prevention ISPA, but it is also due to women who do
not provide measles and DPT immunization to the
baby. The clinic also does not have a special
program ISPA, so the lack of effort made to
minimize the incidence of ARI health centers in
urban regions whistle so that the incidence of
respiratory diseases decreased.
It is expected that the clinic has a special
eradication program ISPA like coaching families on
education about the dangers of ISPA and modes of
transmission. Where the coaching is done by
collecting family (parents who have had a baby)
every 1 month or by the clinic directly down to the
houses directly.
4.1.2 Overview of Immunization Status in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years who do not complete their
immunization coverage were 67 infants (65.0%).
The results of this study are also consistent with
research conducted by Husin, (2014) Puskesmas
Wirobrajan, from 30 respondents who obtained the
highest proportion of incomplete immunization
status were 17 (56.7%).
Based on the results of research on the status of
immunization in the region of the village health
centers whistle, toddler incomplete measles and DPT
immunization due to a toddler who was ill at the
time would be given immunization and in addition,
it also worked mothers. Puskesmas Pluit urban
village has activities immunize children who have
not received required immunizations infants and is
usually done on Monday - Wednesday. The clinic
has been suggested to mothers of infants aged 1-4
years whose babies do not yet have a complete
immunization must complete the immunization.
Dikarena when not completing the immunization
weak immune baby so the baby susceptible to
disease and immune can not protect themselves from
4.1.3 Exclusive Breastfeeding Picture in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years were not given exclusive
breastfeeding as many as 57 infants (55.3%). The
results are consistent with the results of research
conducted by Rahman and Fahira, (2015) in
Puskesmas Managaisaki, from 60 respondents
obtained the highest proportion of exclusive
breastfeeding is not given as many as 41 infants
Based on the interview, the history of exclusive
breastfeeding in Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas
obtained information from the baby's mother or
respondents are still many infants ages 1-4 years
before the age of 6 months has given food or drink.
In addition, it also caused not given exclusive
breastfeeding because the baby's mother and child
work are guarded by his grandmother.
Based on the research the clinic has been
providing education about pumping the baby's
mother. However, mothers prefer to give formula
because the time is more efficient and easier it’s
supply formula at home and can be provided by the
family was at home.
Expected to health centers and cadres always
monitor the mothers in labor as well as women who
are pregnant, in order to educate about pumping has
been done goes well and the number of exclusive
breastfeeding increased.
4.1.4 Overview of Nutritional Status in Pluit
Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years who have good nutrition as much as
77 infants (74.8%). The results are consistent with
the results of research conducted by Sinaga et al.,
(2014) The Regional Health Center Soposurung
Balige Toba Samosir District of the Year 2014, from
61 respondents obtained the highest proportion in
nutritional status based on BB / U is good nutrition /
normal by 56 (91.8%).
Nutritional status is required by the baby because
the nutrition enough, the baby's body defenses are
also getting stronger. Poor nutritional status can
facilitate the baby is exposed to infection. Acute
Respiratory Infections can easily occur in infants
who are malnourished and undernourished,
malnourished infants will often experience severe
ARI (Department of Health, 2004).
Based on the interview that the baby is in Pluit
Urban Village Puskesmas region has the highest
proportion of the infant well-nourished, respondents
who were in Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas have
enough so that the economy can be supportive in
providing good nutrition to their babies.