Dynamic Population Base on Natural Increase and Output of Swamp
Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) in Banyuwangi Regency
A. Budiarto
, G. Ciptadi
, M. Nasich
, P. Ardyah Ramadina Irsanti
, A. F. Darmawan
Lecturer Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University,
Postgraduate Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University
Keywords: Structure of the population, reproduction, births, and deaths, output, natural increase
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to find the natural increase number of Swamp Buffalo in Banyuwangi
Regency. This research was conducted in 3 subdistricts. The research material used was 122 breeders with a
total number of 384 buffaloes. The method used was surveyed. Variable observed in this study is
reproduction performance, the structure of the population, mutation, percentage of births and deaths, service
per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR), anestrus postpartum (APP), days open (DO). Data obtained are
tabulated with Microsoft Excel and average, the standard of deviation and then analyzed with descriptive.
The results showed that the average value of the calving interval was 16.39 ± 0.42 months, Anestrus
Postpartum was 4.78 ± 0.39 months, Service Per Conception was 1.3 ± 0.07, Conception Rate (CR) was
70.26 ± 8.30%, Days Open was 5.82 ± 0.35 months, output was 15.10% and the natural increase (NI) value
of swamp buffalo in Banyuwangi Regency was 16,93%. Concluded that the value of the natural increasing
number of buffalo in the Banyuwangi Regency is a low category, and out of balance with the number of
Buffalo that comes out of breeding.
Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is a large ruminant
livestock that has high potential in the supply of
meat. otherwise, it can be used as a source of labor.
Buffalo in some areas is a symbol of social status
and is used for traditional ceremonies. East Java
Province is one of the regions in Indonesia which
has the highest buffalo population, which is 27,304
head in 2016 (Timur, 2016). In the last five years,
the population of buffaloes in the Banyuwangi
Regency has a total of 4035 head buffaloes. In
general, the factors that influence the decline in
buffalo livestock population are mostly carried out
extensively in livestock raising patterns, so that they
rely on feed contained in grazing fields so that the
mating system tends to be inbreeding. This will
affect the reproductive ability of buffaloes at a
productive age and will result in a lack of
replacement seed in livestock breeding. Several
factors influence the ups and downs of the
population that are affected by births, deaths, and
mutations of livestock. High birth rates greatly affect
the composition of young children and young
animals, determining the presence of replacement
seedlings so that it has a good effect on the
composition of adult livestock. Population increase
every year (Natural Increase) is one of the
benchmarks to increase the buffalo population,
therefore good management and handling of mature
female livestock are needed. Livestock population in
a breed will remain constant if between the number
of animals mutated in control with known output
values. The buffalo cattle population will avoid
extinction by limiting excessive outward mutations.
The material used in this study were 122 breeders
who had adult female buffalo. The total number of
female buffaloes taken was 152 head. The method
used in this study is a survey method, with the
determination of the location of the study using a
purposive sampling method, the selection is based
on certain criteria, the criteria is that of the buffalo
cattle population in the Banyuwangi Regency which
still has good breeding potential. The variables
observed in this study were animal mutation,
population structure, service per conception (S / C),
Budiarto, A., Ciptadi, G., Nasich, M., Irsanti, P. and Darmawan, A.
Dynamic Population Base on Natural Increase and Output of Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) in Banyuwangi Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0009586600960100
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Molecular Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering (ICAMBBE 2019) - Bio-Prospecting Natural Biological Compounds for
Seeds Vaccine and Drug Discovery, pages 96-100
ISBN: 978-989-758-483-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conception rate (CR), natural increase (NI) and
output in buffalo cattle in Banyuwangi Regency.
The data obtained in the tabulation are then
calculated as a percentage and average, then
analyzed descriptively.
a) states that using the following calculation:
NI (%) = Percentage of births (%) - Percentage
of deaths (%)
Output = remaining replacement + male and
female cattle that are rejected
Based on the survey results at the research location,
it was found that the structure of the buffalo
population detailed by young cattle (male and
female) and adult animals (male and female) as
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Structure of swamp buffalo population at the
study site
Young old
(PI0, PI1) (PI2, PI3, PI4,
45 11,72 65 16,93
Based on Table 1, it is known that the percentage
of adult female buffalo population is 48.17% and
male buffalo is 16.92% (1: 3) meaning that 1 male
can serve 3 females. The ratio is mostly found in
cattle aged 4-5 years (PI4) as in Table 2, which
means that at that age the potential is in the breeding
group. The results of this study are still lower than
the provisions stipulated by the Ministry of
Agriculture comparison of male and female 1: (8-
10) tail. One head buffalo male with good genetic
quality mated with 8-10 buffaloes can improve
buffalo productivity performance. Analysis of the
potential for buffalo development in the
Banyuwangi Regency can be further clarified by
taking into account population structure based on the
age group. The composition of livestock by age
group can be seen in the following Table 2.
