Coping Mechanism in Hemodialysis Patients at Dr. Zainoel Abidin
Regional Public Hospital Banda Aceh: Study in Moeslim Community
Bebby Balqis, Maimun Syukri, Dedy Syahrizal
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease/CKD, Coping Mechanism, Hemodialysis.
Abstract: The Patients with chronic kidney disease are required to undergo hemodialysis for their life survival. This
situation is a stressor experienced in the long term. The ability of the patient in dealing with stressors uses
different coping mechanisms. Coping mechanism in patients with chronic kidney disease consists of
Problem Focused Coping, Emotion Focused Coping and Disfuntional Coping. The aspect of religiosityis
one that influences the coping mechanism of patients who undergoing hemodialysis. This aspect of
religiosity also include as a part of Emotion Focused Coping mechanism. The aim of this study was to
analyze the coping mechanism in Moeslem hemodialysis patients in dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.
Methods: A total of 46 participants were the Moslem patients which is diagnosed with chronic kidney
disease who undergoes hemodialysis in Dialysis Installation RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh since
September-October 2017 formed a convenient sample for this descriptive, cross-sectional hospital-based
study. The Coping Mechanism of patiens were measured using The Carver Brief Cope questionnaire. This
research uses univariates analysis to know the frequency distribution of each variable. Results: Based on the
datas found that all of the Moslem patients under going hemodialysis mostly use Emotion Focused Coping
(abaout71,7%) as Coping mechanism than Problem Focused Coping (about 28,3%) and no patients using
Disfungtional Coping to overcome their problems. Conclusion: This study revealed significant findings
regarding the importance of religiosity as coping mechanism in Moeslem hemodialysis patients. All
Moslem patients under going hemodialysis were not found using disfunctional coping to overcome their
problems. Therefore, it has been highly recommended to integrate religiosity into the health-care process for
such patients to facilitate the achievement of overall optimum health levels.
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) will
undergo some therapies. There are hemodialysis,
renal transplantation and Continous Ambulatory
Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD). One of the supportive
therapy that becomes a must for people with CKD is
hemodialysis. Long-term hemodialysis process is
becoming a stressor for patients with CKD. Based
on the fact, patients with CKD need the proper
coping mechanism for facing their stressor.
It will affect the psychological, quality of life
and cause some problems in the personal life of the
patient. The Problems are not only in physical and
social, but also in psychological aspect that makes
the patient feel depressed with the disease. The
psychological pressure of the patient will be a
problem if they does not have a good coping
Coping mechanism of patients with CKD is one
of the things that must be considered. Based on the
research, most of the patients who takes
hemodialysis and Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal
Dialysis (CAPD) in the diagnosis of psychiatric
disorders. Patients with hemodialysis tend to have
severe psychological distress due to the length of
time of undergoing hemodialysis, the high cost of
hemodialysis, and the fear of death. It cause a higher
use of dysfunctional coping mechanism in HD
patients than CAPD patients. Dysfunctional coping
mechanism is a non-problem-oriented mechanism
that tends to cause distress conditions for patients
with hemodialysis (Baykan et al, 2012). This is
reinforced by the other study which states that
almost all of the patients with HD have severe
psychological distress and the others use coping
mechanism with emotional focused and problems
focused(Shinde et al, 2014).Another study also
Balqis, B., Syukri, M. and Syahrizal, D.
Coping Mechanism in Hemodialysis Patients at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Regional Public Hospital Banda Aceh: Study in Moeslim Community.
DOI: 10.5220/0009447302490253
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 249-253
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
states patients with CKD mostly use the coping
strategies that convert to a religious, active coping,
and coping that focuses on the emphasis of
activity(Cinar et al, 2009 ;Kohlsdorf et al, 2015).
Religiosity is thought to affect the coping
mechanism of a patient. The factors of religiosity
consist of social aspects, experiences, needs and
thoughts that will affect the coping mechanism. The
level of religiosity can help the patient controls the
emotion that affect physical and mental health. The
degree of religiosity has an important effect on
medical decision-making related to successful
coping, faster recovery and higher quality of life.
Many patients may expect help with the giving of
meaning, hope and overcoming fear(Taheri-
kharameh, 2016).
Based on the studies and the facts above, it is
concluded that coping mechanism greatly affect the
mechanism of CKD patients who takes hemodialysis
to face their problems nevertheless the research that
explain about the relation of Coping Mechanism in
CKD patients has not been done before. Therefore,
we tried to make a research on Moslem patients who
take hemodialysis in Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda
This is an analytic observational research with cross-
sectional design, done in Dialysis Installation of
Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh on Sept-Oct
2017. The population of this research was Moslem
patients who undergoes hemodialysis in Dialysis
Installation of Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh.
