Implementation of Hospital Accreditation in Jakarta
Nauri Anggita Temesvari and Loli Adriani
Department of Health Information Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jl. Arjuna Utara
No. 9, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, 11510, Indonesia
Keywords: Hospital, Accreditation, Health Service, Quality, Standards.
Abstract: Hospital accreditation aims to evaluate the quality of a hospital. Assessment of accreditation in Indonesia is
carried out by independent institutions, namely the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS). Until 2017,
the percentage of accredited hospitals in Indonesia was 53.47%. There were 62.24% of hospitals from 196
hospitals in Jakarta were accredited. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of hospital accreditation
in Jakarta. The research design of this study using the literature review method with topics related to hospital
accreditation in Jakarta. A total of 971 articles were found, with 16 articles meeting the criteria. Hospitals in
Jakarta use a national accreditation policy, as does the information system used. The concerning issue in
human resources was the STR that must be had by health workers. In order to accelerate the accreditation
process at the Hospital, KARS provides SISMADAK (Accreditation Document Management System) and
SIKARS. Hospitals in Jakarta used the accreditation standards of both the KARS 2012 Version and SNARS
Ed 1 in 2018. However, not all hospitals have been accredited. The problem has not been accredited by
hospitals in Jakarta because it requires readiness from all available resources at the hospital to carry out
accreditation and management commitment.
The system of improving the quality of health
services is a dynamic system that can follow various
changes both from changing health systems. One
major change in the health system is a change in the
national health insurance system or better known as
JKN. JKN has made fundamental changes including
changes in the development and supervision of health
efforts through health quality regulation. Efforts to
improve quality have been carried out in a variety of
activities and are carried out by the various
government and private hospitals. One of the efforts
made is to carry out hospital accreditation
(Kemenkes, 2016).
Hospital accreditation is an official recognition
from the government to hospitals that have met health
service standards and are required to be carried out by
all hospitals in Indonesia. Each hospital has an
obligation to be accredited at least once every 3 years.
Hospital accreditation is needed as an effective way
to evaluate the quality of a hospital by setting service
quality standards. Accreditation assessments in
Indonesia are carried out by independent institutions
recognized by the government, namely the Hospital
Accreditation Commission (KARS) and the Joint
Commission International (JCI) (Kemenkes, 2012).
Basically, the main goal of hospital accreditation
is the quality of services that are integrated and
become the culture of the hospital service system. In
addition, the specific objectives of accreditation
include: obtaining an overview of the extent to which
the hospital has met various standards determined so
that the quality of hospital services can be accounted
for, giving recognition and appreciation to hospitals
that have reached the level of health service in
accordance with established standards, providing
guarantee to hospital staff that all necessary facilities,
personnel, and environment are available so that they
can best support patients' healing and treatment
efforts, provide assurance and satisfaction to
individuals, families, and communities as customers
that the services provided by hospitals are carried out
as well as possible (Poerwani, SK; Sopacua, 2013).
Besides being beneficial for patients,
accreditation is also beneficial for health workers in
hospitals, for hospital administrators themselves, for
hospital owners and for third parties such as
insurance. For health workers in hospitals,
accreditation functions to create a sense of security
Temesvari, N. and Adriani, L.
Implementation of Hospital Accreditation in Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009562100200024
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019) - Improving Quality of Care and Equity on Health, pages 20-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for them in carrying out their duties. In addition,
facilities and infrastructure that are in accordance
with standards are also very helpful in facilitating
their work processes. For hospitals, accreditation is
useful as a tool for negotiations with third parties such
as insurance or companies. In this case, accreditation
can be said to function as a means of promotion. For
hospital owners, accreditation functions as a tool to
measure the performance of hospital managers. As
for insurance companies, accreditation is useful as a
reference in selecting and entering into contracts with
hospitals. Insurance companies are reluctant to risk
their good name in front of their clients by choosing
a hospital with poor services (Rahma, 2012)
Gradually KARS applies accreditation standards:
5 services, 12 services, and 16 services with the
orientation to the input and documents that are valid
until June 2012. Since 2012 KARS has applied the
2012 version standard which was adopted from JCI
edition 4. In KARS 2012 Version standard has
applied input, processes, and outputs in an integrated
way. In 2015 KARS became an independent
institution and received ISQUA Certification, which
is an international institution that carries out
accreditation of institutional accreditation institutions
and surveillance training (Kemenkes, 2016).
