Changes in Brain Wave Amplitude Due to Methadone
Administration based P300 Similar Stimuli
Dwi Esti Kusumandari
, Arifah Nur Istiqomah
, Dessy Novita
, and Arjon Turnip
Technical Implementation Unit for Instrumentation Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Keywords: EEG, Brain Wave, Methadone, Stimuli.
Abstract: Drug use in Indonesia tends to be increasingly out of control where the number of users continues to
increase every year. The dangers of drugs can cause various adverse effects, including psychotic behavior,
convulsions, and even death due to overdose. The most dominant part disturbed by drugs is the frontal lobe
of the brain, one effect is the reduced concentration of the user. To minimize this addiction, therapy with
methadone (a synthetic drug to replace opioid drugs) is used. In this paper, an experiment with therapeutic
patients to detect changes in brain wave amplitude due to methadone administration was carried out. EEG
data recording of each subject is done using an EEG system with 19 channels. To stimulate the change in
amplitude, each subject is given a stimulus that is by displaying several random images on a monitor. Each
of them consists of 4 images similar to drugs referred to as non-targets and 1 image of drugs called targets.
In one session all images will be displayed randomly for 10 turns (a total of 20 seconds). To minimize
interference or artefacts on the recording, the data is filtered by bandpass (0.5-70 Hz) and wavelet,
respectively. From this experiment it was found that significant changes in brain wave amplitude after
methadone intake were obtained. These results indicate that the use of methadone is very influential on
brain wave activity. The decrease is part of the reduced level of desire to consume drugs.
Drugs are substances that, if injected into the
human body, whether orally or taken, inhaled, or
injected, can change a person's thoughts, moods or
feelings, and behaviour [1-4]. Drugs can cause
physical and psychological dependence (addiction).
The abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs among the
younger generation is increasing now. The rise of
deviant behavior of the young generation can
endanger the survival of this nation in the future.
Because youth, as a generation that is expected to be
the successor to the nation, are becoming
increasingly vulnerable to being devastated by
nerve-damaging addictive substances. So that the
young man cannot think clearly. As a result, the
hopeful and intelligent generation of the nation will
remain only memories [5-8]. The target of the spread
of this drug is young people or adolescents. If
averaged, the target age of this drug is the age of
students, which ranges from age 11 to 24 years. This
indicates that the dangers of drugs at any time can
target our students anytime. Narcotics come from
three types of plants, namely opium, cannabis, and
coca. Drug dependence can be interpreted as a
condition that drives a person to consume drugs
repeatedly or continuously. If he does not do so, he
feels addicted (craving) which causes discomfort
and even a very painful feeling to the body [9-10].
Narcotics are substances or medicines that come
from plants or not plants, both synthetic and semi-
synthetic which can cause a decrease or change in
consciousness, loss of pain and can cause
dependence (Law No. 35 of 2009). Psychotropic
substances are substances or drugs, both natural and
synthetic not narcotics, which have psychoactive
properties through selective influences on the central
nervous system that cause changes in mental activity
and behavior. Psychotropic substances are
substances or drugs, both natural and synthetic not
narcotics, which have psychoactive properties
through selective influences on the central nervous
Kusumandari, D., Istiqomah, A., Novita, D. and Turnip, A.
Changes in Brain Wave Amplitude Due to Methadone Administration based P300 Similar Stimuli.
DOI: 10.5220/0009471402200224
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 220-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
system that cause changes in mental activity and
In an effort to minimize the symptoms of drug
addiction, there are several ways commonly done
one of which is methadone therapy. Methadone is a
type of drug that is also a synthetic opioid drug.
however, this drug can be used to prevent symptoms
of craving and the most important of these drugs is
to have a longer life time which is around 22 hours.
This time is different from the time possessed by
drugs in general, which is around 3-4 hours. So far,
methadone is quite effective against stopping use of
opioid users, such as heroin, morphine, and cocein.
[9-15]. To identify metadhone's reaction to changes
in brain activity, an experiment involving several
subjects with a recording device using EEG was
conducted [11, 12, 16-17]. Even Related Potential
(ERP) is one of the types of signals that can be
recorded from the brain in the EEG. Sinal is data
that reflects neural bio-electric activity associated
with providing stimulus. ERP component consists of
several components, one of which is a positive
component named P1, P2, P3, or according to the
latency period (P50, P100, P300) [16-22]. Each
component reflects the activation of each neuron.
