Correlation between Ankle Stability, Strength and Endurance of
Plantar Flexor Muscle in Volleyball Player Agility Skill at
UKM Voli Universitas Esa Unggul
Syahmirza Indra Lesmana
, Trisia Lusiana Amir
and Alfonsa Daisy Maralisa
Esa Unggul University, Arjuna Utara Street, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Department of Physiotherapy, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Keywords: Volleyball, Ankle Stability, One Leg Stand, Plantarflexor Muscle Strength, Agility Skill, 1RM, Heel Raise
Test, Hexagonal Agility Skill.
Abstract: Objective: Determine the correlation between ankle stability, strength and endurance of plantar flexor muscle
in volleyball player agility skill at volleyball students activity unit Esa Unggul University aged 18-25 years.
Method: This study is a non-experimental study in the form of a correlation study to analyze the relationship
between ankle stability, strength and endurance of plantar flexor muscle in volleyball player agility skill. The
total sample is 18 volleyball players aged 18-25 years who are members of volleyball students activity unit
Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta. The measuring instruments used were single leg balance (ankle
stability), 1RM heel raise test (plantar flexor strength), heel raise test (plantar flexor endurance) and hexagonal
obstacle test (agility skill). Result: Correlation test between ankle stability and agility skill with Spearman-
Rank Test obtained a significance value p= 0.XXX, (p>0.05) and r=0.XXX. Strength and agility with
Spearman-Rank Test obtained a significance value p= 0.673 (p>0.05) and r=0,10. For correlation test between
plantar flexor muscle endurance obtained significance value with p = 0.824 andr=-0.057.
Volleyball game is of dynamic sports that requires
techniques that players to possess various physical
skills. In volleyball games, players need to have
strength, speed, accuracy, explosive power and
coordination as well as good teamwork. These
physical skills in volleyball game if placed in
unsupportive conditions, poor technique or lack of
physical readiness can cause injuries that mainly
occur during landing from blocking and spiking
(Hadzic et. Al, 2009). Injuries that occur, as a whole
can cause a decrease in player performance. So that
one way to prevent sports injuries is to improve
stability and muscle performance, like the strength
and endurance of the lower leg muscles. In addition
to avoiding or preventing injury, with ankle stability,
leg muscle strength and endurance, a player's
performance or performance in performing volleyball
techniques can be more effective in scoring and
defending the pitch against an opponent's attack.
Ankle stability has a very important role to
stabilize effective lower limb movement techniques
during games or training and also to avoid injuries in
volleyball games. The meaning of stabilization is the
functional stabilization of the ankle which is the result
of coordination of mechanical resistance (by joint
capsule, articular and musculotendinous structures)
with dynamic resistance which is the result of muscle
contraction around the joint (Myers et al, 2006). This
stabilization can affect the player's skill like the
ability to move direction quickly without losing
balance or agility skill. Therefore ankle stability must
also work together with agility to improve the
performance of players. So from the description to
determine the ability of ankle stabilization, the
measuring instrument used is a single leg balance test.
In addition, other functional components is
muscle strength. Muscle strength is a basic bio motor
component or activator of the human body. Muscle
strength is defined as the ability of a muscle or group
of muscles to be able to produce force in maximum
contraction (Kisner, 2007). Physiologically, muscle
strength is the basic driving force that allows a player
to be able to develop other physical skills such as
speed, explosive power, coordination, agility and
endurance. In volleyball players the ability to move is
supported by the strength of the lower leg muscles.
Lesmana, S., Amir, T. and Maralisa, A.
Correlation between Ankle Stability, Strength and Endurance of Plantar Flexor Muscle in Volleyball Player Agility Skill at UKM Voli Universitas Esa Unggul.
DOI: 10.5220/0009561700050012
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Lower limb muscle strength in volleyball players is
stated as one of the critical factors in a player's
performance success (Radu et al, 2014).
Plantarflexor muscle is a lower leg muscle that is
part of a human calf. This muscle is also a form of
posterior lower limb muscle called the triceps surae
which consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus
muscles. This group has the main function to perform
plantar flection and supination movements at the
ankle (ankle). In the plantar flection movement, the
triceps surae gives a contribution of 80% -90% in the
production of the force of motion produced, (Chimera
et al, 2010). In volleyball players the resulting
movement can be produced with contraction of the
plantar flexor muscle which is able to develop into
strength for explosive power when jumping, the
ability to defend, slide, land and footwork. The
presence of adequate plantar flexor muscle strength
will produce effective and efficient movements in
performing skill techniques in volleyball by
providing active stabilization of the ankles and knees
from the plantar flection motion. This is based on a
component of the skills formed by the presence of
good muscle strength (Young et al al, 2002). To
measure the ability or strength of the plantar flexor
muscle, measurements can be done by carrying out a
bilateral heel raise test (HRT) (Monteiro et al, 2016;
Mock et al, 2018) with the addition of maximum
external load (1RM) (Verdjik et al, 2008).
Beside from muscle strength, the development of
functional abilities of the plantar flexor muscle is
endurance. The role of plantar flexor muscle endurance
is very important to be able to maintain the condition
of the body when playing optimally. This is due to the
ability of the plantar flexor muscle endurance to hold
back how long the muscle strength can move
continuously without pause by providing ability or
skills in leg movements The specific skill is the body's
skill to move fast and change direction quickly in an
efficient and effective pattern. So that in volleyball
players plantar flexor muscle strength and endurance
and agility skills is a must-have requirement. To find
out the endurance ability of plantar flexor muscles, the
measuring instrument used was the calf raises test.
Of the various skills needed by players, agility
skills include the skills that must be possessed by each
player to produce good performance in the field.
Agility skills are often interpreted as individual skills
to be able to change direction quickly and precisely
and without losing balance. On the other hand
comprehensively, agility skills must also consider the
physical needs, cognitive processes and motor
learning and technical abilities (bio mechanics)
involved (Sheppard and Young, 2006). This agility
skill can be measured using a valid and reliable
measure, the Hexagonal Obstacle Test (McCormick,
2014; Sabin and Alexandru, 2015).
Therefore, an observation is needed in order to
obtain data from the subject directly and clearly to
find out how much the relationship between ankle
stability, muscle strength and endurance of the lower
limbs, especially in volleyball players at volleyball
students activity Esa Unggul University. Observation
also illustrates everything related to the object of
research, drawing conclusions compiled into a report
so that it becomes more relevant.
The study was conducted descriptively with a
quantitative approach that was included in the research
analysis. Quantitative research is research that focuses
on analysis of numerical data that is processed using
statistical tests. This research is a correlation study
conducted to determine the relationship between two
variables, ankle stability as measured by a single leg
balance test, plantar flexor muscle strength as measure-
ed by 1RM heel raise test and plantar flexor muscle
endurance as measured by calf raise test for agility
skills measured by the hexagonal obstacle test on
volleyball players at volleyball students activity Esa
Unggul University. In this study it is expected that
there is a match between the methods used by resear-
chers with the goals to be achieved by researchers.
The population in this study were all volleyball
players at volleyball students activity Esa Unggul
University. Based on field surveys it is known that the
total population of ± 20 people. As for the sampling by
means of purposive sampling where the samples taken
will be representative if they are in accordance with
predetermined sampling criteria. The number of
samples in the study was determined using the Taro
Yamane formula. Based on the formula used, the
minimum number of samples taken is 17 people, but in
this study a minimum sample of 18 people will be used.
Criteria for acceptance of samples in this study include:
(1) Volleyball players aged 18-25 years (2) Still and
actively participating in training conducted by
volleyball students activity Esa Unggul University for
approximately 2 years of training (3) Signing informed
consent. While the criteria for rejection of samples in
this study include: (1) There are acute injuries and
other musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limb such
as subluxation, fractures and tendon injuries (2) There
are acute injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders
in the lower extremities such as meniscus tears and
knee ligament injuries. (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL),
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
sprained, or had a fracture. There are acute injuries and
other musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limb such
asubluxation, fractures and tendon injuries (2) There
are acute injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders
in the lower extremities such as meniscus tears and
knee ligament injuries. (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL),
sprained, or had a fracture.
Data analysis was processed using the SPSS
(Statistical Product and Service Solution) system.
Analysis of the data used in this study include the
normality test and hypothesis testing. Normality test
to determine sample distribution. Test for normality
using the Shaphiro-Wilk Test, with the provisions
that p> 0.05 data are normally distributed and p <0.05
data are not normally distributed. Hypothesis
analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlation
test to determine the direction of the relationship
between two variables. This test is carried out if the
data is normally distributed. If the data is not
normally distributed, a Spearman Rank Correlation
Coefficient test will be performed. The test was
carried out at a significance level (α value) of 0.05.
3.1 Sample Characteristics
The sample characteristics in the study included
gender, age, body weight, height, body mass index
(BMI), leg length, leg circumference (thigh and leg),
blood pressure, respiration rate and heart rate.
Categorical data are presented in the form of
proportions (percentages) and data in numerical form
are presented in the form of mean, SD, median,
minimum and maximum values. Presentation of
research characteristic data can be seen in table 1.
Table 1: Sample Characteristics.
Characteristics Result
Age (years)
Weight (kg)
Height (cm)
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Leg Length (cm)
Lingkar Otot (cm)
Blood Pressure (BP)
Respiration Rate (RR)
Heart Rate (HR)
Correlation between Ankle Stability, Strength and Endurance of Plantar Flexor Muscle in Volleyball Player Agility Skill at UKM Voli
Universitas Esa Unggul
3.2 Data Prerequisites Test
Data normality test is needed to find out whether the
data is normal or abnormal distribution. In addition,
the normality test is also used to determine the type
of statistics used in the research hypothesis. In this
study the normality test was performed using the
Shapiro-Wilk Test. Based on the results of data
processing using SPSS 24.0, the test results are
presented in table 2.
Table 2: Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test Results.
Variable p Interpretation
Ankle Stability
Plantar Flexor
Muscle Strength
0.462 Normal
Plantar Flexor
Muscle Endurance
0.117 Normal
Agility Skill 0.001 Abnormal
In testing the normality of research variable data,
the results of data processing from the independent
variable are ankle stability, plantar flexor muscle
strength and endurance with p value of > 0.05 which
means data were normally distributed. Meanwhile,
the dependent variable, agility skills, also obtained a
p value of 0.001, which means p <0.05 or data not
normally distributed. From the results in normality
test, it can be concluded that the hypothesis test in this
study is a non-parametric test using the Spearman-
Rank correlation test.
3.3 Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing data analysis consists of
correlation analysis with the aim of analyzing the
meaning of the relationship between variables, the
strength of the relationship between variables and the
direction of the relationship between variables. In
accordance with the conclusion of the normality test,
in this study a non-parametric test with the Spearman-
Rank correlation test with the terms of the hypothesis
testing result H
is rejected if the p value <α value
(0.05) and H
is accepted if the p value> α value
(0.05). The hypothesis established on the relationship
between ankle stability and agility skills were:
There is no correlation between ankle
stability and agility skills in volleyball
players at Volleyball Students Activity
Unit of Esa Unggul University.
There is a correlation between ankle
stability and agility skills in volleyball
players at Volleyball Students Activity
Unit of Esa Unggul University.
Furthermore, in the relationship between plantar
flexor muscle strength variables and agility skills, the
established hypothesis was:
There is no correlation between plantar
flexor muscle strength and agility skills in
volleyball players at Volleyball Students
Activity Unit of Esa Unggul University.
There is a correlation between plantar
flexor muscle strength and agility skills in
volleyball players at Volleyball Students
Activity Unit of Esa Unggul University.
In the following discussion the relationship
between muscular endurance and agility skills have
the following hypothesis:
There is no correlation between plantar
flexor muscle endurance and agility
skills in volleyball players at Volleyball
Students Activity Unit of Esa Unggul
There is a correlation between plantar
flexor muscle endurance and agility
skills in volleyball players at Volleyball
Students Activity Unit of Esa Unggul
The results of processing the hypothesis test data
with the Spearman-Rank correlation test represented
in table 3.
Table 3: Result of Spearman-Rank Correlation Test.
Agility Skill Score
r = -0.219
p = 0.383
n = 18
r = -0.140
p =0.581
n = 18
r = 0,107
p = 0,673
n = 18
r = -0.057
p = 0.824
n = 18
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
4.1 Ankle Stability
The description of ankle stabilization in volleyball
players in s volleyball students activity od Esa
Unggul University, on dextra ankle has an average
value of 54.64 seconds and an average of 56.88
seconds in the ankle sinistra. The results of
observational data that have been carried out using
this single leg balance test have passed the normal
time that has been set, ie the average value between
the ankle dextra and sinistra groups has passed 30
seconds for the normal time of individuals aged 18-
49 years (Martin et al, 2013). But there is an average
difference between the ankle dextra and ankle sinistra
groups. The stabilization value of the ankle is greater,
this can be due to the dominant ankle in the sample in
UEU Volleyball SMEs.
In the International Foot and Ankle journal
entitled "Influence of Age, Body Mass Index and Leg
Dominance of Functional Ankle Stability", this
journal explains that for the dominant group of the
right leg has better results on the left leg when doing
single leg stance and vice versa, on the left leg group
the single leg stance results are better on the right leg.
One reason that has been presented in this journal is
that the non-dominant leg has a postural function in
daily life, which might lead to better postural balance
and stabilization.
4.2 Plantar Flexor Muscle Strength
The description of the plantar flexor muscle strength
of the sample has an average value of 24.18 kg, there
are mean differences between male and female
groups where the mean value of the plantar flexor
muscle strength of the male group is greater, namely
26, 22 kg compared with a group of women weighing
22.44 kg. The 1RM load obtained from observational
data with the 1RM Heels Raise Test reveals that the
strength of the plantar flexor muscle is still
insufficient to a predetermined standard where 1RM
load removal is adjusted and calculated by
submaximal load or 50% sample weight distribution.
This can be caused by various factors such as weight
training experience or sample muscular composition
(Rosemary et al, 2011; Kathleen et al, 2014).
According to the type of measuring device, 1RM
is used for athletes or players at the beginning of the
training season to find out the maximum dynamic
training load (maximal strength) along with the
progress of the training. At the beginning of the
measurement, the value or result is relatively low
compared to the initial load that should be used
because the nervous system cannot withstand the
pressure or resistance with heavy loads. The theory is
in accordance with the ability of muscles called
muscle memory where recent evidence identifies an
increase in morphological adaptation for weight
training can be seen for 7 weeks, thereafter and the
detraining phase (Seaborn et al, 2018).
4.3 Plantar Flexor Muscle Endurance
Plantar flexor muscle endurance samples of
volleyball players at Esa Unggul University obtained
an average value of 22.22 x / 30 seconds. From 9 male
and 9 female samples, the average value of endurance
is normal, for the endurance of 9 male samples is
23.88 x / 30 seconds, while for 9 female samples is
20.55 x / 30 seconds. In the observational data
obtained in the field with the Calf Raises Test
measuring instrument has reached the standard of
good value, wherein seen from the research literature
generally set a value of 25 as a normal target for good
subjects (Amy D. Sman, 2014).
Measurement of endurance aims to see how much
a person's ability to do repetitive movements without
significant fatigue so that in volleyball players need
endurance when the game is in progress because there
are movements such as jumping, landing, and
footwork which are repetitive movements. Calf
Raises Test is used to find out how well the player is
able to raise and lower the heel. On the measurement
of the Calf Raises Test the sample is able to make
stable heel movements with normal values or results.
Therefore, sufficient plantarflection endurance is
very important for basic mobility, such as walking
and running (Amy D. Sman, 2014).
4.4 Agility Skill
The picture of agility skill or volleyball player in
UKM Volleyball University of Esa Unggul has an
average value of 21.93 seconds. Based on sex, an
average value of 19.13 seconds was obtained in the
male group and 24.72 seconds in the female group.
Data taken based on measurements with the
Hexagonal Obstacle Test revealed that overall the
value of the volleyball player's skill skill was in the
weak category (Widiastuti, 2015). This phenomenon
can be caused by various factors according to its
supporting components such as cognitive, technical
and physical quality of the sample.
Based on the findings in the field, the sample has
a BMI level with overweight category, this condition
can result in additional loading when carrying out a
Correlation between Ankle Stability, Strength and Endurance of Plantar Flexor Muscle in Volleyball Player Agility Skill at UKM Voli
Universitas Esa Unggul
process of movement or special activities such as
agility skills causing low performance and ultimately
decreasing the level of individual skill agility. This is
supported by the results of research by Dhapola et al
(2017) where there is a significant relationship
between BMI and agility skills (r = 0.543; p <0.05).
The findings of other sample data processing results
also revealed that there was a significant value
between the lengths of the legs with the level of
agility of the sample skills with r = -0.503 and p
<0.05. These findings state that the longer the leg will
be followed by a longer range of steps so that the time
needed to cover a certain distance will be shorter, in
other words the travel time will be faster and the
energy expended will be less and ultimately increase
the ability of agility skills in individuals (Putri, 2016;
Lyle et al, 2015).
4.5 Correlation between Ankle
Stability and Agility Skill
Based on the hypothesis test used using Rank-
Correlation Coefficient obtained the relationship
between ankle stabilization and skill dexterity has no
insignificant relationship (p> 0.05) with the value of
the relationship between dextra and sinistra ankle
stabilization. As well as the negative direction of
change, where it worsens the ankle, the less or faster
the time needed for the individual to execute the
agility of his skills.
The results of this study found that ankle
stabilization does not affect the agility skill, where the
ability of the sample agility into the weak category so
that it results in an insignificant correlation between
ankle stabilization and agility skill. This could be due
to the relatively large value of the sample skill agility,
which means that the poor or poor ability of the
sample agility. Stabilization of volleyball players
serves to ensure that the feet, ankles and toes function
properly and are not only important for injury
prevention, but also to maximize speed, mobility,
agility, strength, power production and explosions
(Seedman, 2015). Ankle stability is not the only
component needed by the agility skill, the agility skill
component is a multifactorial component which is
influenced by cognitive, technical ability and physical
quality. 2017).
4.6 Correlation between Plantar Flexor
Muscle Strength and Agility Skill
Based on the Spearman-Rank correlation hypothesis
test results show that the relationship between plantar
flexor muscle strength variables and agility skills has
an insignificant relationship (p> 0.05) which means
that plantar flexor muscle strength (maximal strength)
does not affect the ability of agility skills in volleyball
players. In addition, the results of data processing get
the strength of the relationship strength in a very weak
category with a positive correlation direction (r =
0.107) where it is interpreted that the higher the
strength of the plantar flexor muscle the longer the
time it takes for someone to execute individual skill
agility. This is like the findings by Cornie et al (2010)
where an increase in body mass obtained through
strength training will increase cross-sectional areas
and hypertrophy. This finding indicates that muscle
strength does not have a strong relationship with
overall performance of agility skills, the amount of
strength capacity needed to carry out movement, and
is aided by anthropometric characters that positively
affect performance.
From the findings of this study, the strength of
plantar flexor muscle that does not affect the agility
skill can be caused by the agility skill of the sample
which is low enough so that to assess one of its
components, namely the quality of leg muscle
strength especially in plantar flexor muscle does not
get significant results. The results of this study are
supported by the findings of Chaouachi (2009) about
the relationship of maximum dynamic strength with
agility skills to get similar results (r = 0.18, p = 0.29)
besides that the results of Penailillio (2016) results
that do not have that relationship can be caused by the
low coordination of players compared to their
strengths. So that agility skills can be considered as
physiological variables which may be more
dependent on the performance of the neuromuscular
coordinating aspects.
4.7 Correlation between Plantar Flexor
Muscle Endurance and Agility Skill
Based on the Spearman-Rank correlation hypothesis
test results show that the relationship between
endurance variables of plantar flexor muscle with
agility skill does not have a significant relationship
(p> 0.05) which means that endurance of plantar
flexor muscle does not affect the ability of agility
skills to the sample. the results of data processing get
a relationship value with a very weak category with a
negative correlation direction (r = -0.057) where it is
interpreted that the higher the endurance of the
plantar flexor muscle the longer the time required for
someone to have agility skills.
From these findings the endurance of plantar
flexor muscle cannot influence the agility skill due to
the low number of samples studied and the
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
acquisition of small sample agility skills because the
interpretation of the correlation test is always related
to the number of samples used to see the direction of
the relationship between the two variables measured.
Furthermore, agility skills are seen as the ability to
change direction quickly, without losing balance,
using neuromuscular power and coordination. In
volleyball games, it takes reaction speed to make
movements quickly, so agility skills are needed in
changing positions or direction of body movements
quickly when is moving fast without the desired
balance or awareness of body position.
Based on the results of the research and discussion
above, it is concluded that there are no relationship
between ankle stabilization, strength and endurance
of plantarflexor muscles (maximal strength) to agility
skills in volleyball players at volleyball students
activity Esa Unggul University. This study also
suggests the need for further research on aspects other
than physical quality that affect agility skills and
other variables, especially in volleyball players in
both the beginner and athlete groups.
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health