Relationship between Labor Factor and Work with Complaints
Relations between Labor and Employment Factors with Complaints
Musculoskeletal Disorders in Workers at the Cable Product Plan in
PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI (Factory) Tangerang 2019
Hazrina Fadiah Insani
and Nayla Kamilia Fithri
Student Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9,
RT.1/RW.2, Duri Kepa, Daerah Khusus Ibukota, 11510, Jakarta, Indonesia
Lecture Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9,
RT.1/RW.2, Duri Kepa, Daerah Khusus Ibukota, 11510, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: MSDs Complaint, Ergonomic, Occupational Disease, Factor Labor, Factor Employment.
Abstract: One of the occupational health and safety issues that are often experienced by workers is ergonomic.
Musculoskeletal Disorder is one of them and very important because it is the biggest cause of working days
lost due to injury. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Factor Labor and
Employment with Musculoskeletal Disorders in workers at the Cable Product Plan in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable
SMI (Factory) Tangerang in 2019. The study used a cross-sectional study design to assess the problem or
situation. A total sampling technique with 60 workers. The results of this study stated 41.7% of 25
respondents at risk of MSDs complaint. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship of age
(p = 0.001), Working period (p = 0.033), Body mass index (p = 0.044), duration (p = 0.003), with symptoms
of MSDs. To reduce the risk of MSDs complaint, it is advisable to add insight knowledge of ergonomics,
doing stretching, and gymnastics at a certain time to relax the back muscles monitors the health of the
workers on a regular basis of the activities of medical check-ups as well as to evaluate the program of the
company concerned with health.
Occupational safety and health issues are one of the
world's problems. It has been widely known that the
work wherever there is always a risk of occupational
diseases (Kurniawidjaja, 2010). According to the
ILO (2013) estimated 2.34 million people die
annually due to occupational diseases and work-
related accidents, most of the estimated 2.2 million
died of various diseases of employment.
Occupational diseases (PAK), according to
Presidential Decree No. 22 of 1993, is a disease
caused by work or the working environment.
Occupational diseases occur as risk factor exposure,
chemical, biological, or psychological ergonomics in
the workplace.
One of the occupational diseases is a musculo-
skeletal disorder, the musculoskeletal complaint is a
complaint on the part of the skeletal muscles felt
someone start complaints very mild to severe. If in
this case the muscle receives a static load repeatedly
and for a long time, it can cause damage to muscles,
nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage and disc
invertebrates (Tarwaka, 2004). Musculoskeletal
complaints often also called MSDs (Musculoskeletal
Disorder), RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries), CTD
(Cumulative Trauma Disorders) Work-related
Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs), RMI
(Repetitive MotionInjury) (Tarwaka, et al., 2004).
According to European agency for safety and
health at work (2005) who conducted a survey in 12
countries in 2005 in Europe obtained the data
contained 35.4% of workers suffering from
musculoskeletal complaints, according to European
Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working (2007) who conducted a survey on 235
million workers in 31 countries of Europe and
America in 2007, data on complaints
Musculoskeletal disorder as much as 30%.
In Indonesia based on the results of a study
Department of Health the profile of health problems
in Indonesia in 2005, showed that about 40.5% of
Insani, H. and Fithri, N.
Relationship between Labor Factor and Work with Complaints Relations between Labor and Employment Factors with Complaints Musculoskeletal Disorders in Workers at the Cable Product
Plan in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI (Factory) Tangerang 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009562900450050
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 45-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
illnesses suffered by workers in connection with his
work. Health problems experienced workers,
according to a study of 9482 workers in 12 counties
or cities in Indonesia, mostly in the form of diseases
of musculoskeletal disorders (16%). Musculoskeletal
disorders could be influenced by several factors such
as age, years, body mass index, smoking habits,
workload, duration of action, and work posture. This
is according to research conducted by Anggraini
(2017); Zulfiqor (2010); Rahayu (2012); Handayani
(2011); Marcilin (2018).
According to Pheasant (1991) The impact caused
by Musculoskeletal Disorder on the economic
aspects of the company that is the aspect that is the
reduced production output, material damage, a
product which eventually led to not meeting
deadlines/targets production, unsatisfactory service,
etc., fee arising from worker absenteeism to be led to
a fall in profits, the cost of training new employees
who replace workers who are sick, the cost to hire a
consultant or agency, cost worker turnover
(turnover) for the recruitment dan training, insurance
costs, other costs (opportunity cost). Meanwhile,
according to Bird and Germain (2005),
Musculoskeletal Disorder can be an important issue
for working time lost due to illness is generally
caused by skeletal muscle diseases, Lowers labor
productivity, handling high costs, is multicausal
making it difficult to determine the proportion that is
solely due to the employment relationship, Decline
vigilance, and increasing the risk of accidents. PT.
JJ-Lapp Cable SMI (Factory) Tangerang is a joint
venture between Jebsen and Jessen (SEA), which
provides cable technology in various industries
engaged in manufacturing and production activities.
Broadly speaking, there are several processes are
carried out in producing the wiring in PT. JJ-Lapp
Cable SMI (Factory) like activity of drawing is a
process to reduce the size of raw material, bunching
activity is the conductor twisting, stranding event is
the process of combining multiple conductors,
insulation activity is the process of giving an
insulating material on the conductor, and others.
Units/sections in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI
(Factory) is divided into several parts, namely the
production of CPP (Cable Product Plant), part of the
production of CWP (Cable Wire Plan), Logistics,
Quality & EHS, Engineering and Maintenance,
Technical ManagementAnd Product Design Costing
Based on clinical data in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI
(Factory) 44.35% recorded in the year 2018 with
complaints of musculoskeletal disorders in workers.
In the CPP (Cable Product Plan) amounted to 19.35%
MSDS complaint, the impact caused by
musculoskeletal complaints is about 32 times the
worker confirms their attendance for one year due to
feeling the pain and other muscular complaints. With
that based on the data and problem, researchers want
to discuss the relationship between Factor Labor and
Employment with complaints Musculoskeletal
Disorders in workers at the Cable Product Plan in PT.
JJ-Lapp Cable SMI (Factory) Tangerang 2019.
This research uses a quantitative approach to aim to
get an idea by studying the correlation or
relationship between the independent variables of
this dependent. this research using a cross-sectional
design for this study data collection is done at the
same time. The population in this study were
workers at the Cable Product Plan with a sample size
of 60 respondents. Sample calculations performed
using two different formulas proportions. The
sampling technique in this study using Non-
Probability Sampling with the Total Random
Sampling technique.
The collection of data that will be used resources
in the form of primary data through interviews using
a questionnaire for age, years, body mass index, and
duration of action. Furthermore, the data were
analyzed using univariate performed each variable,
while bivariate analysis was done with a chi-square
test using SPSS with a significance level of p = 0.05
(CI = 95).
The result showed that the variables of workers MSDs
complaint The highest proportion of respondents who
are not at risk ( 20) as many as 35 people (58.3%),
the lowest proportion of respondents who are at risk
(> 20) as many as 25 people (58.3%).
Results of research on variable age highest
proportion of respondents who are not at risk (<35
years) by 31 (51.7%) and the lowest proportion of
respondents who are at- risk age ( 35 years) as
many as 29 people (48.3%).
Results of research on variable working time
gained the highest proportion of respondents who
have a long working life (<3 years) as many as 40
people (66.7%) and the lowest proportion of
respondents who have a past that is new work ( 3
years) as many as 20 people (33.3%).
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 1: An overview of each variable on the Cable Product Plan in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI factory Tangerang 2019.
Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Complaints MSDs (4 categories)
Very High (63-84) 0 0.0
High (42-62) 1 1.7
Medium (21-41) 24 40.0
Low (0-20) 35 58.3
Complaints MSDs (2 categories)
Risk of> 20 25 41.7
ot Risk 20 35 58.3
Risk of 35 29 48.3
ot at Risk <35 31 51.7
Years of service
Older> 3 years 40 66.7
ew 3 years 20 33.3
Body mass index (4 categories)
Obesity (> 30) 4 6.7
Obese (25-30) 20 33.3
ormal (18.5 to 25) 32 53.3
Petite (<18.5) 4 6.7
Body mass index (2 categories)
ot Normal (<18.5 and> 25) 28 46.7
ormal (18.5 to 25) 32 53.3
Working Length
Risky 31 51.7
ot at Risk 29 48.3
Results of research on the working duration
variable obtained the highest proportion of
respondents who are at-risk category of work
duration (> 8 hours) 31 (51.7%), while the
proportion was lowest for the duration of the
respondents who are not at risk category ( 8 hours)
as much as 29 people (48.3%).
4.1 Age
Based on the survey results revealed there is a
relationship between the age of workers with MSDs
complaint. This study is in line with research
Anggraini (2017) which explains that there is a
relationship between age and Disorders Musculo-
skeletal Disorders (MSDs). Then supported
researchHendra & Rahardjo (2009) workers aged 35
years or older has 2,556 times greater risk for
experiencing MSDs than workers with less than 35
years of age. In line with the research of Septiani
(2017) that there is a significant relationship
between age with symptoms of MSDs. Oborne
(1995) explained that the skeletal muscle complaints
usually experienced person at working age is 24-65
years old and the first complaint commonly
experienced at the age of 35 years and the rate of
complaints will increase with age.
Based on the research of Guo et al. in Bridger,
1995 said that at the age of 35, a person's first
episode will experience back pain, it may be because
at the age of 35 years a process of degeneration and
tissue damage that cause reduced muscle and joint
Relationship between Labor Factor and Work with Complaints Relations between Labor and Employment Factors with Complaints
Musculoskeletal Disorders in Workers at the Cable Product Plan in PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI (Factory) Tangerang 2019
Table 2: Proportion of workers with MSDs complaint Independent variables Cable Product Plan section PT. JJ-Lapp Cable
SMI factory Tangerang 2019.
Complaints MSDs
OR (95% CI)
Risky Not at Risky
N % N % N %
Risk 35 years 19 65.5 10 34.5 29 100.0 0.001 3.385
(1,574 – 7,278)
No risk <35 years 6 19.4 25 80.6 31 100.0
Years of service
Older <3 years 21 52.5 19 47.5 40 100.0 0.033 2.625
New 3 years 4 20.0 16 80.0 20 100.0
Body mass index
Abnormal 16 57.2 12 42.9 28 100.0 0.044 2.032
Normal 9 28.1 23 71.9 32 100.0
Working Length
Risk of >8 hours 19 61.3 12 38.7 31 100.0 0.003 2.962
Less risky 8 hours 6 20.7 23 79.3 29 100.0
Increasing the age of the person, the higher the
risk of a decrease in the elasticity of the bone or
musculoskeletal abnormalities disorder. From the
observation Workers at PT. JJ-Lapp cable SMI
factory found more workers at a young age is not
affected by MSDs, this is caused because of workers
at young age is a fresh graduate and he was very
productive, while workers with old age/risk will
experience a decline in physiological function, the
inner function, and physical (Hurlock, 1994 and
Helliyanti, 2009).
4.2 Years of Service
Based on the survey results revealed a significant
correlation between work period workers with
MSDs complaint. This is in line with research
Zulfiqor (2010), Handayani (2011), Amalia (2010)
and Rahman (2017) stating that there is a
significant correlation between working period with
symptoms of MSDs. Research conducted by
Rihiimaki et al (1989) in Tarwaka (2004) explains
that the work period has a strong relationship with
muscle complaints. Cohen et al (1997) revealed that
the disruption of illness or injury on the system
MSDS rarely occurs directly but rather an
accumulation of collisions of small and large
continuously and in a relatively long time, the longer
service life of someone, can lead to saturation of the
muscles and bones endurance physically and
psychically. Thus, the accumulation of injuries from
such long tenure has an important role to cause
MSDs.Based on the observation that workers in the
cable product plan have an average service life long
and MSDs occur with long periods, during the work-
injury has occurred accumulation of minor injuries
which have been considered by the worker is trivial.
4.3 Body Mass Index
Based on the results the research there is a
significant relationship between body mass index
MSDS. research workers with complaints are in line
with researchRahayu (2012) stating that there is a
relationship between nutritional status (BMI) with
symptoms of musculoskeletal disorder. Condition
one's body is too fat to be increasingly at risk for
musculoskeletal complaints. A person with
overweight will strive to support the weight of the
front of the lower back muscles contracting. If the
condition persists continuously, there will be an
emphasis on cushioning the spinal cord that causes
spinal disc herniation (Tan HC and Horn SE. 1998).
Tarwaka (2011) says that the complaint related to
the musculoskeletal system of the human body size
is more due to equilibrium conditions in the frame
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
structure to receive the load, either the heavy burden
of the human body itself, as well as other additional
loads. Based on observations PT. JJ-Lapp Cable
factory SMI no associated program to establish the
worker's body with a normal body mass index and
workers admitted many workers are seeing eat
haphazardly and do not move/exercise outside of
working hours.
4.4 Duration of Action
Based on the survey results revealed that there is a
significant relationship between the duration of the
complaint MSDS. This study is in line with research
Anggraini (2017) and Maula et al (2017) which
states there is a relationship between the duration of
action with Disorders Musculoskeletal Disorders
(MSDs) According to humantech (1995) work that
uses the same muscles for a long duration may
increase the potential for fatigue and cause MSDs
when a rest/recovery is not sufficient. The longer the
duration of doing the job is at risk then the time
required for recovery (the recovery) will also be
PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI factory in the past 2
years several workers doing part Cable Product Plan
2-hour shift job entry 6:45 am and return 19:15 the
night with a duration of working time of 11 hours
and 30 minutes with a break of only 30 minutes, for
a worker with 3 shift workers; 1 entry-hour shifts 06:
15 Shift 2 entrance hours 15: 15-23: 15,
entrance-hour shift 3 23: 15-07: 15, on the second
shift workers this happens because the production
targets every month settlement increased and
supported by many of its orders or requests of
customers in the purchase of cable.
The results of this study showed there is a
relationship between age, years, body mass index,
and duration of action with MSDs to workers
complaints Cable Product Plan Section in PT. JJ-
Lapp Cable SMI factory in 2019.
To reduce the complaints of MSDs to workers at the
Cable Product Plan in PT JJ- Lapp Cable SMI 2019
the factory Tangerang Companies need to evaluate
health programs talk to run optimally, Creating a
new program in the form of stretching time,
Enabling morning exercise program every 1-2 weeks
and start doing the job rotation system, The
enterprises should pay more attention to workers at
risk to do a special inspection on the activities of
medical check-up and examination of blood sugar
levels for workers. Our need to add shifts to three
shifts for workers who perform two shifts in a day
and add breaks to workers and company needs
regard to work with manual handling (Scrapping) to
replace the process or stages of work by using
This research supervisor under the supervision of
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examiner's mother Gisely Vionalita, SKM., M.Sc
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health