The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida
Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase
Desideria Yosepha, Ginting
Rosita Ginting, Layari Tarigan, Raynald Ignasius Ginting, Sri Maharani
Faculty of Midwifery, and Faculty of Nursing and Physiotheraphy, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Deli
Serdang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, Jl. Sudirman No. 38 Lubuk Pakam
Keywords: Stage I Latent Phase, Labor Pain, Effleurage Massage
Abstract: Effleurage Massage is a touch or gentle, slow, long and unbroken stroke using the tips of the fingers. This
massage effleurage aims to make the mother feel comfortable and relaxed, close the gate of pain and increase
endorphin hormone production. A research has been conducted which aims to find out whether there is the
effect of massage effleurage on the intensity of primigravida labor pain in the first phase of latent phase at
BPM Nurleli Purba, Bandar Khalifah District. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design
with one group pretest posttest. The population in this study were all primigravida first-stage mothers in the
latent phase, the sample in this study was 10 respondents with accidental sampling technique in accordance
with inclusion criteria. Based on the results of the study it was found that prior to the intervention of the
mother with 70% severe pain and 30% moderate pain, while after the intervention was obtained 40% mild
pain and 60% moderate pain. Based on these results, the P-value 0.004 <0.05 was obtained. This means that
there was an effect of effleurage massage on the intensity of primigravida labor pain in the first stage of latent
One of the goals of Health Development Towards
Healthy Indonesia is Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS)
which means that in every delivery it is expected to
take place safely, mothers and babies are in good
health. Pregnancy and childbirth are a coveted
condition for all Fertile Age Couples, especially for
women. Within a period of nine months a woman
conceives, maintaining the health condition of herself
and her fetus, the time has come for a woman or so-
called prospective mother to prepare for the birth of
her baby (Maryunani, 2017)
Labor is a natural process that every woman will
experience when she will become a mother. In the
labor process itself, the mother must go through
several stages, starting from the stages of opening,
fetal removal, removal of the placenta, and
supervision. Between these stages, the opening stage
is the stage that causes the most pain, even to great
pain (Pratiwi, 2019).
The childbirth experience is a process during
women’s life and the most important consequence of
labour. The separation of woman from the family is a
factor to increase the feelings of isolation and stress
in the mother. During labour the increased anxiety
level in mother enhances the pain perception,
increases the labour duration and secretion of
catecholamine which reduces the blood flow in the
uterus. This decreases the effectiveness of uterine
contractions and increases the labour duration.
Labour duration is one of the effective factors on the
pregnancy consequences and maternal and neonatal
complications. Due to prolongation of the labour
there is risk of fetal or neonatal death, choking,
infection and neural and physical damages in the
infant. In addition, the mother is at risk of postpartum
haemorrhage and infection and psychological distress
due to the anxiety, lack of sleep and fatigue
(Haghighi, 2016).
Labor pain is a problem that has not received
special attention, whereas one of the goals of
intrapartum care itself is to reduce pain in labor, while
providing peace and comfort to the mother. Efforts
made in reducing labor pain itself still prioritize the
pharmacological way, while the non-
pharmacological way is still rarely known and applied
Yosepha, D., Ginting, G., Tarigan, L., Ginting, R. and Maharani, S.
The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase.
DOI: 10.5220/0009467601350141
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 135-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by the community (Arikhman, 2010).
It is undeniable that in labor process will always be
accompanied by pain. Because physiologically all
women will experience pai n during labor during the
labor process. but each individual will feel the
intensity or level of pain that is different
Fear and anxiety of a prospective mother is very
haunting women. psychologically a mother will be
disturbed when going to face the labor process. it can
also trigger autonomic nerves to become more tense,
and the pain that occurs will be stronger (Pertiwi,
It is not uncommon to find that every mother is
very worried about the birth process that will be
passed, this alone can triggerperceptions maternal
pain. In addition there are still mothers who are afraid
and cannot stand the process or stages of labor due to
severe pain in the first stage of labor, this sometimes
makes mothers think short and choose the action of
Sectio Cesaria as one of the best solutions. Though
there are many actions or ways that can be done in
reducing labor pain in the first stage, both
farnakologoloically and non-pharmacologically
Severe labor pain and anxiety in the active phase
on labor causes increased levels of catecholamine and
cortisol hormone leading to reduced uterine
contraction strength, uncoordinated contractions, and
eventually prolonged labor duration. The previous
research on 28 American women showed that
massage therapy caused reduction of anxiety,
depression, pain, and postpartum depression.
Massage therapy along with body relaxation leads to
anxiety and stress reduction. Based on the results
from previous studies, it is understood that ice
massage causes significant reduction in labor
duration. With the onset of labor pains, stress
hormones increase, which leads to increased
respiration rhythm rate, heart rate, energy reduction,
and fatigue. Stress increases cortisol hormone
secretion in all vertebrates in response to various
stresses. In addition, cortisol, as the most important
stress -induced hormone, is a significant modulator of
anxiety disordersThe studies have shown that ice
massage significantly reduces duration of the first
phase of labor and probably leads to labor pain
reduction. The underlying reason is that
catecholamine and cortisol hormones, secreting in
response to labor pain and anxiety, cause disruption
in progress of cervical dilation, lower the contraction
of smooth muscles of the uterine wall, and
subsequently prolong labor durationSince
prolongation of labor duration can entail risks to both
mother and fetus, so the objective of nursing and
midwifery personnel in the delivery room is using
suitable methods to shorten labor duration as far as
possible. Therefore, this research is conducted with
the purpose of investigating the effect of massage
therapy on reduction of labor duration and cortisol
hormone level (Hosseini, 2013).
At the time of uterine contractions, occur also
stretching the lower uterine segment and cervix.
Stretching the muscles pelvic or stretching tissue
pelvic floor around the birth canal, too is a source of
pain the other. This pain sensation will generally be
felt very heavy especially by the mother who just
went through childbirth first (Sari, 2015).
A mother's lack of knowledge about pregnancy
and childbirth will also affect the pain and anxiety
experienced during labor. then there are so many
factors that influence it starting from the experience,
knowledge, and also the mother's trust in the birth
attendant. this will all affect the psychological mother
(Juniartati, 2018).
At the first stage where a moher feels prolonged
pain, starting from the opening 0-10 cm. Murray said
that labor pain occurred for 2,700 mothers giving
birth, 15% said they experienced mild pain, 35% said
moderate pain, 30% had severe pain and 20% gave
birth with severe pain (Kristina & Fransiska,2016).
Although pain that occurs during pregnancy until
delivery is a natural thing, but this must also be
overcome, because labor pain is also very decisive for
the mother and the delivery process for the baby, and
the increase in labor itself (Khomsah, 2017).
Giving a massage can increase levels of
dopamine, a neurohormone produced by the
hypothalamus. Fine motor activities such as painting
or playing musical instruments are influenced by
dopamine which affects intuition, inspiration,
excitement, and enthusiasm. insufficient levels
are likely to cause awkwardness, difficult
to focus, and easily distrube, Keckes (2014).
Massage is an ancient method that women had
received relaxation through it for thousands of years
but in modern labour rooms no accurate evaluation
has been conducted. Massage is an old technique that
is widely used in childbirth and can decrease the
childbirth pain by reducing the adrenaline and
noradrenaline secretion and increasing the
endorphins and oxytocin release thus reducing the
childbirth duration by increasing the uterine
contractions. In earlier studies on the effect of
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
massage on labour duration, inconsistent results have
been reported. The complications caused by
prolonged labour in mother and fetus are enormous
and the massage for shortening of duration of labour
is simple, affordable, safe and more acceptable for
pregnant women (Haghighi, 2016).
Research results show that giving massage can
provide positive results. For example, a 15 minute
sitting massage will stimulate the sympathetic
nervous system to increase levels of epinephrine
(adrenaline). this action can increase one's awareness.
Conversely, slower, deeper, and more rhythmic
massage can reduce epinephrine levels, produce a
feeling of relaxation, and can lead to restful sleep
Kecskes (2014).
