The results of this study are similar to the research
conducted by Adiputra (2014) in Bali, where the
critical value reporting rate in Sanglah Hospital
Denpasar was 30.01%.
3.6 Reporting Process
3.6.1 Reporting Steps
The person in charge of the laboratory and the head
of the laboratory service explained about the critical
value report steps: the results come out, several stages
of analysis are carried out, the laboratory officer
forwards the report to the nurse, then the nurse reports
to the doctor in charge of the service.
"...first seen pre-analytic, analytic and post-
analytic, it means whether we have correct sampling,
if it is correct we report it to the person in charge of
our clinical laboratory or pathology doctor, for
example, the 3rd or 4th floor of a child, we report to
the nurse, later it will be reported, confirmed
continue to report back hours recorded in the
reporting book, after 15 minutes we followed up what
patients were taken or what drugs were given, if the
outpatients he enrolled to our doctor, we immediately
inform the nurse or doctor if the outside patient we
report later to the emergency room doctor later the
emergency room doctor will take action..." (person in
charge of the laboratory)
"...critical values are immediately reported to me,
then I agree, then the laboratory staff will report to
the nurse, and the nurse must report to the
responsible doctor..." (head of laboratory services)
The results of this interview are in accordance
with hospital accreditation rules set by the Indonesian
Hospital Accreditation Commission (Komisi
Akreditasi Rumah Sakit RI, 2017) which is the
hospital sets regulations to carry out laboratory
quality control procedures, are evaluated and
recorded as documents. The quality control program
includes the Pre-analytic, Analytic and Post-analytic
stages which include validation of tests used for tests
of accuracy, precision, results of range of values.
3.6.2 Reporting Time
The person in charge of the laboratory and the head
of the laboratory installation stated that the results of
the critical values are consulted to the clinical
pathologist and are reported immediately.
"...It must be reported immediately, yes it must be
checked by PJ, the pre-analytical sampling is correct
or not, if it is correct, we report immediately but must
first report to the clinical pathologist, the principal
should be reported immediately…" (laboratory
person in charge)
"... After knowing that there is a critical value, we
have to see what the pre-analytic looks like, we will
find out first how it's taken. If everything is correct
and there is no doubt, we consult with the clinical
pathologist and report it directly to the relevant
unit..." (head of the laboratory installation).
This is consistent with the definition of the critical
test stated by Campbell et al. (2015) as "tests that
require direct communication regardless of whether
the results are normal, significantly abnormal or
3.6.3 Initial Report from the Laboratory
The person in charge of the laboratory stated that in
the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) the
reporting is done by the person in charge, but if the
person in charge is busy can be reported by the
laboratory analyst after reporting to the person in
charge first.
"...Reporting is done by all laboratory analysts if
the person in charge is busy but still reports to the
person in charge first. So, the reporter does not have
to be in charge of the laboratory. In the SOP it should
be noted that the person in charge should be, but in
real conditions, it cannot be done because the person
in charge is busy..." (Laboratory person in charge).
3.6.4 Human Resources in the Laboratory
The person in charge of the laboratory stated that
human resources in carrying out work in the
laboratory coupled with critical monitoring and
reporting of critical value were still lacking.
"...Human resources are lacking, for example,
inpatients we do sampling only 1 person for 3 floors
of inpatients. This is lacking. Even though we are
required to process this critical value quickly. If the
service is to be good, there must be a lot of human
resources...” (laboratory person in charge).
3.7 Reporting Constraints
3.7.1 SOP of Laboratory Critical Value
According to the laboratory personnel, the SOP for
reporting critical values has been socialized.
"...Already, through hand-over shift..." (the
person in charge of the laboratory).
"...Already for us, for example, there is a critical
value in hematology he must immediately
understand..." (head of laboratory installation