The Analysis of JKN-KIS Hospital Outpatient Referral System
Implementation Subsequent to Online Referral Application
Lisa Riati, Ade Heryana, Cut Alia Keumala Muda and Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Esa Unggul University, 9 Arjuna Utara, West Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: National Health Insurance, Vertical Referral System, Outpatient Services, Health Service System, Back
Referral System.
Abstract: National Health Insurance Program (JKN) carried out in referral system mandatory for members and health
care providers, that hadn’t optimum in the implementation caused mismatch in submit the selected specialist
and input the diagnoses, online reference numbers are not found, lack in giving the explanations for referral
agreements, and incomplete filling the referral letters. This research aims to studying the implementation of
hospital outpatient referral system in order to recommend various improvements. This research used
Qualitative-Quantitative approaches (Mixed Method) with primary and secondary data. Five informants
were included in this research, 114 participants for Quantitative study, and observed some relevant
documents. The results of the Qualitative research revealed that vertical referrals to hospital had been
implemented according to policy, but back referral system is still not running optimal. From survey study
showed that 91.2% participant had approved in referral services, but 94.7% had incomplete contents of
referral letter. It’s suggested to arrange cooperation and coordination between insurance operator (BPJS),
healthcare provider (Hospital Management, Specialist) and members (patients) to optimize referral system.
It is expected that the results of this research could give the insight for the Hospital and related institutions
in improving various aspects related to the optimized of referral system.
The National Health Insurance Program (JKN)
began to be implemented from 1 January 2014. The
Program is the mandate of Undang-Undang Nomor
40 Tahun 2004 on SJSN, which is held with
mandatory health insurance mechanisms. JKN was
implemented gradually and was expected to reach
the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in 2019.
Public legal entity that is assigned the task and
responsibility to conduct JKN program namely
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS)
Kesehatan (Mas'udin, 2017).
The referral system is organized with the aim of
providing good quality healthcare, so that the
purpose of service is achieved without having to use
expensive costs. It is called effective and efficient.
The referral system in Indonesia is governed in
Permenkes Nomor 001 Tahun 2012 on Sistem
Rujukan Pelayanan Kesehatan Perorangan.
On August 15th, 2018 BPJS Kesehatan has been
implementing an online referral system trial. Online
Referral System JKN-KIS is a digitizing referral
process for the ease and certainty of participants in
obtaining services in the hospital tailored to the
competence, distance and capacity of the hospital
referral purpose based on the need medical patients.
The reason for the reference for online referral is
because the implementation of a level of reference in
each region refers to local regulations, participants
who reside on the border area can’t access the
facility if not in accordance with the settings local
governments are concerned with regulatory referral
arrangements in the region. Participants referred to
the referral facility, do not obtain the necessary
services due to the limitation of information
regarding medical needs, infrastructure and human
resources (SDM) so as to cause the participants
should again be referred to Other health facilities.
The queue that accumulates in the hospital is due to
be a reference focus on the area. There is no
information system that can manage the
implementation of referrals online and real time
(BPJS Health, 2018).
Hospital X is a type B in the city of Tangerang
which is one of the private of the recipient of the
Riati, L., Heryana, A., Muda, C. and Mahadewi, E.
The Analysis of JKN-KIS Hospital Outpatient Referral System Implementation Subsequent to Online Referral Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0009562500290033
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 29-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
good referral from primary care and secondary care
Banten province. Since the online referral system
trial of August 2018 RS X has received an
introduction to online referrals from referrer facility.
Based on survey for data related to the
explanation provided by the health worker in terms
of approval given the reference of 15 respondents,
there are 2 (13.3%) the respondent who did not get
an explanation regarding referral approval. Related
to the completeness of the referral letter is obtained
that from 54 files there are 51 (94.4%) unsuitable
files. For patients who back referral to hospital X
have not reached the target. With the background of
the problem researchers are interested in Analysis of
JKN-KIS Hospital Outpatient Referral System
Implementation Subsequent to Online Referral
Health Service system in accordance with Perpres
Nomor 72 Tahun 2012 on Sistem Kesehatan
Nasional (SKN) is the management of health
organized by all components of Indonesia in an
integrated and mutually supportive Ensuring the
degree of public health highest. According to SKN's
understanding, health efforts consist of two main
Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat (UKM) and Upaya
Kesehatan Perorangan (UKP) must run
synergistically. Indonesia has established that the
UKM program with its community-related
promotive and preventive efforts is the responsibility
of the government (Kemenkes and Dinkes). The
UKP is a person who is managed by BPJS
Kesehatan. In the decentralized system, UKM
funding is now the responsibility of local
governments. Local government as a party to know
the health condition in the area is given a mandate
not only to organize, but also to develop and
strengthen UKM as complementary elements or a
strong companion in the health insurance
(Darmawan, 2016).
To achieve the optimal degree of public health
needs to be held various health efforts by collecting
all the potential of the Indonesian nation.
Maintenance of various health efforts requires the
support of funds, human resources, drug resources
and health supplies as input SKN. Based on the
concept of UKM and UKP in health efforts there is a
level of health care system that is: community,
primary services, secondary services, and tertiary
A referral system is essentially aimed at
generating an efficient health service system. A level
referral system can reduce the waste of cost (patients
and facilities) because the patient's disease is
handled by the appropriate medical personnel and
technology. In this case there is no irrational health
service and that is not enough. The referral system
has a fairly long history since the system had not
existed in the early 1800 to 2005 in the form of
Gatekeeper. This history differs between developed
countries and developing Countries (Heryana, 2019).
According to (Bossyns, 2006) on the developed
world, the history of the referral system is initiated
by the medical information organization, then
followed the agreement between the medical
profession which ultimately provides
recommendations for creating the specifications of
the more common medical practitioners or General
Practitioner (GP). The history of the referral system
in the country ends with the application of
Gatekeeper and health care cost calculation. While
in the developing world, the history of the referral
system begins with the absence of access to most of
the population to hospital services, and is
recommended to form a primary facility with
inexpensive costs and quality in certain areas
(Heryana, 2019).
This research used Qualitative - Quantitative
approaches (Mixed Method) with primary and
secondary data. Five informants were included in
this research, 114 participants for Quantitative study,
and observed some relevant documents.
4.1 Vertical Referral Search
Based on the research results related to the vertical
reference to RS type B is obtained information that
the referral system from primary care is still that
hadn’t optimum in the implementation caused
mismatch in submit the selected specialist and input
the diagnoses, online reference numbers are not
found, lack in giving the explanations for referral
agreements, and incomplete filling the referral
letters. While the vertical reference of RS type C to
RS type B has been quite good with the spokes
occurring cases of errors such as in the primary care.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
There are differences in the vertical reference system
before and after the online referral system is applied,
the patient must follow referral system. Constraints
that occur when make a vertical reference that does
not comply with the existing provisions is wrong the
destination that causes the patient to wait for service.
The lack of file requirements brought to the patient
would have to return back to the referrer facilities to
create or retrieve the corresponding file.
4.2 Referral Services Search
From the results of the study concluded for the
explanation of the reference process has been well
seen from the frequency distribution of 114
respondent that has been given to the outpatient day
with approval of 104 (91.2%) which the doctor has
given explanation related to the reasons for
referring, diagnosis, therapy, medical action
provided, explanation of the risk arising and 10
(8.8%) frequency distribution that is not given the
explanation of referral approval. In this case, the
doctor understands the importance of education
before the patient should be referred to in relation to
the diagnosis, action or treatment needed if not
available in the hospital. From 104 respondents
given the explanation of the referral agreement,
there are 33 (32%) respondent that does not obtain
any risk or complications that occur, in this case
may be due to communication from a physician who
is lacking, also related to the low level of patient
education leading to the communication given
Cannot be understood, and there are 27 (26%)
respondent who did not get an explanation related to
the diagnosis and therapy or medical action required
because when communicating with the patient, the
doctor uses medical terms that cause the patient
can’t understand the condition actually happened.
4.3 Referral Letter Search
Based on the results of the research related to the
accuracy of the reference cover letter judging from
the frequency distribution of 114 files in observation
obtained data that there is 108 (94.7%) which is still
incomplete and only 6 (5.3%) the completed filling.
