Factors Related to the Occurrence of Disease ISPA Infant Age 1-4
Years in the Work Area Health Center Village Pluit Year 2019
Dimas Adriansyah
and Decy Situngkir
Students Prodi Public Health, University of Esa Unggul, Jalan Arjuna Utara No. 9, Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk,
West Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, 11510, Indonesia
Prodi Lecturer of Public Health, University of Esa Unggul, Jalan Arjuna Utara No. 9, Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk,
West Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, 11510, Indonesia
Keywords: Immunization Status, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nutritional Status, Knowledge Capital, Smoking Habit,
Illness ARI (Acute Respiratory Infections).
Abstract: Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) is a respiratory disease that is usually the top or bottom can be
transmitted, which can cause a various spectrum of illnesses ranging from asymptomatic disease or mild
infection to severe illness and can be fatal. This study aims to analyze the factors - factors related to the
occurrence of ARI Disease in Infants Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas year 2019. This
study used quantitative research with a cross-sectional design with a sample of 103 people and sampling
techniques by means of Accidental sampling. The method of collecting the questionnaires, interviews, and
observation. Research results from Chi-Square test showed an association between immunization status (ρ =
0.000), mother knowledge (ρ = 0.000), smoking (ρ = 0, 016) and the incidence of ARI. not related to
exclusive breastfeeding (ρ = 1,000), nutritional status (ρ = 0.608) and the incidence of ARI.
Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) is a respiratory
disease that is usually the top or bottom can be
transmitted, which can cause a variety of illnesses
ranging spectrum of disease without symptoms or a
mild infection to severe illness and can be fatal
(Masriadi, 2017).ISPA is one of the main causes of
consultation or hospitalization in health care
facilities, especially in pediatric (WHO, 2007),
The incidence of ARI in children under five
years is estimated to reach as much as 151 million
and five million episodes per year in developing
countries and industrialized countries. The highest
incidence occurs in India (43 million), China (21
million), Pakistan (10 million), Bangladesh,
Indonesia, and Nigeria (each 6 million). While
pneumonia is responsible for 21% of all deaths in
children aged less than five years (WHO, 2009),
The prevalence of ARI in Indonesia according to
the Health Research Association in 2013 based on
the media/means of transmission over the air with a
percentage of 25.0%. Five provinces with the
highest respiratory diseases are East Nusa Tenggara
(41.7%), Papua (31.1%), Aceh (30.0%), West Nusa
Tenggara (28.3%) and East Java (28.3 %).
Period prevalence ISPA Jakarta according to
Riskesdas 2007 and 2013 is seen rising from 22.6%
to 25.2%. While prevalence data in the area of North
Jakarta has a 24.3% prevalence of acute respiratory
infection (Riskesdas, 2013).
Pluit Urban Village is the home state of the
dense area and the state of residence in Muara
Angke is a risk factor for society, especially in
infants exposed to respiratory disease due to
environmental bad conditions. Based on the data
ARI in infants aged 1-4 years were obtained from
urban health centers for handball in March 2018
until March 2019 as many as 1319 cases with a
prevalence of 69.02%. Then in January 2019, there
were 94 cases with a prevalence of 4.91%, in
February 2019 a total of 140 cases with a prevalence
of 7.32%, and in March 2019 as many as 123 cases
with a prevalence of 6.43%.
Adriansyah, D. and Situngkir, D.
Factors Related to the Occurrence of Disease ISPA Infant Age 1-4 Years in the Work Area Health Center Village Pluit Year 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009582501890196
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 189-196
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Research conducted Cross-Sectional. This research
is conducted in Puskesmas Kelurahan Pluit, North
Jakarta in April-June 2019. The population in this
study were all patients aged 1-4 years old baby who
was treated at Poly IMCI (Integrated Management of
Childhood pain) Urban Village Puskesmas
Pluit.Pengambilan samples in this study using
accidental sampling.
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Table 1: Distribution Genesis ISPA disease, immunization
status, exclusive breastfeeding, Nutritional Status,
Knowledge Capital, Smoking Habit.