The ERP signals are very sensitive to the given
stimulus, but psychological factors can also affect
the signal performance [20-22]. The P300
component is a wave that can detect the brain's
implusivity when given a certain stimulus. In this
study, the P300 signal was used to detect the effect
of methadone administration on brain implusivity in
drug addicted patients [16, 18, 23].
EEG-P300 signal is the type of ERP component
chosen to recognize patterns of brain activity due to
drugs in this study. P300 terminology is obtained
from the positive wave polarity at 300 milliseconds
after the stimulus is given. P300 depends on the
duration of the stimulus process but does not depend
on the process of selecting and implementing
responses. The P300 component is more likely to
reflect the cognitive process of processing stimulus
information [24]. Based on the shape and
characteristics of the P300 components, the features
used for identification are the maximum amplitude
and and the frequency. Latency is the time it takes
for the brain to respond to stimuli. In the simple task
of auditing discrimination the latent period is around
300 milliseconds, whereas in the complex decision
making process the latent period can reach 400-800
milliseconds [24, 25].
Research and experiments with proposed
experimental patterns and using brain signal
recording to observe changes in brain activity for
methadone administration are still rarely performed.
In addition to the much lower cost, experiments
using EEG have several advantages such as portable,
non-invasive, and more flexible to be developed
both from software and integration with other
hardware. Another thing that encourages the
implementation of this activity is that researchers are
more flexible in conducting observations from
various points of view as well as bases in choosing
an algorithm that is suitable for the signal character.
Furthermore, this trial was specifically designed
based on the needs and complaints and constraints
faced by psychiatric doctors in hospitals.
Methadone therapy is expected to reduce drug
use, risk behavior, crime, and increase productivity,
and get family support for narcotics users. In the
experiment, we worked with 8 male respondents
aged 20-40 years who were addicted to drugs and
were undergoing the methadone rehabilitation at
Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia. Data
collection was carried out for 3 days. Respondents
were controlled so as not to consume methadone and
other substances before data collection. For data
processing, 7 channel electrodes were used in the
frontal section (Fp-1, Fp-2, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8)
according to the 10-20 system.
At the time of recording, subjects were given
stumulus in the form of images collection consist of
4 nontarget images and 1 target images stimulus,
respectively. All stimuli images are randomly
flasshed about 300 milliseconds with pauses of each
100 millisecon (Fig. 1). This collection of images is
displayed with random stimulus arrangements about
10 times or for 20 seconds. EEG data recording is
done before and after 1 hour the subject consume the
Fig. 1. The used Stimulus in the Experiment.
Changes in Brain Wave Amplitude Due to Methadone Administration based P300 Similar Stimuli
The process of selecting different images aims to
make it easier for subjects to distinguish targets and
non-targets (Adjusted with the subject's condition as
a drug user). Assumption that subjects who are
familiar with and addicted to drugs will give a
different response when given a target image
stimulation than non-target stimulation both in terms
of amplitude and latency of the EEG-P300
component. Observation of differences in the
components of EEG-P300 before and 1 hour after
the subject consume the methadone. The P300
component when viewing target images will provide
higher amplitude with faster latency than non-target.
Subjects who have not been given methadone have a
higher level of interest in methadone (craving),
consequently the amplitude after consuming
methadone must be lower with slower latency.
Subjects are in a state of craving if given a drug
stimulus will respond more quickly and be expressed
by a smaller (faster) latency. The decrease in
amplitude value is also supported by the influence of
methadone which tends to make the subject sleepy
where theta waves increase and beta waves decrease.
The filtered and extracted EEG signals (subject 6)
(a) before and (b) after methadone intake are given
in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 Filtered EEG Signals (a) Before and (b)
After Methadone Intake.
In Fig. 4 clearly visible the changes in the
regularity of the extracted signal pattern after
consuming methadone. The regularity of the signals
between these channels is a representation of the
calmness and comfort of the subject. This indication
shows that the effect of methadone consumption can
be significantly seen in brain activity within a 1 hour
period of drug use.
Fig. 4 Extracted EEG Signals using wavelet
method: (a) before, and (b) after Methadone Intake
After processing the data, comparison of
subjects' responses to target and non-target image
stimuli can be seen by comparing the results of the
average amplitude and latency of all subjects in
Table 1. In general (both before and after consuming
methadone) the results of amplitude due to target
stimulus tend to produce higher amplitude and
slower latency for non-targets. Before consuming
methadone, subjects 3 and 6 had lower amplitudes
towards nontarget. Similar results were also found
after consuming methadone in which subjects, 3, 6,
and 7 had lower amplitudes towards nontarget. This
is due to the type of drug consumed by the subject
which is very varied which causes methadone
therapy to be less effective in the subject. In
addition, the dose of methadone used during
methadone therapy does not decrease and remains
high, which is likely due to the efforts of subjects
who are old enough so that the process of new
neuron growth is much slower. Another possibility
is that subjects 3, 6, and 7 showed positive urine test
results using benzo during experiments. The use of
benzo will certainly strengthen each other against
the use of methadone which causes the subject to be
sleepy. This result is in accordance with the decrease
in amplitude and tends to increase the latency value.
Except for subjects 4 and 8, a decrease in the
amplitude of the EEG-P300 signal was found after
being given methadone. A decrease in amplitude
indicates a decrease in the respondent's desire to
consume drugs or a reduced level of subject
concentration. Meanwhile, faster latency after using
methadone indicates an increase in respondents'
awareness after using methadone. In subjects 4 and
8, the amplitude and latency after being given
methadone have a higher value compared to before
using methadone. This difference occurred because
it was suspected that subjects 4 and 8 did not take
methadone treatment regularly, and they were more
likely to take other drugs than methadone during the
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
treatment period. This can be proven from the dose
of methadone given at the time of the study was
almost the same as the highest dose of the subject
even though the subjects had been undergoing
methadone therapy for 2 and 6 years, respectively. A
similar dose of methadone is thought to be not
strong enough and does not work optimally to
reduce craving on the subject. In addition, there are
benzo levels and a history of amphetamine use
which can cause methadone not to function
optimally in decreasing drug use.
Table 1. Amplitude dan Latency of all subject
before and after methadone intake (Target and
All data is then grouped by target, non-target,
both before and after consuming methadone, then
averaged, so that the graph in Fig.5. y-axis indicates
amplitude in microvolts and x-axis indicates latency
in milliseconds. Subject data 1 in Table 1 has a very
high amplitude value, so it is not included in the
average data processing. The data anomaly is likely
to occur because of the influence of the environment
during the data collection process.
Fig. 5. Comparison of EEG-P300 Amplitude and
Latency before and after Methadone Intake.
From the experimental results, the pre-methadone
signal obtained in the target image has slightly lower
amplitude than post-methadone, and has shorter
latency. A decrease in amplitude after a subject
consumes methadone indicates a decrease in the
subject's desire to consume drugs. The reduced
latency in post-methadone indicates the higher level
of concentration or awareness of the subject which is
characterized by the faster subject responding to an
impulse. This majority statement is consistent with
the initial assumption that the amplitude tends to
decrease after consuming methadone with latency
which tends to be slower. The inaccuracy of the
results obtained can occur because post-methadone
data retrieval is done 1 hour after the subject drinks
methadone, while methadone only reacts optimally
to the brain after more than 3 hours. This allows the
implantivity response to the target image to be lower
than at 1 hour after the subject took methadone.
Drug abuse that is not controlled slowly will have a
negative impact on thoughts, behavior, and social
relations. However, permanent effects will occur on
the body that can slowly destroy the system and
function of the brain which culminates in permanent
disability or even death.
Methadone intake by the drug rehabilitation patients
causes a decrease in the brain's implusivity to given
stimuli which indicates a decrease in the level of
desire for drugs after being given methadone. The
main results of the present analysis indicated that the
subjects have a longer P300 latency and a lower
P300 amplitude after consuming methadone. This
study revealed that drug patients have abnormalities
in the P300 component, which may reflect deficits in
cognitive function.
This research was supported by Technical
Implementation Unit for Instrumentation
Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences and
funded by RISTEKDIKTI by INSINAS 2019,
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ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology