
produce files such as final report value, create
invitation letters, official records, and so on, as in
figure 13. So, the user can download the file as
Figure 13: Output documents
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
Figure 14: Output documents results
From the results of the draft output documents, the
data filled out by the user will be displayed as an
example of the output documents in figure 14. The
triggers specification is needed to regulate the
running of a task process. So that each task goes
automatically according to the user-specified. So that
the task process runs precisely and efficiently. An
example of triggers can be seen in figure 15.
Figure 15: Triggers
Triggers are used to call the main supervisor,
supervisor, and examiner. So, the results displayed on
the triggers settings can be seen in Figure 16 below.
Figure 16: Triggers results
In order for all users can access input documents,
it is necessary to do specifications on permissions,
and an example can be seen in figure 17. Permissions
are intended for lecturer roles, so lecturers can
download files sent by students, or from others.
Figure 17: Permissions
Then the results of the specifications on the
permissions, the Lecturer has been able to download
the revised final report file that has been sent by the
student listed in Figure 18.
Automation of Student’s Final Project Business Process using ProcessMaker: Case Study - Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
Figure 18: Permissions results
One of the most important specifications, so that
the entire process can run, it requires sub-process
properties. This specification can manage every
variable that has been sent by each user so that it is
passed on to other processes. Examples of sub-
process properties specifications that have been used
are in the sub-process submission of the completion
of the final project. This can be seen in figure 19.
Figure 19: Sub-process properties
After the specification of the sub-process
properties is carried out, the process that was
previously in the final project defense can proceed to
the sub-process of submitting the completeness of the
final project shown in Figure 20 below.
Figure 20: Sub-process properties results
3.7 User Acceptance Test (UAT) &
User Training
This stage aims to ensure that all final project
business process automation activities can run
smoothly and are approved by the process owner.
Therefore, the testing and training stage of the system
only covers the Information System Study Program.
Because it is constrained by the free time, each
process owner is different, so it is very difficult to
bring the entire process owner in UAT & UT
activities. Then the testing and training activities are
carried out simultaneously. All UAT participants
conduct testing and training in accordance with
predetermined scenarios.
The UAT scenarios are carried out in all business
processes, which can be seen in table 2.
Table 2: Testing and training scenarios
No Scenario Index Business Process Name
1 UAT-01 PB-01
Attendance of Final Project
Proposal Presentation
2 UAT-02 PB-02 Final Project Registration
3 UAT-03 PB-03
Final Project Proposal
4 UAT-04 PB-04
Final Project Proposal
Presentation Registration
5 UAT-05 PB-05
Final Project Proposal
6 UAT-06 PB-06 Final Project Consultation
7 UAT-07 PB-07
Final project defense
8 UAT-08 PB-08 Final project defense
9 UAT-09 PB-09
Submission of Final Project
The test results of the final project information
system in this second UAT & UT are all UAT
scenarios accepted by UAT participants, and the
system is considered to have run properly. All UAT
scenarios that have been successfully tested can be
seen in table 3.
Table 3: UAT scenario test results
No Scenario Index
Business Process
1 UAT-01 PB-01
Attendance of Final
Project Proposal
2 UAT-02 PB-02
Final Project
3 UAT-03 PB-03
Final Project
4 UAT-04 PB-04
Final Project
Proposal Presentation
5 UAT-05 PB-05
Final Project
Proposal Presentation
6 UAT-06 PB-06
Final Project
7 UAT-07 PB-07
Final project defense
8 UAT-08 PB-08 Final project defense Pass
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology
9 UAT-09 PB-09
Submission of Final
Project Completions
3.8 Proposed Improvement of the
Guide to the Final Project
Information Systems Study
The final project guide aims to maintain the quality of
the final project produced by ITK students, especially
in the scope of Information Systems Students. In
addition, each study program has its own criteria, so
that in the final project guide, there is a special
reference to accommodate the study program criteria
in the ITK environment. From the results of the
Business Process Automation stages that have been
carried out, in accordance with aspects of the
implementation of business processes, it is necessary
to do the organizational change management stage,
which is to align the process of the final project guide
with the final project business processes that have
been implemented. From the results of these stages,
there are 13 proposed improvements to the process of
the final project guide, which are listed in table 4.
Final Project Guide
Chapter Statement
Chapter I,
Number 8,
Section 2
Duties and
obligations of
The addition of
points in section 2 is
supervisors are
entitled to accept
and reject the
request of
supervisors from
The addition of
points in section 2 is
Determining the
examiner lecturer
Chapter I,
Number 9,
Section 2
Rights and
obligations of the
The examiner has
the right to accept or
reject requests to
determine the date
of the seminar and
the final project
defense of the
Chapter II,
Number 1
Requirements that
must be met by
students in order to
carry out the final
Attend 5 Proposal
Presentation times
by collecting the
attendance sheet file
to the system.
Chapter II,
Number 2,
Section 1
Candidate final
roject participants
fill out the final
With the Final
information system,
project topic
proposal form
(Form. TA-001a).
the candidate final
project participants
can directly fill the
supervisor request
form on the system.
Chapter II,
Number 2,
Section 3
The final project
coordinator will
propose a list of
final project
participants, along
with the assigned
supervisor (Form
ta-014) and then be
approved by the
study program
With the final
project information
system, this process
is no longer needed.
So, the process can
be removed.
Chapter II,
Number 2,
Section 4
participants in the
final project fill out
the advisory form
proposal and
research interest
field (form. ta-
With the final
project information
system, candidate
final project
participants can
directly fill out the
Final Project
requirements file
Chapter II,
Number 2,
Section 5
participants of the
final project
compile a proposal
file of supervisors
and fields of
interest to the
administration of
the study program
with a deadline
determined by each
study program.
With the final
information system,
the deadline for
collecting files can
be abolished, so that
the final assignment
registration can be
done at any time
during the lecture
Chapter II,
Number 3
procedure and
The addition of
points is the
determination of the
time and space of
the final project
determined by the
student and with the
approval of the main
examiner, and
administration staff.
The procedure for
submitting a
seminar proposal
that must be done
by students.
With the system, the
8-points submission
procedure is
changed according
to the latest system.
Automation of Student’s Final Project Business Process using ProcessMaker: Case Study - Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
Chapter II,
Number 4,
Section 4
Submit the final
project approval
form (form. ta-007)
as a condition of
the final project
With the system,
students can fill out
the final project
defense registration
Chapter II,
Number 5
The procedure for
submitting a final
project defense
must be done by
With the system, the
procedure points 1 –
10 is changed
according to the
latest system.
Chapter I,
Number 7,
Section 2
The final project
coordinator is an
ITK lecturer who is
responsible for
carrying out the
final project in the
study program
Adds the
responsibility of the
Final Project
Coordinator to add
Student & Lecturer
The implementation of BPMS for the final project
business processes has finished. The process owners
have agreed that all of the business processes
implemented using ProcessMaker are suitable to
support the final project activities. This integrated
system (BPMS) is expected to provide benefits for the
students, supervisors, and also ITK in order to
implement an effective business process. There are
some changes made, and the guidelines provided in
the final project guide are not suitable anymore.
Therefore, ITK needs to manage its organizational
change management in order to align the process of
the final project guide with the use of ProcessMaker.
There are 13 changes proposed to improve the final
project guidelines.
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ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology