growing follicles, and de Graaf follicles. Disrupted
folliculogenesis can eliminate follicles in various
stages and then develop into follicular atresia.
Ovarian hypofunction will show a delay in the
development of primary follicles, secondary follicles,
and the presence of atresia follicles in quite high
numbers. Folliculogenesis that occurs is difficult to
reach the ovulation stage so that no tertiary follicles,
de Graaf follicles or corpus luteum are found
(Hestianah et al., 2014).
The production of the hormone estrogen
continues to increase when de Graaf follicles will
ovulate. The effect of the hormone estrogen in tissue
is closely related to the activation of the estrogen
receptor that the tissue has. Obstructed ovulation will
certainly affect the production of the hormone
estrogen followed by activation of its receptors. The
production of the hormone estrogen can decrease
because follicles do not develop thereby reducing
estrogen receptor activation in some target tissues.
Estrogen can diffuse into ovarian, uterine, and
mammary glands systemically (Caldon, 2014).
Ovarian hypofunction can be caused by the
disruption of hormonal regulatory mechanisms by
suppressing reproductive hormone synthesis. One of
the causes of disruption of the reproductive hormone
mechanism is the use of GnRH antagonists namely
Cetrorelix acetate in humans which aims to suppress
ovum production so that it can cause a decrease in
ovarian function or ovarian hypofunction. GnRH
antagonists are indicated to suppress the luteinizing
hormone surge (LH) that is too early in women. LH
suppression occurs due to a decrease in the number of
activated GnRH receptors on gonadotropin cells
(Beckers and Reila, 1997).
2.1 Tools and Materials
The tools used in this study include therumo® 1 cc
syringes, terumo® 3 cc syringes, blades, surgical
scissors, anatomical tweezers, serological tweezers,
surgical boards, petri dishes, and pins, microtomes,
incubators, and optilab microscopes.
Materials used in this study include feed in the
form of rabbit pellets (SP®), husks, and sufficient
water, Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS), formalin,
alcohol, xylol, 0.9% physiological NaCl, paraffin,
Hematoxillin-Eosin dye, and entellan, PBS, primary
antibody ERS β brand abcam® (ab288), secondary
antibody labeled peroxidase, normal Horse serum
2.5% brand abcam® (ab7484), hydrogen peroxide,
methanol and chromogen diaminobenzidine
tetrahydrochloride (DAB) brand abcam® (ab64238).
2.2 Preparation of Animal Ovarian
Hypofunction Models
Rats were acclimatized for 7 days to be able to adapt
to the new environment. Rats are given feed in the
form of rabbit pellets (SP®) and the provision of
drinking water by adlibitum. Rats were divided into 3
treatment groups including: control group (KN), the
untreated group was only given a placebo NaCl for 17
days. The treatment group was a cetrorelix acetate
dose of 0.009 mg/kg BW given for 17 days (P1). The
third group was the treatment group with a dose of
cetrorelix acetate of 0.0135 mg/kg BW.
2.3 Vaginal Swab Preparations
The method of making vaginal swab preparations
carried out in this study by immersing cotton bud in
physiological NaCl then the mice to be swab vagina
will be placed in a dorsal lying position, after which
a vaginal swab is carried out by inserting a cotton bud
soaked physiologically NaCl in the vagina by rotating
. Then, the cotton bud is removed on the slide
and allowed to dry and then fixed using alcohol. The
preparations that have been fixed with alcohol and
which have dried then are stained with Eosin
Negrosin for 15 minutes, then rinsed with running
water with a small flow of water and rinsed slowly.
After that, the results of vaginal swabs are observed
under a microscope with a magnification of 100x and
400x to see vaginal cells. In this study, a vaginal swab
was carried out before interfering with the GnRH
antagonist to equalize the estrous cycle of rats before
starting treatment in this study.
2.4 Collect of Ovary Organs
The rats were euthanized by cervical dislocation.
Dislocation is a condition where the joints completely
change position without contact with each other
(Manuabada and Putu, 2017). Neck dislocation is a
physical euthanasia technique by separating the joints
between the skull and brain from the spinal cord in
the vertebrae. This technique is done by placing the
mouse in a ventral fall position, the nape is held with
tweezers, then pulled at the base of the tail and the
whole body until the mouse dies (Isbagio, 1992).
The rats that have died are dissected vertically
from the posterior abdomen to the anterior region and
then opening the abdominal and chest cavity. The
ovaries were taken together with the uterus, then