The result of the observation of the reference file of
the referrer facilities is still a lot of inaccuracies in
the filing of a referral letter. From 114 to the
introduction of the referral letter, only 10 files that
have been filled with examination results
(anamneses, physical examination and supporting
examination) have been conducted, only 21 files
filled with therapy or actions that have been given,
and 79 file that is populated for subsequent
The accuracy of manual reference filling is still
incomplete, in research at RS X get the referrer
facility there are still many that have not filled in the
complete contents in the referral letter. Based on the
results of the research of Hartini (2016) that the
completeness of the reference letter with clear
writing and can be read in the referral service of
BPJS patients in the Chatib Quzwain Sarolangun’s
hospital has qualified as the regulations that have
been Established, but nevertheless found one or two
filling columns in a less complete reference. Ideally,
the completeness of the reference letter field with
clear writing is one of the requirements in the
referral process in order to provide optimal
information for optimal patient handling as well.
4.4 Back Referral Search
By research it can be concluded that related to the
implementation of the reference program is still not
running optimally. There are some obstacles that
occur is less understanding of the specialist doctors
related to the program of the reverse reference,
diagnosis or condition of the patient who has not
stabilized according to the doctor, there are no
specific criteria for diagnosis that has been
expressed in the back referral program, the patient
does not want to be back referral, and the
availability of drugs are still lacking in primary care
or pharmacies that have been working with BPJS
Kesehatan that causes the patient to return to the
secondary care to get the therapy.
This is to be examined by Primasari (2015) The
reference provisions have not been properly
implemented in the Dr Adjidarmo’s hospital, this is
due to the understanding of some doctors about the
reference, limitation of the drug in primary facilities,
so that the patient is once back referred to the drug
to hospital to obtain the necessary medication. The
lack of information from BPJS Kesehatan to the
doctors about the referring system makes a
difference in perception that results in the unoptimal
referral activity in the hospital. The lack of a
reference system also occurs due to the way the drug
is assessed as less effective when the patient is
referred back to primary care and the less effective
way of communicating for participants to obtain
complete information relating to the provision of
Drug of the reference program in primary care and
pharmacies who have collaborated with BPJS
The Analysis of JKN-KIS Hospital Outpatient Referral System Implementation Subsequent to Online Referral Application
5.1 Referral
The vertical reference from primary care to RS X is
obtained information that the referral system from
primary care is still that hadn’t optimum in the
implementation caused mismatch in submit the
selected specialist and input the diagnoses, online
reference numbers are not found, lack in giving the
explanations for referral agreements, and incomplete
filling the referral letters. Weak coordination
between the agencies that caused the error.
Meanwhile the vertical reference for secondary care
is good enough. The vertical reference document in
RS X consists of: Handbook of BPJS Kesehatan,
Permenkes Nomor 001 Tahun 2012, Letter of
Commitment from BPJS Kesehatan, and hospital
5.2 Referral Services
Giving explanation of referral approval before the
patient is referred from primary care or secondary
care to RS X is good. Of the 114 respondents who
were treated to outpatient poly, there were 104
respondents (91.2%) which has been given
explanation of approval, meanwhile there are 10
respondents (8.8%) which is not given an
explanation of referral approval. In the case of a
referral letter, the doctor has explained the reasons
for referring, diagnosis, therapy, medical actions
provided, and the risk explanation arising.
5.3 Referral Letter
The accuracy of the contents of the reference letter
in RS X of primary care and secondary care is still
lacking. Of the 114 files in observation found that
there were 108 files (94.7%) which is still
incomplete. While the completed filling is only 6
files (5.3%). For charging a referral letter in RS X to
another facility is good.
5.4 Back Referral
The reference to RS X has not been running with
maximum. Still constrained by the lack of
understanding of doctors related to the referral
program, the specialist as a whole knows the
existence of the program, but not described the
specific criteria of patients who have been stabilized
to be referred back such as what, because the
patients referred to RS X are patients with
conditions that can’t be handled in the lower facility
and mostly with double diagnosis, so that the
specialist still struggling to run the program. Patients
who have been stable and should be back referral
expressed objections, because the drug therapy
prescribed by the doctor is not available in primary
care and pharmacies. Program BPJS Kesehatan
related to the reference in terms of the citation more
can control the cost of expenditure paid to primary
care than cost for advanced facility. For vertical
reference document in RS X consists of: Handbook
of BPJS Kesehatan, Permenkes No 001 Tahun 2012,
Letter of Commitment from BPJS Kesehatan, and
hospital memorandum.
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The Analysis of JKN-KIS Hospital Outpatient Referral System Implementation Subsequent to Online Referral Application