Type Analysis Number
Disease incidence
not ISPA 38
Incomplete 67
Complete 36
not given 57
be given 46
Nutritional status 103
Malnutrition 26
Good Nutrition 77
knowledge Capital 103
Bad 61
Well 42
Smoking habit 103
There is 82
There is no 21
3.1.1 Disease Incidence Picture ISPA in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
Based on the results of Genesis Diseases Acute
Respiratory Infections (ARI) are divided into two
categories, namely ISPA, if it has been diagnosed by
a physician and written in the data reports the clinic,
and not ISPA, if not diagnosed by the above table
doctor. Based on the note that of the 103
respondents, a total of 65 (63.1%) infants aged 1-4
years who had been diagnosed with an acute
respiratory infection, while babies aged 1-4 years
who were diagnosed Not ISPA were 38 (36.9%).
3.1.2 Overview of Immunization Status in
Puskesmas Kelurahan Pluit 2019
Based on the results of immunization status variables
are divided into two categories: Incomplete, when the
baby does not get the immunization at one
immunization and Complete, if the baby is getting a
second immunization. Berdasarkan above table notes
that of the 103 respondents, 67 (65.0%) infants aged
1-4 years who do not complete their immunization
status coverage while infants aged 1-4 years full
coverage of immunization status were 38 (36.9%).
3.1.3 Exclusive Breastfeeding Picture in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
Based on the results of the study variables Exclusive
breastfeeding is divided into two categories: Not
given exclusive breastfeeding from 0-6 months and
given other foods including white water, and given
exclusive breastfeeding from 0-6 months and not
given other foods including white water. Based on the
above table it is known that out of 103 respondents,
57 (55.3%) infants aged 1-4 years were not given
exclusive breastfeeding while the baby aged 1-4 years
Awarded Exclusive breastfeeding by 46 (44.7%).
3.1.4 Overview of Nutritional Status in Pluit
Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
Based on the results of Nutritional Status variables
are divided into two categories: Nutritional Status
Less when Zscore -3 SD up to <-2 SD, and the
Nutritional Status Both when Zscore -2 SD up to 2
SD. Based on the table in mind that out of 103
respondents, 77 (74.8%) show the results of the
proportion of children aged 1-4 years who suffered
Good Nutrition while children aged 1-4 years who
are Nutrition Both were 26 (25.2%).
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 2: the relationship between immunization status, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nutritional Status, Knowledge Capital,
Genesis Smoking Habit against ISPA disease at the health center Pluit Village of the Year 2019.
NO variables Category
Disease incidence ISPA
P Value
PR (95% CI)
2.149 (1.366 to
not Provided
1.002 (0.744 to
be given
3 Nutritional status
1.134 (0.830 to
2.508 (1.612 to
5 Smoking habit
There is
1.825 (1.038 to
There is no
3.1.5 Overview of Knowledge Capital in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
Based on the results of the research knowledge
variable, determined based on the analysis results of
tests of normality as the cut-off point of mean or
median on each categorization variable. The
normality test is done Kolmogorov- Smirnov test.
From the test results for the variable distribution is
not normally known knowledge which the value of ρ
is equal to 0,000 so that the value of ρ < α (0.05)
then cut off point using the median value is 4.When
these variables are divided into two categories,
namely Mrs. recent knowledge if median (4), and
the Knowledge Capital Good if> median (4). Based
on the above table it is known that of the 103
respondents, 61 (59.2%) of mothers of infants aged
1-4 years have a poor knowledge while mothers of
infants aged 1-4 years have a good knowledge of as
many as 42 (40.8%).
3.1.6 Smoking Habit Picture in the House in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
Based on the results of the study variables, smoking
habits are divided into two categories: There and No
smoking in the house. Based on the above table it is
known that out of 103 respondents, 82 (79.6%)
showed the presence of one of the families who have
the habit of smoking in the house while no one of
the family who has the habit of smoking in the home
was 21 (20.4%).
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
3.2.1 Immunization Status Genesis
Relationship with ARI Disease in
Infants Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban
Village Puskesmas
Based on the above table shows that the highest
proportion in infants aged 1-4 years who do not
complete their immunization status more diagnosed
ISPA is equal to 52 (77.6%), while the highest
proportion in infants aged 1-4 years who have a
more complete immunization status ISPA
undiagnosed in the amount of 23 (63.9%).
The above table is also known that the test based
on the chi-square statistic, the value of p = 0,000
with a value α= 0.05. Based on these results, it can
be seen when the value of P <0.05. So, the
conclusion is that there is a significant association
between immunization status with ISPA. While
disease incidence on the analysis of prevalence ratio
(PR) immunization status variable is equal to 2.149
(1.366 to 3.381) with 95% confidence level, which
means the baby has immunization status incomplete
with the incidence of respiratory disease are more at
risk 2,149 times compared with the complete
immunization status.
