yielding precise results in the heartbeat sensing
In addition, a tiny pressure sensor but with
efficient measurement and flexible shape developed
to cope with comfortable and low-cost solutions in a
mobile medical device (Shu, 2015). An idle heart
rate, compared to the threshold heart rate, was
presented to determine the heart condition using the
collected data, which was stored in the database. The
apparatus collected data from an analog sensor, then
transfer them to the database via the internet (Farin,
2016). With new technology, the heart rate detection
can be extracted by ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse
radar without touching and placing the sensor
around the body (Cho, 2018). The telemonitoring
analyzing with heart rate sensor node was
demonstrated for wireless body sensor networks
(WBSNs) (Fouad, 2017), as well as continuous
monitoring applied bandpass filter (BPF) based on
light-dependent resistor (LDR) as a signal receiver
and light-emitting diode (LED) as a light transmitter
(Cohen, 2017).
In this study, we present the heartbeat monitoring
(HBM) by implementing a non-invasive heart rate
sensor with a wavelength of 609 nm involving an
infra-red (IR) LED and a photodetector. The heart
pulse, then processed by the NodeMCU ESP8266
microcontroller module. Based on the data obtained
from the proposed device, we compare them with a
pedometer in a smartwatch of Xiomi Mi Band 3 to
verify the heartbeat in no activity and after activity
2.1 Designed System
Estimating the heart condition through the
placement of the sensor on the index finger is the
aim of HBM. The sensor has embedded a filter and
amplification circuits. Therefore, it can be interfaced
directly to the microcontroller module. Also, it was
provided in a sensor pair packaging composed of
two primary components, namely an IR LED and a
The low power IR LED is capable of penetrating
the skin of the human body due to it has a
wavelength of NIR. The NIR light penetrates inside
the fingertip, hence some of the light will be
scattered and absorbed. The blood pumping from the
heart induces the variation in light intensity: the
higher blood velocity, the higher heart bpm, and vice
versa. The photodetector has to receive the light
returning from inside the fingertip accurately. Figure
1 depicts the illustration of an index finger on the
sensor to determine the heart rate.
Figure 1: Illustration of HBM fingertip measurement.
The sensor counted the pulse when fingertip of
the index finger touching well it. As can be seen in
Figure 1, the blood pressure analog data in the artery
representing by the red line will be converted to the
heart rate in the embedded algorithm inside the
microcontroller. This mechanism drove us to
develop medical apparatus in HBM purposes.
Besides, we discovered that ischaemic heart disease
contributed to reducing the expectancy of men
respecting women is 0.84 years (World Health
Organization, 2019).
We designed the system with a pulse heart rate
sensor, NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller
module, and an organic LED (OLED) display to
interpret an HBM device, as shown in Figure 2. As
explained previously, the data from the sensor was
transferred directly to the microcontroller, and there
was an ADC processing with the counting processes
of the raw data from the sensor to be a bpm. Next,
the bpm and waveform displayed in OLED.
Figure 2: The proposed full system.
For detecting the heart rate, not all pins of
NodeMCU was used. The sensor and OLED needed
3 volts for the power source, which was provided by
two pins of NodeMCU. Additionally, only one pin
in the microcontroller was necessary for connecting
the signal (S) pin on the sensor to the A0 pin. SCL
and SDA pins on OLED were interfaced to D0 and
D1, respectively. Figure 3 shows the wiring diagram
of HBM. We tried to design the measurement
system with minimum electronic components for
considering in the future work to provide efficient,
low cost, tiny, portable, and mobile HBM
The used system can be modified in the data
transmission due to NodeMCU is a microcontroller
module equipped by the Wifi module. It enables to