levels of firm performance as hypothesized,
supporting the assertions of Dubey et al. (2015).
This means that firms with high levels of leadership
commitment to green practices can expect both
improved environmentally sustainable operations
and improved firm performance. Finally, high,
environmentally sustainable operations lead to
higher firm performance (Emmett and Sood, 2010).
High commitment to green practices enables firms to
minimize costs and become more efficient, which
ultimately reflects positively on firm performance.
The study explored the effect of leadership
commitment to green practices on environmentally
sustainable operations and firm performance in a
Sub-Saharan African country. Analysis of data from
a survey of 334 firms revealed that higher levels of
leadership commitment to green practices enhance
both environmentally sustainable operations and
firm performance. Additionally, higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations enhance firm
There were some implications of the study. The
study presents new insights into the relationship
between leadership commitment, environmentally
sustainable operations, and firm performance, a
subject that has not been properly explored in
previous studies. Further, prior research suggests
that the outcomes of supply chain management
initiatives in Sub-Saharan African countries may be
different from outcomes observed in developed
regions from where most of the current studies
originate (Asamoah et al., 2016; Agyei-Owusu et al.,
2016). The study thus provides context-specific
insights into the positive outcomes of both high
leadership commitment to green practices and
environmentally sustainable operations in a Sub-
Saharan African country. By way of implications for
practice, the study provides insights that can guide
firms that want to achieve higher levels of
environmentally sustainable operations in Sub-
Saharan Africa.
There were some limitations to the study. First,
the findings of the study may not be supported in
other regions of the world as the study was
conducted within the Sub-Saharan African context.
More studies on the antecedents and outcomes of
leadership commitment to green practices from
different regions are needed. Further studies are also
needed to explore the effects of leadership
commitment on other dimensions of sustainability.
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