Until 2017, the percentage of accredited hospitals
in Indonesia was 53.47%. The provinces with the
highest accredited hospitals and above 50% were
Bali, East Java, and East Nusa Tenggara, respectively
77.78%, 69.62%, and 68.09%. North Maluku
Province is the province with the lowest percentage
of accredited hospitals, which is 22.73% of the 22
hospitals. In 2017, there were 196 hospitals in Jakarta
of which 48 government hospitals were accredited
and 74 private hospitals were accredited so that
62.24% of hospitals in Jakarta were accredited
(Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2018). from the data, it
can be seen that there are still hospitals in Jakarta that
have not been accredited, so this research will analyze
the implementation of hospital accreditation in
The research design of this study using the literature
review method with topics related to hospital
accreditation in Jakarta. The literature search was
performed using Google Scholar and Google Search.
The keywords used are hospital accreditation, KARS,
hospital accreditation results. The articles reviewed
are articles published from 2012 to 2019. A total of
971 articles were found, with 16 articles meeting the
Concepts in research using a systems approach.
The system approach in this study will look at the
inputs, process, and output in the implementation of
hospital accreditation in Jakarta. The inputs to be seen
are policies, human resources, and information
systems. Whereas in the process is the
implementation of the accreditation itself. The last,
the output will see the results obtained from
accreditation. The data obtained were analyzed,
compiled systematically, compared with each other
and discussed related literature.
3.1 Input
3.1.1 Policies
Policies related to hospital accreditation are contained
in Regulation of the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 34 the Year 2017 and
also the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 417/ MENKES/ PER/
II/ 2011 regarding the Hospital Accreditation
Commission or shortened to KARS.
The regulation explains that hospital accreditation
is an acknowledgment of the hospital provided by an
independent institution established by the Minister,
after being judged that the hospital meets the
applicable hospital service standards. Every hospital
must be accredited. Hospital accreditation is held
periodically at least every 3 (three) years. Hospitals
must extend accreditation before the validity period
ends (Kemenkes, 2017).
3.1.2 Human Resources
Health workers are an important component in
implementing hospital accreditation. The mandate of
Law Number 36 the Year 2014 concerning Health
Workers Article 44 explained that every health
worker who practices implements must have a
Registration Certificate (STR) that is valid for five
years and can be re-registered. STR has fulfilled the
requirements issued by the Indonesian Health
Workers Council (KTKI) (Kemenkes, 2013).
KTKI publishes STR for 26 types of health
professions which consist of: Nurses, Midwives,
Physiotherapy, Dental, and Mouth Therapists,
Efficient Refractionists, Speech Therapists,
Radiographers, Occupational Therapists,
Implementation of Hospital Accreditation in Jakarta
Nutritionists, Medical Recorders and Health
Information, Dental Technicians, Sanitarians,
Electromedists, Speech Therapists, Radiographers,
Occupational Therapists, Nutritionists, Medical
Recorders and Health Information, Dental
Technicians, Sanitarians, Electromedists, Medical
Laboratory Technologists, Anesthesiologists,
Acupuncturists Therapists, Medical Physicists,
Prosthetic Orthotics, Blood Transfusion Technicians,
Cardiovascular, Public Health Specialists, Health
Promoters, Health Epidemiologists, Clinical
Psychologists, Traditional Health Practitioners, and
Audiologists. In Jakarta, the number of new STRs
issued by KTKI is 200,489 for all types of health
workers (Kemenkes, 2019).
In a previous study at PKU Muhammadiyah
Gamping Hospital explained that not all nurses had
STR. It will have an impact if criminal, civil and
administrative violations occur, the legal position of
the hospital will be weak due to violations of the law
(Yustoro; Tri, 2013). Whereas STR ownership for
nurses and other health workers in health facilities is
mandatory based on applicable laws. In the latest
accreditation, SNARS Ed 1 the Year 2018 requires all
health workers to have STR because hospitals must
ensure that patients are served by competent health
workers according to their knowledge.
3.1.3 Information System
In line with Indonesia's roadmap entering the
industrial revolution 4.0, KARS developed
information systems for KARS institutions
(SIKARS), Hospital Accreditation Documentation
Information Systems (SISMADAK), Hospital
Information Systems (SIRSAK), Tracking Systems
for Surveyor (ReDOWSKo), and Surveillance
Learning Systems (KARS) e-learning). In this study,
an information system that will be discussed is
SISMADAK and SIKARS (Sutoto; Utarini, 2019).
SISMADAK is an application tool for Hospitals
(Hospitals) to collect, store, and search for evidence
documents related to accreditation. SISMADAK is
managed by each hospital so as to ensure the
confidentiality of hospital documents. To minimize
the risk of document damage and large costs, as well
as a faster storage and search process, the Hospital
needs to be encouraged to use the SISMADAK
application. The Surveyors who conduct an
assessment to the Hospital will use the SISMADAK
application to trace the required documents.
(Diyurman, 2017).
Figure 1: Front Page of the SISMADAK Website from One
of the Hospitals.
SIKARS is used by hospitals for submission of
accreditation, conducting guidance and self-
assessment. Another advantage of SIKARS is that it
can update hospital profile data, get a list of surveyor
profiles, view activity schedules, and obtain
assessment instruments (Gea and Hp, no date).
Figure 2: Front Page of the SIKARS website.
3.2 Process
Hospital accreditation standards in Indonesia have
changed. These standards are grouped according to
functions within the hospital related to patient care,
efforts to create a safe, effective, well-managed
organization. These functions are also consistent,
applicable to and obeyed by each
unit/section/installation. Standards are statements
that define the expectations of the performance,
structure, and processes that a hospital must have to
provide quality and safe care and care. For each
standard, an assessment element is prepared, which is
a requirement to meet the relevant standard.
KARS 2012 Version Standard is Patient Safety
Goals - Care of Patients - Hospital Management -
National Standards. For graduation criteria that are
applied to this standard are the basic, intermediate,
primary, and complete levels. In 2018 KARS issued
the latest hospital accreditation standard, SNARS Ed
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
1 by adding Hospital Management standards,
National Standards, and Integration of Health
Education in Hospital (Sutoto, 2017).
Presidential Regulation 82 of 2018 concerning
Health Insurance origin 67 states that health facilities
that meet the requirements can establish cooperation
with the Health BPJS. Hospital accreditation is also
one of the hospital requirements for extending
cooperation with BPJS Health. On January 4, 2019,
referring to the Minister of Health's letter Number
HK.03.01/Menkes/18/2019 regarding the Extension
of Hospital Cooperation with BPJS, the BPJS
conducted a selection and recruitment of hospitals
that had cooperated. As a result, there are a number
of hospitals that do not meet the requirements, one of
which is due to accreditation. With a variety of
considerations and services for JKN patients not
stopping, the Ministry of Health and BPJS Health
agreed to extend cooperation with the hospital and
provide an opportunity until 30 June 2019 to
complete the accreditation process (BPJS Kesehatan,
3.3 Output
This research will explain the 2018 hospital
accreditation data in Jakarta. In 2018 some hospitals
are still using the 2012 version of the accreditation
standard and others are using SNARS Ed 1.
In figure 3 explains the graduation of hospitals in
Jakarta using KARS 2012 Version, hospitals in
Jakarta Utara had the highest number of Lulus
Perdana, while Kepulauan Seribu occupied the lowest
number. Hospitals in Jakarta Timur has the highest
number of Tingkat Madya graduations. Hospitals in
Jakarta Pusat has the highest number of Tingkat
Paripurna. Whereas Jakarta Selatan has the highest
number of Tingkat Utama graduations.
Figure 3: KARS 2012 Version Results Per Year 2018 in
Jakarta (KARS, 2018).
In figure 4 explains the graduation of hospitals in
Jakarta using SNARS Ed 1, hospitals in Jakarta
Selatan and Jakarta Timur had the highest number of
Lulus Perdana. Hospitals in Jakarta Timur have the
highest number of Tingkat Madya, Utama and
Paripurna graduations.
Figure 4: SNARS Ed 1 Results Per Year 2018 in Jakarta
(KARS, 2018).
Hospitals in Jakarta that have not yet been
accredited have several problems, including:
a) Expensive Accreditation Fees.
Hospitals are charged with accreditation fees
from preparation to evaluation, the amount of
which is not small. Plus, to meet the standards
set by KARS, it requires the provision of other
resources in the hospital. Therefore, the
hospital needs to make every effort to carry out
b) Hospital Management Commitment.
As explained earlier that the purpose of
accreditation is to meet the quality of the
hospital. If management is not committed to
improving hospital quality, accreditation may
only be considered a burden on the
organization (Sari, 2018).
However, with the policy of the BPJS in 2019
for collaborating hospitals required to carry out
accreditation, this triggers the hospital to renew
its hospital accreditation so that cooperation is
not terminated by BPJS.
From this study, it can be concluded that:
1. Input from hospital accreditation is a policy
that regulates hospital accreditation, health
resources in the hospital, and hospital
accreditation information system.
2. The process of hospital accreditation in Jakarta
is in accordance with the hospital accreditation
standards issued by KARS. The standard used
in 2018 is KARS 2012 Version and SNARS Ed
3. Hospitals in Jakarta have accredited using
standards of KARS 2012 Version and some
have used SNARS Ed 1. Not all hospitals have
Implementation of Hospital Accreditation in Jakarta
accredited because of cost and management
commitment issues.
The author would like to thanks:
1. LPPM Universitas Esa Unggul which has
provided the opportunity for writers to conduct
internal research.
2. Co-author, Ms. Loli Adriani for helping the
author complete this research.
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health