Factors Related to the Occurrence of Disease ISPA Infant Age 1-4 Years in the Work Area Health Center Village Pluit Year 2019
3.2.2 Exclusive Breastfeeding Relationship
with Genesis ISPA Disease in Infants
Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village
Based on the above table shows that the highest
proportion in infants aged 1-4 years who have good
nutritional status more diagnosed ISPA is equal to
47 (61.0%). While the highest proportion in infants
aged 1-4 years who have poor nutritional status
more ISPA diagnosed at 18 (69.2%).
The above table is also known that the test based
on the chi-square statistic, the value of p = 0.608
with valueα= 0.05. Based on these results, it can be
seen when the value of P> 0.05. So, the conclusion
is that there is no significant relationship between
nutritional status and the incidence of respiratory
disease. While the analysis of prevalence ratio (PR)
Exclusive breastfeeding is the variable of 1.134
(0.830 to 1.550) with a 95% confidence level, which
means the baby has a risk of malnutrition or have
lower chances ie, 1.1 to experience ARI compared
with babies that good nutrition.
3.2.3 Mother's Relationship with Genesis
Knowledge ISPA Disease in Infants
Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village
Based on the above table shows that the highest
proportion in the Knowledge bad mother more
diagnosed with the respiratory disease in infants
aged 1-4 years in the amount of 51 (83.6%). While
the highest proportion in the knowledge of a good
mother more undiagnosed occurrence of respiratory
disease in infants aged 1-4 years in the amount of 28
The above table is also known that the test based
on the chi-square statistic, the value of p = 0,000
with a value α= 0.05. Based on these results, it can
be seen when the value of P <0.05. So, the
conclusion is that there is a significant association
between maternal knowledge with the incidence of
respiratory disease. While the analysis of prevalence
ratio (PR) variable maternal knowledge is equal to
2.508 (1.612 to 3.902) with a confidence level of
95%, which means the baby's mother who has
knowledge of the bad with the incidence of
respiratory disease are more at risk 2,508 times
compared to the knowledge of a good mother.
3.2.4 Smoking Habit Relationships at Home
with Baby Genesis ISPA Disease at the
Age of 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village
Based on the above table shows that the highest
proportion in the habit of smoking in the house more
diagnosed with the respiratory disease in infants
aged 1-4 years in the amount of 57 (69.5%). While
the highest proportion in the absence of the habit of
smoking in the house more undiagnosed occurrence
of respiratory disease in infants aged 1-4 years in the
amount of 13 (61.9%).
The above table is also known that the test based
on the chi-square statistic, the value of p = 0.016
with value α= 0.05. Based on these results, it can be
seen when the value of P <0.05. So, the conclusion
is that there is a significant association between
smoking and the incidence of respiratory disease.
While the analysis of prevalence ratio (PR) status
variables immunization amounted to 1.825 (1.038 to
3.206) with a confidence level of 95%, which means
the baby has one family make a habit of smoking in
the house with the incidence of respiratory disease
are more at risk 1,825 times compared with that one
family does not make a habit of smoking in the
4.1 Univariate Analysis
4.1.1 Disease Incidence Picture ISPA in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years who had been diagnosed with acute
respiratory infection disease as much as 65 infants
(63.1%). The results are consistent with the results
of research conducted by Rahman and Fahira,
(2015) in Puskesmas Managaisaki, from 60
respondents who obtained the highest proportion of
those with the disease ISPA total of 33 infants
Based on the results of research on the incidence
of respiratory disease in the working area of
Puskesmas village whistle, mostly incidence
respiratory disease in infants aged 1-4 years because
the number of family members who often smoke in
the house, plus a family knowledge is still lacking
on the causes, modes of transmission and means of
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
prevention ISPA, but it is also due to women who do
not provide measles and DPT immunization to the
baby. The clinic also does not have a special
program ISPA, so the lack of effort made to
minimize the incidence of ARI health centers in
urban regions whistle so that the incidence of
respiratory diseases decreased.
It is expected that the clinic has a special
eradication program ISPA like coaching families on
education about the dangers of ISPA and modes of
transmission. Where the coaching is done by
collecting family (parents who have had a baby)
every 1 month or by the clinic directly down to the
houses directly.
