This indicated that fortification by white rice bran
flour as much as 4% did not significantly influence
yoghurt consistency, even if white rice bran flour is
known to have relatively high crude fiber content.
Goat milk exhibit characteristic “prengus” or
musk smell that is relatively strong, which is not
found in other livestock milk and thus unfavored by
customers (Al-Baarri et al. 2003). The characteristic
smell of goat milk is caused by goat milk lipid
content which contain short and average chain lipid
acids such as capric lipid acid, caprylate lipid acid,
and caproate lipid acid that are easily turn volatile
(Setyani et al. 2003; Balia et al. 2011). Goat milk
processing into fermented milk was hoped to
eliminate or at least to reduce the must smell (al-
Baarri et al. 2003). Good yoghurt smell is if the
characteristic small of milk (musky, tangy) can be
eliminated by fermentation. Yoghurt characteristic
smell is caused by fermentation which forms volatile
compounds acetaldehyde, diacetyl, and ethanol.
Acetaldehyde is a volatile compound that gives
specific aroma to fermented milk. Diacetyl will give
“pleasant” aroma of fermented milk. Ethanol is also
a volatile compound exists in both fermented and
unfermented fresh cow milk. Higher ethanol content
is a relatively important marker in the elimination of
unfavored aroma in fresh milk before fermentation
(Al-Baari et al. 2003). In goat milk yoghurt fortified
by white rice bran flour, the preference value from
panelists for goat smell was neutal (average value of
2.200 with level/intensity of goat smell being “no
goat smell”. This showed that goat milk
fermentation process into yoghurt with the help of
Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus
thermophilus, and Lactobacillus acidophiluswas
able to eliminate characteristic musky smell of goat
Aroma is related to sense of smell. Aroma
considered to be pleasant comes out of the right
blend of different components. Rice bran has a very
strong and unique aroma. This smell comes from
tocopherol oil in rice bran, which is a very volatile
compound (Inggita et al 2015; Sarbini et al. 2009). If
air containing volatile compound from rice bran
floated in turbulence within the gap of nasal cavity,
upon contact with the tip of olfactory cell, the aroma
could be smelled (Rasbawati et al. 2019). For goat
milk yoghurt fortifiedby white rice bran flour,
panelist preferences assessment for rice bran smell
was neutral (average 2.17) with level/intensity being
“does not smell rice bran” (average value 1.97). This
showed that rice bran flour fortification did not
cause prominent rice bran smell in yoghurt at 4%
concentration, because of the relatively small
concentration of the flour.
Based on the result of this research, addition of
white rice bran flour in 4% concentration into milk
goat yoghurt making process produced yoghurt with
organoleptic characteristics being sour, did not smell
of goat or rice bran, and having medium
consistency/adequate solidity
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ICAMBBE 2019 - 6th ICAMBBE (International Conference on Advance Molecular Bioscience Biomedical Engineering) 2019