repeat it, so that when the material is delivered, the
child will have difficulty remembering and must
repeat again.
Researchers as practitioners of child
development, encounter cases of children who
experience some characteristics of learning
difficulties such as not being able to understand
reading and having a limited vocabulary even
though they are 7 years old, having difficulty
concentrating, avoiding academic tasks, and
experiencing social-emotional problems. However,
when measuring its intellectual potential, the
cognitive abilities of these children in the above-
average category were measured.
Of course this learning difficulty is not due to
limited cognitive abilities, but there is a disruption of
learning difficulties. Researchers want to try to use a
simple and fun method to stimulate the development
of children's language to be more fully developed so
that children will have more vocabulary that affects
the ability to read and understand the contents of the
Dyslexia is a form of specific learning
difficulties that is most often among the two other
specific forms of learning difficulties, namely
dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Dyslexia. Dyslexia
comes from Greek, "dys" which means difficulty
and "lexis" which means letters or lexical. So
dyslexia means a person's difficulties in carrying out
activities related to letters, especially reading and
writing activities, as well as language skills.
Dyslexia is one type of learning difficulty,
especially the difficulty in reading and writing which
is usually experienced by some children in this
world. According to the Child Development
Institute, (2008) (Martini Jamaris, 2014) that cases
of dyslexia are found in 3-6% of the population.
However, cases related to reading difficulties that
were not classified as dyslexia were found in more
than 50% of the population. Individuals with
dyslexia have a normal level of intelligence, even
above average, so that dyslexic sufferers are not
classified as mentally retarded children. Mulyadi,
(2010) explains in more detail that the notion of
dyslexia is difficulty reading, spelling, writing, and
in interpreting or recognizing the structure of words
that affects on the learning process or learning
disruption. Nini Subini, (2012) provides an
understanding of dyslexia based on internal causes
in the individual concerned, dyslexia is one of the
disorders of the development of brain function that
occurs throughout the life span. Dyslexia is
considered an effect caused by a disorder in memory
and central processing associations called primary
reading difficulties. To be able to read automatically
the child must go through education and normal
intelligence without any sensory interference.
Usually this difficulty is only detected after the child
enters the school world for some time.
Olivia (2016) Mentioning, there are five broad
areas of problems in dyslexic sufferers, namely: (1).
Mix letters or words that are the same pronunciation,
like B and D, P and Q, as well as words like; b with
d, was and saw, left with right, west with east. (2).
Problems with linear sequences such as alphabets,
schedules, sentences, list of instructions. (3).
Problems with short-term memory, (4). Coordination
problems, related to motion coordination with the
pronunciation of sentences, (5) problems in reading
and writing. Every dyslexic child certainly has
unique characteristics, so that not all of these
problems are shared by dyslexics. However,
generally sufferers have more than one category of
DSM V mentions dyslexia is an alternative term
used to refer to the type of learning difficulties
categories characterized by problems with word
recognition, poor coding, and poor spelling skills.
So, dyslexia is used to determine the pattern of
learning difficulties in the field of reading and
numeracy in mathematics.
2.1 Grouping of Dyslexia
2.1.1 Learning Method for Dyslexia
According to Mulyono Abdurrahman, (2012) there
are several methods of teaching reading for children
with learning difficulties, namely (a) Fernald (b)
Gillingham and (c) Glass Analysis. Here is a brief
(a) Fernald Method. Fernald's method has developed
a multisensory reading teaching method that is
often known as the VAKT method (Visual,
auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile). This method
uses reading material selected from the words
spoken by the child, and each word is taught in
full. This method has four stages. In the first
stage, the teacher writes the words to be learned
on paper with crayons. Next the child traces the
writing with his finger (tactile and kinesthetic).
When tracing the writing, the child sees the
writing (visual), and pronounces it loudly
(auditory). This kind of process is repeated so
that the child can write the word correctly
without seeing an example. If the child has been