(38%), the physicians signature item was 33 (40%),
and the physicians' name item was 47 (57%)
(Ardhika, 2014)
This was also at Fatmawati General Hospital in
2015 by Apriyantini, obtained from 100 documents,
98% were obtained for complete primary diagnosis,
39% for incomplete secondary diagnosis, 95% for the
complete primary procedure (Apriyantini, 2016).
Problems related to completing discharge
summary form filling also still occur in 2017,
conducted by Elvisa at Prof. Orthopedic Hospital Dr.
Soeharso Surakarta, showed the completeness of
important reports on JKN patient discharge summary
forms on the final diagnosis items by 77% and on the
history items of disease by 76%, completeness of
authentication on JKN patient discharge summary
forms on physician's name items by 77%, physicians's
signature 71% and date items 75% (Elvisa, 2017).
Some of the previous studies above prove that the
problem of incomplete inpatient discharge summary
still occurs in several hospitals every year. In
implementing this discharge summary form must be
filled out by physicians/ dentists who carry out
medical practice in accordance with Permenkes No.
269 / MENKES / PER / III / 2008. Thus, problems
related to the incompleteness of this discharge
summary can be directly influenced by the behavior
of the Physicians in Charge of Services (DPJP) in
terms of filling out (Permenkes, 2008).
The behavior of physicians in filling out inpatient
discharge summaries is influenced by various factors.
Internal and external factors become one of the most
fundamental factors in influencing behavior that
explains the development of behavior from inside and
outside the individual. One of internal factor that
influences behavior is gender, this is reinforced in
research conducted by Puspito at Hermina Hospital
Depok in 2011, the results of the analysis showed that
physicians with female gender tended to complete
higher discharge summary completion with an
average completeness by 84.4% compared to men
with an average of 74.4%
(Puspitosari, 2011).
This is supported by research conducted by Rina
in 2016 at Queen Latifa General Hospital. The results
show that there is a significant correlation between
gender variables and physician behavior in filling out
discharge summaries (p.value = 0.02), alpha 5%
(Rina, 2016).
Internal factors that can also influence behavior
are personality. Based on research conducted by
Nasyroh in 2017, the Pearson correlation between
personality (Big Five Personality) and employee
performance behavior is 0.362 with a significance
score (p.value = 0.049), alpha 5%. It states that there
is a correlation between personality (big five
personalities) with employee performance behavior
In addition, external factors can also influence the
behavior of physicians in filling out discharge
summaries, in this case, explained by variables of
education and work environment. Based on the
results of previous studies conducted by Warsi in
RSUD dr. Soeratno Gemolong Sragen in 2012
obtained the results of a statistical test of the
correlation between the type of education with the
behavior of filling out the discharge summary,
showing a significance value (p.value = 0.047), alpha
5%. Therefore, there is a correlation between the type
of education with the behavior of filling out discharge
summaries (Warsi, 2012).
Then, work environment factors/ work conditions
on physicians' behavior, it was proven in previous
research conducted by Nelfiyanti at Haji Hospital
Medan in 2009 with the results of statistical tests
showing significance values (p.value = 0.01), alpha
5%. This shows that there is a correlation between the
work environment/ working conditions and
physicians' behavior within the completeness JKN
discharge summary (Nelfiyanti, 2009).
Based on observations related to completing JKN
inpatient discharge summaries in Sint Carolus
Hospital in the 2018 period, with an average of 424
JKN inpatient visits each month, in fact, there are still
incomplete discharge summaries with an average
monthly 31.8% or 135 files for the DPJP category
(Specialist), while around 3.3% or as many as 14 files
for General Physicians (Carolus, 2018).
Based on the description above, the researcher
interested in conducting research with the title
"Internal and External Factors That Influence the
Behavior of Physicians in Charge of Services (DPJP)
in Completeness JKN Inpatient Discharge Summary
in St. Carolus Hospital".
This research is a quantitative study with a
crosssectional research design. The population in this
study is DPJP as many as 46. The sample used a
saturated sample. The research hypothesis was tested
using multiple regression analysis.
The approach taken in this study is a quantitative
approach to the research design using observational
descriptive-analytic studies. Describing the internal
factors (gender, personality) and external factors
(education, work environment), from other aspects,
Discharge Summary in St. Carolus Hospital