was because of the high incidence of anemia in the
Puerto Rican pediatric population in the United
States, as compared to the incidence in the general
pediatric low-income population, in The United
States, as compared to the incidence in the general
pediatric low-income population, including other
Hispanic (US Department of Health and Human
Service 1990).
3.2.2 Family Influences Associated with
Good and Poor Infant Feeding
In Indonesia especially outside big cities, a new
couple usually stays with their family. They live in
an extended family, which means in one house there
are grandmother, grandfather, sister, and brother. In
this study, we assessed the grandmother’s role in
their grandchild feeding. A newborn baby is a very
special gift for grandmothers. Therefore, the
grandmother usually takes the role without asking
permission or willingness from her daughter/
daughter in law.
Some research suggests that significant others
such as a woman’s partner and her mother and
mother in law are influential in decisions and
practices about infant feeding, but precisely how and
why this happens, need investigation (Aubel et al.,
2004; Grassley & Eschiti 2007).
This finding is consistent with findings in the
literature that the attitudes of the grandparents play
an important role in determining the initiation and
duration of breastfeeding practices (Wachs et al.
In some parts of Lombok Island, a paternal
grandmother is very influential. These women have
considerable influence over their sons’ marital
relationship. If a mother in law mother felt it
necessary, she could recommend divorce for her
sons. A mother in law could take a child away from
a mother if she felt the child was not being cared for
properly. Their powerful influence means that many
young mothers obey their mothers-in-law on child
feeding suggestion even if the midwife or doctor has
told them differently. It is revealed in the focus
group discussion, an informant said that if their
husband helped with childcare and feeding, their
mothers-in-law complained. That means, how
important is the role of grandmother, in various
decisions in the homes of their children. From a
public health perspective, it would be nice if they
were included in the promotional programs good
infant feeding practices.
3.2.3 Health Care Accessibility Associated
with Good and Poor Infant Feeding
Health care accessibility and its influence related to
infant feeding practices have been assessed in this
study. Access to a primary health care facility is
projected as a basic social right (United Nations,
2001). Indonesia Government tried committed with
that statement through provided the least midwife in
one village. Nevertheless, that is not enough,
because one village contains 3-5 Dusun (sub-
village). In addition, every sub-village has a wide
area. Fortunately, there are cadres (Kader) who have
the willingness to visit the household and give
simple health messages or suggestions.
For some women who were still choosing TBAs
as birth attendants in this study, sometimes even
though healthcare was accessible, they feel more
comfortable with TBAs than midwives do.
The distance separating patients and clients from
the nearest health facility has been remarked as an
important barrier to use, particularly in rural areas
(Government of Pakistan, 2000). The long-distance
has even been a disincentive to seek care especially
in the case of women who would need somebody to
accompany. As a result, the factors of distance have
strongly adhered to other factors such as the
availability of transport, the total cost of one round
trip and women’s restricted mobility.
Promotion of interest of breastfeeding infants, as
far as the researcher’s knowledge, also has not been
promoted in places where women work, such as in
government offices or private. The fact that the
mother in this research work is less able to do good
infant feeding practices, presumably of intervention
should be considered by decision-makers. Although
this study conducted only in East-Lombok, the
results are would useful for West Nusa Tenggara
Province Government.
This study shows that good infant feeding
practices influence the state of maternal employment
status, and the mother’s ability to face commands
the baby’s grandmother, refused to perform the
traditional beliefs that affect their health and their
infants and a good understanding of the pattern of
infant feeding.
Several conclusions emerge from this study. The
evidence presented indicates some factors that must
be considered to promote good infant feeding