Table 2.
30 15 19 21 19 6
7,8 3,9 4, 6, 4,9 1,5 28,
1 0 94 03 4 6 6
42 47 38 25 70
10, 12, 9, 6, 18, 13, 71,
93 23 89 51 23
(Hafez, 2000) Performance reproduction of
buffalo in Banyuwangi Regency as presented in
Table 3 below: The reproductive performance of
livestock can be measured by parameters, including
Service per Conception, Days Open, spacing
distance, and Conception Rate. Besides, the first age
of mating, the first age of calf also influences the
reproductive performance of the female buffalo.
Female buffalo reproductive efficiency is said to be
good according to reproductive efficiency is the
maximum use of reproductive capacity.
Reproductive performance at each age of livestock
can vary due to many factors including genetics, sex,
feed, climate, weather and so on. Increasing the
value of reproductive efficiency can be done by
improving overall maintenance management,
including a recording of breeding, detecting lust
properly, improving the quality and quantity of feed
provided, good sanitation and maintaining the health
of livestock that is maintained. One measure of
increased reproductive efficiency in a female parent
is an increase in birth rates which is strongly
influenced by the fertility rate of the female parent
and the fertility of males in a marriage. Breeding
efforts are said to be efficient if the male is enough
to marry one female until he has one pregnancy. The
higher the S / C value the more inefficient the
marriage is carried out. (Affandy et al., 2003) states
that normal S / C values range from 1.6 to 2.0. The
lower the S / C value of a parent, the higher the level
of fertility and vice versa the higher the value of S /
C, the lower the fertility value. The S / C results
from the research were supported by a CR value of
89 23,17 185 48,18 274
total 134 34,89 250 65,11 384
Dynamic Population Base on Natural Increase and Output of Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) in Banyuwangi Regency
70.26 ± 8.30%. (Toliehere. 1993) states that the best
CR reaches 60-70%, whereas for Indonesia, taking
into account the natural conditions, management,
and distribution of livestock that is spread is
considered good if the CR value reaches 45-50%.
Table 3.
3-4 4-5
› 5
First of age
29,89 30,00 30,00
29,96 ±
breeding ± ± ±
(months) 0,70 0,53 1,11
weaning 8,22 7,73 8,78
8,24 ±
age ± ± ±
(months) 3,86 3,18 3,59
4,37 4,82 5,14
4,78 ±
± ± ±
(months) 0,39
2,11 1,85 2,21
1,32 1,36 1,22
1,3 ±
S/C (time) ± ± ±
0,47 0,49 0,44
CR (%)
67,57 63,64 79,57
70,26 ±
5,43 5,91 6,11
5,82 ±
± ± ±
(months) 0,35
2,02 1,69 2,13
(Izquierdo et al., 2008) Based on Table 3, the
average duration of female buffalo APP at the study
site was 4.78 ± 0.39 months, this figure is high
compared to the statement. Several factors can
influence anestrus namely age, pregnancy, lactation
period, feed, season, environment, and chronic
diseases. (Pohan and Talib, 2010) states that the
failure of lust or anestrus in buffaloes is a major
symptom of many other factors that affect the lust
cycle. Judging from poor feed conditions, especially
those that occur in grazing or extensive maintenance
systems that lack feed. (Desinawati and Isnaini,
2010) which stated that the duration of APP on cattle
generally lasts for 2 months because of female cattle
after giving birth experience uterine involution which
takes about 45 days. The longer the Anestrus period,
the lower the fertility and reproductive efficiency of
these animals. The high APP value finally had an
impact on the magnitude of the Days Open value of
5.82 ± 0.35 months. that the ideal length of time is
90-120 days. The empty period is the time interval
between the female parent breeds until mated again
and pregnancy occurs. The longer the empty period
affects the reproductive efficiency of the female
parent. (Yulyanto et al., 2014) stated that days open
(DO) is the time interval between giving birth to
being.(Putra et al., 2017).
