fish such as milkfish (Waryana, 2010, p.76). The
advantage of Gabus fish has a high protein, protein
content per 100 grams of Gabus fish.
According to the Basic Health Research (2013)
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is 250
per 100,000 live births (KH). More than 500,000
Indonesian women die every year. 18,000 deaths
occurred during childbirth caused by bleeding, birth
canal infections, pregnancy poisoning and other
illnesses suffered by the mother. According to the
Basic Health Research (2013) delivery rates in North
Sumatra province were 45937 deliveries with sectio
caesarea delivery at 9253 (20.1%) with infection
rates after birth of sectio caesarea ranging between
3-5% (Mappaware, 2014).
A good level of protein consumption is needed
for the wound healing process. In the end, with a
good consumption pattern and protein consumption
level, it is hoped that the wound healing process can
run perfectly, and avoid the problem of postnatal
infection due to post-cesarean wounds. One of them
is by consuming gabus fish (Purwaningsih, 2010).
Research conducted by Fitriyani (2016) with
titled "Gabus Fish Extract to Accelerate Post
Cesarean Wound Recovery." This research shows
that Gabus fish extract significantly influences the
speed of wound healing in all objects with
inflammatory symptoms and faster wound
conditions. According to Ulandari et al (2011)
Gabus fish has benefits such as increasing albumin
levels and endurance, accelerating the process of
healing internal and external wounds. Whereas one
of the factors in the process of accelerating wound
healing that it requires high protein found in Gabus
fish. The phenomenon that develops in the
community of North Sumatra Particularly in Deli
Serdang Regency today that there are still many
myths in the community that affect the health of
postpartum mothers, such as it does not allow to
consume food such as eggs, meat, shrimp because it
will aggravate stitches; though these foods are very
important for the wound healing process. Besides
that, the majority of Deli Serdang Regency people
have Gabus fish pond waters because of affordable
and easy to obtain reasons and the call of health
workers who advise post partum mothers to use
Gabus fish in healing post-operative wounds
because the Gabus fish content contains protein and
albumin which is very important for health
(Ghufran, 2010, p.93). Based on research on amino
acids in gabus fish triggers the production of
collagen which can increase the strength and
elasticity of the skin. Assisted by the presence of
glycine, arachidonic acid and fatty acids, gabus fish
has been proven to help accelerate wound healing.
By consuming gabus fish regularly and regularly can
also provide anti-pain effects. In one study it was
said that gabus fish had a content that could increase
the antinociceptive effect.
The effect is able to relieve the pain that occurs
due to injury.
Not only limited to that, anti-pain medication
combined with consumption of gabus fish also
provides a more maximum effect. The study said
that the administration of gabus fish extract can
reduce the intensity of pain felt by patients after
Based on research that has been done revealed
that gabus fish has the highest albumin content
compared to sea fish and other freshwater fish like
catfish and carp. Albumin is one important types of
proteins needed by the human body every day even
in the process of healing wounds. Fish gabus has
strategic potential as well as its uses widespread in
the food and pharmaceutical industries. Albumin is a
blood plasma protein which is synthesized in the
heart and plays an important role in guarding plasma
osmotic pressure, transporting molecules small
plasma as well as extra fluid cells as well binding
drugs. In addition, albumin can be used to overcome
various diseases especially those due to the reduced
amount of blood protein, like burns, broken bones,
post surgery, and lung infections. Suprayitno
(2008a) stated gabus fish albumin have a much
better quality than egg albumin commonly used in
healing post-surgical patients. Gabus fish itself,
contains 6.2% albumin and 0.001741% Zn with
essential amino acids namely threonine,valine,
methionine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine,
lysine, histidine, and arginine. As well as non-
essential amino acids including aspartic acid, serine,
glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, cysteine, thyroxine,
hydroxilisin, ammonia, hydroxyproline, and proline.
Related to the content of albumin contained there
gabus fish, obtained data that contains fish albumin
male gabus by 6.7% lower than fish female gabus
that has an albumin level of 8.2%. Albumin which
has such a big role, until now it is still imported in
the form of Human Serum Albumin (HSA) which is
very expensive. For get crude albumin, can be done
with steaming or vacuum extractor to obtain better
yield and quality. Gabus fish through his albumin as
a compiler of HSA can be used as an alternative
availability of nutrients in order to improve nutrition
Indonesian people without using big costs
(Moedjiharto, 2008). The study was conducted in the
treatment of patients using gabus fish that is steamed
for 60 minutes and filtered the water, then drink it in
the patientmpostoperatively for 8 days. The result
will be a patient's wound heal faster and without side