(Alam, S., & Hadibroto, I., 2007). In Tandra (2018),
when it is in its final stages that the kidneys have a
GFR below 15ml / min of normal function, actions
such as hemodialysis or kidney transplantation will be
performed. But if kidney function is still in stages 1
to 4, the condition of the kidney can be prevented by
severing lifestyle changes such as electrical
imbalance control, control of hypertension and on a
high-calorie, low-protein diet that is scheduled by the
doctor and also sports (Tandra, 2018).
According to Tandra (2018) said that there are still
patients with chronic renal failure who do not follow
the doctor's recommendations, especially in
undergoing diet and exercise. This was also stated by
a specialist consultant kidney, Aida Lydia who said
that many patients also do not take medication and
control to the doctor routinely so that it can trigger
complications and dialysis (Purba, 2019). Whether or
not the patient follows the doctor's recommendations
such as a control to the doctor routinely, does not
undergo diet and exercise and does not take
medication regularly is thought to be caused because
the patient has a negative health belief.
According to Rosenstock (Janz & Becker, 1984)
said that health belief is a belief or assessment of
behavior related to health. Assessments are obtained
through a cognitive process from information
obtained through the environment or through an
assessment process through individual experiences.
In the results of Nugraha & Nurhayati's research
(2011), stated that patients with chronic renal failure
in Al Ihsan Regional Hospital have negative health
beliefs that are characterized by irregularity in taking
medication and inconsistent dieting. The results of
interviews with patients who are suspected of having
positive health beliefs are subject M, a 60-year-old
female patient who has chronic renal failure and has
a history of diabetes. The subject said that following
the doctor's advice was not easy especially for dieting
but the subject continued to follow the doctor's advice
because he was sure his condition would improve
besides the subject was also afraid if not following the
doctor's advice his condition worsened because the
subject knew his illness was quite severe. Unlike the
56-year-old subject L, a patient who experienced
chronic renal failure and had a history of diabetes. He
does not have confidence that the existing treatment
can make it better. In addition, children from the
subject also do not support to follow the advice of
doctors. The subject did not get support so that made
the subject less motivated to carry out the treatment.
According to Rosenstock (Janz & Becker, 1984) and
based on interviews above one of the factors that
influence health beliefs are supported.
Sarafino (2002), states that social support refers to
providing comfort to others, caring for them or
appreciating them. Sarafino (2002), also said that
social support can make a patient not stressed in
dealing with his illness, makes someone able to
overcome the problem and can see the good side of
the problem he is facing. In addition, social support
makes a person stronger, more able to live a healthy
lifestyle and make others feel cared for and needed so
that someone will be encouraged to exercise, eat
healthy, not smoke and not drink alcohol. In Smet
(1994), when someone is supported by the
environment, everything will feel easier. If someone
gets social support from the environment it will make
the individual feel calm, cared for, loved, self-
confidence and competence arise (Smet, 1994). Thus
high social support is characterized by getting
attention and care coming from people around, there
are other people who support in any condition, there
is help in the form of material, physical or
psychological coming from people around, directed
about treatment, advised to follow doctor's advice,
have a place to tell stories, accompanied when going
to the hospital, have someone who can be trusted to
give advice or advice, and have a group of friends
who can provide a sense of togetherness among group
members. With the high social support from the
surrounding environment can make patients chronic
renal failure feel stronger, more excited, more
motivated to carry out treatment, patients feel cared
for, given affection from the surrounding environment,
facilitated to follow treatment because it is facilitated,
patients get the right information both from medical
personnel or the surrounding environment, there are
always other people who always provide assistance
and this is thought to make patients feel happy, happy
because someone who supports it encourages patients
to believe whatever is said by others including doctors
and families if patients follow the advice given will be
healthier and ready to follow the recommended
treatment such as taking medication regularly,
consistent in diet, doing exercise and control to the
doctor regularly. Meanwhile, low social support will
make patients chronic renal failure feel uninspired, not
motivated to carry out treatment, feel less cared for and
given affection from the surrounding environment, it is
difficult to follow a healthy lifestyle because there are
no supporting facilities, also feel alone This is thought
to cause the patient to be unsure of the advice given by
the doctor and not follow it because he feels it will not
make him healthier.
From Nugraha and Nurhayati's (2011) research on
the correlations between health belief and compliance
behavior in patients with chronic renal failure in Al