Accuracy and Trigger Point Therapy (can
suppress soft muscle tissue that relieves pain and
dysfunction) are other examples of massage
techniques that provide a number of important
benefits. These techniques produce endorphins (a
compound known to reduce pain and create a feeling
of euphoria. Endorphins come into play after 15
minutes of massage and their effects can last up to 48
hours in the form of comfort Kecskes (2014).
In choosing a method to reduce pain during labor,
the mother can also be assisted by a midwife.
Midwives can build trust in the mother, so that the
mother can make her more comfortable and relaxed
in labor. Pain control during childbirth plays an
important role during labor because it contributes to
the physical well-being of both mother and fetus.
Different techniques both regional and nonregional to
provide labor analgesia. Non regional methods may
be divided into pharmacological and
nonpharmacological methods. Pharmacological
agents include inhalational agents (nitrous oxide,
Inhalation of halogenated agents) and systemic
analgesics as morphine, diamorphin, fentanyle,
meperidine (pethidine) .A according to non-
pharmacological techniques includes transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Relaxation
and/or breathing techniques, Temperature
modulation: hot or cold packs, water immersion,
hypnosis, massage, Acupuncture, and Aromatherapy.
One of the non- pharmaceutical methods for labor
pain reduction is effleurage. Effleurage is one type of
massage which include light or deep stroke by using
a flat surface of hand or forearm over back and/ or
abdominal areas of laboring women. Outcome of
effleurage are reducing pain, relieving stress and
anxiety, relaxation, comfort and decrease the labor
duration of mothers in labor (Zaghloul, 2018).
Reduction of labor pain can be done by using massage
effleurage. This technique is quite simple and easy to
do as a relief for pain in the first stage of labor during
active mothers. This massage is quite easy to do by
health workers such as midwives by giving gentle,
long and unbroken strokes Maryunani (2017).
Other factors that may affect the perception of
labor pain include age, socioeconomic, parity of baby
size, its presentation as well as knowledge and
understanding of childbirth. Lack of knowledge and
understanding result to high anxiety and lead to pain.
However, various methods are performed to reduce
labor pain, both pharmacologically and
nonpharmacologically. The use of pharmacological
methods has better effectiveness, compared with
nonpharmacological methods, but the use of
pharmacological methods often causes side effects
and sometimes does not have the expected effect.
While nonpharmacological methods, in addition to
reducing pain in labor, have non-invasive effects,
simple, effective, and without harmful effects. One of
nonpharmacological techniques that can reduce labor
pain include acupressure and effleurage (Khomsah,
Based on the results of research conducted by
Kurniasih (2017) states that mothers with severe pain
before massage as much as 61.8% while after
interventions / actions of maternal massage with
severe pain as much as 33.3%. And based on the
results of research also conducted Rossalina (2017)
states the results obtained from 30 respondents that
the respondent's pain scale before performing
massage effleurage measures are mostly moderate
pain as many as 22 people (73.3%), severe pain as
many as 7 people (23.3 %) and only 1 person (3.3%)
had mild pain whereas after the massage effleurage
action was seen there had been a decrease in pain
level, most of which were moderate pain by 20 people
(66.7%), respondents with mild pain increased to 8
people (26.7%) and only 2 people (6.7%) who had
severepain. Based on preliminary studies conducted
at BPM Nurleli Purba, Bandar Khalifah Subdistrict,
Serdang Bedagai District in January to March, as
many as 16 women gave birth, stating that every
mother had severe pain during the first stage of labor,
and they did not know about therapy or massage that
could done to reduce the pain, for example massage
effluerage. Basically this massage can also be done
by a midwife or husband or other labor companions.
Add to this the midwife's ignorance that treats these
patients about the pain reduction effluerage massage
The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase
Based on the background above, the authors are
interested in conducting research on the effect of
massage effluerage on the intensity of primigravida
labor pain in the first phase of latent phase at BPM
Nurleli Purba, Bandar Khalifah District, Serdang
Bedagai Regency in 2019.