4.1.2 Overview of Immunization Status in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years who do not complete their
immunization coverage were 67 infants (65.0%).
The results of this study are also consistent with
research conducted by Husin, (2014) Puskesmas
Wirobrajan, from 30 respondents who obtained the
highest proportion of incomplete immunization
status were 17 (56.7%).
Based on the results of research on the status of
immunization in the region of the village health
centers whistle, toddler incomplete measles and DPT
immunization due to a toddler who was ill at the
time would be given immunization and in addition,
it also worked mothers. Puskesmas Pluit urban
village has activities immunize children who have
not received required immunizations infants and is
usually done on Monday - Wednesday. The clinic
has been suggested to mothers of infants aged 1-4
years whose babies do not yet have a complete
immunization must complete the immunization.
Dikarena when not completing the immunization
weak immune baby so the baby susceptible to
disease and immune can not protect themselves from
4.1.3 Exclusive Breastfeeding Picture in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years were not given exclusive
breastfeeding as many as 57 infants (55.3%). The
results are consistent with the results of research
conducted by Rahman and Fahira, (2015) in
Puskesmas Managaisaki, from 60 respondents
obtained the highest proportion of exclusive
breastfeeding is not given as many as 41 infants
Based on the interview, the history of exclusive
breastfeeding in Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas
obtained information from the baby's mother or
respondents are still many infants ages 1-4 years
before the age of 6 months has given food or drink.
In addition, it also caused not given exclusive
breastfeeding because the baby's mother and child
work are guarded by his grandmother.
Based on the research the clinic has been
providing education about pumping the baby's
mother. However, mothers prefer to give formula
because the time is more efficient and easier it’s
supply formula at home and can be provided by the
family was at home.
Expected to health centers and cadres always
monitor the mothers in labor as well as women who
are pregnant, in order to educate about pumping has
been done goes well and the number of exclusive
breastfeeding increased.
4.1.4 Overview of Nutritional Status in Pluit
Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of infants
aged 1-4 years who have good nutrition as much as
77 infants (74.8%). The results are consistent with
the results of research conducted by Sinaga et al.,
(2014) The Regional Health Center Soposurung
Balige Toba Samosir District of the Year 2014, from
61 respondents obtained the highest proportion in
nutritional status based on BB / U is good nutrition /
normal by 56 (91.8%).
Nutritional status is required by the baby because
the nutrition enough, the baby's body defenses are
also getting stronger. Poor nutritional status can
facilitate the baby is exposed to infection. Acute
Respiratory Infections can easily occur in infants
who are malnourished and undernourished,
malnourished infants will often experience severe
ARI (Department of Health, 2004).
Based on the interview that the baby is in Pluit
Urban Village Puskesmas region has the highest
proportion of the infant well-nourished, respondents
who were in Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas have
enough so that the economy can be supportive in
providing good nutrition to their babies.
Factors Related to the Occurrence of Disease ISPA Infant Age 1-4 Years in the Work Area Health Center Village Pluit Year 2019
4.1.5 Overview of Knowledge Capital in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, found the proportion of mother-infant
age 1-4 years who have poor knowledge of as many
as 61 (59.2%). The results are consistent with the
results of research conducted bySyahidi et al.,
(2016) The health center Tebet Barat Village, Tebet,
South Jakarta from 104 respondents obtained the
highest proportion of Knowledge Respondents Low/
sorted by 56 (53.8%).
Based on the answers of research, the knowledge
variable questionnaire contained 7 questions
including 7 of these questions there are three
questions that the proportion hurts the most, namely
on the question number 6, question number 5, and
question number 2.
Maternal knowledge lower on respiratory disease
if the mother is not able to analyze the incidence of
acute respiratory infection in young children, and do
not know the symptoms, first aid measures and
treatment in infants suffering from respiratory
infections, as well as the lack of keeping the
environment clean shelter and nutrition their
toddlers resulting in a high incidence of acute
respiratory infection in infants aged 14 years.
4.1.6 Smoking Habit Picture in the House in
Pluit Urban Village Puskesmas 2019
According to the research conducted on 103
respondents who visited the Poli IMCI Pluit Village
Health Center, showed the proportion of the one of
the families who have the habit of smoking in the
house as much as 82 (79.6) The results of this study
in line with the results of research conducted by
Mpangulu et al., (2016) In Puskesmas Minanga
Manado from 91 respondents obtained the highest
proportion Having family members who smoke at
home were 72 (79.1%).
Based on the results of the questionnaire or not
the family who smoke in the home, obtained the
results of their smoking in the home is higher than
the no smoking inside the home. It is due to a lack of
awareness about the health of cigarette smoke in the
house that has the effect very badly on children who
live in the house.
4.2 Bivariate Analysis
4.2.1 Immunization Status Genesis
Relationship with ARI Disease in
Infants Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban
Village Puskesmas 2019
Statistical test results showed a significant
relationship between immunization status with a
disease incidence of ARI. PR (Prevalence Ratio)
immunization status on the incidence of ISPA
disease by 2.14, which means babies who have
incomplete immunization status 2,14 more at risk of
disease incidence of ARI compared with infants who
had complete immunization status. This is in line
with research conducted byDesiyana et al., (2017)
stating that there is a significant relationship
between the completeness of immunization with
ARI in infants in Puskesmas Sawit Seberang
Facts on the ground found many babies who do
not perform incomplete immunization. This is
because the clinic is only advised to remain in full
immunization, but there is no attempt to provide
guidance related to the time of immunization,
especially in the mothers whose babies have not to
4.2.2 Exclusive Breastfeeding Relationship
with Genesis ISPA Disease in Infants
Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village
Puskesmas 2019
Statistical test results showed no significant
correlation between the incidence of exclusive
breastfeeding with ISPA disease. PR (Prevalence
Ratio) Exclusive breastfeeding on the incidence of
ISPA disease at 1,002, which means babies who are
not breastfed Exclusive 1.02 more at risk of disease
incidence of ARI compared with infants fed breast
milk exclusively. This is not in line with research
conducted by Agustin et al., (2016) in infants in the
working area of Puskesmas DTP UPTD Maja
Majalengkan District 2016 which states that there is
a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and
experiencing ARI (non-pneumonia cough).
In conclusion the variable incidence of exclusive
breastfeeding with respiratory disease otherwise
unrelated, but after seeing the results of the above
stratification in this case there may be other factors
that smoking makes contact.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
4.2.3 Nutritional Status Genesis
Relationship with ARI Disease in
Infants Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban
Village Puskesmas 2019
Statistical test results showed no significant
relationship between nutritional status and disease
incidence of ARI. PR (Prevalence Ratio) of
nutritional status on the incidence of ISPA disease at
1,134, which means babies who enter into the
category of malnutrition 1.13 more at risk of disease
incidence of ARI compared with infants in the
category of good nutrition. This is in line with
research conducted byRudianto, (2013) stating there
was no significant association between nutritional
status and the incidence of ARI in infants in the
village of Castle in 2013.
The conclusion on the nutritional status variables
with the incidence of respiratory diseases otherwise
unrelated, but after seeing the results of the above
stratification, in this case, there may be other factors
that cause the smoking habits of babies to have
respiratory disease.
4.2.4 Mother's Relationship with Genesis
Knowledge ISPA Disease in Infants
Age 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village
Puskesmas 2019
Statistical test results showed a significant
relationship between mother's knowledge by ISPA
disease incidence. PR (Prevalence Ratio) of mother's
knowledge on ISPA disease incidence of 2.508
which means knowledge 2,5 bad mother more at risk
of disease incidence of ARI compared with the
knowledge of a good mother. This is in line with
research conducted bySulistyoningsih and Redi
(2011), stating that there is a significant relationship
between mother's knowledge with ARI in infants in
the working area of the district health centers
jamanis DTP Tasikmalaya 2010.
4.2.5 Smoking Habit Relationships at Home
with Baby Genesis ISPA Disease at the
Age of 1-4 Years in Pluit Urban Village
Puskesmas 2019
Statistical test results showed no significant
relationship between smoking and disease incidence
of ARI. PR (Prevalence Ratio) smoking on the
incidence of acute respiratory infection disease of
1,825 that the habit of smoking in the home 1.82
more at risk of ISPA disease incidence compared to
no smoking in the house. This is in line with
research conducted byJunita, (2015) stating that
there is a significant relationship between smoking
in the house with ARI in infants in villages Pahandut
Palangkaraya city.
Based on the research that has been done that
there is a relationship between smoking in the house
with ARI. The high percentage of their smoking
habits due to lack of awareness of parents of infants
who were smoking.