Data Table 4 shows that young male cattle enter
the breeding area by 2.94%, and those that breed out
by 16.17%, in this case, it has the understanding that
the area shows a breeding area because the
percentage of outflows is greater than the cattle that
enter breeding. So are for young females, but for the
percentage of buffaloes the young females coming
out are more resilient than incoming females, if there
is no control there will be negative impacts for the
breeding of the area surveyed because the stock of
young livestock as replacements is a small
percentage. (Putra et al., 2017) that if the percentage
of livestock that comes out is higher than the
percentage of cattle that enter, it means that the
region is a producer of buffalo cattle.The following
Table 5 is presented components to calculate the
natural increase and output in the Banyuwangi
Regency(Putra et al., 2017).
Based on the data in Table 5 above shows that the
NI value of mud buffalo in Banyuwangi Regency is
15.92%, the NI value obtained from the study site
can be concluded that the high number is caused by
the composition of the population dominated by
productive adult females, especially in the age group
4-5 years at 48.17%. The value of NI increases if it
can maintain productive females with good
management so that it can increase the birth rate and
reduce the mortality rate in buffalo. NI value of
16.92% is categorized as moderate because in the
range of NI values between 15.01-30.00%. This is in
accordance with (Putra et al., 2017) which states that
the range of NI values is between 0.00-45.90% with
a range of NI values for each class that is low with a
range of values of 0.00-15.00%, moderate with a
range of values of 15.01-30.00%, and high with a
range of values of 30.01-45.90%. (Hardjosubroto,
1994) states that the amount of output is influenced
by NI, therefore the output is calculated based on the
difference between NI and the need for livestock
substitutes for one year. The output is the potential of
the region in removing livestock leftover substitutes
and rejected animals. In detail, the composition of
buffalo cattle output can be seen in the following
Table 6.
Data from Table 6 shows that several adult
females that are classified as productive can give an
idea that each year the natural population increase is
15.92%. Furthermore, to maintain and increase the
buffalo population in the breeding group, efforts
must be taken into account is the number of livestock
as a prospective substitute (replacement), excessive
outward mutation of livestock, therefore it needs to
ICAMBBE 2019 - 6th ICAMBBE (International Conference on Advance Molecular Bioscience Biomedical Engineering) 2019
be limited by the large value of livestock output.
From this research, it is obtained that the maximum
value of adult male and female livestock output is
15.10% if within this breeding area can be controlled
the population will remain constant. (Putra et al.,
2017) that the output can consist of male and female
rejecting (adult) livestock, remaining young male and
female substitutes. Population dynamics are
population fluctuations that are affected by birth
rates, deaths, and mutations. Population dynamics are
known based on the data structure of livestock
population by age group so that it can be seen the
amount that must be removed from the breeding area
and livestock as replacement stock while the natural
increase is calculated based on the performance of
livestock reproduction last year. Another factor that
must be considered is the percentage of mutations
going out and entering the breeding area, so the
population can be predicted in the coming years. So
that the performance of livestock reproduction last
year can be used as basic data in estimating the
development of the livestock population in the next
few years
Livestock population dynamics are a reflection of
the performance of livestock reproduction. The better
the performance of livestock reproduction, the more
accelerating the increase in livestock population that
comes from naturally increasing livestock (NI).
Analysis of livestock population dynamics in an area
is supported by calculating the value of NI and
livestock output. This is useful as a reference in
determining the amount of livestock expenditure
from the nursery area so that there is no shortage of
population seedlings. As a prediction of buffalo
population in Banyuwangi Regency in 2015-2017
which continues to decline (successively 3,879 tails,
3,664 tails, and 3,479 tails) with technical coefficient
data of the research results, then the population in
2018-2020 can be described as there will be a
population increase of the natural increase obtained
in 2018.
1. To maintain the dynamics of the swamp buffalo
population increases every year, it takes a
technical coefficient (as a basic data) population
prediction in the coming year is needed optimal
results, so that in the following year there is no
decline in population due to mortality and output.
2. Based on reproductive performance data, the
percentage of productive adult females and swam
buffalo mortality obtained a NI value of 15.92%
including that which will be used as substitute
livestock by 14.83%. While from the
composition of livestock based on age groups,
the value of the output of male and female cattle
due to age is no longer productive at 15.10%, the
buffalo population inbreeding remains stable.
This field action research was supported by the grant
of PTUPT Program from Directorate General of
Higher Education (DIKTI), Department of Research,
Technology, Higher Education, Republic of
Indonesia, 2017. Contract No:
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