This type of research is a quasi experiment with cross
sectional design in which the design of this study
researchers used a control group that is the group not
treated and the experimental group is the group that
was treated
2.1 Population and Sample
The population in this study were all women giving
birth in May to June at BPN Nurleli Purba,Bandar
Khalifah District, Serdang Bedagai District.
Sampling technique with accidental sampling, which
was accidental or collision sampling according to
inclusion criteria, with a sample of 20 people.
2.2 Data Collection Technique
Data collection techniques in this study was used
observation sheets that were given intervention and
not given intervention.
2.3 Data Analyisis
This study was used Univariate Analysis aims to
explain or describe each research variable, as well as
using Bivariate Analysis with the Normality Test
using the Shapiro Wilk Test and then the data was not
normally distributed, then the Bivariate Test was
carried out with the Wilcoxon Test.
Figure 1: effleurage message technic
Figure 2. implementation of effleurage massage
In the Figure 1 we can see how to do effleurage
massage. There are two tipes of effleurage massage,
the firt tipe with one hand and making round shape,
and the second tipe with two hand and making
butterfly shape.
And in the Figure 2 we can see that this research use
tipes of effleurage massage which is two hand and
making butterfly shape.
3.1 Univariate Analysis
The results of the analysis of the mean intensity of
labor pain in the first stage of the Latent phase with
control group is 5.10 with a standard deviation (SD)
of 0.73. With information experiencing moderate
pain (3-5) as many as 7 people (70%) with a scale
distribution of 4 as many as 2 people, scale 5 as many
as 5 people, while severe pain (6-7) as many as 3
people (30%) with a scale distribution 6 as many as 3
This research was strengthened by the results of
research conducted by Kurniasih (2017), that the
results stated that before intervention or massage
effleurage there were 61.8% stated severe pain, while
after the massage effleurage results that experienced
severe pain dropped to 33.3%. This research was
proven by the results of the bivariate test with a P-
value of 0.017 <0.05.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
According to the author's assumption, pain that
occurs in labor due to contractions arising from the
jani in the womb looking for a way out through the
cervix, causing contractions and causes strong pain.
This indicates that labor has begun with other signs of
labor such as cervical lenders mixed with blood.
Besides labor pain was also influenced by several
factors, namely, age, anxiety, mother's knowledge.
Table 1. Mean Intensity of First Stage of Labor Pain Latent
Phase With Control Group at BPM Nurleli Purba, Bandar
Khalifah District, Serdang Bedagai Regency
We can see in Table 1 that the results of the analysis
of the mean intensity of labor pain in the first stage of
the Latent phase with control group is 5.10 with a
standard deviation (SD) of 0.73. With information
experiencing moderate pain (3-5) as many as 7 people
(70%) with a scale distribution of 4 as many as 2
people, scale 5 as many as 5 people, while severe pain
(6-7) as many as 3 people (30%) with a scale
distribution 6 as many as 3 people.
This research was strengthened by the results of
research conducted by Kurniasih (2017), that the
results stated that before intervention or massage
effleurage there were 61.8% stated severe pain, while
after the massage effleurage results that experienced
severe pain dropped to 33.3%. This research was
proven by the results of the bivariate test with a P-
value of 0.017 <0.05. According to the author's
assumption, pain that occurs in labor due to
contractions arising from the jani in the womb
looking for a way out through the cervix, causing
contractions and causes strong pain. This indicates
that labor has begun with other signs of labor such as
cervical lenders mixed with blood. Besides labor pain
was also influenced by several factors, namely, age,
anxiety, mother's knowledge.
Table 2. Mean Intensity of Labor Pain in First Stage Latent
Phase With The Experimental Group at BPM Nurleli Purba,
Bandar Khalifah District, Serdang Bedagai Regency
Intensity N % Mean SD
Moderate Pain 4 40
3,10 1,19
Moderate Pain 6 60
Total 10 100
We can see in Table 2 that the results of the
analysis of the mean intensity of labor pain in the first
stage of the Latent phase with experimental group is
3.10 with a standard deviation (SD) of 1.19. With the
distribution of mild pain (1-2) as many as 4 people
(40%) with a scale distribution of 2 as many as 4
people, while moderate pain (3-5) as many as 6
people (60%) with scale 3 distribution of 3 people,
scale 4 of 1 person and scale 5 of 2 people.
This research is also supported by the results of
research conducted by Rossalina (2017). Data
analysis using paired t-test. The pretest pain scale was
moderate pain of 22 people (73.3%) with an average
of 5.50 while the posttest was moderate pain by 20
people (66.7%) with an average of 4.60. And the
results obtained P-value of 0.001(p<0.05).
According to the researchers' assumptions, by doing
massage effleurage when the mother experiences
contractions, the center of the mother's concentration
of pain will be disrupted and make the mother no
longer focus on pain, so the mother will feel
comfortable and relaxed, this will increase the
mother's endorphin hormone and close the pain gate
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
3.2.1 Normality Test
Before doing a bivariate test, the data obtained
from the study must be tested for normality. The
results of the normality test will determine what
bivariate analysis should be used. If the results were
significant from the normality test> 0.05 then the data
was normally distributed and continued with the
paired sample t test. However, if the distribution of
data was not normally distributed or the results were
significant <0.05, a Wilcoxon test must be performed.
Table 3. Normality Test Results
Variable N Shapiro-Wilk
Df Sig
Control group 10 10 0,036
10 10 0,028
The Table 3 explains the results of the normality
test using Shapiro-Wilk because the number of
respondents in this study was less than 50 people
Dahlan (2012). The normality test results obtained in
the control group is 0.036 and in the experiment
Intensity N % Mean SD
Moderate Pain 7 70
5,10 0,73
Severe Pain 3 30
Total 10 100
The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase
group is 0.028. This shows that the data was not
normally distributed, because the value obtained was
smaller than the p-value (0.05). Then this data was
tested with the Wilcoxon test.
3.2.2 Bivariate Test
Table 4. Effects of Massage Effleurage on the
Intensity of First Stage First Labor Pain in BPM
Nurleli Purba
Variable N Mean p-value
Control group 10 5,10
10 3,10
The Table 4 shows the average value of labor pain
intensity with the Wilcoxon test analysis with a value
of α = 0.05 which was obtained the significance value
of 0.004 (p-value <0.05). Statistically there was a
significant effect of massage effleurage performed on
the intensity of labor pain in the first stage of the
latent phase before and after intervention or
treatment. According to the authors' assumption
massage effleurage has an influence on the decrease
in the intensity of labor in the first stage of the latent
phase, because this massage will provide comfort to
the mother, so that maternal anxiety will be reduced
due to increased labor pain due to increased
production of endhorpin hormone so that labor pain
was reduced.
4.1 Conclusions
1. Pain intensity the people of control group for 10
respondents, namely moderate pain (3-5) as many as
7 people (70%) and severe pain (6-7) as many as 3
people (30%), with an average value of 5,10
2. Pain intensity massage effleurage or experiment
group to 10 respondents, namely mild pain (1-2) by 4
people (40%) and moderate pain (3-5) by 6 people
(60%), with an average value of 3,10.
3. From the results of the research with the Wilcoxon
test with α = 0.05, the significance value was 0.004
(p-value <0.05), meaning there was an effect of
massage effleurage on the intensity of labor pain in
the first stage of latent phase.
4.2 Suggestion
1. For Health Services
The results o f this study can be used as an
intervention in midwifery care in pain management in
2. For further researchers
The results of this study can be used as additional
information or references in developing further
research, by using multigravida respondents with pain
intensity that was different from this study using
primigravidian respondents.
3. For Public
The results of this study can be used as a source of
information for the community that in reducing or
overcoming labor pain can be done with simple
techniques such as massage effleurage, and can be
done by husband or family.
4. For Husband
The results of this study can be used as a method that
can be done by the husband in reducing the pain of
childbirth labor.
5. For Institution
The results of this study can be a theoretical source of
information about the effect of massage effleurage on
labor pain intensity.
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The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase