Workers in the sorting unit, workers wear gloves
made of cloth and only one worker in the
coagulation unit uses gloves made from vinyl or
neoprane. This is because workers are not
accustomed to working with gloves and wearing
gloves can slow down their work.
The history of skin diseases in this study were all
skin disorders experienced by workers before
working in the production section of the PTPN III
Kebun Pulau Mandi Rubber Processing Plant.
History of skin diseases is known based on
interviews using a questionnaire to workers. The
results showed that most workers did not have a
history of skin disease (70.6%).
Djuanda (2011) explains that individual factors
contribute to contact dermatitis. Difference of
Thickness of the skin in several places causing
permeability differences, race, gender, age, and skin
diseases is or ever experienced.
Based on interviews with workers obtained
information from 15 workers who have a history of
skin diseases, skin disorders that have been felt most
in the form of itching namely 14 workers, skin
peeling 8 workers and 12 workers feel dry skin. The
body parts that have been affected by the most skin
disorders in the palm of the hand are 12 workers, in
the legs of 10 workers, and in the arms of the hands
of 7 workers.
According to the researchers' assumptions,
workers who had a history of skin disease were more
likely to get occupational contact dermatitis, because
the skin's protective function had been reduced due
to previous skin disease. The palm of the hand is the
part of the body most often affected by skin
disorders due to direct contact with formic acid
without using complete personal protective
Age is one of the factors that influence the
occurrence of skin disorders in a person. According
to Cronin (1980) cited by Lestari and Utomo (2007)
in the industrial world older workers become more
vulnerable to irritants. Often in the elderly there is a
failure in the treatment of contact dermatitis,
resulting in chronic dermatitis.
The results of a study of 51 workers in the
Rubber Processing Plant Production Year 20 19
showed that of 19 workers in the young age group,
there were 14 people (73.7%) workers who had no
skin problems and only 5 people (26.3% ) workers
who have skin disorders . While from 32 people
included in the old age group, there were 21 people
(65.5%) workers who had skin problems and 11
people (34.4%) workers who had no skin problems.
Based on the results of the study, there were still
5 people (26.3%) workers in the young age group
who had skin disorders and 11 people (34.4%)
workers in the old age group who had no skin
disorders. According to the researchers'
assumptions, skin disorders in workers can occur in
all age groups depending on the length of work and
frequent contact with irritants at work.
The results of the study showed that workers
with older age had more skin problems because they
had a longer working period. The working period of
the worker is at the age of 3 years and the maximum
is 19 years. Some workers with a young age also feel
skin disorders. This is because there are workers
with young age who have a work period of> 2 years.
The working period of workers at the youngest is 1
year and the maximum is 2 years.
According to a study by Garmini (2014) older
workers are at risk of developing irritant contact
dermatitis because it is thought that this group has a
skin condition that is more susceptible to infection
compared to younger ages. The length of service
also has an effect because older age has a longer
service life so there is a risk of developing irritant
contact dermatitis.
The results of the statistical test by using test of
chi square with 95% confidence level (α = 0.05)
showed the p value = 0.0 15, then this hypothesis is
accepted, which means there an association u nuts
with skin disorders
The results of this study are consistent with
research conducted by Budianto (2010) on printing
workers who showed that individuals aged 30-60
years were 7 times more likely to be affected by
DK-AK than individuals aged ≤ 30 years. . The
results of this study are also in accordance with the
results of research conducted by Suryani (2011) on
processing and filling workers PT. Cosmar
Indonesia Tangerang Selatan which shows that there
is a significant relationship between age and the
incidence of contact dermatitis. Statistical test results
obtained p value <0.05 which is 0.008.
Study of 51 workers at the processing plant
production 201 Year 9 shows that of 24 workers
with new work period, there were 18 (75.0%) of
workers who no skin disorders and 6 (25.0%) of
workers that there are skin disorders . While from 27
workers with long working periods, there were 20
people (74.1%) workers who had skin problems and
7 people (25.9%) workers who had no skin
Based on statistical test by using test of chi
square with 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) showed
the p value = 0.0 01 , then this hypothesis is