It was taken in quota sampling determined by the
lameshow’s formula and included in the inclusion
criteria. Patients with loss of counciousness, stroke,
and Alzheimer’s were excluded in this study. It used
primary data and secondary data. The primary data
were obtained by interviewing CKD patients who
undergo hemodialysis with a coping questionnaire,
named Carver brief Cope Scale which the scales are
divided into (1) Problem Focused Coping (PFC);
active coping, planning, suppression of competing
activities, restraint coping, seeking social support for
instrumental reasons, (2) Emotion Focused Coping
(EFC); seeking social support for emosional reasons,
positive reinterpretation, acceptance, denial, turning
to religion (aspect of religiosity); and (3)
Disfunctional Coping (DC); focus on & venting of
emosions, behavioral disengagement, mental
disengagement, alcohol drug disengagement.
Questionnaire-guided 15–20-minute interviews were
conducted during the respondents HD unit scheduled
visits. The respondents were asked to respond based
on their best understanding of the question and
based on their experience. The interviewers will
filled in the patients’ responses in the questionnaire
as they interviewed them. The secondary data were
collected from Dialysis Installation’s medical record
to describe the demografic characteristic of
respondens (age, sex, duration of hemodialysis,
education). The data were analyzed using the SPSS
version 21. The respondents’ demographic
characteristics, and the coping mechanism
questionnaire result were analyzed using descriptive
statisticsto know the frequency distribution of each
During this research it is found 46 respondents by
the characteristics as follows.
Table 1: Demographic Characteristic of Respondent.
Demografic characteristic n (46) %
>60 years old 8 19,6
50-59 years old 16 34,8
40-49 years old 13 28,3
<40 years old 9 17,4
Man 31 67,4
Woman 15 32,6
Duration of Hemodialysis
>24 months 19 26,1
12-24 months 15 32,6
<12 months 12 41,3
High 10 26,1
Moderate 24 52,2
Low 12 21,7
n: samples, %: persentage of total samples
Table 1 shown that the majority of CKD patients
undergoing hemodialysis were mostly aged 50-59
years (34.8%). According to sex,the number of men
is more than women with a percentage of men
67.4% and women 32.6%. The data also shows that
the respondents in this study mostly underwent
hemodialysis for more than 24 months (41.3%).
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
Moderate education is found to be the highest
number of respondent’s educational status who
underwent hemodyaylis.
Table 2: Distribution of Coping Mechanism Due to Carver
Brief Cope Scale
Coping Mechanism n (46) %
Problem Focused Co
13 28,3
Emotion Focused Co
33 71,7
Disfunctional Coping 0 0
Table 2 shown that the majority of CKD patients
who get hemodialysis mostly use a mechanism that
focuses on emotion (Emotion Focused Coping)
which were used by 33 patients (71,7%) , 13 patients
used Problem Focused Coping (28,3%), and none of
the patients use disfunctional coping to solve their
problems individually.
Table 3: The Classification of Coping Mechanisms
(Carver Brief Cope Scale).
Coping mechanism n (46) %
Active co
5 10,8
3 6,5
Suppression of
- -
Restraint co
- -
Seeking social
support for
instrumental reasons
5 10,8
Seeking social
support for
emosional reasons
8 17,3
- -
tance 9 19,5
Turning to religion 15 32,6
Denial 1 2,1
nal Coping
Focus on & venting
of emosions
- -
- -
- -
Alkohol drug
- -
Table 3 shown that among Emotion Focused
Coping methode, the majority of coping mechanism
that patient use is turning to religion, as much as 15
patients (32,6%). Problem Focused Coping on
majority of CKD patients who get hemodialysis
using active coping mechanism is as much as 5
patients (10,8%).And none of patients are found
using Disfunctional Coping.
This study found that all patients undergoing
hemodialysis using coping problems, Problem
Focused Coping (PFC) and Emotion Focused
Coping (EFC) which all patients undergoing
hemodialysis were able to control emotions well and
there were no patients using dysfunctional coping
(DC). If we see further methode of coping
mechanism so it is found that patients who use PFC
are divided into active coping about 5 patients
(10.8%), planning about 3 patients (6.5), suppression
of competing activities, restraint coping, seeking
social support instrumental reasons about 5 patients
(10.8%). Actually, most of the patients use active
coping to solve their problems. The patients who use
EFC coping mechanism were divided into seeking
social support for emotional reasons about 8 patients
(17.3%), positive reinterpretation acceptance about 9
patients (19.5%), denial only 1 patient (2,1%), and
the mostly use methode is turning to religion about
15 patients (32.6%) to solve the problems. Most
EFC patients are using a coping condition that
returns to religion (aspect of religiosity).
This is accordance with a research that was
conduct, reporting religiosity may help reducing
emotional pressure. Patel et al found that religion
may function as a treatment overcoming CKD
patients to improve the quality of their health. Such
relationships have been used in studies involving
HD patients. The current research results show that
religiosity, particularly religious handling and
organized religiosity, have important roles in life
quality and health status on HD patients. Religiosity
organizations are included in other services and
socializations. These may treat disease and improve
health quality (Saffari et al, 2013).
Many studies have found the role of spirituality
and religiosity in the health of patients with chronic
diseases. In the world, Muslims organize almost a
quarter of the population. The relationship between
religion and health can be very different in Muslim
countries compared to non-Muslim countries.
Several studies among patients with non-Muslim
religions have not found a significant relationship
between religion and health(Valcanti et al, 2012).
Patients who use coping strategies that turn to
religion as their goal to conquer problems that they
face. Coping strategy is a process that is not realized,
meaning someone lives everyday life by facing
Coping Mechanism in Hemodialysis Patients at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Regional Public Hospital Banda Aceh: Study in Moeslim Community
problems. However, patients have different traits
regarding to the problems and are not all the same.
Spirituality is claimed as important source in
overcoming chronic diseases. Spirituality enhances a
patient's ability to be out of illness and shorten
medication period. In the several study showed that
the patients’ quality of life are increased by using
spiritual and religious handling strategies.
Emphasizes that religion and spirituality provide a
powerful coping strategy to deal with stress in
patients with CKD (Valcanti et al, 2012, Saffari et
al, 2013, Taheri-kharameh, 2016).
Religious copingrefers to how a patient makes
use of his or her system of religious beliefs and
practices to understand and adapt to stress.
Patientswho use religion to cope with their illness
most often rely on positive religious coping, which
is characterized by a constructive reliance on faith to
promote healthy adaptation (e.g., through “seeking
God's loveand care”). (Susana et al, 2012)
Regardless there are facts related to the
effectiveness and usefulness of spirituality in the
process of patients’ responsibility, religious and
spiritual issues are not regarded as a major
component of current medication care. According to
the holistic model, the biological, psychological,
social, and spiritual dimensions and visual care must
address them all. Therefore, CKD patients should
not only adapt with illness and treatment, but also to
many physiological, psychosocial and spiritual
problems. In this context, many people adhere to
faith and religion as a way to find and help for their
problems(Mutoharoh, 2009; Shinde et al, 2014).
Religion and spirituality are deepening in health
care, as it can be used as a way to discover the
meaning of life, make hope and reconcile in the
middle, describe the weight of such a chronic illness.
The experts who conducted the study said the effects
of spirituality and religion in the field of health have
shown a positive relationship between various
aspects of physical and mental health, as well as
these things can help in supporting the patients, and
also in this case, either spirituality and religion can
be understood as an important disease prevention
strategy. Thus, the five main functions of religion
can be identified: seeking the meaning, controlling,
spiritual comfort, intimacy with God and with others
and the quest for life changes. Based on these five
basic functions, religious methods or strategies can
be identified. It is important for health workers to be
continuously on the patient’s side, to control the
meaning of spirituality and religion for them and
how significant events such as CKD can affect the
way they deal with the problem, so that this
phenomenon can occur(Valcanti et al, 2012, Saffari
et al, 2013, Taheri-kharameh, 2016).
Thus, religious/spiritual control methods can be a
significant supporting factor in dealing with CKD
patients and hemodialysis so that it can be an
important factor in the patient's spiritual assessment
and at the same time effective to help them using the
available resources.
The results show that the level of spirituality in
patients with CKD is very influential on their
healing therapy.This study revealed significant
findings regarding the importance of religiosity as
coping mechanism in Moeslem hemodialysis
patients.All Moslem patients undergoing
hemodialysis were not found using disfunctional
coping to overcome their problems.It is because of
the patients in RSUD dr. ZainoelAbidin are
moslems, and mostly they use coping mechanism
which returns to religious teaching to solve their
problems.Therefore, it has been highly
recommended to integrate religiosity into the health-
care process for such patients to facilitate the
achievement of overall optimum health levels.
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Coping Mechanism in Hemodialysis Patients at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Regional Public Hospital Banda Aceh: Study in Moeslim Community