online scheme for decoding what humans hear upon
a set of training data.
Figure 13: Hierarchical clustering: Dendogram for 4-class
problem. The height (y-xis) indicates the distance
separating the feature space of the two super-categories; the
percentage numbers show the accuracy between those
This paper demonstrated the feasibility of our
proposed online method and discussed its
potentialities for processing in decoding brain
activity. This study used fNIRS signals evoked by
audio-stimuli from multiple sound categories. To
account for data processing in our online scheme, the
AR-IRLS algorithm as pre-processing, feature-
selection, and classifier performance were discussed.
Interestingly, the performance of online classification
was higher than the chance levels in almost subjects.
Finally, the authors conclude that the fNIRS signals
evoked by audio-stimuli from multiple sound
categories can be effectively utilized in an online
decoding scheme.
This research was supported by the University of
Pittsburgh Department of Radiology, USA and
Department of Electical Engineering, Universitas
Padjajaran Indonesia.
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