3,580 children (3.95%). Of 636 children with severe
malnutrition in BB / U, it was found that there were
180 children with poor nutritional status based on
body weight according to height (BB / TB) (City
Health Office Tangerang, 2016).
Weighing coverage based on the 2015 Jatiuwung
Puskesmas profile (% D / S) weighed divided by all
toddlers in Jatiuwung Puskesmas was 64.99%, in
2016 (% D / S) was 73%, in 2017 (% D / S ) by 53%
and in 2018 an increase (% D / S) of 75%.
Based on the basic theory developed by
Lawrence Green (1991) in Nursalam (2014), the
health of a person or community is influenced by
behavioral factors (behavior causes) and factors
outside behavior (non-behavior causes). While
behavioral factors are influenced by three factors:
predisposing factors which include age, occupation,
education, knowledge, and attitudes, enabling
factors manifested in the physical environment and
distance to health facilities, and factors
reinforcement (Reinforcing Factors) manifested in
the support provided by families and community
leaders (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
Based on the description above, the researcher is
interested in conducting a study entitled "Factors
related to under-fives weighing visits (6-59 months)
at Posyandu Melati II in the Work Area of
Jatiuwung Health Center in 2019".
Toddler's visit to Posyandu can be seen based on the
Posyandu visit book and also MCH book by looking
at weighing toddlers every month. Based on the
2013 Riskesdas, monitoring of children's growth
was obtained from the frequency of weighing
children 6-59 months over the past six months.
Ideally, in six months children under five are
weighed at least four times (RI Ministry of Health,
2017). The frequency of weighing ≥ 4 times slightly
decreased in 2013 (44.6%) compared to 2007
(45.4%). Children aged 6-59 months who have never
been weighed in the last six months increased from
25.5% (2007) to 34.3% (2013).
Many factors affect the achievement of the ratio
of children under five who are present and weighed.
Distance to Posyandu, encouragement from family,
encouragement from community leaders, work,
knowledge, mother's attitude, motivation, number of
children under five, posyandu facilities and
equipment, needs or needs are factors related to the
level of mother's visit in weighing activities at
Posyandu (Wahidin, 2016). Other factors that
influence the arrival of mothers at Posyandu include
your knowledge about the benefits of Posyandu,
your motivation to bring her children to Posyandu,
your work, support and motivation from Posyandu
cadres and community leaders, facilities and
infrastructure at Posyandu and the distance from the
Posyandu (Kemenkes RI, 2011).
Based on the basic theory developed by
Lawrence Green (1991) in Nursalam (2014), the
health of a person or community is influenced by
behavioral factors (behavior causes) and factors
outside behavior (non-behavior causes). While
behavioral factors are influenced by three factors:
predisposing factors which include age, occupation,
education, knowledge, and attitudes, enabling
factors manifested in the physical environment and
distance to health facilities, and factors
reinforcement (Reinforcing Factors) manifested in
the support provided by families and community
leaders (Notoatmodjo, 2010). Based on research
(Idaningsih, 2016), it is known that there is a
relationship between family support and the visit of
mothers of children under five to posyandu.
The purpose of this study was to determine the
factors associated with under five (6-59 months)
weighing visits to Posyandu Melati II in the Work
Area of Jatiuwung Health Center in 2019.
This research was conducted with the type of
quantitative research methods and a cross-sectional
research design. This research was conducted at
Posyandu Melati II, Pasir Jaya District.
The population is all research objects or objects
under study (Notoarmodjo, 2012). The population
used in this study were all mothers of toddlers aged
6-59 months who visited the Posyandu in Pasir Jaya
Sub-district, the working area of Jatiuwung Health
Center as many as 788 toddlers.
The sample in this study were mothers who have
toddlers with age (6-59 months) in Posyandu Melati
II as many as 90 samples.
The type of data in this study is primary data.
Data collection techniques in this study were
conducted by interview using a questionnaire. The
method of taking samples in this study uses the
technique of Simple Random Sampling. The
research instrument used in the form of a
questionnaire and KMS toddlers.