Based on the research assumptions of Kitong,
Mulyadi, & Malara (2014) entitled "The effect of the
action of aspiration of endotracheal tube mucus
(ETT) on oxygen saturation levels in patients treated
in ICU room of RSUP Prof. DR. D. Kandou Manado
"which shows the differences in oxygen saturation
levels before and after given mucus suctioning action
where there is a difference in the value of saturation
levels of 5.174% and pvalue = 0,000 (α <0.05).
Based on the total score of each dimension in the
table above, statistical analysis of the Wilcoxon test
means that Ho is rejected so that there is an Influence
of Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Suction on the Oxygen
Saturation Level in the ICU of the Grandmed Lubuk
Pakam Hospital in 2019. Easier interpretation of data
is by looking at the p value index of = .000 <(0.05).
Therefore it can be concluded that Ho is rejected. So
there is the effect of Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Mucus
Suction Act on the Oxygen Saturation Level in the
ICU in Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2019.
The action of mucus suctioning performed on patients
with ventilators installed at Grandmed Hospital has
an effect on changes in oxygen saturation in the ICU
at Grandmed Lubuk Hospital in 2019..
The obstacle found in this study is the
uniformity in using suction cannula size is not the
same, because the size is different so that it affects the
difference in the value of oxygen saturation in
patients with suctioning measures. The size of a larger
suction cannula (14 Fr) can reduce Oxygen Saturation
levels more than the smaller size (12 Fr). Another
obstacle found in this study is regarding the level of
education and tenure of nurses who perform
suctioning actions. This can have an indirect effect on
nurses' skills in performing suctioning actions.
For Bivariate analysis was got the results obtained
based on the Wilcoxon test have a significant
difference between before and after the results. The
value before the suction action includes the mean
value is 86.90%, the standard deviation value is
4.553%, the minimum value is 79%, the maximum
value is 95%, and the value after suction action
includes: the mean value is 95.85%, the standard
deviation value is 4760%, the minimum value is 84%,
the maximum value is 100%. Then conclusions There
is an influence before and after the suction action on
the value of oxygen saturation (p <0.005), so that Ha
is accepted.
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