Effect of Green Spinach Leaves Giving against Hemoglobin Levels
Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia
Kristin Natalia, Novrika Silalahi, Septa Dwi Insani, Megawati Sinambela
Midwifery Faculty, Institut Kesehatan DELI HUSADA Deli Tua
Keywords: Green Spinach Leaves Giving, Hemoglobin Levels Increased, Pregnant Women, Mild Anemia
Abstract Anemia in pregnancy is a condition of the mother with hemoglobin level below 11gr%. In 2013, there were
37.0% of cases of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia. The incident in Agats, Asmat, Papua is an
iceberg phenomenon that has not received much attention. The Health Center (Puskesmas) in order to carry
out the program of First 1000 Days of Life (FDL) since 2016 to improve the quality of pregnancy and birth.
Green spinach leaves are very important and beneficial to increase the level of Hb in pregnant women who
are subjected to mild anemia because green spinach contains iron that can smooth the blood. By consuming
the green spinach leaves routinely can increase haemoglobin so good for pregnant women who have
anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of green spinach giving to hemoglobin
increased in pregnant women with mild anemia. This research used quasi experiment with One Group
pretest and posttest design. The population in this study were all pregnant women with mild anemia with
total sampling technique of 28 peoples. This research was conducted by giving pretest (initial observation)
before it is being given an intervention, after that it is given the intervention, then posttest (final
observation). The results showed that there was an effect of green spinach giving to hemoglobin levels
increased in pregnant women with mild anemia, based on the significant value obtained P value = 0,000. It
is hoped that pregnant women can consume foods which contain nutrients for pregnant women to increase
hemoglobin levels, for example green vegetables like green spinach.
Anemia in pregnancy is a mother condition with
hemoglobin values below 11gr% in first and third
trimesters, or hemoglobin levels less than 10.5gr%
in the second trimester, prevalence of anemia in
pregnant women reaches 41.8% in the world, and
Asia ranks in the world after Africa with the
prevalence percentage of anemia sufferers in
pregnancy 48.2%. The prevalence of anemia in
pregnancy in Indonesia is 37.1%. Among them in
the first trimester as much as 3.8%, second trimester
13.6%, and third trimester 24.8%. Government
policy in dealing with the problem of anemia in
pregnancy is the provision of iron supplements and
folic acid. WHO recommends to giving 60 mg of
iron for 6 months to meet physiological needs during
pregnancy, but there is a lot of literature that
recommends a dose of 100 mg of iron every day for
16 weeks or more in pregnancy. Classification of
anemia according to WHO and Depkes RI: Normal
(The level of Hb in the blood 11 gr%), mild
anemia (blood levels in 8-10 gr%), severe anemia
(the rate of Hb in the blood of < 8 gr%).
The study result (1), maternal mortality in
developing countries is related to anemia in
pregnancy and most of them are caused by iron
deficiency and acute bleeding, and it is not
infrequently both of them interacts each other.
Pregnant women are very susceptible to get iron
deficiency anemia in pregnancy, namely
hemodilution which causes blood thinning, blood
gain is not proportional to plasma increase, lack of
iron in food and increased need for iron and
impaired of digestion and absorbs.
Research result (2) in the study of chlorophyll
and iron (Fe). Based on chlorophyll and iron levels
showed the type of green spinach (Amaranthus spp)
was more able to provide a real effect on the number
of white mouse erythrocytes anemic compared with
three other types of spinach. Susiloningtyas
research, by giving Fe preparat of 60 mg for 30 days
can increase Hb levels by 1 gr%. The content of iron
in spinach serves to form red blood cells in the body
Natalia, K., Silalahi, N., Insani, S. and Sinambela, M.
Effect of Green Spinach Leaves Giving against Hemoglobin Levels Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009462100280035
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 28-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
thereby reducing the risk of blood loss. Iron also
plays a role in the production of hemoglobin and
supports the immune system.
Anemia is the most common nutritional problem
in the world and affects more than 600 million
peoples. With a high enough frequency, it ranges
between 10% and 35%. In 2016 WHO reported that
the prevalence of pregnant women with iron
deficiency in Philippines was 55%, Thailand 45%,
Malaysia 30%, and Singapore 7%. According to
WHO, the incidence of anemia ranges between 20-
89% by setting Hb 11gr% as the basis. In Indonesia,
Anemia in pregnancy shows quite high value around
50-70 million peoples suffering from iron deficiency
Based on (3) the prevalence of anemia in
pregnant women in Indonesia by 37.1%, based on
the Health Profile in 2009, the incidence of anemia
in pregnant women in Central Java province was
57.7%. It is still higher than the national figure of
50.9%. Based on the survey result in 2012, the
incidence of anemia in Surakarta was 9.39%. it is
recorded that from 11,441 pregnant women there
were 1,074 who experienced pregnancy anemia.
In 2011, in the world, there were 38.2% of
maternal mothers who experienced anemia, with the
highest prevalence in Africa (44.6%), followed by
Asia with a prevalence of 39.3%. Whereas, in 2013,
it is found that the anemia prevalence which is
suffered for pregnant women reached 37.0% in
Indonesia. Some studies suggest that anemia in
pregnancy contributes indirectly 23.0% of maternal
mortality cases in developing countries. Bleeding at
birth that is not dangerous for mothers generally
with normal hemoglobin levels, it can cause severe
complications in mothers with anemia. In addition,
anemia in pregnant women is also often associated
with neonatal complications such as an increased
risk of premature births, low birth weight, fetal
death, and slow-growing fetuses.
Spinach is one of the alternative plants in
meeting iron needs. According to the research result
conducted by (4) states that spinach is a green
vegetable that can overcome anemia, because green
vegetables have the most sources of vitamins,
minerals, and iron.
The importance of providing iron needed in
pregnancy is used for fetal and placental growth and
for increasing the period of maternal red blood cells
during pregnancy, it is based on an initial survey at
Rosmery Barus clinic, there were 25 pregnant
women and those with mild anemia of 13 pregnant
women (52%) so researchers are interested in raising
the issue with a study entitled "The Effect of
Spinach Giving on Hemoglobin Levels Increased in
Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia at Rosmery
Barus Clinic".
Green spinach has good benefits for the body
because it is a source of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin
E, and vitamin C, fiber and also beta-carotene.
Besides that, spinach also has a very high iron
content to prevent anemia. The mineral content in
spinach is quite high, especially Fe which can be
used to prevent fatigue due to anemia. Because of Fe
content in spinach is quite high, plus vitamin B
content especially folic acid (9).
In meeting the iron needs, a person usually
consumes supplements, but one alternative to meet
the iron needs can be done by consuming vegetables
that contain iron in the diet. Iron is found in green
vegetables such as spinach (Amaranthus spp). Leafy
vegetables such as spinach are a source of nonheme
iron. Cooked spinach contains 8.3 mg / 100gr of
iron. The content of iron in spinach plays a role in
the formation of hemoglobin (13).
Government policy in dealing with the problem
of anemia in pregnancy is the provision of iron
supplements and folic acid. WHO recommends
giving 60 mg of iron for 6 months to meet
physiological needs during pregnancy, but there is a
lot of literature that recommends a dose of 100 mg
of iron every day for 16 weeks or more in
pregnancy. In areas with a high prevalence of
anemia it is recommended to provide iron
supplements for up to three months post partum
Pregnant conditions will require more nutrients
than non pregnant women, such as the needs for
macro nutrients needed for the process of formation
of the fetus into humans, namely protein, and
micronutrients that act as the formation of fetal
organs and cells such as folic acid, calcium, vitamin
D and iron, apart from fulfilling adequate food
intake sometimes the problem that arises from
pregnant woman is a high level of anemia.
Insufficient energy and protein intake in pregnant
women can cause Chronic Energy Deficiency
(CED). Pregnant women with CED at risk of giving
birth to low birth weight babies (LBWB), it can also
be an indirect cause of maternal death. For this
reason, pregnant women with the risk of CED, i.e.
those with Upper Arm Circumference (UAC) <23,
5cm, is given additional food. PSG results in 2016
found 79.3% of pregnant women with the risk of
CED getting additional food is greater than the
national target in 2016 of 50% (5).
Anemia in pregnancy is most commonly found
are the result of iron deficiency and acute bleeding
Effect of Green Spinach Leaves Giving against Hemoglobin Levels Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia
is not uncommon even both are interrelated
(Leveno, 2016). handling that usually done to treat
anemia in pregnant women is to give 60 mg tablet
Fe and 50 nanograms of folic acid during pregnancy
(Riau Health Office, 2016). Iron therapy can be
combined with complementary therapies derived
from herbs, two of which are spinach and tomatoes.
Based on the results of the World's Healthiest
Food Rating, spinach is a rich green plants in
various nutrients, especially iron (Fe), which is high
enough that as much as 6.43 mg per 180 grams, and
none of the substances which can harm the body is
contained in spinach (The George Mateljan
Foundation, 2016). Research conducted by
Wijayanti (2016) states spinach juice with
concentration 50% effective in increasing
hemoglobin who first tested on white mice with
affinity to nature and genes with humans.
Iron is a substance that is poorly absorbed by the
body and so we need vitamin C so that iron can be
absorbed optimally. This is consistent with results
Zulaekah study (2017) which states that the
supplementation of iron and vitamin C more
effectively increase hemoglobin levels and red blood
cell counts compared to the addition of iron alone or
vitamin C alone.
Preliminary studies conducted by researchers in
five pregnant women who often experience
dizziness, weakness, and pale, the a sign of the
symptoms of anemia, said that none of the mother
who never drank combination therapy spinach and
tomato juice. Therefore, researchers interested in
conducting research entitled Combination Therapy
Effectiveness Spinach and Tomato Juice on
Improvement of Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant
Women with Anemia. The purpose of this study was
to determine the effectiveness of the combination
therapy of spinach and tomato juice to increase
hemoglobin levels in pregnant women with anemia.
This research is expected to benefit the
development of nursing science as the basis Nursing
and enter the learning process for the students in the
Nursing Science Program add a reference to a
complementary therapy for pregnant women
suffering from anemia and can be used as a basis for
further research. The results also can be used by
health workers in the institution where the study as a
reference for drafting the promotional and
preventive efforts to the community to prevent and
reduce the prevalence of the incidence of anemia
with complementary therapies.
This study is also expected to be useful for
people, especially respondents to add insight and
can be practiced in everyday life for therapeutic
ingredients needed are easy to find and affordable.
Figure 1: How to give green spinach stew (a)
spinach leaves put into place (b) boil water (c) put
spinach leaves in boiling water (d) cook until cooked
(e) serve spinach.
In this study it is proposed to provide counseling and
health education to pregnant women about the
importance of consuming nutritious foods such as
green spinach stew during pregnancy preparation,
during pregnancy so as not to become anemic and in
collaboration with health workers. The activity was
carried out by using a lecture method in general with
very large number of pregnant women to enable the
effectiveness of this activity. This research has
obtained approval from the ethics committee.
Determination of classification of anemia carried out
by categoric means of collecting all expectant
mothers that exist in the research and then
researchers do check haemoglobin checks in every
pregnant mother. For pregnant mothers who have
Hb 8-10 gr% are made samples in this research and
get the form of health information the importance of
consuming green spinach leaves to increase the
levels of haemoglobin in the blood so that pregnant
women do not suffer from anemia Light. Anemi in
pregnancy can cause low birth baby weight and baby
birth less months.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Symptoms of anemia arising in pregnant women:
appear pale in the skin, lips, and nails, tired,
dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, difficulty
concentrating. In the early phases, pregnant women
may not exhibit any meaningful symptoms. Even
many of the symptoms above it, can arise even
though pregnant women are not experiencing
amnesia. Therefore, it should be necessary to
conduct routine and blood prenatal examinations
when found indications. How to determine anemia
in pregnant women by conducting haemoglobin
examination. If the level of Hb in the blood mother
8-10 gr% then the mother is categorized as mild
This study used quasi-experimental design. With
the design of One Group pretest and posttest. This
research was conducted by giving a pretest (initial
observation) first before being given an intervention,
after that given the intervention, then posttest (final
observation). This research was conducted at the
Rosmeri Barus Clinic in March-July 2019. The
populations in this study were all pregnant women
with mild anemia. Sampling in this study used total
sampling method that is a technique by taking the
entire population. The total samples of this study
were 28 pregnant women who have mild anemia.
Variables are characteristics possessed by a group
member that is different from the other groups (6).
Independent variable is a variable that
influences or determines the value of other
variables. The independent variable of this
research was the provision of spinach.
Dependent variable is a variable whose value is
influenced by other variables. The dependent
variable of this research was hemoglobin levels
Operational definition is a definition based on
the observed characteristics (measured) of
something that is defined (7). In this study the
variables to be examined were as follows:
Giving Spinach
Plants consumed by pregnant women with mild
anemia can increase hemoglobin levels as much as
100 grams per day for 7 days, it is boiled for ± 2
minutes with 300cc of boiled water.
Hemoglobin Levels Increased
A state of pigment increased in red blood cells in
pregnant women who have mild anemia by
measuring the hemoglobin value after 7 days of
Table 1: Measurement aspects
How to
ble :
Scale Direct
on by
that has
ble :
on by
levels on
Method of Data Collection
Primary Data
Method of Primary data collection was by direct
survey of pregnant women and conducted interviews
at Rosmery Barus clinic, Patumbak District, Deli
Serdang Regency in 2019.
Secondary Data
Data is obtained from reports and other official
documents. In this study secondary data were
obtained from Rosmery Barus clinic, Patumbak
District, Deli Serdang Regency in 2019.
Data Analysis Method
Univariat Analysis
Univariate analysis by analyzing each variable of
research results with the aim of finding out the
frequency distribution of each data variable research
variable which is presented in tabular form.
Bivariat Analysis
Data analysis was performed by computerization
using SPSS software used T Test with α: 0.05.
Statistical test is an inferential statistical test that is
used to compare the results of group observations
Effect of Green Spinach Leaves Giving against Hemoglobin Levels Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia
before and after an intervention which is carried out
in one experimental group only.
This chapter describes the study result which is
conducted in March-July 2019 for 7 days regarding:
"The Effect of Green Spinach on I Hemoglobin
Levels Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild
Anemia at Rosmery Barus Clinic, Patumbak
District, Deli Serdang Regency in 2019". This
section also described the complete research result
which is presented in the table based on the research
objectives that have been prepared.
This research was conducted at Rosmery Barus
clinic, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang Regency
with sample of 28 peoples. The study results
described the demographic data of pregnant women
including (age, education, and occupation). It is
done by providing green spinach and hemoglobin
levels increased in pregnant women for 7 days.
From the results of this study can be seen that
pregnant women who have mild anemia experienced
changes in the level of Hb in the blood after
consuming green spinach leaves. This is in line with
the results of the research (7) which mentions that
there is the influence of green spinach leaves to
increase levels of Hb expectant mothers who have
anemia in mother and child hospitals.
3.1 Demography Characteristic of
Pregnant Women
Respondents Characteristics based on data of age
demographic, the majorities who have aged 19-30
years were 17 peoples (60.71%) and the minorities
who have aged> 30 years were 11 peoples (39.28%).
Based on data of educational demographic, the
majority of respondents had junior high school
education were 10 peoples (35.71%) and minority of
respondents had high school education were 8
peoples (28.57%). Based on data of occupational
demographic, it is found that the majority of
respondents who work as housewives as many as 18
peoples (64.28%) and the minority of respondents
who work as civil servants as many as 2 peoples
Table 2: Frequency Distribution Based on the
Respondents Characteristics of Pregnant about the Effect
of Green Spinach Giving against Hemoglobin Levels
Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia at
Rosmery Barus Clinic Kec. Patumbak Regency. Serdang
District in 2019
No. Respondent
f %
1 Aged
19-30 Years Old 17 60,71
>30 Years Old 11 39,28
Total 28 100
2 Education
Junior High School 10 35,71
Senior High School 8 28,57
University 10 35,71
Total 28 100
3 Occupation
Housewife 18 64,28
Entrepreneurship 8 28,57
Civil Servant 2 7,14
Total 28 100
3.2 Green Spinach Giving
In giving green spinach, it can be seen that
respondents who consume long bean leaves as many
as 28 peoples (100%). In the table below, it can be
seen that from 28 pregnant women who have mild
anemia, they have hemoglobin levels increased by
an average of 0.2-0.4 gr% after they consumed green
Table 3: Distribution of Hemoglobin Levels Increased in
Pregnant Women
level before
level after
green spinach
1 9 gr % 10 gr %
2 10 gr % 11,2 gr %
3 10 gr % 10,4 gr %
4 10 gr % 10,4 gr %
5 9 gr % 9,8 gr %
6 10 gr % 10,8 gr %
7 9 gr % 10,2 gr %
8 10 gr % 10,8 gr %
9 9 gr % 10 gr %
10 9 gr % 9,8 gr %
11 9 gr % 10,4 gr %
12 9,4 gr % 10,2 gr %
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
13 9,6 gr % 11 gr %
14 9,2 gr % 10 gr %
15 9,6 gr % 10 gr %
16 9 gr % 9,4 gr %
17 9 gr % 9,8 gr %
18 9 gr % 9,8 gr %
19 9,2 gr % 10 gr %
20 9,2 gr % 10 gr %
21 9,4 gr % 10 gr %
22 9,4 gr % 9,6 gr %
23 9,4 gr % 9,8 gr %
24 9 gr % 9,6 gr %
25 9,8 gr % 10 gr %
26 9,2 gr % 10 gr %
27 9 gr % 9,6 gr %
28 9,4 gr % 10 r %
3.3 Hemoglobin Level Increased
It is known that the hemoglobin levels increased
in pregnant women with mild anemia were (100%)
with a mean of 10.2308 of 28 peoples as sample.
3.4 Effect of Green Spinach Giving
against Hemoglobin Levels Increased
In this study, it was explained that the
hemoglobin levels increased in pregnant women
with mild anemia before consumed green spinach
the average hemoglobin levels increased in pregnant
women was 9.88538 with standard division of
0.52060, after they consumed green spinach the
average hemoglobin levels increased in pregnant
women was 10.2308 with standard division of
0.57646. P value = 0,000 <from α value (0.05), then
the hypothesis 0 is rejected, meaning that there is an
influence between an increase in hemoglobin levels
before the treatment with after the treatment (Table
Table 4: Standart Deviation Pre test and post test
0,000 -
Data of Pregnant Women Demography
The mothers characteristics which as variables in
this study were age, education and job. Respondents
characteristics based on age in the intervention
group can be known that, the majority of
respondents aged 19-30 years were 17 peoples
(60.71%) and the minority of respondents aged> 30
years were 11 peoples (39.28%).
Characteristics of respondents based on
education in the intervention group can be seen that,
the majority of respondents had a junior high school
(SMP) as many as 10 peoples (35.71%), and a
minority of tertiary education as many as 10 peoples
(35.71%). And those with high school education
(SMA) were 8 peoples (28.57%).
Characteristics of respondents based on job in
the intervention group can be seen that, the majority
of respondents who had job as housewives as many
as 18 peoples (64.28%), the minority of respondents
who had job as civil servants as many as 2 peoples
(7.14%), and respondents who had job as
entrepreneurs as many as 8 peoples (28.57%).
It can be seen that maternal age can affect
hemoglobin levels in pregnant women, because
according to theory (8), the age group <20 years is at
risk of anemia because in this age group biological
development is not optimal. In addition, pregnancy
in the age group> 35 years is also prone to anemia
because the immune system begins to decline and is
susceptible to various infections during pregnancy.
According to the Health Ministry of Indonesia
Republic quoted by (9), explained that age greatly
determines maternal health and it is related to
conditions of pregnancy, childbirth, childbirth, and
how to care. A good age for reproduction is 20-30
The theory about education is made clear by (10)
that, the low education level of pregnant women
influences the reception of information so that
knowledge about anemia and its associated factors is
limited, especially knowledge about the importance
of iron.
According to (11) said that the higher level of
one’s education, the easier it is to provide
information, so the more knowledge she has. And
according to (12) said people who have high
education will be easier to understand the
information received compared to people who have
low education.
For occupational theory based on (13), said that
pregnant women with socioeconomic status and
adequate employment will easily obtain the
Effect of Green Spinach Leaves Giving against Hemoglobin Levels Increased in Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia
information needed, while pregnant women with low
socioeconomic tend to have fears of the magnitude
of the cost of antenatal care. In line with this study,
the variables above can affect hemoglobin levels
increased in pregnant women, it can be explained in
the study (14) on the Effect of Green Spinach Juice
Giving Against Hemoglobin Levels increased in
Pregnant Women Anemia at the Work Area of Pasar
Minggu Health Center in South Jakarta, said there is
a relationship between age, education and
occupation with an hemoglobin levels increased and
confirmed by the results of P value 0,000 which
means <0.05 then it shows Ho is rejected and there
is influence among them.
For the results about the effect of green spinach
giving on hemoglobin levels increased in pregnant
women with mild anemia, it was found that the
intervention group respondents viewed from the
hemoglobin level, the majority rose by 28 peoples
It can be attributed that green spinach able to
increase hemoglobin levels. It is confirmed by
Fatimah's theory which says that in meeting iron
needs, a person usually consumes supplements, but
one alternative to meeting iron needs can be done by
consuming vegetables that contain iron in the diet.
Iron is found in green vegetables such as spinach
(Amaranthus spp). Leafy vegetables such as spinach
are a source of nonheme iron. Cooked spinach
contains 8.3 mg / 100gr of iron. The content of iron
in spinach plays a role in the formation of
This research has been conducted by several
experts. The first was carried out by Rohmatika et al
at Gambirsari Surakarta Public Health Center, they
gave spinach as much as 100 gr / day for 7 days
which showed the results that there was a significant
increase in Hb levels after consumption of green
spinach with a statistical test of significance value
smaller than alpa p 0,000 (p <0.05). Secondly, it was
done according to Fatimah's research, in the study of
chlorophyll and iron (Fe) given to white rats. Based
on chlorophyll and iron levels showed the type of
green spinach (Amaranthus spp) was more able to
provide a real effect on the number of erythrocytes
in anemic white rats compared with three other types
of spinach.
In line with previous studies, in this study there
was also an influence between green spinach giving
with hemoglobin levels increased which was seen
based on significant results with the T test of P value
0,000 <0.05 and it is obtained a correlation value of
0.894, meaning that there was a very strong
There is an effect of giving green spinach to
hemoglobin levels increased in pregnant women
with mild anemia, based on the significant value
obtained P value = 0,000. If the P value (0,000)
<(0.05), then Ho is rejected, which means that there
is a significant influence between the provision of
green spinach on increasing hemoglobin levels. The
category of the effect of giving green spinach on
increasing hemoglobin levels can be seen that the
majority of hemoglobin levels increase as many as
28 peoples (100%).
The results are consistent with research Sinurat
(2010) that 80 pregnant women earned 26 mothers
are anemic by age group first trimester of pregnancy
as much as 1 (5%), the second trimester of 4 people
(20.0%), and trimester III 21 persons (52.5%). The
iron requirement is different for each quarter in the
first trimester of pregnancy in which the iron
requirement is not high, while the second and third
trimester increases the need for iron because iron is
required for the development and fetal growth
(Sinclair, 2010). Hb levels during the second and
third trimesters of pregnancy ranging from 11.6 g /
dL as a result of blood dilution (hemodilution)
mother due to increased plasma volume (Stright,
2017). So it is in line with the results of research
which will anemia is more common in the third
trimester of gestation group.
The results of the study in Puskesmas Sail shows
that out of 30 respondents obtained maternal anemia
19 respondents (63.3%) is multigravida (gestation>
1 time) and 11 respondents (36.7%) were
primigravida (1x pregnancy). Anemia tends to occur
in women with 3 pregnancy because pregnancy
can spend reserves of nutrients the mother's body
(Arisman, 2004). The results are consistent with
research Nasyidah (2016) in which the pregnant
women with anemia is most often found in
multigravida group that is equal to 52.6% followed
by 44.9% primigravida group, and the group
grandemultigravida only 2.6%. Research Madhavi
& Singh (2016) entitled "Nutritional status of rural
pregnant women" also found pregnant women with
anemia most in multigravida as many as 79.48% and
20.52% as much primigravidas.
A mother who is often anemic pregnant have an
increased risk in subsequent pregnancies if not pay
attention to nutritional needs. A mother with her
first pregnancy may also be at risk of anemia
because they have not had the experience so the
impact on behaviors related to nutrition (Madhavi &
Singh, 2016).
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Results of research conducted in Puskesmas Sail
shows that the majority of education is high school
education that is as much as 13 respondents
(43.3%). Education is learning knowledge, skills,
and habits of a group of peopletransferred from one
generation to the next through teaching, training, or
research. Education is often the case under the
guidance of others, but also a self-taught
menmungkinkan (MoH RI, 2013). Educational
background is a factor which affects a person's
mindset. Educational background will shape the way
people think, including forming the ability to
understand the factors associated with the disease
and to use this knowledge to maintain health (Perry
& Potter, 2016).
The results are consistent with research Empress
(2016) entitled "Relationship hemoglobin of
antepartum haemorrhage with Apgar score" which
examined further on the characteristics of the
mother's education level, and the results of the
analysis are not significantly different between
groups anemia and anemia (p = 0.7), but the mother
of the level of education low (not school,
elementary, junior) 1.16 times more likely to have
anemia than the higher education level.
Science and knowledge can be acquired through
learning. Learning can be done anywhere, by
anyone, anytime. The world of education can take
place at three places, namely education in families,
schools, and communities (Erfandi, 2015).
Therefore, any person may obtain information from
a variety of places and media although it has a lower
school education background.
This research was supported by Institut
Kesehatan Deli Husada Deli Tua, Institut Kesehatan
Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Sembiring Hospital
Foundation, and Grand Med Hospital Foundation,
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