From the data processing of research that has been
done can be concluded that:
1. Overview distribution respiratory disease
incidence in infants aged 1-4 years in Pluit
Urban Village Puskesmas 2019 ISPA is
already diagnosed as many as 65 infants
(63.1%) and was not diagnosed ISPA was 38
infants (36.9%).
2. Overview of distribution in infants aged 1-4
years who have incomplete immunization
coverage were 67 infants (65%) and infants
aged 1-4 years who have complete
immunization coverage were 38 (36.9%).
3. Overview of distribution in infants aged 1-4
years was not given exclusive breastfeeding as
much as 57 infants (55.3%) and infants aged
1-4 years were given exclusive breastfeeding
by 46 (44.7%).
4. Overview of distribution in infants aged 1-4
years which includes good nutrition into as
many as 77 infants (74.8%) and infants aged
1-4 years were included in undernourishment
by 26 (25.2%).
5. Overview of distribution in infants aged 1-4
years knowledge of the bad mother as many as
61 infants (59.2%) and infants aged 1-4 years
knowledge of either her mother as much as 42
6. Overview of the distribution of the one family
who smokes inside the house as much as 82
(79.6%) and the absence of one family who
smoked inside the home were 21 (25.2%).
7. There was a significant association between
immunization status with the incidence of
respiratory disease in infants aged 1-4 years in
the working area of the village health centers
whistle obtained value of P-value of 0.000 and
the PR value of 2.149.
8. There is no significant relationship between
exclusive breastfeeding with the incidence of
respiratory disease in infants aged 1-4 years in
Factors Related to the Occurrence of Disease ISPA Infant Age 1-4 Years in the Work Area Health Center Village Pluit Year 2019
the working area of the village health centers
whistle obtained value of P-value of 1.000 and
the PR value of 1.002.
9. There is no significant relationship between
nutritional status and the incidence of
respiratory disease in infants aged 1-4 years in
the working area of the village health centers
whistle obtained value of P-value of 0.608 and
the PR value of 1,134.
10. There is a significant relationship between
mother's knowledge with the incidence of
respiratory disease in infants aged 1-4 years in
the working area of the village health centers
whistle obtained value of P-value of 0.000 and
the PR value of 2.508.
11. There was a significant association between
smoking and the incidence of respiratory
disease in infants aged 1-4 years in the
working area of the village health centers
whistle obtained value of P-value of 0.016 and
the PR value of 1.825.
1. The clinic should always hold and increase
counseling or campaign on the exclusive
breastfeeding, the benefits of breastfeeding,
breastfeeding right way (like pumping) to both
the mothers delivered as well as women who
are pregnant and make a program about the
class pregnant/lactating.
2. The clinic should add time to immunize
infants who have not been immunized
previously. As did the first week and the last
week of each month to conduct immunization.
So, if the baby has not immunized the first
week they could do that immunization in the
last week.
3. For the clinic and cadres always monitor the
mothers in labor as well as women who are
pregnant, in order to educate about pumping
has been done goes well and the number of
exclusive breastfeeding increased.
4. For the urban health centers whistle should do
counseling and approach to the head of the
family to not smoke in the house and near the
5. For families who have a family member did
not accustom smokers to smoke inside the
house by way of reprimand for not smoking in
the house and raise awareness about the danger
of smoking in the home.
Agustin, Ratih Tri, Leni laelia, and AI (2018). Exclusive
breastfeeding relationship with Genesis ISPA (Non-
Pneumonia Cough) in Toddlers at Work Area Health
Center DTP UPTD Maja Year 2016 STIKES
Majalengka Majalengka YPIB.
Desiyana, Febi Dwi, Zulhaida Lubis, & EN (2017).
Completeness relationship with Genesis Immunization
Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) on Childhood in
Puskesmas Sawit Sawit Seberang Seberang Langkat
District of the Year 2017. The University of North
Husin, Aprianingsih. (2014). Relations birth weight and
the incidence Immunization Status of Acute
Respiratory Infections (ARI) in Toddlers in
Puskesmas Wirobrajan Yogyakarta. College of Health
Sciences' Aisyiyah
Junita, Henrika. (2015). Relationship Between Smoking
Status Status Anggita friendly ISPA in Toddlers in
Sub Pahandut Palangkaraya. University Mangkurat.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
(2013a). Indonesia Health Profile 2013. Jakarta:
Ministry of Health.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
(2013b). Basic Health Research in 2013. Jakarta.
Masriadi. (2017). Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases.
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ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health