be limited by the large value of livestock output.
From this research, it is obtained that the maximum
value of adult male and female livestock output is
15.10% if within this breeding area can be controlled
the population will remain constant. (Putra et al.,
2017) that the output can consist of male and female
rejecting (adult) livestock, remaining young male and
female substitutes. Population dynamics are
population fluctuations that are affected by birth
rates, deaths, and mutations. Population dynamics are
known based on the data structure of livestock
population by age group so that it can be seen the
amount that must be removed from the breeding area
and livestock as replacement stock while the natural
increase is calculated based on the performance of
livestock reproduction last year. Another factor that
must be considered is the percentage of mutations
going out and entering the breeding area, so the
population can be predicted in the coming years. So
that the performance of livestock reproduction last
year can be used as basic data in estimating the
development of the livestock population in the next
few years
Livestock population dynamics are a reflection of
the performance of livestock reproduction. The better
the performance of livestock reproduction, the more
accelerating the increase in livestock population that
comes from naturally increasing livestock (NI).
Analysis of livestock population dynamics in an area
is supported by calculating the value of NI and
livestock output. This is useful as a reference in
determining the amount of livestock expenditure
from the nursery area so that there is no shortage of
population seedlings. As a prediction of buffalo
population in Banyuwangi Regency in 2015-2017
which continues to decline (successively 3,879 tails,
3,664 tails, and 3,479 tails) with technical coefficient
data of the research results, then the population in
2018-2020 can be described as there will be a
population increase of the natural increase obtained
in 2018.
1. To maintain the dynamics of the swamp buffalo
population increases every year, it takes a
technical coefficient (as a basic data) population
prediction in the coming year is needed optimal
results, so that in the following year there is no
decline in population due to mortality and output.
2. Based on reproductive performance data, the
percentage of productive adult females and swam
buffalo mortality obtained a NI value of 15.92%
including that which will be used as substitute
livestock by 14.83%. While from the
composition of livestock based on age groups,
the value of the output of male and female cattle
due to age is no longer productive at 15.10%, the
buffalo population inbreeding remains stable.
This field action research was supported by the grant
of PTUPT Program from Directorate General of
Higher Education (DIKTI), Department of Research,
Technology, Higher Education, Republic of
Indonesia, 2017. Contract No:
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